2024 Vol. 40, No. 4

Party Construction, Ideology and Politics
On the Cultivation of a Rational, Healthy and Green Lifestyle for Young People
HUANG Chengliang, ZHENG Yi, HUANG Ruirui
2024, 40(4): 1-10. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023030042
Abstract(2022) HTML (105) PDF(38)
People’s health is the foundation of national prosperity and the basis of national strength. A good way of life is the meaning of life and health. Young people are the hope of the country and the future of the nation. The health of young people is the main focus of people’s health security, as well as an important promoter and practitioner of green development. Therefore, it is of great significance for young people to have a more rational, healthy and green lifestyle. At present, the existing lifestyle of young people mainly lies in the problematic performance in the alienation of the concept of consumption, unhealthy lifestyle, environmentally-unfriendly consumption mode and other prominent problems. The reasons are not only consumption values, but also vanity, comparison and other psychological factors and high demand for pleasure, as well as the network and information asymmetry and other factors. To this end, it is urgent to accelerate the transformation of young people’s lifestyles in a more rational, healthy and green direction. On the one hand, we should adhere to the principle of party-controlled youth, reshape the values of young people under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thought of ecological civilization, and inspire young people to join the practice of building a healthy China and ecological civilization. On the other hand, it is necessary to innovate the policy and regulatory system and improve the legal system in order to escort the transformation of young people’s lifestyles.
The Subject Expression, Logical Relation and Construction Requirement of Institutional Superiority Discourse
YANG Binbin
2024, 40(4): 11-18. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024010013
Abstract(1984) HTML (57) PDF(24)
The discourse of institutional advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics entails many concepts, conclusions and propositions. It is the tool carrier to realize the transformation of institutional advantages into governance effectiveness. The main body expression of the system advantage discourse is manifested through the inner implication of academism, the significance of politicization and the practical value of popularization. The existence of institutional discourse clarifies the interactive picture among academia, politics and socialization. It reflects the essence of the will of the party, the country and the people, and deepens the running thread of the ruling law of the Communist Party, the law of socialist construction and the law of human society development. The construction of institutional predominance discourse should take the explanatory power of academic discourse as the starting point and enhance the scientific support of institutional predominance discourse. The leadership of political discourse should be emphasized and the political position of institutional discourse should be firmly established. We should take the cohesive force of the mass discourse as the means to promote the popular narrative of the institutional dominant discourse.
The Rational Path to Promote the International Communication of Humanity’s Common Values
CUI Xiaodan
2024, 40(4): 19-25. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023120045
Abstract(1955) HTML (38) PDF(31)
With the increasing competition of ideology and values among major powers on a global scale, promoting the international communication of humanity’s common values is of great significance. It is conducive to laying the value foundation for building a community with a shared future for mankind, providing value clarification for responding to the intentional slander of hostile forces, and providing value support for establishing China’s image as a major power. At present, the international communication of humanity’s common values mainly faces practical difficulties such as the exclusion of multicultural differences, conflicts and competition of Western values, and insufficient discourse platforms and narrative abilities. To this end, it is necessary to further strengthen cross-cultural crowdsourcing and elaborate on the connotation and tension of humanity’s common values. It is also indispensable to strengthen the thinking of international agenda setting and actively set a framework of issues around humanity’s common values. A three-dimensional international communication mechanism should be created to enhance the communication effect of humanity’s common values, smooth economic and cultural exchange channels, and highlight the practical significance of humanity’s common values.
Research and Practice on “Four-in-One” Collaborative Education Model under the Perspective of Targeted Ideological and Political Education
MA Cong, LIU Na
2024, 40(4): 26-32. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023110006
Abstract(139) HTML (47) PDF(16)
In order to fulfill the fundamental task of cultivating morality and fostering talents, and to integrate ideological and political work into the entire process of education and teaching, it is necessary to mobilize all educational elements, combine the collaborative efforts of multiple educational participants and form an all-involving, whole-process and all-round educational environment. We can integrate resources, improve management, enrich practices, innovate forms, expand our platform, and upgrade the mechanism by promoting experimental practices in school-family-society collaborative education, and combining the four forces organically, with family as the basis, school as the main body, society as the carrier, and student as the object. In this way, once the “four-in-one” collaborative educational system is established, a close educational relationship will be formed, which fully involves families, schools, society and students and a new pattern of school-family-society collaborative education.
