2024 Vol. 40, No. 5

Party Construction, Ideology and Politics
An Analysis of the Situation of “Comprehensively Promoting the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation by Means of Chinese-Style Modernization” on the New Journey
HE Xinyuan, JIANG Yue
2024, 40(5): 1-7. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024050069
Abstract(1993) HTML (41) PDF(208)
After a hundred years of continuous struggle, the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has finally entered an irreversible historical process in the new era, which means that no force or difficulty can stop the continuation of this historical process. On the new journey in the new era, the national rejuvenation strategy and the once-in-a-century changes taking place in the world interact with each other in the same space and time, and the situation at home and abroad has become more complex and volatile, and the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese modernization faces new strategic opportunities, ushers in new strategic tasks, enters a new strategic stage, realizes new strategic requirements, and is in a new strategic environment. These “five new” constitute the main aspects of the epochal situation in which national modernization and rejuvenation are moving in the same direction; by accurately understanding these “five new”, the Party and the country will be able to target their development on the new journey, and the great cause of national rejuvenation will achieve new victories continuously.
The Value Connotation, Logical Path and Practical Orientation of the Comprehensive Reform of the “Great Ideological and Political Courses” in Universities from the Perspective of “All-round Education in the Whole Process with All-staff”
LI Yongwei, YU Chengwen
2024, 40(5): 8-13. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024050090
Abstract(1983) HTML (40) PDF(199)
In order to fully implement the practical exploration of comprehensive reform of “great ideological and political courses” in universities in the new era based on the requirements of “all-round education in the whole process with all-staff”, University of Science and Technology Beijing firmly grasps the red line of ideological and political work, makes good use of the action method of “all-round education in the whole process with all-staff” and comprehensively highlights the characteristic model of steel ideology and politics.Focusing on the practical innovation of the comprehensive reform of “great ideological and political courses” in universities from the perspective of “all-round education in the whole process with all-staff”, its enlightenment lies in the logical path of promotion of the whole system, the multi-dimensional practical guidelines, and the focused tackling actions. Its effect lies in creating “three business cards”of ideological and political course construction, creating “three levels” of ideological and political course construction, and improving the “three concepts” of daily ideological and political work at various levels of practical orientation.
Lenin’s Exploration on Social Psychology from the Perspective of Historical Materialism and its Enlightenment
ZUO Luping
2024, 40(5): 14-23. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024020054
Abstract(1993) HTML (39) PDF(180)
In the practice of leading the Russian revolution and construction, Lenin not only inherited and developed Marxism, but also opened up a new field of Marxist research, and the theoretical exploration and practical application of social psychology were his important theoretical innovations. He insisted on the guidance of historical materialism, and carried on the scientific definition and interpretation of social psychology, not only explained the characteristics of historical materialism of social psychology, but also analyzed its important role. He analyzed and elucidated social psychology theoretically from the three dimensions of macro history, micro life and the dialectical relationship between social existence and social consciousness. At the same time, he also applied theory to practice from the dimensions of mastering the social psychology of the masses, attaching importance to the construction of social psychology, cultivating the class psychology of the proletariat, etc. All these provide beneficial enlightenment for us to pay attention to social psychology from both theoretical and practical aspects in the new era. It includes paying attention to the construction of social psychology, mastering the psychological demands of the people, and using the method of social psychological analysis.
Criticizing and Sublating of Capitalist Ecological Governance in the Context of Political Economy
LIU Lin, WU Yunfei
2024, 40(5): 24-31. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100010
Abstract(109) HTML (46) PDF(288)
The ecological problems of today’s society are, in essence, the manifestation of the inherent contradictions of the capitalist society, and the capitalist ecological governance cannot be the means to solve the ecological problems of contemporary society fundamentally, and it has its own limitations, which are rooted in the capitalist mode of production itself. Therefore, in the face of today’s social and ecological problems, we should go beyond the limitations of the capitalist mode of production and establish a socialist mode of ecological governance on the basis of the basic principles of scientific socialism, and realize the transformation of thinking paradigm from capitalist economic rationality to social ecological rationality. This socialist ecological governance model should be embodied in the following three governance measures at the concrete level: first, production and distribution should be organized in a planned manner so that natural resources can be reasonably utilized. Second, adhere to the principle of ecological priority governance, and take the ecological environment as the direct object of governance, eliminating the circuitous process under the capitalist economic paradigm. Third, it adheres to the governance model of synergistic participation of multiple subjects under the leadership of the Party to ensure the effectiveness of governance.
