2023 Vol. 39, No. 4

Party Construction, Ideology and Politics
Triple Generation Logic of “Chinese Path to Modernization”
ZHENG Shipeng, DU Ying
2023, 39(4): 377-383. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022120023
Abstract(320) HTML (147) PDF(48)
“Chinese path to modernization” is a scientific judgment made by the Communist Party of China to answer the question of “what kind of socialist modern power to build and how to build a modern socialist power”. Its formation has profound theoretical, historical and realistic logical significance. As for the theoretical logic, its formation is inherent in the Marxist modernization theory. As for the historical logic, its formation is inevitably proved by the experience of the CPC’s practice in the past 100 years. As for the realistic logic, its formation is the realistic direction of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Grasping the triple generation logic helps to deeply understand the scientific theoretical implications and great strategic significance of “Chinese path to modernization”.
Exploring the History of Technological Science in Marx’s London Notebooks and Its Theoretical Significance
ZHANG Fugong
2023, 39(4): 384-393. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023040015
Abstract(445) HTML (220) PDF(27)
During the London Notebooks, reflections on the practical relationship between technological science and communism and the attention given to the First World Industrial Exposition held in London in 1851 largely formed the immediate practical background to Marx’s turn to the study of the history of technological science. Through his study of the works of Poppe, Ure, Beckmann and others, Marx grasped in a holistic way the changes in modes of production as the basis of the historical development of human society and the resulting changes in social relations and social consciousness. This not only reaffirmed the scientific validity of the historical materialist worldview, but also provided the most important theoretical support for Marx’s further comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the historical origins and inner mechanisms of the capitalist mode of production. In this sense, technological science constitutes a fundamental theoretical resource for Marx to deepen his critique of political economy and historical materialism. Based on the texts of the notebooks and the context of the intellectual history, rediscovering the profound implications and contemporary value of Marx’s philosophy of science and technology in the context of historical materialism is an important inspiration for us to accurately grasp the spirit of the time and the historical orientation of the present age of intelligence, and to deeply promote scientific and technological innovation in the new era.
Connotation Interpretation and Value Demonstration of the Chinese Road in the Commemorative Text of the Founding of the Party Newspaper
DU Yanli
2023, 39(4): 394-403. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022090022
Abstract(329) HTML (152) PDF(17)
Adhering to the Chinese road is one of the historical experience in the centennial struggle of the Communist Party of China (CPC) . As the “mouthpiece” of the Party, the Party newspaper has published rich contents about Chinese road in the commemorative texts about the founding of the Party. Interpreting the guiding ideology of Marxism can reveal the scientificity of Chinese road, and recording the actual situation and special connotation of Chinese roads in different periods can reveal the historical inevitability of the formation of Chinese roads. In writing construction, the commemorative text of the founding of the Party newspaper roughly follows the logic of “reviewing the historical process-highlighting historical contributions-summarizing historical experience”. It aims to achieve the reporting efficiency that reflects the difficulty of the struggle road, emphasizes the correctness of the choice road , and highlights the superiority of the Chinese road, which can accentuate the rationality and value of Chinese road. It is not only the theoretical need to deepen the understanding of the historical experience of adhering to Chinese road, but also the practical need to strengthen people’s road confidence in the new era to visit Chinese road from the commemorative text of the founding of the Party newspaper.
Higher Education Studies
Status analysis and Promotion Strategies of Teaching Reform at Universities-A Survey Based on Front-line Teachers
LI Hong
2023, 39(4): 404-412. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022110003
Abstract(1026) HTML (609) PDF(50)
The modernization of Chinese education requires high quality and high-level higher education. The university teaching reform is a key link to achieve this goal. This study adopts the synergic method of questionnaire survey and in-depth interview to investigate the reality of the university teaching reform from the perspective of front-line teacher. The results indicate that there is a big distance between teachers’ implementation of teaching reform and the advocacy policy. Besides, the academic value of teaching reform are generally ignored, and have not been considered so important as academic research. There is a mismatch between the evaluation of teaching work and the participation in teaching reform. Moreover, a general cognitive bias still exists in teachers’ conception of teaching reform due to the relevant policies and their personal research interests. Therefore, teachers’ awareness and willingness to participate in teaching reform are generally low. The following suggestions are made for university teachers’ participation in undergraduate teaching reform. First, it is urgent to create a culture of highlighting teaching reform and respecting teachers’ dedication to talent cultivation. Second, it is significant to implement the recognition mechanism of teaching reform in the promotion of professional title. Third, it is essential to strengthen the incentives for teachers’ participation in teaching reform. Fourth, it is indispensable to improve the management function and build a platform for communication and learning. Fifth, it is important to transform the paradigm and let teachers establish student-oriented education.
