2024 Vol. 40, No. 3

Party Construction, Ideology and Politics
Distributive Justice in the Construction of Social Public Trust
BIAN Guiping
2024, 40(3): 1-9. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100087
Abstract(816) HTML (85) PDF(25)
Distributive justice, which appeals to equal opportunity and ethical care, is the key to the construction of social public trust in the new era. Public resources are the material premise of public distribution justice, and character is the necessary condition of distribution justice. Distributive justice not only facilitates effective economic-political-social interactions and promotes the reasonable circulation of social trust, but also helps to enhance citizens’ awareness of power and rights. Strengthening the construction of social public trust in distributive justice is to realize that the power is used by the people, feelings are for the people, and the benefits are sought by the people. The practice of distributive justice should not only guard against the absolute equalization of distribution and economization that ignores individual differences, but also eliminate the dependence on status, money or relationship in the process. The ideal distribution is the unity of prioritizing efficiency and taking into account fairness, combining other-regulation and self-regulation in the distribution and development of public resources, and highlighting the principles of development, justice and sharing in the distribution. The rational distribution of public resources depends on the improvement of the ruling party’s cognitive ability, the enhancement of the consciousness of purpose to serve the people, and the awe of the objective laws of society and the people.
Discourse Innovation and Significance of “Chinese Path to Modernization” under the Comparative Perspective of East and West
LI Hao, LIU Xuan
2024, 40(3): 10-15. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100017
Abstract(715) HTML (96) PDF(22)
The long-standing discourse of “modernization” views tradition and modernity, East and West with binary thinking, and thus fails to see the real world history and the direction of human civilization. By reviewing the perspectives and dimensions of human beings’ understanding of world history and their own existence, we can historically define two types: the chaotic pattern of the classical period and the disintegrated pattern of the traditional period. Human civilization has been lost in the Western “modernization”, while the discourse “Chinese path to modernization” has created the “modern” period on the basis of reviving the chaotic pattern of the classical period and inherited the divisive pattern of the traditional period. The discourse of “Chinese path to modernization” has created the convergent pattern of the “modern” period. This new discourse gives human civilization at a critical moment a new future imagination, containing “community of human destiny”, “people’s democracy in the whole process”, “common wealth”, “high-quality development” and other new propositions, Additionally, “Chinese path to modernization” breaks free from narrow ethnocentrism bridges the gap between tradition and modernity, between East and West, and depicts the concrete shape of the direction of human evolution as indicated by the Marxist concept of material history.
Method and Essence of Building a Chinese Path to Modernization with Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature
2024, 40(3): 16-21. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023110002
Abstract(671) HTML (83) PDF(17)
The construction of a Chinese path to modernization in which human beings coexist harmoniously with nature is a systematic project, and it is necessary to adhere to and apply scientific positions, viewpoints and methods. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) proposes that “we must insist on the supremacy of the people, self-confidence and self-reliance, observance of justice and innovation, problem orientation, systematic concepts, and a mindfulness of the world”. These six aspects embody the distinctive qualities of Xi Jinping’s socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. They are not only the basic principles for writing a new chapter of the modernization of Marxism in the new era, but also the scientific methods that must be adhered to in order to build a Chinese path to modernization in which human beings and nature coexist harmoniously. Clarifying the essentials and core requirements is of great methodological and practical significance to the construction of a Chinese path to modernization with harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature.
Logical Relationships and Practical Requirements of “Two Answers” to Jumping Out of the Historical Cyclical Rate
HU Shufen, HUANG Zhigao
2024, 40(3): 22-30. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023080050
Abstract(509) HTML (79) PDF(18)
Jumping out of the historical cyclic rate is a major issue concerning the Party’s long-term governance, the country’s long-term stability, and the people’s happiness and well-being. After unremitting long-term exploration, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has found the “two answers” to break the historical cycle, namely, people's supervision and self-revolution. Although the order of appearance and logical center of gravity of the “two answers” are different, they are intrinsically unified. Specifically, the “two answers” coexist and develop in the historical dimension, are internally consistent in the theoretical dimension, and mirror each other in the value dimension. Therefore, in order to achieve the resonance of the “two answers” and achieve long-term success, it is necessary to insist on maintaining the authority and the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, giving full play to the Party’s political advantage in implementing the mass line, and improving the system of institutional norms in practical requirements. Standing in the new historical position, a deep understanding of the logical relationship and practical requirements of the “two answers” is of great theoretical value and practical significance for the construction of a long-term governance of Marxist political party.
