There exists a huge gap and sharp contrast between the theoretical advocacy and realistic lack of mediator neutrality.Due to the influence of many factors involved in the mediation practice, even though a mediator may possess firm neutrality belief, he may lose his ground consciously or sub-consciously during the whole process.Different mediators and parties have different understandings towards neutrality, which may cause unnecessary disputes and controversies in mediation practice.It will then be very difficult for the mediator to carry out mediation process, especially when the parties have always been the final judge about mediator neutrality.To the mediators, neutrality is more a kind of technique than an attitude.Apart from the sense of neutrality bared in one's inner heart, neutrality also depends on the mediator's capability to handle the detailed problems in the mediation process, which in turn affects the parties' attitude towards the mediator's neutrality.The neutrality principle requires a lot about the mediator's communication skills.