2019 Vol. 35, No. 6

Ecological Analysis of Popular Science Articles on Artificial Intelligence
JIANG Ting, YANG Yin-hua
2019, 35(6): 1-9.
Abstract(333) PDF(15)
Under the background of increasingly prominent environmental problems,ecological discourse analysis provides a new way for language researchers to analyze the ecology of discourse. Its research objects include both environmental and nonenvironmental texts to guide people to think and act ecologically. Popular science articles on artificial intelligence,as non-environmental ones,communicate new advancements of AI to people in innovative and interesting discourses;meanwhile,they also reflect editorialists' linguistic ecological view. To reveal the ecological orientation of this kind of discourse,the author,combining the theory of SFL with Eco-linguistics,analyzes both superficially and deeply 20 English popular science articles on AI from the perspective of transitivity system. The research shows that,from the surface layer,this kind of text mainly takes the social place as the participant agent,and uses lots of material process clauses and relatively numerous relational process clauses to realize the semantic function of popularizing AI knowledge to readers. From the deep light,the writer's ecological orientation is mainly characterized by ecological ambiguity and ecological protection,which results from the ecological view of science and technology held by science community.
A Functional Approach to “Rang” in Modern Chinese
XIANG Da-jun
2019, 35(6): 10-17.
Abstract(478) PDF(14)
The multiple meanings of Rang in modern Chinese have been one of the main concerns among scholars. Two functions of Rang,that is,verb function and prepositional function,have been identified in the literature. Within this traditional approach,many practical problems concerning the usage of Rang have been left unsolved. This paper explores the meaning and syntactic functions of Rang from the Cardiff Grammar perspective,a model of Systemic Functional Grammar. The study shows that there are three functions of Rang in modern Chinese: verb function,prepositional function and “Let” element function.When Rang is used as a verb,it expounds the Predicator of a clause,which realizes process meaning;the causative usage of Rang should also be treated as a verb rather than a preposition. When it is used as a preposition,the function of Rang is to introduce the Agent of the process,which together with the following nominal group should expound the clause element of Complement rather than Adjunct syntactically. When it is used as “Let” element of a clause,it is only a mood marker,which has no experiential meaning.
Variation in Translating the Confucian Lun Yu into English
2019, 35(6): 18-25.
Abstract(464) PDF(15)
The research attempts to analyze four translated texts within the Systemic Functional Linguistics framework with the aim of studying variation. Some of the findings of the present study is that there do exist translational variation at the macro strategic level and that at the micro operational level;what's more,Systemic Functional Linguistics,especially the functional syntax analysis plays the role of showing how meanings are expressed and translation variation theory helps us to understand translational variation.
Tenor of Discourse in Translation: Classification and Attributes
ZHANG Jiao, GAO Sheng-wen
2019, 35(6): 26-33.
Abstract(609) PDF(20)
Tenor of discourse is about the participants of verbal communication. This paper explores tenor of discourse in translation,including its classification and attributes. The paper proposes that tenor of discourse in translation falls into two categories: macro tenor of discourse and micro tenor of discourse. The former can be divided into overt tenor of discourse and covert tenor of discourse. From different perspectives,the latter can be categorized into tenor of double participants and tenor of multiparticipants,and tenor with embedding and tenor without embedding. Tenor with embedding can be further classified into embedding tenor and embedded tenor. In addition,the paper argues that compared with inter-subjectivity of translation,tenor of discourse has three attributes: dependency on discourse,correspondence of participants and reality of participants' relationship.
A Contrastive Study of Employment of Engagement Resources between Chinese and English Scientific Research Articles
2019, 35(6): 34-41.
Abstract(350) PDF(11)
Based on engagement system in appraisal theory,this paper makes a contrastive analysis of English and Chinese scientific research articles,in the hoping of providing new insights into the contrastive studies on English and Chinese scientific discourses,as well as giving some guide to the teaching of academic English writing. Through the quantitative analysis of 60 English and Chinese scientific research articles,the present study finds that engagement resources are distributed unevenly both in the each part of English and Chinese scientific research articles and there are similarities as well as differences between the two kinds of texts. It is also found that the types of engagement resources are used in different frequencies both in English and Chinese scientific research articles. These differences are related to the different ways of thinking.