Higher Education Studies
Realistic Situation and Countermeasures of Promoting the Leading Force of Mainstream Ideology in Short Video Field in Institutions of Higher Education under the New Media Environment
XING Huachao
2024, 40(3): 31-39. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023070087
Abstract(689) HTML (83) PDF(12)
The process of the exerting the mainstream ideological leadership of Institutions of Higher Education in short video field is a collection of four elements: subject, content, channel and object, which implies the leading force of subject, the explanatory power of content, the communication power of channel and the absorption power of object. In the tension-filled short video field, colleges and universities are facing the new opportunities of “decentralized” production mode, algorithmic technology application mode, hyper-symbolic system and virtual presence to enhance the effectiveness of exertion, and the new challenges of diversified pattern, fragmented information, obstruction of communication space, and the proliferation of media technology that weaken the effectiveness. This reality mainly stems from the relative lag in the construction of short video platforms in universities, the lack of content supply, the insufficient response of the communication and distribution mode to the technical empowerment of short videos, the over-empowerment of the role of short video users. It needs to be solved from the aspects of enhancing the synergy of the exerting subject, rationally setting the communication content, expanding the communication space, and enhancing the subjective initiative of the exerting object.
Exploring the Survey Process in the Social Practice of University Students
WANG Liang, LIU Yizhe
2024, 40(3): 40-46. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023080025
Abstract(460) HTML (64) PDF(16)
University students’ social practice, as an important constituent to enhance the effectiveness of higher education, is an inevitable way to realize the purpose of ideological and political education in colleges and universities under the new situation. As one of the basic methods of social practice in college and university, survey and research, following the cycle of “practicing, understanding, practicing again, understanding again”, allows students to gradually obtain true rational understanding in the research. At present, the content and form of survey and research in the social practice of university students in China is rapidly expanding and further improving, but there are still practical difficulties in the design of the selected topic, research methods, result transformation, and teaching guidance. Finally, the “five-word method” that is “deep, practical, detailed, accurate, effective” can be adopted as a guide to further practical exploration and innovation.
Practical Landscape and Optimization of Digital Education Transformation in Ideological and Political Course
PAN Jianhong, LIU Ge
2024, 40(3): 47-52. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023100009
Abstract(627) HTML (104) PDF(30)
The ideological and political theory course is a key course to carry out the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people. We must seize the new opportunities brought by digital development and actively promote the profound integration of digital technology with ideological and political education. The digital education of ideological and political course can enrich the teaching content, advance the teaching method and optimize the educational environment. We should start from the school level, the teaching level and the teacher level to adjust the path of ideological and political course education, and address the realistic predicament of the transformation of the digital education of ideological and political course. As a result, the efficacy of ideological and political education can be enhanced.
Exploring the Practice Path of the Educational Function of University Laboratories under the Perspective of“Great Ideological and Political Education”
BAI Liang, MENG Zhaolei, ZHAO Yuxiao
2024, 40(3): 53-60. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023030117
Abstract(450) HTML (41) PDF(15)
University laboratory is an important battlefield for teaching and research, and it is responsible for the important tasks of talent cultivation, scientific innovation, and social services. Taking the “Great Ideological and Political Education” as the main background, this study explores the educational function of university laboratories, and analyzes the positive role of university laboratories in ideological and political education of university students, including the value positioning, practice difficulties, and realization paths of university laboratory education under the “Great Ideological and Political Education” perspective. Also, we strive to build a “big pattern” of collaborative education in which laboratories are integrated into “Great Ideological and Political Education”, and create a “big environment” that enhances the quality of laboratories. The laboratory can be integrated into the “big pattern” of “Great Ideological and Political Education” collaborative education, “big teachers” of high-level ideological and political education, and “big platform” working system of scientific research and practice education. This study will improve the level of laboratory education, enhance the awareness of innovative practice, and achieve comprehensive improvement of quality ability.
