Current Issue

2024 Vol. 40, No. 6

Party Construction, Ideology and Politics
The Basic Experience of Communist Party of China in Correctly Summarizing History from Three “Historical Resolutions”
2024, 40(6): 1-8. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100034
Abstract(34) HTML (21) PDF(12)
The “Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party’s Centennial Struggle” adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of Communist Party of China in November 2021 is the third “Historical Resolution” in the Party’s history. For more than a hundred years, Communist Party of China has been able to correctly and maturely understand and summarize experience from history. It can be seen from the three “Historical Resolutions” that in order to obtain long-term guiding significance of truth from history, we must adhere to and correctly use the basic methods of historical materialism to understand history; we must carefully analyze the domestic and international situations and correctly grasp the stage of social development, which is the basic prerequisite for summing up history correctly. We must also take consolidating and strengthening the unity of the Party, focusing on what is being done, and advancing towards new goals as the fundamental purpose of summing up history.
Major Significance, Basic Connotation and Practical Requirement of Self-reform of the Communist Party of China
JIA Liqin
2024, 40(6): 9-16. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100028
Abstract(34) HTML (20) PDF(2)
The self-reform of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is not to negate the history of the party or change its purpose, but to eliminate all adverse factors for its development and construction to ensure the party can constantly stay true to its original mission, ideals and faith and always “share the same breath and fate” with the Chinese people while retaining its advanced and pure quality. The CPC’s self-reform reflects the idea of people’s centeredness and is the newest achievement in its exploration into the laws of the rise and fall of civilizations over more than 100 years. In addition, it is also the fundamental guarantee for comprehensively building China into an all-round socialist country and advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, as well as the striking signature that separate the CPC from other parties. Carrying with it combined concepts of subjective elements and practical orientation, the self-reform of CPC reflects the “combined efforts” of CPC members in tackling the problem of historical cycles. The self-reform of CPC is a high-level, high-quality reform that constantly advances its self-purification, self-perfection, self-innovation and self-improvement competence construction, relentless rectification of “four kinds of bad conducts” and integrated progress in no nerve, no capability and no desire of corruption with strictly disciplined party governance. Making anti-corruption as the long-term and imperative major political task is the practical requirement in the self-reform of CPC.
Ethical Undertones, Generative landscapes, and Ethical Traits of Xi Jinping’s Important Discourses on Scientific and Technological Innovation
NIU Lina, LU Chunxia, HOU Zhijiang
2024, 40(6): 17-23. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024030161
Abstract(35) HTML (22) PDF(2)
The important discourse of Xi Jinping on scientific and technological innovation contains rich ethical thinking, which provides a value benchmark for the cultivation and shaping of new quality productive forces. Starting from the core issue of the relationship between science and technology and ethics, and based on meta-ethical categories and the general principles of ethical behavior, this paper analyzes the basic content of value ethics in Xi Jinping’s important discourse on science and technology innovation. Based on the goodness of science and technology involves four aspects: value guidance, value purpose, value guardianship, and value creation, and summarizes its generative picture from four perspectives: the theoretical basis of Marxist scientific and technological thought, the source of Chinese excellent traditional culture, the trend of the contemporary scientific and technological revolution, and the experience of a hundred years of struggle in the history of the Party. This generative picture presents the distinctive traits of Xi Jinping’s important discourse on scientific and technological innovation, which is reflected at the basic system level, transcending unidirectional development in the pursuit of comprehensive development and personality liberation; at the level of scientific and technological activities, realizing the return of humanistic care in the fusion of instrumental rationality and value rationality; and at the level of scientific and technological professions, realizing the coordination of synthesis and disintegration in the two-way interaction between holistic thinking and individual thinking.
Higher Education Studies
Overview of the Research on the Discourse System Construction of Ideological and Political Courses in Colleges and Universities Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
YANG Yang, HU Feng
2024, 40(6): 24-30. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100068
Abstract(39) HTML (25) PDF(2)
Ideological and political course is the key course to implement the fundamental task of moral education. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, domestic academic circles have carried out multi-angle and in-depth research on the concept connotation, components, difficulties and practical paths of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities from different disciplines, and achieved fruitful results, laying a good academic foundation for subsequent research. However, there are still some shortcomings and weaknesses in the existing research. In the future, it is necessary to analyze the value implication of the discourse system construction of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities from the micro level, study the discourse context from a more detailed level, study the form of discourse from the perspective of media technology, study the discourse elements from a broader perspective, and innovate the research paradigm from the perspective of interdisciplinarity.