The Ideological and Political Work of University Teachers in the New Era: Values, Difficulties, and Solutions
SHI Zhenlian
2024, 40(5): 32-38. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024020073
Abstract(97) HTML (42) PDF(159)
The ideological and political work of university teachers is an important component of university ideological and political work, which is related to the comprehensive leadership of the Party over university education work, the correct direction of higher education development, the implementation of the fundamental task of cultivating virtues and morality, and the construction of a high-quality university teacher team. The mechanism of ideological and political work for university teachers, the work content, work methods and the awareness and ability of teachers themselves need to be improved and enhanced. Otherwise, these factors would hinder the development of ideological and political work for university teachers. In order to strengthen and improve the ideological and political work in universities in the new era, it is necessary to collaborate with multiple work subjects, deepen work content, innovate work methods to enhance effectiveness, promote self-improvement, and stimulate endogenous motivation to empower development.
Higher Education Studies
Research on the High-quality Development Path of State Key Laboratories Empowered by Grass-roots Party Building in the New Era
ZHANG Tian, ZHAO Gaowenlu, SHI Danjie
2024, 40(5): 39-46. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024010071
Abstract(118) HTML (329) PDF(162)
The state key laboratory is an important part of the national strategic scientific and technological strength, and it is an important support for accelerating the realization of China’s high-level scientific and technological self-reliance. High-quality Party building is an important core for the high-quality development of state key laboratories. The deep integration of Party building and scientific research and the innovation of Party building work mode are the only way to strengthen the Party’s overall leadership over science and technology and improve the effectiveness of Party building work in the state key laboratories. Based on the significance of strengthening grass-roots Party building in the development of state key laboratories under the current situation, and combined with the exploration and construction practice of Party building in the State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials for 15 years, this paper puts forward the ‘141-AMM’ Party building work mode, which provides a realistic path of high-quality development from the aspects of strengthening the leading, organizing, appealing and tackling capabilities of scientific research-oriented Party organizations.
Contract Management in Higher Education Institutions under the ‘Double First Class’ Initiative: Path Innovation and Efficiency Enhancement
ZHANG Haitao, WANG Shuwei
2024, 40(5): 47-53. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024030054
Abstract(97) HTML (655) PDF(13)
As a complex type of contract, university contracts not only have the characteristics of administrative contracts and civil contracts, but also involve the evaluation of special fields such as academic and scientific research. As a key link in the implementation of the rule of law in universities, university contract management not only undertakes the development requirements of the “Double First-Class” construction for the institutional rationality of university systems, but also faces the realistic dilemmas of unbalanced unity and autonomy of contract management, separation of administration powers and governance, and insufficient rule of law factors. The paper discusses from two aspects of path innovation of the entire cycle of the rule of law and the efficiency of the entire process of data monitoring. It was discovered that the construction of the system of governing the school through the law, strengthening the functional regulation of scientific research contracts, and the method of building a college contract management system based on the management system, using big data thinking to establish contract management information systems, and establishing data internal control supervision and evaluation mechanisms. In order to enhance the risk awareness and professional level of management, execution, and business layers to form an effective management synergy.
