2019 Vol. 35, No. 3

Display Method:
Translation ofThe Great Gatsby in China from the Perspective of Sociology
QIAN Duo-xiu, LI Yu
2019, 35(3): 1-6.
Abstract(1043) PDF(48)
The Great Gatsby,one of the representative works of Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald,has been translated into Chinese since over 60 years ago.Based on Pierre Bourdieu's sociology,this paper studies the translation ofThe Great Gatsby in China in terms of three major concepts: field,capital and habitus.The similarities and differences of Chinese versions in different time periods and regions and by different translators are discussed to interpret three phenomena and further reveal the implied social factors.
The Analysis of the Construction××Hua from the Perspective of Cognitive Grammar
ZHANG Yuan, WANG Chen-yang
2019, 35(3): 7-13.
Abstract(400) PDF(13)
××Hua is a lexicalized construction in Chinese.Based on the description of the grammatical features of this construction,the present study explores the cognitive mechanism of integration between××andHua from the perspective of cognitive grammar.It has been found that there is a certain extent of conceptual overlap between××andHua,which constitutes the prerequisite for the reasonable semantics of the construction.The cognitive mechanism of integration varies with××being an adjective,a noun or a verb,so that the construction is polysemous.From an internal perspective of the construction,the cognitive nature of the varieties of the construction is always related to the sequential scanning.Under this construal way,the changing process of the trajecor of××becomes prominent.From an external perspective of the construction,××Hua,as a whole,functions as different word classes.
Shining-through in Translated Passive Voice: A Corpus-based Study on Yu Kwang-chung's Translation
ZHAO Qiu-rong, MA Xin-yi
2019, 35(3): 14-19.
Abstract(333) PDF(15)
As a translator and writer,Yu Kwang-chung strongly opposed “translationese” and “over-Europeanization”.Whether can these perspectives be displayed in his translation works? Based on parallel corpus of English originalsLust for Life andThe Old Man and the Sea and their Chinese versions translated by Yu Kwang-chung and other translators,this paper analyses passive constructions to observe SL shining through in different translated versions.The study finds that influenced by shining-through of the source texts,the frequencies of passive expressions with “bei”,ambiguous meaning and amplification are higher in corresponding translations;passive markers in Yu's versions are more reasonable and are closer to original Chinese in both frequency and expression.Specifically,in Yu's works,the frequency of “bei” is lower than that of others',showing that shining-through leaves a slighter impact on his translation for he follows his own outlook of translation and thus forms a unique translator's style.
Study of Readability ofAlice's Adventures in Wonderland and Its Eight Adaptations: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspective of Reference
2019, 35(3): 20-29.
Abstract(397) PDF(13)
Based on systemic functional linguistics,the present study analyzes what influence the grammatically cohesive resources of reference have on readability,and probes into variation of the readability of an excerpt from the novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its eight adapted versions.As an extension of Lassen's and Huang and Liu's readability researches in light of Halliday's notion of grammatical complexity,this study proposes several indexes of readability related to certain dimensions of reference.In line with each index,readability of the original and adapted versions has been figured out.From the analysis no uniform readability rankings have been founded.This study serves as an approach to readability from the grammatical end of lexicogrammar to meaning.
Multiple Integration and Theory Innovation of Language Research: Review of the Second High-End Forum on the Integration and Development of(Functional)Linguistics(I)
WANG Lian-zhu
2019, 35(3): 30-35.
Abstract(295) PDF(11)
This paper introduces the Second High-End Forum on the Integration and Development of(Functional) Linguistics held at Beijing Foreign Studies University on April 13-14,2019.6 keynote speakers of 12 in all are invited to discuss issues about “language research and human sciences,social sciences and natural sciences” and “mutual integration and referencing among branches and schools of linguistics”,with the aim of exploring innovative development of language research.The holding of the Forum answers the call of interdisciplinary,cross-disciplinary and transdisciplinary development at present,and helps language research and theory innovation move toward multiple integration.
Multiple Integration and All-sided Development of Functional Linguistics: Review of the Second High-End Forum on the Integration and Development of(Functional)Linguistics(II)
2019, 35(3): 36-41.