Higher Education Studies
Optimizing the Layout of Universities in Beijing to Serve BTH Coordinated Development-Exploration and Practice of the Planning and Construction of the Xiong’an Campus of University of Science and Technology Beijing
GUO Zhiheng
2024, 40(4): 33-38. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024030162
Abstract(140) HTML (678) PDF(17)
Higher education plays a leading role in building a strong educational country. The layout of colleges and universities in Beijing is closely related to the economic and social development of the country and the local community, as well as the people’s expectations for quality higher education resources. With the strategy of national rejuvenation through science and education, reinvigorating China through human resource development, innovation-driven development and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei collaborative development, as well as the promotion of Beijing non-capital functions and Xiong’an New Area construction and other strategic tasks, the layout of colleges and universities in Beijing is facing unprecedented strategic opportunities and challenges. To promote the non-capital functions of universities in Beijing, we should focus on four aspects, namely strengthening the top-level planning and design, adhering to promote development through the evacuation, improving the working mechanism, and perfecting the policy guarantee system. It serves to promote the planning and construction of Xiong'an Campus of universities in Beijing with high quality, optimize and expand the space for running schools in universities in Beijing, and facilitate the national and regional economic and social development in depth.
Research on the Establishment Mode of Brand Cultivation of Grassroots Party Organizations in Colleges and Universities
YANG Zhizhen
2024, 40(4): 39-46. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023090090
Abstract(123) HTML (396) PDF(13)
The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China points out the direction and provides the guidance for strengthening the construction of grassroots Party organizations in colleges and universities. Promoting and strengthening the brand cultivation of grass-roots party organizations in colleges and universities is a practical path to build a high-quality party building system. It plays a promoting role in helping colleges and universities to build a powerful country in education and implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and people. Also, it is conducive to demonstrating and driving all grassroots party organizations to make comprehensive progress. The practical experience and logic contained in the third batch of party building demonstration and quality excellence cultivation results in colleges and universities have clarified the construction direction and core points of the cultivation and creation of the brand cultivation of grassroots party organizations in colleges and universities. The brand cultivation of grassroots party organizations in colleges and universities should follow the theoretical requirements of party construction and the discipline concept of brand science. It should take brand positioning, brand design, brand cultivation and brand promotion as the practice path of cultivating and establishing. Therefore, the theory, demand and functional elements of brand cultivation of grassroots party organizations in colleges and universities should run through every link and whole process of brand cultivation and establishment.
Core Elements of Project-based Learning in Experimental Teaching under the Background of “Emerging Engineering Education”
YE Fei, WANG Haiou, LI Yanyan
2024, 40(4): 47-55. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023120039
Abstract(129) HTML (462) PDF(8)
The talent cultivation under “Emerging Engineering Education” has put forward higher goals in discipline vision, practical ability, and comprehensive quality. Experimental teaching plays a significant role in the talent cultivation of emerging engineering education. Project-based Learning (PBL) is conducive to comprehensively cultivating students’ practical ability and personal quality. However, the connotation of PBL in project design and experimental teaching practice still needs to be expanded. Based on the characteristics of engineering experiment teaching, this paper puts forward that six core elements of PBL, namely the project teaching method, should have six core elements such as openness, serialization, modularization, individuation, standardization, and informatization. Furthermore, taking the series of energy materials experiments of materials science and engineering specialty as an example, the teaching implementation process of experimental project design and preparation, management and guidance, evaluation and reflection is explained in detail by focusing on the three stages of experimental projects, i.e. preparation, implementation, and evaluation, and the guiding role of the above core elements in experimental teaching is expounded.