Path Analysis of Guiding Young University Students to Fulfill Their Cultural Mission with Xi Jinping Thoughts on Culture
WANG Hongxia
2024, 40(6): 31-36. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024040128
Abstract(45) HTML (20) PDF(7)
Culture is the soul of a nation’s development. Throughout its 5,000-year history, the Chinese nation has nurtured an excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture, and advanced socialist culture, all of which serve as the driving force for cultural confidence. Young university students are practitioners of inheriting cultural development and strengthening cultural self-confidence, shouldering the honorable mission of cultivating cultural confidence, promoting cultural prosperity, and expanding cultural influence. However, in the current new era, surrounded and impacted by diverse ideologies and cultures, young university students have cognitive biases toward China’s excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture, and advanced socialist culture, which poses tests and challenges to fulfilling their cultural mission. Facing these challenges, it is essential to take Xi Jinping Thought on Cultural as the guidance to lead young university students to clarify the correct direction of the cultural mission, develop strong cultural construction skills, and effectively share China’s cultural narrative. Only in this way can they fulfill their historical mission of building a strong socialist cultural nation and modern Chinese civilization with firm cultural confidence.
Exploration and Practice of CCQ Education Model for Material Graduate Students Under the Background of “All-round Education in the Whole Process with All-staff”
LI Qian, WANG Luning, WANG Weili
2024, 40(6): 37-44. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100021
Abstract(35) HTML (19) PDF(1)
Under the new situation, with the purpose of improving the training quality of graduate students in the materials category of “world-class disciplines”, combined with the education policy of the comprehensive reform of “all-round education in the whole process with all-staff”, a new interpretation of the CCQ education model is proposed through years of practice and exploration, that is, around the education work as the center (Center), through four channels (Channels): scientific research projects, scientific research teams, scientific research innovation, and master leadership , and cultivating graduate students to have eight qualities (Qualities),such as international vision, collaboration ability, innovative thinking, ideals and beliefs. At the same time, through the practice and summary of graduate training of the Institute for Advanced Materials and Technology of Science and Technology University of Beijing in the past ten years, the feasibility and scientificity of CCQ education model is effectively verified with actual data, and 20 comprehensive evaluation index parameter sets are proposed to evaluate the quality of graduate education based on the multi-parameter weighted optimization theory of statistics. The proposed index parameters can be used as the basis for the evaluation of the quality of material graduate training under the background of “all-round education in the whole process with all-staff” and “breaking five only”, and put forward an effective evaluation method for the quality of talent training of each graduate training unit, which is of great significance for the high-quality training and development of graduate students
The Formation Condition and Promotion Path of the Sense of Acquisition of Ideological and Political Theory Course Education in Colleges and Universities
JIANG Lin, ZOU Haigui
2024, 40(6): 45-51. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100107
Abstract(19) HTML (7) PDF(1)
The formation of the sense of acquisition is a process of demand-acquisition-evaluation-feedback. The sense of acquisiton of ideological and political theory course education is a positive emotional experience of the educational objects are satisfied at the spiritual level under the condition of external intervention. In the process of its formation, the educational objects will face three questions: “why do we study ideas and values (demand)”, “why do we choose to study Marxism ideas and values (value choice)”, “why is there a deviation between theoretical study and reality (reality feedback)”. Therefore, the subject of ideological and political theory course education should pay attention to awakening the docking demand-guiding value evaluation-strengthening value choice in the process of ideological and political theory course education.