Abstract(280) PDF(12)
The Second High-End Forum on the Integration and Development of(Functional) Linguistics was held at Beijing Foreign Studies University on April 13-14,2019.Around the topic of the integration and development of functional linguistics,6 keynote speakers of 12 in all were invited to discuss issues about “the integration among the functional linguistics and other disciplines and schools of linguistics” and “the integration among the different modes in functional linguistics”.The holding of the Forum has built the platform for the communication between the Chinese research and the English research,between experts and young scholars,and it also has provided new thoughts,new perspectives and new orientations for the all-sided development of functional linguistics.
Anaphoric References in Narrative Discourse on Children with Autism
CHENG Yan-hua, HU Yue-chan
2019, 35(3): 42-48.
Abstract(465) PDF(16)
This study compared the elicited narration of children with autism and the typically developing control group.We focused on the use of referential expressions in terms of introducing and tracking the story character during a story-retelling task.Results revealed significant differences in the referential choices between two groups:children with autism used far more definite references to introduce a character in the story,and they also tended to produce more zero references even when the characters were unspecified with respect to their discourse contexts.Moreover,in contrast to the anaphoric linking used by typically developing children,autism still relied upon the deictic references more often.
Media Literacy Education Based on Multiliteracies Theory
HAN Ying
2019, 35(3): 49-55.
Abstract(442) PDF(15)
Media education plays a significant role in new media era.An action research was carried out in college English course to explore the methods and effectiveness of media literacy education based on multiliteracies theory.In the study,multiple sources of data were collected and quantitative as well as qualitative analyses were conducted.In terms of effectiveness,data analyses showed that media literacy education based on multiliteracies theory could improve students'ability of media analysis,media evaluation and media production.Besides,it could raise students'awareness of cultural diversity and improve their sensitivity to genre.However,it was also found that students'ability of media analysis and media production could be improved in aspects such as forming logical,in-depth interpretations and achieving proper balances between appropriateness and creativeness.
The Day of Locust under the Perspective of Carnival Theory
ZHANG Xiao-min
2019, 35(3): 56-61.
Abstract(392) PDF(12)
The Day of Locust,written by Nathaniel West,drew upon the background of Hollywood.It reflected the absurd social realities during the Great Depression in America by depicting the miserable life of the characters and the final riot incident on the street.The story was characteristic of Carnival atmosphere.In contemporary literary criticism,Carnival Theory has been a metaphorical discourse by revealing the textual meanings.The paper aims to interpret the striking satires and the profound implications by referring to Carnival Theory.
The Construction and Daily Life of Civilian Female Space in Zuoquan Folk Songs
WANG Zhao-hui
2019, 35(3): 62-67.
Abstract(299) PDF(11)
“Space turn” has become an important academic event in the late 20th century,and Space Theory has naturally become a new academic research method.Through the text window of Zuoquan Folk Songs,this paper mainly investigates the spatial construction and daily life of Shanxi civilian women,and explores the daily life concept,imagination and lifestyle of Shanxi civilian women.According to the theory of“Space and Daily Life”,this paper analyzes the construction of the specific living space of Shanxi civilian women,such as “home”,“field” and women's body,which all have had a huge impact on the feminine temperament,the construction of life style,and the regulation and training of women's body.
A New Exploration of the Envelopment of the Social Life in the Public Administration During Traditional Economic
WANG Zhi-yong
2019, 35(3): 68-74.
Abstract(312) PDF(7)
It is a prominent feature that the region of social life was hidden in traditional economic system.During that period,Chinese governments'governance system completely overlapped with people's social lives,and at the same time the individual space of people as members of society was almost completely obscured by the state governance system.The reason of this phenomenon is not accidental,but inherent.It was rooted in the internal logic of the traditional economic system.From the perspective of macroeconomics,it is mainly due to the joint action of several factors contained in the traditional economic system.Among them,these co-factors include the tension between the investment desire instinct of country and the income illusion instinct of the people,the degree which the labor worked hard,inclined to descend generally and the obvious contrast between the premise's presupposition of the traditional economic system and it`s realistic representation contained in the operation mode centered on the instruction plan.
The Focus and Trend of China's Economic History Study Since China's Reform and Opening Up
BI Xue-cheng
2019, 35(3): 75-81.