Research on the Practice Path of High-quality Development of Computer Science Based on the OBE Concept
SHAO Lihua, ZHENG Hanyu
2024, 40(4): 56-62. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023060078
Abstract(94) HTML (352) PDF(7)
Exploring the diverse paths to promote the construction of the computer science discipline is the essence of achieving high-quality development of the computer science discipline. The OBE education concept has a certain degree of compatibility with the innovative development of university discipline construction. Based on the OBE concept perspective, this study analyzes the problems that cannot be ignored in talent cultivation, innovation ability cultivation, discipline integration, and discipline evaluation in promoting the high-quality development of computer science. Under the guidance of OBE concept, this study adheres to the basic principle of results orientation and takes the University of Science and Technology Beijing as an example to explore the optimization paths of discipline construction. This study provides reference for how to effectively promote the high-quality development of computer science from policy discourse to vivid practice in the new era.
Functional Linguistics
Towards the Lexical Realization and the Grammatical System of the Finiteness in the Chinese Clause: A Functional Typological Perspective
ZHANG Yubo, YANG Bingjun, DONG Baohua
2024, 40(4): 63-74. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023090096
Abstract(83) HTML (39) PDF(6)
The previous research on the finiteness is mostly limited to its definition criteria, and few focuses on its complete lexical realization and grammar system. To solve this problem, the present study first puts forward the functional typological definition of the finite in accordance with Systemic Functional Typology (SFT), then determines the finite operators of the Chinese clause in the light of the meaning potential of the finite, and finally describes the finite system in view of the semiotic features and the paradigmatic relations of these operators. It is found that the deictic types of Chinese clauses fall into three categories: aspect, modality and focus, of which the focus can be further divided into Event and Experience in delicacy, the former realized by shi and the latter by you. This study can provide schema and data references for broader typological comparisons and generalizations regarding the lexical and grammatical representations of the finiteness.
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Healthcare Communication: Review and Prospect
ZHANG Peiwen
2024, 40(4): 75-82. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023020077
Abstract(79) HTML (30) PDF(8)
Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), as appliable linguistics, offers the theoretical framework and descriptive resources to empower researchers to investigate, intervene in, and enhance communication in healthcare contexts. By systematically reviewing the manifold applications of SFL in healthcare communication, the paper has highlighted the accomplishments of SFL healthcare communication studies, identified limitations in the current research of SFL healthcare communication, and overviewed potential future research prospects. Focusing on Emergency Departments and other clinical settings in hospitals, SFL scholars have examined the interpersonal, experiential, and textual meanings of medical discourse. It shows that healthcare communication plays a crucial role in medical practice, influencing the quality and safety of patients’ medical experience and impacting patients’ treatment outcomes. Recommendations have been put forth to improve healthcare communication for clinical professionals, including establishing empathy and rapport with patients, developing individualized and compassionate relationships with patients, and participating in healthcare communication training programs. SFL studies have emphasized the importance of patient-centered healthcare communication, provided suggestions for improving healthcare communication and enhancing the quality and safety of patients’ medical experience, and offered theoretical foundation and practical guidance for the implementation of effective healthcare communication practice and training.
A Study on Evaluation Resources in Psychiatrist’s Discourse on Diagnosis and Therapy from Ecolinguistics
2024, 40(4): 83-93. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023010052
Abstract(69) HTML (22) PDF(6)
Based on an empirical research and a small self-built corpus from discourse on psychotherapy and counseling, the paper attempts to explore the employment and distribution of evaluation resource in psychiatrist’ discourse on diagnosis and therapy from comprehensive application of evaluation theory and Ecolinguistics. The research results reveal, with the negative Judgement, appreciation etc, the psychiatrist forms the same value alliance and attitude stance with the Psychopath; with the engagement of the second voice projection, moral modality, concession etc, the psychiatrist expands the dialogicality, negotiability, inter-subjectivity in psychiatrist-psychopath discourse; With the sharp focus etc, the psychiatrist strengthens the intervention of attitude and engagement and triggers psychological resonance of the psychopath with positive emotion and value orientation. Through the discussion under the dynamic model of “evaluation of verbal behavior—transmission of positive emotion/value orientation—intervention of diagnosis and therapy”, it contributes to reveal the social service function and social governance function of evaluation system resources.