Investigating Basic Prospect and Hot Frontier of Research on High-quality Development of Higher Education-Bibliometric Analysis of Papers Published in Core Journals since the 18th PCP National Congress
MA Haoling, YANG Shuping
2023, 39(4): 413-423. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022120016
Abstract(407) HTML (215) PDF(27)
Promoting the high-quality development of higher education is an essential part of building a high-quality education system. From the perspective of bibliometrics, this study conducts a systematic analysis on the basic prospect and hot frontiers of research in the field of high-quality development of higher education since the 18th PCP National Congress based on 1060 PKU core and CSSCI journals collected in CNKI database since 2013. By using metrological analysis software, the research finds that the number of research documents in the field of high-quality development of higher education shows a trend of “relatively flat in the early stage and sharply increasing in the later stage”, forming a core group of authors with good structure and complete echelon, but the cooperation among authors is generally loose. Normal universities and comprehensive universities in Beijing, Jiangsu and other places are the main force and think-tanks to lead and promot research in this field. Higher education journals and ideological and political education journals such as China Higher Education are the main platforms for publishing achievements in this field. The research focus in this field can be represented in the concept and connotation, the significance, the promotion strategy, and the experience and enlightenment of high-quality development of higher education. Moreover, the frontier trends can be embodied in the related topics around supply side reform, applied undergraduate, first-class undergraduate education, local universities, and the construction of “double first-class”. The present study suggests that scholars should enhance their awareness of problems, break through the speculative paradigm, and strengthen interdisciplinary and inter institutional interaction in future.
Exploring the Practice Path of higher Education Development in Xinjiang Linked by “Assistance to Xinjiang and Co-construction”
QIAN Dayi, MA Hongzhi, FENG Dan
2023, 39(4): 424-430. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022100049
Abstract(475) HTML (184) PDF(30)
Counterpart aid to Xinjiang is a major strategic measure of the CPC Central Committee. Education aid to Xinjiang is an important part of aid to Xinjiang, as well as an important support for cultural embellishment and prosperity of Xinjiang. This paper discusses in-depth the effective ways of aid to Xinjiang by summarizing the history and great historical significance of higher education aid to Xinjiang in the new era, and analyzing the main factors restricting the development of higher education in Xinjiang. . According to the actual needs of Yili Normal University, measures are taken to ensure the implementation of the Party building as the guide, and actualize the joint construction of grassroots branches. A range of effective primary-level measures in Party building, teaching, scientific research, and talent training are also adopted to “aid Xinjiang co-construction” as the link, implement the joint education of undergraduates, promote the simultaneous cultivation of young teachers as the means, and expand the effective ways to improve the teaching ability of young teachers. They have achieved positive results and been affirmed by the recipient universities.
Functional Linguistics
Reconsideration of the Taxis between Clauses within the Framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics
2023, 39(4): 431-437. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023030024
Abstract(316) HTML (257) PDF(16)
In the field of Systemic Functional Linguistics, current researches of the taxis between clauses have been mainly based on the Sydney Model. It is argued in this paper that due to the contradictions between the doctrines of the strong rank scale hypothesis assumed by the Sydney Model, the classifications of the clause types are problematic. By comparison, the weak rank scale hypothesis proposed in the Cardiff Model is more reasonable and the descriptions of the clause types are more systematic and comprehensive. As to the overall tactic relations of language, this paper agrees with the Cardiff Model that there are two types – embedding and paratactic. Furthermore, it is demonstrated in this paper that due to the restraints of semantic configuration roles, finiteness, and logic-semantic relations, all the embedded clauses form a continuum with those characterized by the stronger embedding power and those characterized by the weaker power as two poles. Meanwhile, all the coordinate clauses form a similar continuum with those featured by the closer logic-semantic relation and those featured by the looser relation as two poles.