Abstract(275) PDF(6)
By collecting 2238 research literatures from “China Economic History Research” from 1986 to 2018,CiteSpace was used to conduct bibliometric research,and analyzed the hotspots of China's economic history research and the trends of frontier issues since 1986.The modern economic history,the economic history of the Ming and Qing Dynasties,and the economic history of the two Songs were the hotspots of the study of Chinese economic history.Rural agriculture,economic system and business management were the key contents of economic history.Different stages of economic history research paid attention to different hotspots.From 1986 to the 1990s,production methods,productivity,exploiting classes,and capitalism were the hot topics of this stage.From the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century,the focus of research shifted to merchants,market economy,economic system,enterprise and enterprise management.After the 21st century,the focus of research was in the fields of enterprise management,commodity circulation and industrialization.
Public Management
Culture and Space: The Transformation and Reflection of Urban Cultural Capital in the Practice of the Regeneration of Historical Blocks: A Case Study of Sanfang-Qixiang of Fuzhou City
XU Jing
2019, 35(3): 82-88.
Abstract(312) PDF(10)
Nowadays,promoting urban regeneration by culture is a crucial strategy in the world.This culturally oriented development strategy has created many win-win situations.However,it has also caused many problems,especially the impact on local culture,such as spatial variation and cultural crisis.This paper takes historical blocks as an example to analyze the ineffectiveness of urban cultural capital conversion.This paper argued that the key to build a city truly connected with culture,which is different from the kind of the dominance of capital logic,is to standardize urban space and to highlight the model shaping of urban cultural capital.As a mutually beneficial development concept in the new era,“A Community of Common Destiny” provides a new analytical dimension for the integration of sustainable development of urban space,the transformation of local resources and urban spirit.
Internet Use and Public's Tolerance for Homosexuality: An Empirical Analysis Based on CGSS2015
WANG Xu-hui, LIU Wen-bo
2019, 35(3): 89-97.
Abstract(366) PDF(24)
Based on Carl Hovland's persuasive communication theory,the article uses the China Comprehensive Social Survey(CGSS)2015 data to discuss the impact of Internet usage on public's homosexuality tolerance.Through the statistical analysis of the ordered logit regression model,we found that people who use the network as the main source of information are more likely to be tolerant of the homosexual groups,that is,the use of the internet media can promote the public's tolerance for homosexuality.At the same time,there are group differences in the effect of the network.In terms of homosexual inclusion,women,urban residents,higher education and young people are more affected by the network.The article proposes that the network should be used to empower marginalized groups to promote their“de-marginalization”.
Legislation Arrangement of External Effects of Resolutions: Comment on Provisos of Article 85 and 94 in the General Part of Chinese Civil Code
KE Yong-min
2019, 35(3): 98-104.
Abstract(259) PDF(21)

The two provisos in articles 85 and 94 in the General Part of the Chinese Civil Code involve the external effect of a first-time resolution.However,the provisos need additional consideration,as they were not theoretically,fundamentally,and systematically considered.Theoretically,the external effect of a resolution works via its influence on the representation and authority,and in such cases,the problem exists of the reliance protection of the counterparty.This problem exists whether the resolution is valid or defective.The correct method to apply the norms is to return to the existing reliance protection rules.The positive law has offered integrated rules on the reliance protection of the counterparty,which differ from each other.No common rule can be extracted; therefore,there should not be a “common factor” in the General Part of the Chinese Civil Code.The two provisos should be deleted in the sense of legislation,and should be consistent with the existing reliance protection rules in the sense of interpretation.

A Comment on the Zhu Qianzhi's Historical Criticism during the 1920s and the 1940s
CHEN Yong-xia
2019, 35(3): 112-118.
Abstract(300) PDF(10)
Zhu Qianzhi was one of the famous historian in the 20th century in Chinese modern historiography.He applied a lot historical criticism in his historical research road.Including the use of historical criticism to construct his historical theory,historiography theory and historiography methodology,he was more interests in Western scholars and their historical philosophy.It was important for him to comment on historical phenomena,historical concept,and historical thought.With the deepening of his understanding,he gradually adjusted his view on historical materialism.The emphasis on historical material and historical view was an important academic standard for his historical criticism.His historical criticism was different from the methods of traditional criticism and Marxist historiography.We should pay more attention to his historical criticism.