Research on the Development Path of Comprehensive Services in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Grounded Theory
WANG Zhuoshi, CHANG Xinyu, DENG Wang
2024, 40(5): 54-64. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024010051
Abstract(64) HTML (428) PDF(10)
Through the empirical analysis of user satisfaction in the comprehensive service hall of a university in Beijing, this paper investigates the factors and mechanisms that affect the service level of colleges and universities, and further explores the development path of comprehensive services in colleges and universities in the new era. It is found that user satisfaction of comprehensive service halls is influenced by hardware factors, service factors, and user factors. Among them, hardware factors and service factors are objective factors, while user factors are subjective factors. Based on the research results, starting from two objective factors of hardware and service, this paper proposes a development path for comprehensive services in colleges and universities in five aspects: consolidating site settings, consolidating infrastructure, enriching service content, improving service efficiency, and enhancing service level, so as to provide theoretical basis and practical reference for creating a new situation of scientific, service-oriented, and friendly comprehensive services for colleges and universities.
Functional Linguistics
A Contrastive Study of Chinese and French International Chinese Language Textbooks from the Perspective of Ecolinguistics
2024, 40(5): 65-73. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024040123
Abstract(50) HTML (26) PDF(14)
International Chinese language textbooks play a vital role in disseminating and promoting China’s ecological values and advancements in ecological civilization. This study, based on the appraisal and graduation framework of ecolinguistics, curries out a contrastive study of two textbooks: the domestically published New Practical Chinese Reader and the French Chinese textbook A Key to Chinese Reading and Writing. Through the discoursal and lexical-grammatical analyses, including object setting, attributes, attitudes, and graduation resources, this research aims to unveil and evaluate the ecological values embedded in these two textbooks. Both textbooks generally endorse positive ecological values, albeit with variations in intensity and ways of expression. New Practical Chinese Reader highlights China’s artificial landscapes and contemporary development achievements in object setting, and tends to employ affect and up-scale graduation in terms of attitude and graduation resources, thereby exhibiting traits of positivity, affirmation, interactivity, and clarity in the relationship between organisms and the natural environment. A Key to Chinese Reading and Writing highlights China’s natural landscapes and environmental features in terms of object setting, and tends to employ appreciation and judgment in terms of attitude resources, meanwhile with less use of up-scale graduation resources.
Research on the Grammatical Negation System in English Sentiment Analysis: The Cardiff Grammar Perspective
LI Xuening, HU Ziwei
2024, 40(5): 74-82. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100061
Abstract(74) HTML (25) PDF(8)
The study, grounded in the Cardiff Grammar within Systemic Functional Linguistics, harnesses the SST film review corpus to facilitate investigation. It delves into the collocation patterns of the grammatical negation system “not” alongside sentiment words within sentiment analysis. Results show that grammatical negation chiefly manifests as mood negation, wherein the subject often assumes the role of the evaluated object, carrying the attribute relationship in action processes, mental processes, and relational processes. The negation word “not” exhibits the highest frequency of collocation with purely emotional and emotional reactive words, while demonstrating the lowest frequency with emotionally charged words associated with difficulty and importance. Furthermore, the negation effect of the sentiment words varies depending on the semantic connotations. In the case of purely emotional and emotional reactive words, the negation word attenuates the intensity of the original word when polarity is altered. Conversely no such weakening effect transpires with behavioral judgment and social judgment words. Sentiment words with negative polarity remain negative polarity by the negation word. This study proves enlightening in unraveling the intricate phenomenon of negation words within sentiment analysis. By annotating the semantic levels of sentiment words, the accuracy of common negation expressions encompassing this category of vocabulary is enhanced.
Embedded Projection Research: Paths and Prospects
CHEN Shukun
2024, 40(5): 83-91. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023080039
Abstract(97) HTML (41) PDF(7)
Embedded projection, with its unique syntactic behavior, semantic features, and discourse functions, has been a hot topic in linguistics. Relevant literature shows that there are four paths for the embedded projection research: (i) systemic network construction, (ii) metafunctional analysis, (iii) projecting nouns analysis, and (iv) projecting syntactic analysis. The phenomenon of embedded projection has a broad research space in language theory, cross-linguistic comparison and translation research.