Constructing a Chinese Route and Ecosophy for Double Carbon Discourse through the News Reports from China Daily and Xinhua
2024, 40(4): 94-103. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2024010030
Abstract(80) HTML (45) PDF(8)
Green low-carbon development with sustainability has become a global consensus. The dual-carbon goal of carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality proposed by China as the largest developing country is a solemn commitment to build a community with a shared future for mankind. The Chinese mainstream international media is an important window for the international community to understand China’s implementation of the dual-carbon goal, and an important position to fight for the right of discourse on public opinion on green transformation. This study draws upon the transitivity, the theme, quotation practice, and conceptual metaphor to analyze the eco-discourse of 10 English-language news reports on dual-carbon in the mainstream Chinese international media. This study proves that the “diversity and harmony, interaction and co-existence ecosophy” underpins the reports and thereby establishes an ecosophy of “establishing the new before breaking the old, breaking the boundary before undergoing a rebirth” for the discourse of double carbon. This study hence investigates the flexibility and operability of a systematic integration between systematic functional linguistics and discursive analysis, expands the dimension of China-specific ecosophy, and refines China’s “double carbon” discursive system both theoretically and practically.
Strategic Transformation of Data-driven Manufacturing Enterprise Platforms-Based on Data Organization Attributes and Case Studies of Kaisheng Enterprise Group
HU Dengfeng, LI Wenhui, XU Yunhua
2024, 40(4): 104-112. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023090113
Abstract(88) HTML (18) PDF(7)
The deep integration of digital technology and economic activities has accelerated the development of the digital economy in terms of depth and breadth. As a resource and technical means, data has greatly changed the operation and management mode and strategy of traditional micro-enterprises. This paper proposes that data has the dual attributes of self-organization and other organizations, and the duality of data organization and its leverage effect further build the competitive barriers of enterprises, and on the basis of theoretical research, the mechanism of data resources is analyzed from the aspects of innovation, process and business model by using cases, and how “data resource +” builds enterprise competitive advantage and how data organization attributes promote the strategic transformation of enterprise platform transformation.
Deconstruction of the Legal Basis of Trade Secret Protection-Through the Conflict Between Efficiency Theory and Moral Theory
LI Xiang
2024, 40(4): 113-123. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022090082
Abstract(137) HTML (30) PDF(8)
After the “Civil Code” incorporated trade secrets into the object of intellectual property, trade secrets have been transformed into rights. There is no substantive dispute about whether to protect trade secrets at the first level of legitimacy, but there are still different perspectives on the issue of why trade secrets at the second level should be protected. Therefore, it is necessary to deconstruct and analyze the legitimacy basis of the protection of trade secrets in order to choose the solution which is closest to the legislative purpose and market trend in practice. The justification for the protection of trade secrets can be typically divided into the “moral theory” evolution from the labor theory of property rights and the “efficiency theory” evolved from “utilitarianism”. Although the “moral theory” has its own theoretical value in some commercial fields, there are still ambiguous judgments on the path of business ethics, the theoretical obstacles like the moral recognition problem, the compatibility of morality in the context of business, and the humility of morality in the market economy. The high-quality connotation of the “moral theory” is guided by the “efficiency theory”, which can obtain more clear and accurate guidance for the protection of trade secrets, specifically to stimulate research and innovation, correctly configure confidential expenditures, and promote the disclosure and sharing of specific information, and the defense of public interest.
Exploring the Path of Super Platform Interconnection from the Perspective of Publicness
ZHANG Fuli, LI Luting
2024, 40(4): 124-132. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100059
Abstract(110) HTML (31) PDF(9)
To solve the new monopolistic behavior of platform blocking implemented by the super platform, the General Office of the State Council has proposed the policy of interconnection. The current interconnection is mainly based on “unblocking links”, which only solves the problem of network node interconnection, but not the problem of application layer and data layer. The next phase of interconnection should be carried out in steps to achieve limited interoperability at the application layer and partial data circulation and sharing, with a view to weaken market barriers, promote industry innovation and enhance consumer welfare. However, currently ambiguous boundaries still exist in the implementation rules of superplatform interconnection, and it is also difficult to impose legal sanctions through post-facto regulation. Under the perspective of comparative law, European and American countries take blocking behaviors infringing on long-term public interests as the entry point, position super platforms as public infrastructure, and take the legal obligation of interconnection as the criterion of affecting public interests. The advanced digital governance in the domain is introduced into the platform economy governance in China to realize the institutional response of superplatform to promote interconnection under the public perspective.