The Influence of Dong-chuan Science on Kang Youwei's Study of Modern Literature and Classics
LIU Xing
2019, 35(6): 42-48.
Abstract(284) PDF(11)
For more than half a century,Kang Youwei was the most advanced Chinese who constantly drew wisdom from the west and pursued cultural innovation,system construction and political reform. At the same time,he also represented a group of literati and officials who tried to change the destiny of China to learn new knowledge from the west. Kang Youwei's Deology of New Text Confucianism is not so much a transplanting of western natural science and social science as a modern model of the development of Chinese traditional Confucianism under the influence of western science. Dong-chuan science had an important influence on the formation of the modern literature and classics system that Kang Youwei showed.
“Good Citizen” of Hongming Gu and “Gentleman” of Elias—A Comparative Study of Typical Images between China and the West
XIAO Fei-yan
2019, 35(6): 49-57.
Abstract(433) PDF(7)
“Good citizen” and “gentleman” created respectively by Ku Hongming and Elias represent symbolic individuals nurtured by Chinese and Western Civilization. Positioned in a nation of “moralism” and molded by Confucian “Religion of State”,the former is gentle and ingenuous with peaceful mind and loving heart,who lives as he wishes. Situated in a more tightened and expanded network of interpersonal relationship,the latter behaves with decorum and caution,arising from more acute shame and embarrassment and more intense psychological “self-compulsion” provoked by a deep-felt sense of fright.“Good Citizen” is fruition of morality and nature;“gentleman” is crystallization of economic relationship,outcome of human conquest of nature. Therefore,Ku Hongming and Elias set out from distinctive theoretical grounding,and erect these two images as “the other” for each other. However,characterization of “good citizen” and “gentleman” attaches great importance to emotion and sentiment,to family education,and to individual associated with society,which are their commonality.
A Comparative Study of Financial Agglomeration and Industrial Agglomeration in China's Ten Largest Urban Agglomerations
CHEN Jing-sen, GAO Ming
2019, 35(6): 58-73.
Abstract(373) PDF(15)
The coordinated development of financial agglomeration and industrial agglomeration provides significant and theoretical value for promoting regional economic construction and urbanization processes. In this study,we analyze China's ten largest urban agglomerations as the research object,looking at the construction of the level evaluation index system and the division standard of coordinated development of financial agglomeration and industrial agglomeration. Next we apply the entropy method,agglomeration capacity rating model,and coupling coordination degree model to measure the financial agglomeration capacity,industrial agglomeration capacity,and coupling coordination degree of China's ten largest urban agglomerations and their cities.At the same time,we use ArcGIS software to show their coordinated development in space. The results show that the spatial pattern of “low in the middle,high around” appears in the coupling co scheduling of China's ten largest urban agglomerations,and the higher the level of economic development is,the higher the coupling co scheduling is. There are great differences in the coupling and coordination degrees between urban agglomerations and specific cities in urban agglomerations. Even for urban agglomerations with agglomeration effect,the internal cities generally show “leadership follow-up” development,which is specifically reflected in the developed cities driving the less developed areas to achieve high-quality economic growth. The coordinated development of cities included in urban agglomeration is not synchronous. The role of financial agglomeration effect and industrial agglomeration effect in different cities is not consistent. The larger the proportion of the secondary industry is,the more obvious the industrial agglomeration effect is.
Social Prosperity and Political Decline—A Study on Arendt's Criticism of Modernity in the Social Sphere
PANG Nan, YE Ying
2019, 35(6): 74-79.
