Metaphor Scenarios in Political Cartoons: An Analysis of Critical Multimodal Metaphor
摘要: 隐喻场景把系列转喻链和隐喻链整合成虚拟的叙事场景,用故事逻辑激活与场景相关的概念、评价和假定,实现对目标域基于既定立场和意识形态的概念化识解。文章以《经济学人》中涉华政治漫画为例,重点分析频繁使用的“冲突/战斗”多模态隐喻场景的结构特征和运作机制,揭示该类语篇的政治性或意识形态性本质——带有明显的国家立场、偏见和刻板印象。文章倡议解读者在解读该类语篇时,应该清醒认识生产者的政治、意识形态或国家立场,批判地认识它所建构的概念。Abstract: By weaving metonymy and metaphor chains into fictive narrative scenarios, metaphor scenarios make full use of story logics to construe the target concepts, charged with given evaluations as well as assumptions. With some revealing instances from the editorial cartoons in Economist, this paper makes illustrations of the structures and mechanisms shared in the recurring CONFLICT/BATTLE metaphor scenario, whereby disclosing the political or ideological nature of such multimodal metaphor scenarios, which are by no means exempted from national stance, bias, and stereotypical perceptions. It suggests that readers have acute awareness over the ideological stance underlying and have a critical understanding of the concept it construed.
Key words:
- multimodal metaphor /
- metaphor scenario /
- critical analysis
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