The experimentalism, the narrowed materialism and the scientism, deriving from classical Nominalism and then prevailing over the West in 17th-18th century, mortally destroyed the human morality and the infrastructure of justice by totally denying the Metaphysics where the ethic and the justice were to rely and exist, thus reducing the human being near to the animals. In order to maintain the ethic and the justice distinguishing the human being from the animals, Kant firstly demonstrated the Idealistic ethic by starting with the nonontological and the formalistic morality. Contrary to the path of Kant, Max Scheler, a leading thinker of the phenomenological school, constructed the ontology of ethics by the employment of the emotionalism, and demonstrated the existence of the value, the multilayered patterns of the value and the pluralistic knowledge in the world, and provided the criteria and the standard of the judgement of the good. Juergen Habermas, however, basing himself on the works of Kant and Scheler but shifting from the “soliloquist and soliloquizing” and “single-subjective” to the “intersubjective” and “communicativereason” theorywhich distinguishesitselffromtherationalisttradition, provided a proceduralpattern and process principle thereby modern ethics and political justice could be acquired for the shift of the philosophic epistemology of the ethics and the justice to procedure perspective.