Functional Linguistics
The Construction of China’s National Image in News Reports on Poverty Alleviation in China Daily (2012—2022): A Transitivity-based Analysis
WANG Jinjun, LIU Jingfang
2024, 40(3): 61-69. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022110041
Abstract(819) HTML (49) PDF(22)
In 2021, China became the first developing country in the world to have achieved the poverty alleviation target of the Millennium Development Goals, which definitely provides China’s experience and solutions for the global poverty alleviation. Therefore, it is an important element of international communication to tell the stories of China’s poverty alleviation to the outside world and present a vivid national image of China. With the aid of the transitivity- and corpus-based approaches, this study conducts an exhaustive analysis of China Daily’s news reports on poverty alleviation during the ten years from 2012 to 2022 and explores China’s national image represented by China Daily’s poverty alleviation reports. It is found that the poverty alleviation reports fully demonstrate the tripartite collaboration among the Chinese government, enterprises and people in the fight against poverty, highlighting the overall government image, the image of socially responsible enterprises and the industrious people image.
On the Construction of China’s Poverty Governance Discourse for International Communication
TANG Qingye
2024, 40(3): 70-77. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022110042
Abstract(896) HTML (76) PDF(24)
China has won the victory in poverty alleviation, and its experience and wisdom have attracted extensive attention across the world. Eradicating poverty and improving people’s livelihood is the common goal of social governance of all governments, which is easy to resonate and identify with people all over the world. This creates a good opportunity to tell the story of China’s poverty alleviation and spread traditional Chinese culture and values. However, how to tell the stories of China’s poverty alleviation, and how to integrate these stories with the global political and academic discourse, and thus become a common discourse of all countries are important practical issues. This paper constructs the discourse system for international communication of China's poverty governance from the five levels such as symbolic mode, structural pattern, semantic content, context and ideology, so as to provide constructive suggestions for improving China’s discursive power in global poverty governance, capability of international communication and international image.
Discourse Representation of China’s Targeted Poverty Alleviation in African Media from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory
LIU Lihua, MENG Fanrong
2024, 40(3): 78-88. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022110039
Abstract(510) HTML (55) PDF(11)
Under the framework of appraisal theory, this study specifically examines discourse representation of China’s practice of targeted poverty alleviation in African mainstream media. It is found in this research that African media have an overall positive attitude toward China’s targeted poverty alleviation. Among the three types of attitude resources, judgment resources are mostly used, followed by appreciation attitudinal resources and affect resources. As for the affect resources, security/insecurity resources are the most numerous, and for judgment resources, social esteem resources far exceed social sanction resources. Among appreciation resources, valuation resources far exceed both reaction and composition. In terms of the appraiser, African media mainly express their own views and attitudes directly, but also borrow views from the Chinese government, the Chinese people, foreign experts and scholars, and other countries to support and supplement the point of view. As for the appraised, the Chinese government is the mostly appraised, followed by the evaluation of poverty alleviation measures, poverty alleviation achievements, and the Communist Party of China. In addition, the discourse of African media indicates a kind of appreciation and agreement of the spirit and ability of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese government and the Chinese people in fighting poverty, and a kind of recognition of the social value and achievements of the targeted poverty alleviation in their news reports.
Contingent Logic and Practical Orientation of Flexible Criminal Justice Governance in the Age of Misdemeanors
ZHOU Jie, HU Kun
2024, 40(3): 89-98. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023090120
Abstract(765) HTML (69) PDF(19)
In the era of misdemeanor, in the face of the new requirements of the modernization of social governance and the trend of misdemeanor in China’s current crime situation, the criminal justice response to crime has gradually shifted from focusing on ex post facto punishment and deterrence to focusing on ex ante prevention, multi-party collaboration, deepening the source of accurate governance, and multi-pronged measures combining the concepts of “punishment” and “governance”. The concept of combing “treatment” and “governance” has been transformed. “Effective management of crime in accordance with the law and the strengthening of judicial protection of human rights” are the core tasks of criminal justice management in China. In practice, new thinking and new measures have been demonstrated through the implementation of the policy of “fewer arrests, more cautious prosecutions and more prudent detentions” and the application of the policy of “leniency of guilty pleas and penalties” and “community corrections”. Although “community corrections” and other systems have shown new thinking and new behavior in criminal governance, there are also some problems that contradict the requirements of flexible criminal justice governance and need to be solved urgently. In order to respond positively to the people’s new expectations for fairness and justice and to accurately grasp the balance between the “protection of legal interests” and the “safeguarding of human rights” after a large number of misdemeanors have been criminalized, the administration of criminal justice must explicitly take the “people-oriented” approach as the fundamental principle of crime governance. Criminal justice must clearly take “people-centered” as the fundamental value crime governance, and the concept of “leniency, prudence and moderation” throughout the whole process of crime governance.
