Volume 39 Issue 2
Apr.  2023
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YIN Zhao-hua. Investigating the Influencing Factors and Improving Measures of College and University Students’ Employment Competitiveness in the New Era[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing ( Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 39(2): 174-180. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022070047
Citation: YIN Zhao-hua. Investigating the Influencing Factors and Improving Measures of College and University Students’ Employment Competitiveness in the New Era[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing ( Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 39(2): 174-180. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022070047

Investigating the Influencing Factors and Improving Measures of College and University Students’ Employment Competitiveness in the New Era

doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022070047
  • Received Date: 2022-07-14
  • Publish Date: 2023-04-25
  • The Party and the State have always attached great importance to the employment of college and university students. Especially since the 18th CPC National Congress, college and university students’ employment has been placed in a prominent position. It is an inevitable requirement for colleges and universities to promote full employment and implement the fundamental task of strengthening moral education and cultivating people with a scientific definition of college and university students’ employment competitiveness, an accurate evaluation of its influencing factors, and the effective promotion of college and university students’ employment competitiveness. The employment competitiveness of college and university students in the new era can be analyzed from both subjective and objective dimensions. The subjective dimension mainly involves personal qualities, while the objective dimension mainly involves the achievement of employment goals. This study finds that there are mainly three factors, namely, personal factors, family factors, and school factors, that influence college and university students’ employment competitiveness. Therefore, three aspects of measures can be emphasized to improve the employment competitiveness of college and university students. They are insisting on “Simultaneous Development of Five Types of Education” to improve their comprehensive quality, actively expanding new paths and approaches to family-school co-education, and laying a solid foundation in college and university students’ career education.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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