ZHANG Beigen. Integration of Party History Education into the Teaching of the Course of “Outline of Modern Chinese History”[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing ( Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 39(5): 531-538. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022090072
Citation: ZHANG Beigen. Integration of Party History Education into the Teaching of the Course of “Outline of Modern Chinese History”[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing ( Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 39(5): 531-538. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022090072

Integration of Party History Education into the Teaching of the Course of “Outline of Modern Chinese History”

doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022090072
  • Received Date: 2022-09-21
  • Publish Date: 2023-10-25
  • Integrating Party History Education into the teaching of “Outline” course is not only an effective response to General Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC Central Committee’s instruction on the study and education of Party History, the Development History of Socialism, the History of the New China, the History of Reform and Opening up, the Development History of the Chinese Nation, especially the Party History, and the strategic planning of running ideological and political course well, but also the due meaning of running ideological and political course well in colleges and universities in the new era. The integration of Party History education into the “Outline” course is helpful to help college students expand their historical vision and cultivate their historical feelings, so as to establish a correct view of history, outlook on life and values. It is helpful to optimize the form and connotation of “Outline” course teaching; it is helpful to improve the teaching efficiency of “Outline” course teachers. The ways of integrating Party History education into “Outline” course are content supply, history view education and practice teaching.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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