2018 Vol. 34, No. 5

A Functional Language Analysis Approach to the Cohesive Features in Mathematical Discourse
HE Zhong-qing, WANG Ke-yuan
2018, 34(5): 1-6.
Abstract(363) PDF(15)
Cohesion constitutes an important element in forming textuality, ensuring clarity, appropriateness and comprehensibility in text. The present paper explores the cohesive features in mathematical discourse from the perspective of functional language analysis (FLA), focusing on the distribution and realization of cohesive devices, and distance of cohesive ties. Findings reveal that in mathematical discourse the most widely used cohesive device is reference, followed by lexical cohesion and conjunction. Substitution and ellipsis are hardly ever used. In terms of realization, reference is dominated by the definite article the, the demonstrative pronouns this/these and the adverb here, while conjunction is mainly realized by the additive conjunction and, the causal conjunction therefore, and the temporal conjunction firstly/secondly. In distance of cohesive ties, mathematical discourse mainly relies on immediate ties to achieve cohesion. It is argued that the present study contributes to the exploration of the “organization” features in mathematical discourse, thus shedding new light on studies of disciplinary English.
How Self-translator Makes Full Use of the Target Language Resources:A Case Study of Lin Yutang’s Self-translation
WU Min
2018, 34(5): 7-13.
Abstract(386) PDF(18)
Views differ on whether a translator should make full use of the good expressions in the target language. Taking Lin Yutang’s self-translation between Chinese and English as examples, this paper contrasts the respective advantages of the Chinese and English languages from four angles: abstract vs. concrete, precise vs. concise, compact vs. rhythmatic, simplex vs. adorned. The respective advantages of the two languages lie in their rich linguistic resources. In conclusion, the paper advocates promoting the quality of translation and creation, enabling the healthy development of language and literature, as well as deepening the communication between different literatures and cultures by taking full advantage of the target language resources.
An Exploration of the Foundation of Basil Bernstein’s Sociology of Language and Its Theoretical Significance
HU An-qi, WANG Qing-xia
2018, 34(5): 14-19.
Abstract(500) PDF(14)
This paper is going to explore the theoretical foundation of Basil Bernstein’s sociology of language. The study shows that Bernstein’s early language investigation is based on Systemic Functional Linguistics which sets an overall framework for his linguistic code research. A “cultural turn” is taken within the notion of “code” with the insights from American anthropologists and Vygotsky’s cultural-historical psychology. Later, George Mead’s symbolic interactionism and Durkheim’s social labor division theory help Bernstein develop his linguistic study to the construction of his pedagogic discourse theory. Bernstein’s interdisciplinary study on language is one of the outcomes of the “linguistic turn” in sociology in the 20th century, building a bridge between linguistics, psychology and sociology for the study of language/discourse as well as the inter-relationship among language, mind and reality.
Appraisers and Attitude Categories in Novels
CHEN Yu-juan, LIU Yu-jie
2018, 34(5): 20-27.
Abstract(255) PDF(11)
The contexts in novels can be divided into three layers, which makes three kinds of appraisers: implied writer, narrator and narratees. Their stances in texts may be similar, opposite or conflict. As a result, the categories of attitude are not definite and determined by appraisers and the corresponding appraised. To identify categories of an attitude, it is necessary to find out its position in context, and then make sure the appraiser and the appraised. Based on this, the attitude category is finally confirmed. This kind of analysis can reveal not only the surface appraisal techniques but the implied appraisal motivations beyond the text. It is significant for the Appraisal System and Appraisal Stylistics theoretically and practically.
A Contrastive Study of Modal Responsibility in the English Translated Texts of The Analects by Arthur Waley and D. C. Lau
WEI Yin-xia
2018, 34(5): 28-37.
Abstract(373) PDF(17)
As the classics of Confucianism, The Analects contains lots of Chinese traditional culture. And it is generally known the modality system of Classics Translation is directly related to the quality of target text. Accordingly, this paper, which is based on modal responsibility from Systemic Functional Linguistics, offers a contrastive analysis about their realization between the English version of Arthur Waley’s and D. C. Lau’s The Analects by PowerConc. The results show that modal adjuncts, psychological verbs and the negative forms appear more in Waley’s version. However, D. C. Lau would like to use more adjective phrases, passive voice and the structure of “there be ...”. Overall, when translating The Analects, Waley tends to take high modal responsibility, whereas D. C. Lau takes translating strategies to avoid responsibility and shows low modal responsibility. And the significant heterogeneity of modality responsibility between two versions is deeply influenced by the translator’s attitude to interpersonal function of The Analects.
Reading & Research
Spatial Turn in The Public Burning
ZHANG Hong-yan, ZHANG Zhen
2018, 34(5): 38-42.
