Volume 39 Issue 2
Apr.  2023
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GAI Yi-xin, WANG Shu-qing. The Theoretical Basis and Practical Path of Whole-Process People’s Democracy[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing ( Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 39(2): 217-223. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022100092
Citation: GAI Yi-xin, WANG Shu-qing. The Theoretical Basis and Practical Path of Whole-Process People’s Democracy[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing ( Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 39(2): 217-223. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022100092

The Theoretical Basis and Practical Path of Whole-Process People’s Democracy

doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022100092
  • Received Date: 2022-10-19
  • Publish Date: 2023-04-25
  • Whole-process people’s democracy, as the value core and essential principle of the theoretical achievements of the sinicization of Marxism, is a new form of Chinese democracy, a new mechanism for the people to be masters of the country, a new model formed by the CPC through long-term practice and exploration, and an essential requirement of Chinese modernization. The whole process people’s democracy takes the Marxist concept of democracy as the theoretical basis, deepens the Chinese excellent traditional people-oriented thought, draws on the centennial historical development experience of the Communist Party of China, innovates the theory and practice of democratic politics, and is committed to achieving the organic unity of the full membership of the main body, the full range of content, and the whole process operation of people’s democracy. Adhering to people’s democracy throughout the new era is a powerful driving force for Communist Party of China to keep its original aspiration and mission in mind, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, promote Chinese style modernization, and realize the Chinese Dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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