Community Digitization: A Study on the Grass-roots Operations of Digital Governance Communities
LU Yaoxuan
2024, 40(5): 92-100. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023090130
Abstract(69) HTML (27) PDF(7)
In the process of digital transformation of community governance, there has been a trend towards digital governance community. Based on the existing community generation research, it is found that the relationship between embedded resources is the main criterion for community generation, and this study finds that the generation logic of digital governance community is isomorphic to this. In the context of digitalization, the smart contract matched by blockchain technology drives the WEB3.0 digital community. but the grass-roots digital governance community is more based on the WEB2.0UGC (User Generated Content) technology, and therefore require specific forces to undertake the functions of smart contracts. That is, under the guidance of specific organizational forces, through three processes: embedding resources into community relationships, demonstrating the effectiveness of relationships, and relationship maintenance,the digital governance community is possible. This process reflects the internal generation and sharing ability of relationships and resources.
Dispelling Data Myth: Digital Transformation and Risk Prevention in Ideological and Political Education
ZHOU Jianhua, QUAN Linfeng
2024, 40(5): 101-107. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023080035
Abstract(131) HTML (114) PDF(9)
Digitalization is the premise of the digital transformation of ideological and political education. Data has humanistic value, which is coupled with ideological and political education; ideological and political education contains scientific rationality and has application coupling with scientific and technological data. However, in the practice of digital transformation of ideological and political education, there are hidden concerns about dataism, the phenomenon of data-based occurs from time to time, due to the tension between data and ideological and political education, which triggers the failure of mainstream value guidance, the imbalance of the relationship between educational subjects, and the anomie of digital technology application and other types of risks. To effectively prevent the tendency of dataism in ideological and political education, it is necessary to actively promote the digital transformation of ideological and political education, not only to lead the high-quality development of data-based ideological and political education with the new data concept of “data-humanities” synergy, but also to strengthen the digital literacy education of educators and educational objects. And to boost the humanistic value of ideological and political education, as well as to build a solid base for the digitisation of ideological and political education, so as to promote the release of technological potential.
Retrospect and Prospect of Chinese Farmers’ Behavior Based on CiteSpace Quantitative Analysis
LEI Yang, WANG Shuzhen, ZHANG Fangwen
2024, 40(5): 108-118. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022090018
Abstract(63) HTML (31) PDF(7)
The behavior of rural households serves as a fundamental starting point for studying agricultural development and formulating agricultural policies. Utilizing literature related to rural household behavior published in CSSCI-source journals as a sample, this article employs the CiteSpace visualization literature analysis software to delve into and organize the basic situation, research hotspots, and evolutionary trends of domestic rural household behavior research. The results indicate an overall upward trend in the quantity of literature related to rural household behavior, along with distinct phase characteristics. The field of rural household behavior research has preliminarily formed a core group of authors, core institutions, and core publications; however, there is room for enhancement in terms of research scale, inter-team collaboration, and sustained attention to issues. The research on rural household behavior can be categorized into four major areas: mainstream, potential, emerging, and marginal. Currently, the most abundant research outcomes are those focusing on the influencing factors of rural household behavior, pro-environmental behavior, financial behavior, and land transfer behavior. In terms of research trends, the highest level of interest is in the study of rural households' environmental regulatory behavior and behavioral intentions. Subsequent research should prioritize the study of rural household production behavior and the transformation of agricultural development patterns it brings about.
Digital Agricultural Science And Technology Research: Basic Driving Force, Target Task and Realization Path
QIN Yue, LI Mingxing, YU Ke
2024, 40(5): 119-126. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100047
Abstract(268) HTML (29) PDF(15)
“Digital agriculture” is of great significance for resolving the global ecological crisis and food security dilemma, and in view of the large gap between China and developed countries in the field of agricultural science and technology, it is particularly urgent to accelerate the research of digital agricultural science and technology. In terms of reality, the dual superposition of national strategy and market demand provides a driving force for China’s digital agricultural science and technology research, and also defines its strategic direction, that is, based on the absorption of the universal value of modern agriculture, the benchmarking of technological progress in developed countries, and responding to the actual needs of China’s society, to achieve an all-round reshaping of agricultural technology, elements and systems. To achieve this goal, we need to make progress in an orderly manner along the basic path of improving the organizational system, formulating the task list, strengthening linkage and cooperation, and accelerating the transformation of results.