Exploring the Personal Information Protection from the Perspective of Prosecutorial Public Interest Litigation
LIU Jinlin
2024, 40(3): 99-108. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023090022
Abstract(799) HTML (74) PDF(20)
The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Personal Information clarifies the system of public interest litigation for the protection of personal information. Procuratorial authorities in the handling of public interest litigation cases related to personal information protection, face difficulties in pre-litigation handling problems, as well as issues related to the legal basis for prosecution, the definition of the connotation of “social public interest” in prosecution standards, and the order of prosecution subjects. The subjective reasons for the above-mentioned difficulties are twofold: firstly, failure to adjust concepts in a timely manner and insufficient utilization of external forces, and secondly, the need to improve one’s own abilities and insufficient initiative in fulfilling duties. The objective reasons mainly include careless legislation and the particularity of public interest litigation. To solve the above difficulties, procuratorial authorities should pay attention to the power of public security organs, courts, and other administrative organs to obtain evidence. The procuratorial authorities cannot file administrative public interest litigation in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, but can only file civil public interest litigation and file administrative public interest litigation in accordance with Article 25 (4) of the Administrative Litigation Law. The procuratorial authorities should not be the subject of post litigation for consumer organizations or other organizations. If the procuratorial authorities can file both civil public interest litigation and administrative public interest litigation, then it generally chooses administrative public interest litigation first. For property damage compensation, it is recommended to explore the application of legal compensation standards. The amount of compensation for moral damages should take into account the nature of the infringer’s fault and its degree, the motivation, means or ways of the infringing behavior, and the privacy of personal information.
“Polarization” of Digital Employment and Research Developments
GAO Xiujuan
2024, 40(3): 109-116. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023070052
Abstract(859) HTML (52) PDF(9)
The phenomenon of “polarization” in digital employment is widespread around the world. The employment of high- and low-skilled labor increases and the employment of middle-skilled labor decreases, which leads to the controversy between the views of “machine-replacement” and “machine-created employment”. The academic community has come to different conclusions on this issue, and has not revealed the full picture of the "polarization" mechanism. This paper presents the research developments and frontiers of relate issues by comprehensively combing and analyzing the domestic and international literature, draws on the existing research experience, and condenses the mechanism and formation path behind the “polarization”, which is used to analyze the current situation of employment and income polarization in China. This paper proposes a framework model of factor market and product market in employment, in which the product market plays the role of inducing the labor demand, and the factor market builds the traditional three-factor model of digital technology and “information-labor-capital”, and introduces the “technology-data-factor” model. The role of technology in information generates information monopoly and information asymmetry, which includes high-skilled workers in the labor market and excludes low-skilled workers from the market. Besides, the role of technology in labor directly generates employment polarization, which is manifested in the total effect of creating and destroying labor and employment. Additionally, the role of technology in capital determines the negotiation power of labor and capital in how to distribute the income created by the two. Data factors are dependent on digital labor, which is easy to form the “unipolar” result of “strengthened” high-skilled labor and “weakened” middle- and low-skilled digital labor. Finally, the magnitude of employment polarization depends on the result of the joint game between traditional factors, digital factors and product markets.
Ethical Issues and Governance of Global Carbon Trading
ZOU Haigui, HUANG Cuiping
2024, 40(3): 117-124. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023080023
Abstract(806) HTML (68) PDF(16)
Carbon trading uses market-based means to reduce and control carbon emissions, which is an effective way to promote global climate governance and realize low-carbon globalization. Global carbon trading has profound ethical implications, and shoulders the noble mission of achieving global carbon neutrality, promoting green and sustainable development, and enhancing the awareness of ecological ethics. Due to subjective and objective reasons such as the lack of core value orientation and value consensus in global carbon trading, the alienation of ethical relationship among carbon trading subjects and the deviation of value orientation of the subjects, as well as the internal defects of carbon trading system, there are ethical problems such as insufficient participation of the subjects in the current global carbon trading, irrational allocation of carbon quotas, and prominent risks of abuse in the carbon market. Thus the world is faced with the global ethical dilemmas such as evading carbon responsibility, violating carbon justice and lacking carbon credit. The governance of the ethical issues of global carbon trading should follow the principles of ecological collectivism, common but differentiated responsibilities, distributive justice and the unity of mandatory and conscious trading. Furthermore, it is recommended to establish a globally unified multilateral synergistic and linkage system of carbon trading, improve the relevant laws and regulations of global carbon trading based on international law, and create a global ecological ethical culture of low-carbon development and low-carbon life.