ZHU Jiahao. On the Legal Regulatory Structure of Intelligent Connected Vehicles[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing ( Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 39(5): 634-644. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022090084
Citation: ZHU Jiahao. On the Legal Regulatory Structure of Intelligent Connected Vehicles[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing ( Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 39(5): 634-644. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022090084

On the Legal Regulatory Structure of Intelligent Connected Vehicles

doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022090084
  • Received Date: 2022-09-23
  • Publish Date: 2023-10-25
  • Intelligent connected vehicles and traditional motor vehicles have highly similar risk characteristics. Therefore, the traditional regulatory framework for motor vehicles based on vehicle, human and environmental risk control can continue, but the regulatory focus and specific rules need to be adjusted. In terms of vehicle regulation, the “law-standard” system can still effectively prevent and control physical risks, and it can also solve ethical problems by disabling personalized information and allowing the use of mathematical information. In terms of driver regulation, the continuation of driver licensing rules and the increase in the number of driving privileges are a direct response to the highly social relevant risk characteristics of driving behavior, while the criminal and civil liability designed on this basis can indirectly prevent and control risks. In terms of driving environment regulation, the rules of zoning influence the establishment of driving system design and operating conditions, and determine the scope of its use. And the highway level and functional area of the zoning can simplify the driving environment, so as to effectively mitigate the contradiction between risk and benefit.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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