Abstract(299) PDF(11)
Robert Coover’s masterpiece The Public Burning, reproduces the real life of American in contemporary society by reworking historical Rosenberg Event. Joseph Frank’s spatial form theory holds that in modern novels, the time stream is broken and the plot is weakened, demonstrating a spatial tendency. At present, most researches on this novel mainly focus on the time but ignore the space. Based on Joseph Frank’s spatial form theory, this article reinterprets this novel and explores juxtaposition, fragmentation narrative, montage and other postmodernist writing techniques shifting the novel from time to space in plot and structure. So the paper examines the novel from the perspective of space instead of time, avoiding the simplification and closure of the research, making readers understand the spatial effect in post-modernist fictions, which injects new vitality into the evaluation system of postmodernist historical novels.
Environment, Scene and Relationship——On Three Novellas of Aoyama Nanae
WANG Yue, ZHANG Li-fan
2018, 34(5): 43-48.
Abstract(285) PDF(10)
Japanese writer Aoyama Nanae is good at expressing feelings and thoughts about the contemporary phenomenon through simple and light language and anti-grand writing way. In this paper, the author’s three medium-length novels are discussed and analyzed from three aspects of the environment, scene and relationship. These reflect the state of existence of young groups in the context of Japan’s specific era through the experiences and lives of the characters.
Academic Contention & Criticism
A New Exploration of the Origin of Justice from the Perspective of Stress
LI Guang-lei, LI Chang-bao
2018, 34(5): 49-54.
Abstract(278) PDF(11)
The study on the origin of justice proposed and developed by western thinkers has self-evidence effect. The way of the argumentation is full of subjective imagination and lack of objectivity. Therefore, it is necessary to jump out of the circle of the circular argument of the humanities and social sciences, introduce theories and methods of natural sciences in a timely manner, and explain the origin of justice by using the stress theory. According to this paper, the stress theory put forward by Hans Selye, a Canadian pathologist, provides a new way to explain the origin of justice. The process of justice is actually a process of stress response. The irrational distribution of resources is the source of stress, the resistance and compromise are the behavior of stress response, and the emergence of justice can be regarded as the result of stress reaction. That’s to say, these are the condition, path and symbol of the origin of justice. As an attempt, the study of the origin of justice from the perspective of stress theory can be regarded as a new development of justice theory in the contemporary era. It is still worth looking forward to that whether there is a more scientific and appropriate theory applicable to the study of the origin of justice.
The Tendency of Imagery Level Descending in the Translation of Poems of Three States of Imagery into English
TAN Meng
2018, 34(5): 55-63.
Abstract(226) PDF(7)
There exist differences in construction of aesthetic value among poems of three states of imagery: poems of scenery imagery takes beauty, poems of emotion imagery takes emotion, poems of truth imagery takes truth, which is the core of the construction of aesthetic value. If a translator fails to identify a poem’s state of imagery, imagery level descending will arise when it is translated to English: a poem of emotion imagery is changed into that of scenery imagery; a poem of truth imagery into that of scenery imagery; a poem of truth imagery into that of emotion imagery. The reasons for such descending are explored. The pursuit for implicit, imaginary-real aesthetic effect; image language’s polysemy, ambiguity and cultural nature; rhetorical devices such as metaphor, symbolism, insinuation, all these factors obscure the original poem’s true state of imagery, and lead to descending of the translated poem’s state of imagery at last.
New Exegesis and Reconstruction: the Characteristics and Significance of Kang Youwei’s “Neo-confucian Classics”
YANG Tian-qi
2018, 34(5): 64-72.
Abstract(263) PDF(10)
Kang Youwei believed that western concepts of democracy, freedom, equality and fraternity had existed in China since ancient times. But Xun Xue’s clumsiness and Liu Xin’s pseudo-error failed to make it continue. Therefore, in his entire interpretation of Confucian classics, he tried to combine western democratic thoughts with Confucianism as much as possible, trying to introduce western political thought into the Confucian text. Kang Youwei’s practice of “transplanting flowers and connecting trees” has undoubtedly covered the western political theory with a layer of Confucianism. However, it must be cleared that Kang Youwei did not want to “westernize Confucianism”, but “Confucianism turns western learning”. Although this “Confucianism” interpretation has caused many far-fetched mistakes, it is not only helpful to release the researcher’s main spirit, but also encompass a wider world of meaning beyond the text.
Sociogenetic and Psychogenetic Investigation into World War I— A Comparative Study from Perspectives of Norbert Elias and Ku Hong-ming
XIAO Fei-yan
2018, 34(5): 73-81.