A Systemic Functional Linguistic Re-interpretation of Modality Types
CHANG Chenguang, LI Meizi
2023, 39(4): 438-445. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023030128
Abstract(932) HTML (260) PDF(47)
In SFL, modality refers to the semantic space between positive and negative poles, and it is regarded as an important interpersonal resource. However, there are still problems with the systemic functional description of the modality system. For example, the classification of the modality system manifests simplicity and vagueness; discussions of subjectivity and objectivity of modality appear contradictory; and the metafunctional diversity of the modality system is ignored. The ambiguity of the theory and system leads to inconsistent typological accounts of modality. In resolving these problems, we contribute to a better understanding of modality, thereby providing an integrated typological framework for its description. The study finds that modality can be categorized into three major types based on two parameters. There are three different meanings given to the term “subjectivity”, and Halliday’s account of subjective and objective modality assumes speaker’s involvement and reflects varying levels of commitment on the part of the speaker. The differences between modality types and their distinction in terms of subjectivity and objectivity are gradual rather than categorical. They form a continuum along the cline of interpersonal and ideational metafunction.
On the Asymmetry of Antonyms Good and Bad from Another Perspective-A Corpus-Based Behavioral Profile Analysis
2023, 39(4): 446-456. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022070058
Abstract(439) HTML (238) PDF(28)
Most previous studies on “good/bad” are qualitative while corpus-based quantitative studies are rare. The present study investigates the asymmetry between “good/bad” in terms of semantic and usage feature using a corpus-based behavioral profile analysis. A hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis and correspond analysis were performed. The results are as the following: 1) the asymmetry between good/bad is reflected in the semantic extension: the literal meaning of “good” extends to temper, character, degree or range, idea and behavior, while that of “bad” extends to temper, feeing, state, language, behavior and character. 2) the asymmetry between extended meanings of “good” and “bad” is influenced by two factors: head nouns modified by “good/bad”, subjects of clause, while the rest two factors, morphological and polarity features, are only the one of reasons causing differences between literal and extending meanings. In addition, the tense has nothing to do with asymmetry. Combining cluster analysis with correspond analysis, this study provides a new path for the study of antonym asymmetry and further demonstrates the applicability of this empirical method, meanwhile gives support for relevant research of teaching application.
History of Science and Technology
On the Demand and Construction Method of Thesaurus of Ancient Chinese Musical Instrument Relics
HUANG Mingyu, FU Hua, WANG Xianguo
2023, 39(4): 457-465. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2023030023
Abstract(278) HTML (156) PDF(21)
Ancient musical instrument artifacts are important carriers of Chinese history and cultural heritage, and are the physical witness of the development of China’s ancient musical civilization. This paper reviews the classification methods of traditional musical instruments from studies on musical instruments and cultural heritage, and examines the retrieval results and the presentation of musical artifacts in domestic and international museums. The paper further analyses the reference of musical instrument classification in GRI’s Art and Architecture Thesaurus, and discusses the ideas and methods for constructing the Chinese ancient musical instrument thesaurus based on references and relevant authoritative literature of the musical instrumental artifacts , so as to facilitate the discovery, retrieval and utilization of musical instrument artifacts’ information.
Localization of the Portability Right of Personal Health Data
LIN Jing, LIAN Yuting
2023, 39(4): 466-474. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022100087
Abstract(304) HTML (127) PDF(33)
The formulation of data portability right originated from the 2016 General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union. In order to protect the rights of data source and share the data resources in the field of health and medical care, it is necessary to establish the personal health data portability right in China. However, the creation of this right faces legislative, judicial and data security obstacles. Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China stipulates the personal information portability right for the first time in Article 45(3). However, the provision only stipulates the principle, and leaves room for interpreting its application to personal health and medical data. Despite differences between information and data in content and form, it is reasonable and feasible to classify personal medical data as the object of portability. Therefore, the study suggests to refer to the provisions on the personal information portability right in Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China. Moreover, it should clarify the conditions for exercising the portability right of personal health and medical data and the obligations of guaranteeing health and medical data security through departmental rules and judicial interpretations. In this way, the establishment and protection of the portability right of personal health and medical data can be promoted.