Functional Linguistics
Interlocking Definitions of Technical Terms in Mechanical Engineering English
WANG Zhijuan, PENG Xuanwei
2024, 40(6): 52-59. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023110066
Abstract(37) HTML (15) PDF(1)
Based on the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics theory, this study systematically explores the categories, lexicogrammatical features and functional motivations of interlocking definitions of technical terms in mechanical engineering English. It is found that there are four ways of constructing interlocking definitions: namely nominal group or its complex, “nominal group or its complex + x” structure, clause and clause complex, which are further specified into 15 sub-types; meanwhile, different discourse types tend to use different ways of interlocking definitions; they are necessary in constructing scientific knowledge or technicality and rationality of theory. This study is able to provide an immediate reference for terminology teaching of mechanical engineering English.
Corpus-based Study on the Levels of Multimodal Affordance Transformations: From the Perspective of Context Transfer
HAN Yanfang
2024, 40(6): 60-70. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100109
Abstract(29) HTML (213) PDF(5)
Multimodal semiotic construction, a prominent area of academic research, has undergone continuous development in both theoretical understanding and practical applications. However, there is a notable gap in our understanding of multimodal affordance transformation and its hierarchical aspects, which necessitates further exploration. This study, taking a contextual shift perspective and using the Olympic emblem symbol corpus as a foundation, investigates the levels and functions of multimodal affordance meaning transformation, focusing on genre elements, layout, and symbol selection. The research findings suggest that, under the context transfer (1) transformations in genre elements, layout, and semiotic choices display consistent patterns; (2) the use of multimodal affordance meaning transformation across different time periods is interconnected, and the symbolic features accumulated in the context are migrated to the new emblem, with semiotic hallmarks and optimal choices made through dimensional shifts, impacting knowledge shaping, role definition, and coherence; (3) intensifying of the degree of multimodal symbol meaning transformation, diminishing of the transparency of contextual shifts, and increasing of the abstraction level of affordance transformation, indicate that affordance meaning transformation is not just a contextualization process for transferring symbol resources but also a mechanism for symbol meaning innovation. Additionally, this study introduces a framework for understanding affordance transformation in social practices, providing valuable insights for analyzing the phenomena resulting from affordance transformation.
The Information Prominence of Chinese Experiential Aspect Marker guo and Its Explanatory Power to the Grammatical Meaning of guo
JU Zhiqin, GAO Xiuxue
2024, 40(6): 71-77. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100032
Abstract(27) HTML (16) PDF(1)
The Chinese experiential aspect marker -guo has been studied broadly, especially its semantics. In previous studies, the semantics of -guo is generalized as repeatability or discontinuity, each having counter-examples though. In this article, to give an adequate explanation of the distributional pattern of -guo, it proposes that information prominence is constraint on the felicitous usage of -guo, and repeatability and discontinuity originate from the conditions that ensure the information prominence. Due to the constraint of information prominence, V-guo requires different opposite amounts of information in affirmative and negative structures. The realization of information prominence resides on the configuration of figure and background. Figure is represented by the marked event, whose discontinuity ensures its prominence, where discontinuity of -guo comes from. Background is closely associated with the repeatability of -guo, and is configured by a “number” concept to ensure the event set, from which the repeatability is derived. With this new proposal, the semantic properties -guo described by previous studies can be explained in the same framework, and thus the repeatability and discontinuity can be unified.
The Binary Model of Data Exchanges and Its Legal Implementation
DING Fengling, LIN Bingyan
2024, 40(6): 78-90. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100085
Abstract(31) HTML (13) PDF(3)
The development of data exchanges promote the circulation and sharing of data, which makes the value of data be realized. However, at present, the for-profit data exchanges established in various regions of our country are facing development difficulties. Due to unclear positioning and functional vacancy, for-profit data exchanges have faced problems such as homogeneous competition and repeated construction, which lead to the development is not in line with expectations. It is a feasible solution to solve the dilemma of the current development of data exchanges to construct the binary model of mutual development of for-profit and non-profit data exchanges. For-profit and non-profit data exchanges have both commonalities and characteristics, which need to be regulated by classification. Service attributes and basic rights and obligations are the common rules of binary data exchanges. In terms of characteristic rules, in order to ensure the compliant and efficient development of data transactions, differentiated regulation should be implemented on binary data exchanges from aspects such as market access system and regulatory system.