Abstract(348) PDF(10)
Elias was confident that,with the development of labor division and human relationship,World War I was indispensable to economic and military integration in a larger region by means of fierce competition, which was the only solution to comprehensive and eternal peace of the human world. However, Ku Hong-ming sarcastically stated that in the course of modernization in the West, moral power entrenched in religion deteriorates, liberalism proliferates, militarism prevails, therefore social order had collapsed; and “mobs” who were shaped by modern educational system and political institution masterminded World War I. From psychological perspective, their diverging elucidations on World War I and its significance were indirectly and directly affected by their differing interpretation of both “evil human nature” rooted in Western culture and sense of insecurity aroused by this belief. Both were self-assured with their doctrine of universalism, for Elias attached importance to economy which propels forward history, but Ku Hong-ming uphold the supremacy of morality which shapes civilization. Both were self-assured with their doctrine of universalism, which yet arised from their utterly different theoretical foundations.
Research on Marx’s Thoughts of Subject and Object during Neue Rheinische Zeitung
XIN Feng, WANG Jun-yong
2018, 34(5): 82-90.
Abstract(486) PDF(25)
The period of Neue Rheinische Zeitung is important to the turning point of Marx’s thoughts. With the review of the theory and experience after the failure of the revolution in 1848, Marx had realized that the previous philosophy, based on the excessive interpretation of subjectivity, had been unable to bring the success of the proletarian revolution and he needed make shifts from humanism to the dissection of relations of material production of capitalism, and from philosophy critique to economic critique. The philosophical turn of Marx not only made a significant impact on his own philosophical thinking, but also provided an important theoretical reference for later Western Marxism and even to today’s study of contemporary capitalist society. Therefore, an objective assessment of the philosophical shift is an essential part of combing the history of Marx’s thoughts.
Hu Sheng and Research Analysis on the Historiography Paradigm of the Communist Party of China
2018, 34(5): 91-98.
Abstract(379) PDF(11)
Since reform and opening up, an important reason which developed the research and its disciplinary construction of the history of CPC, is the importance attached to the research of discipline construction on the circles. In the study of the history of the party paradigm, Hu Sheng has applied the paradigm of the revolutionary history and perspectives and methods of the modernized therory, to interpret the process of the of Chinese modern history and the history of the Communist Party of China; described the relationship between the two historical paradigms; and forced against the wrong idea of “farewell to revolution”. The important influences of his researches are reflected in the following aspects: enriching the paradigm theory of the history of CPC, improving the theoretical thinking of the research on the history of CPC, and pointing out the direction for constructing the intermediary theory system of the historiography of CPC.
On the Commencement of Bribery Crimes
2018, 34(5): 99-105.
Abstract(362) PDF(12)
The identification of the commencement of practical behaviors mainly involves the subjective, objective and eclectic theories. Among many doctrines, the substantive objective theory combined with objective analysis is more reasonable. The standards of commencement of bribery crimes in China have a variety of theories that are based on objective forms, eclectic theories and compound behaviors. These theories are centered on the concept of “starting receiving property” as the commencement of bribery crimes. Based on the analysis of the problems of the existing theories of commencement of bribery crimes, combining the substantive objective theory with the legal interests of bribery, we should use the theory that perpetrator knows or should have known that bribery has been agreed to be accepted as the commencement of bribery crimes.
Literature and Arts
The Documentary Narrative of Women’s “Poetry History” in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Construction of War Image
ZHU Jun-yi
2018, 34(5): 106-112.
Abstract(329) PDF(13)
The Opium War which brought the Qing Empire into a period of wars,had totally changed the life trajectory of female poets’, and brought new opportunities for their poetry creation. They inherited the “poetry history” tradition in the history of poetry, recorded the great changes of the country and the individual’s sufferings through a large number of war-torn poems, which reflected a strong tendency of documentary narrative. In their poems, they used a large number of notes, prefaces, and self-notes, which focused on highlighting the characters, created an environment, conveyed specific ideas, tried to construct a kind of nuanced, real and sensible war images, then maximized the function of poetry narrative. In those poems, the writing of suffering of family and feelings of worries, sadness, pains, hates, etc., showed strong personal and gender characteristics.
Study on the Multiple Interactions of the English Version of The Three Body Problem
LI Qing-ming, XI Meng
2018, 34(5): 113-118.
Abstract(410) PDF(11)
Science fiction translation has always been on the edge of literary translation in China. However, with the development of science and technology, the dissemination of science fiction can’t be ignored. In order to facilitate the spread of Chinese science fictions to the outside world, the co-authors make an attentative study on the translator’s subject embodiment and the multiple interactions of the English version of The Three Body Problem from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. The authors hold that the study of science fiction translation should start from the translator and take into account the various factors. Translators should strengthen their embodiment with bilingual world before translation and pay more attention to the needs of readers during the translation. On this basis, some suggestions are put forward for the cultivation of Chinese science fiction. It is hoped that this study would be of reference for the translation of Chinese science fictions.