Research on the Effect of Altruistic Legal Acts
YANG Qi, GU Mingan
2023, 39(4): 475-485. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022090069
Abstract(302) HTML (131) PDF(26)
The effect of an altruistic legal act does not require the consent of the beneficiary as it is an act of exerting benefits for others. This effect is called the effect of altruistic legal acts involving others. In this study, three specific altruistic legal acts (i.e., third-party benefit contract, debt joining, and debt relief) are selected for analyzing the legal relationship. It indicates that there are two main types of altruistic legal acts: contractual altruism and unilateral altruism. On the basis of classification, it further discusses the validity foundation of the two types of altruistic legal acts, and then constructs the basic theory for the validity of altruistic legal acts.
Interpreting the Independence of Real Right Act in the Civil Code-Based on the Independent Expression Form of Real Right Act in Foreign Legislation
ZHU Zufei, KANG Ming
2023, 39(4): 486-500. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022100050
Abstract(628) HTML (189) PDF(54)
The real right of Civil Code should admit independent behavior of real right for simplifying theory, maintaining consistent system, and thinking economy. The independence expression form of the real right action is the independence expression of real right meaning. Throughout the foreign legislation, the expressions of real right meaning are diversified, but all need to be made in legal form. This provides a useful explanation method for the independent existence of real right behaviors in the compilation of real right in the Civil Code of our country. “Civil Code” property rights adopt a variety of real right change modes. From the perspective of explanation theory, the performances of property rights of the Civil Code are also diversified. For instance, in “effective publication” real right change mode, the independent property rights agreement between the parties are embodied in actor “delivery” and “registration” performance. In “public antagonism” real right change mode, the parties ‘independent agreement on real right will be objectified in the form of written contract, and it exists in the same contract text as the parties’ agreement on creditor’s right.
Analysis of the Function Mechanism of Digital Agriculture in the Perspective of Rural Revitalization-Empirical Analysis Based on 28 Provincial Panel Data in Chinese Mainland
2023, 39(4): 501-512. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022090024
Abstract(339) HTML (154) PDF(37)
Agricultural and rural modernization is the general goal of Rural Revitalization Strategy, and mathematical countryside is the strategic direction of Rural Revitalization. At present, the transformation of agricultural digitalization is advancing rapidly. How will agricultural digitalization promote the development of agricultural modernization? Based on the current situation of China’s agricultural development and existing research, this paper puts forward that China’s agricultural modernization should focus on improving the degree of large-scale operation, agricultural production efficiency and farmers’ income, and establishes a regression model based on 28 provincial panel data in Chinese Mainland from 2015 to 2019 to verify the role of agricultural digitization in promoting agricultural modernization. The results show that agricultural digitalization can promote the scale of agriculture, improve agricultural production efficiency and farmers’ income, so as to promote China's agricultural modernization. Based on the above research conclusions, this paper puts forward policy suggestions: first, pay attention to the infrastructure construction of agricultural digitization, strengthen agricultural condition monitoring and promote the circulation of agricultural information; Second, promote the use of digital technology in land circulation and agricultural production. Third, focus on cultivating rural e-commerce, strengthen cooperation with advanced e-commerce enterprises, and give full play to the role of rural e-commerce in agricultural sales, increasing farmers’ income and land transfer.
Investigating the Influencing Factors and Paths of the Development of Science Societies in China — Qualitative Comparative Analysis Based on Fuzzy Sets on 30 Cases
TANG Delong, WEI Zhen, HU Chunhua
2023, 39(4): 513-522. doi: 10.19979/j.cnki.issn10082689.2022100080
Abstract(349) HTML (189) PDF(37)
High-performance development of science societies could help achieve the self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology, promote deep participation in global science and technology governance, and facilitate the building of an innovative nation. To investigate the combinations of conditions affecting the development of science societies, this study uses fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to empirically analyze 30 science societies under the umbrella of the China Association for Science and Technology. It reveals that discipline type, organization size, secretary general’s tenure, and the number of full-time staff were the dominant condition variables for the development of science societies, with the historical accumulation as the auxiliary condition variable. Besides, the influence of the affiliations and the director’s leadership on science and technology societies differentiate. At the same time, the development of different science societies is further analyzed in depth to show the different paths of the development of science societies in China.