The Normative Position and Realization Path of Criminal Law Protection of Social Credit
YOU Guangyu
2024, 40(6): 91-100. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023110106
Abstract(23) HTML (12) PDF(1)
With the evolution and development of the social and economic structure,social credit has gradually gained independent significance and value, and has a solid moral and institutional foundation. It has undergone three stages of evolution, namely, personal credit with “interaction” as the core meaning, economic credit with “exchange” as the core meaning and social credit with “common” as the core meaning. Modern society has endowed social credit with social governance functions, making it an important part of the rules of the national system and the core values of society. The protection of social credit as a legal interest of criminal law is not only because the risk society has transformed interaction risk into system risk, and the trust relationship has lost its basis of certainty, it is also because the information society has promoted the datatization of personalities and the prediction of behavioral patterns, and social credit data is facing the dilemma of out-of-control abuse. Reviewing the current situation of criminal law protection, it can be seen that the criminal law should establish the concept of sequential order and the concept of coordinated governance to protect the legal interests of social credit, and according to the logical structure of social credit, protect the relationship of trust, the scale of credit value, and the credit environment to provide targeted protection from the micro, meso, and macro levels .
On the Legal Transformation of the Structure of Commercial Relationships
CHEN Qisheng, FANG Chaolihui
2024, 40(6): 101-110. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023120001
Abstract(30) HTML (14) PDF(1)
The structure of commercial relations and the constructure of the commercial law system show an interactive relationship. Commercial law norms are generated from the structure of commercial relations and evolve with their dynamic development. The structural changes of commercial relations mainly depend on the functional orientation and value order of commercial practices. The direction of changes in commercial subjects, business properties and commercial behaviors are all traceable. However, the innovation direction of commercial law norms is affected by different researchers' perception of the value order of commercial relations. This paper argues that commercial relations are adjusted to commercial legal relations by commercial law, and become the rule content of commercial law. Changes in the content of commercial law norms should still adhere to the private law orientation and autonomy of commercial relations, and take the internal value of commercial relations as the priority, while taking into account the balance of external value.
History of Science and Technology
From the “Knife Breaking Event” of Zhang Xiaoquan to Discuss the Risks and Opportunities of the Time-Honored Brand Craft’s Communication
YUE Liyuan, ZHANG Rui
2024, 40(6): 111-117. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023110110
Abstract(22) HTML (13) PDF(1)
With its long history, distinctive national culture, traditional technical characteristics, and good business reputation, Chinese time-honored craft forms a unique Chinese-style brand. However, under the impact of the contemporary social market economy, its inheritance and development are often faced with challenges. In recent years, one of the few representatives with high market activity and strong vitality, the century-old brand “Zhang Xiaoquan”, that makes knives and scissors, also caused a brand crisis due to a “knife breaking event” that triggered the network public opinion , which is a typical case worthy of more attention. This study reviews the historical development of Zhang Xiaoquan’s brand, the course of “knife breaking event” and its effect, and analyzes the problems in terms of product positioning and technological development of the time-honored brand behind the event. On this basis, this paper discusses the risks and opportunities faced by the time-honored craft in social communication, points out the role of online social media as a catalyst, and emphasizes the need to excavate and retain the brand culture “core” of traditional craft in technique and brand innovation.
Research on the Collaborative Development Mechanism between Academic Journals in Universities and the “Double First-Class” Construction
YANG Liping, HUANG Donghua, JIANG Wei
2024, 40(6): 118-123. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024070080
Abstract(31) HTML (16) PDF(0)
The “Double First-Class” construction provides new opportunities and challenges for the development of academic journals in universities. In the context of the “Double First-Class” construction, it is of great significance to explore the synergistic effects between academic journals and talent cultivation, scientific and technological innovation and discipline construction. Based on the analysis of the difficulties faced by the collaborative development of academic journals and the “Double First-Class” construction, the paper points out that it is necessary to build an academic community centered on journals, break down barriers between journals and academic resources Innovate publishing models, and create a new publishing model that integrates scientific research and publishing. At the same time, it is necessary to improve and perfect the evaluation system and mechanism, achieve coordinated development that is both “independent” and “consistent”, promote the academic journals to move in the same direction and resonate with the “Double First-Class” construction, and truly promote the collaborative development of the two.