Abstract(301) PDF(11)
In view of the dilemma of modernity caused by political decline,this paper studies Arendt's critical thoughts on the social sphere and makes an important supplement and improvement to the negative political consequences of the rise of the social sphere. Through a systematic study of the political hazards in the social sphere,this paper finds that Arendt's division of private sphere,social sphere and public sphere is not only an important framework for her criticism of modernity,but also an important theoretical tool for us to understand political modernity. The invasion of the social sphere into the political sphere brings the inevitability of domestic management in the private sphere into the free political sphere,which then leads to the rise of bourgeois,the decline of citizens and the decline of politics in human activities. In the face of the erosion of politics and people caused by the social sphere,it is necessary for us to re-examine the positive significance of public politics to the realization of the meaning of life.
The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Politics in the Communist Manifesto
BAO Da-wei
2019, 35(6): 80-87.
Abstract(290) PDF(13)
In the Communist Manifesto,politics is an attributive word to describe the historical factors,including ruling,constitution,movement and struggle. The politics in the Manifesto is also a dynamic word,which is defined by different economic bases. Therefore the Manifesto not only criticizes the politics,law and morality as absolute truth,but also realizes the disenchantment on the enlightenment concept of politics,which actually concealed the class attribute of politics. The deconstruction of idealist concepts of politics in the Manifesto provided the possible path for the reconstruction of public politics in a post-class society,namely the communist society. When the capitalist political/class ruling has developed with advanced technologies and abundant historical experience,the critique upon idealist political theories promoted by the Manifesto has to face unprecedented challenges. However,due to the surplus crisis caused by globalization and robotic production,as well as the open discourse in the cyber space,the class consciousness may develop in the new historical context,which will push the political practice expected by the Manifesto into a new era.
Looking and Questioning Closely on the Historical Origin of the Phenomenon of the Envelopment of Domains of Society in the Chinese Public Administrative System before the Transition
WANG Zhi-yong
2019, 35(6): 88-95.
Abstract(318) PDF(13)
It is a prominent phenomenon that the region of private life was overspreaded in public administration system before transition. At that time person's private life was almost hidden in the state governance system. Exploring the historical origin of the phenomenon,the paper thinks the background characteristic of times lies in elimination and disenchantment of supernatural charm of the China traditional patriarchal society;and the logical source lies in the coupling between the western enlightenment discourse and the Chinese survival since the opium war. On the basis,the revolutionary discourse had been dominant on the development and operation of Chinese society until the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Committee of CPC. And so much,the people's private space was enveloped in the public administration.
Comparison and Comments on Illegal Confessions
ZHAO Fei-long
2019, 35(6): 96-102.
Abstract(400) PDF(20)
Although various countries have established the exclusion rules of illegal confession,there are many differences.This paper adopts the method of difference selection and specific interpretation in comparative law to compare the exclusion rules of illegal confession in the legislation and practice of various countries. By deconstructing the exclusion rule of illegal confession,this paper analyzes and comments the connotation,extension,identification of the subject of illegal confession,identification of illegal confession and its proof. The definition of illegal confession in China has not yet included the criterion of arbitrariness. The identification of illegal confession subjects does not take “causal relationship” as a consideration factor,and the identification of illegal confession also does not pay enough attention to the mental torture suffered by criminal suspects. Proof of the legality of an confession has not yet made it clear that the standard of proof provided by the defense is sufficient to cause a judge to doubt.
Literature and Arts
A Study on the Narrativity of Landscape Poetry in Song Dynasty—Taking Mei Yaochen as an Example
PAN Lian-yu, MA Jin-shui
2019, 35(6): 103-113.
Abstract(406) PDF(12)
The development of Chinese classical landscape poetry contains a clear narrative clue,especially after entering the Song Dynasty,the narrativity of landscape poetry has been fully established. In the Song Dynasty,the three narrative representations of event process,natural plot,and logical thinking were given full attention. Mei Yaochen,the founder of the Song poetry,is an important poet who promoted the narrative progress of landscape poetry after its entry into the Song Dynasty. His landscape poetry embodies distinct narrative factors in the aspects of title and preface,structural organization,time order and time span,and prose trend. This writing is a typical example of the narrative development of Landscape Poetry in the Song Dynasty.