2017 Vol. 33, No. 2

A Study on the Function of Grammatical Metaphor in Knowledge Construction in Academic Discourse across Different Disciplines
YU Hui, YU Ting-ting
2017, 33(2): 1-7.
Abstract(250) PDF(17)
Over the last fifty years, Bernsteinian sociology and systemic functional linguistics have shared the same interest in education. The aim of the study is to compare, from a systemic functional approach, the differences between the knowledge structures of pedagogic discourses in different disciplines. The focus of this study is to explore the function of grammatical metaphor in constructing the knowledge structure of texts from different disciplines. A small-size corpus is built by choosing texts from three disciplines, i.e. history, economics and physics. It is hoped that the results of the analysis will help learners to understand the knowledge structure of different types of academic discourse, thus enhancing their reading and writing literacy.
Analysis of Periodicity in Texts
ZHANG Pei-wen
2017, 33(2): 8-12.
Abstract(280) PDF(14)
As component of SFL textual metafunction and language resources to instantiate textual meaning, periodicity consists of Theme/New, hyperTheme/hyperNew, macroTheme/macroNew. Analysis of periodicity in texts shows that both recount and exposition make use of textual resources such as periodicity to scaffold texts into coherent generic structures. It is found the functions of the marked Themes in signaling generic stages or steps, hyperTheme and hyperNew in predicting information, as well as hyperNew and macroNew in summarizing and distilling information.
A Study of Nominalization in Pharmaceutical Research Articles
ZHENG Yao-fei, LIANG Min-shan
2017, 33(2): 13-22.
Abstract(366) PDF(14)
Nominalization is the key resource in construing disciplinary academic registers. The present study analyzes nominalization in authentic pharmaceutical research articles based on studies about grammatical metaphor in Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). The analysis shows that nominalization abounds in these texts with "Transference from process to thing" as the most productive mechanism for forming nominalization. In terms of discourse functions, nominalizations play an important role in creating technical terms for discipline. The tri-stratal in-depth examination of one sample text reveals how nominalizations construe Taxonomies and Activity Sequences for two distinct field types-"the field of research" and "the field of object of study".These discourse findings have the potential of contextualizing SFL-informed genre analysis in the language classroom.
A Cognitive Construal Perspective on the Concessive Construction “Just Because X Doesn't Mean Y”
ZHANG Song-song, HU Jin-yang
2017, 33(2): 23-27.
Abstract(293) PDF(13)
The research of English concessive construction "Just Because X Doesn't Mean Y" (JBX-DMY in short) didn't solve the problem of cognitive construal. On one side, based on COCA observation, the article treats construal operation as cognitive basis and summarizes construal means, viewing point and viewing arrangement, and proposes the "metaphor-metonymy" mechanism during the process. The conclusion is that (1) the main construal means of the construction are sequential and simultaneous; (2) the construction allows various viewing points, but imposes restrictions on arrangements, showing the feature of partial productivity; (3) "metaphor-metonymy" mechanism is involved in the construal. On the other side, the study compares JBX-DMY with the Chinese concessive construction "jishi X, ye Y" and finds that two constructions share similar construal means but differ in construal characteristics.
The Complementation of Discourse Analysis and Schemata Construction—The Application of Cognitive Patterns in Interpreting E. E. Cummings' Poems
ZHAO Kai, LI Jing
2017, 33(2): 28-32,64.
Abstract(305) PDF(11)
As two of the most significant theories within the domain of psycho-linguistic study, the Top-Down Model and the Bottom-Up Model have been wildly applied for the study of discourse-analysis. The authors here behold that the interpretation of literal discourse is essentially a process of integration of the two models mentioned above. Throughout the analysis of Cummings' poetry, this paper tries to testify that the duo-interpretative strategy is applicable and workable.
The Research on Ageing Society and Domestic Saving in China
HU Nai-jun
2017, 33(2): 33-38.
Abstract(237) PDF(10)
The demographic change will change the domestic consumption together with the saving. The basic logic is that when the labor age population's ratio begins to fall, the consumption is increasing that savings will be lower. But if there is no social security or welfare such as pension and health security, the saving intention is also very strong. So it is not easy to say the relationship between savings and demographic change. In this paper, the theory of labor age dividend is discussed and the data of China's savings, GDP and the demographic change are used to see the relationships. Since saving will be affected by the social security system, the pension structure is also relevant in domestic saving. The international comparisons are made, and the social policy of increasing the saving is introduced.
Living Condition and Path Selection of the Elderly Rural People in Gansu
LIU Wen-hua
2017, 33(2): 39-45.
Abstract(182) PDF(8)
Based on the questionnaire survey and the depth interview methods, the article describes in detail the living condition of the elderly rural people in Gansu. The results are below:the degree of education of the elderly rural people is very low, the problems of living solitary because of bereft spouse are outstanding, the income is quite limited and the source is single; the level of consumption is very low and consumption for survival is the most important; the living model is mainly living with sons and life care is scare; the social support is mainly concentrated on families and the level of life needs is low; the physical and mental health is poor and the spiritual and cultural life is deficient. Therefore, to improve the living conditions of the elderly people, the economy should be developed, the physical and mental health of the elderly people should be focused on, Chinese filial piety culture should be carried forward and the initiative of the village cadres should be incented.
Reading & Research
Rethinking of the Methodology of Cross-cultural Research
DING Zi-jiang
2017, 33(2): 46-59.
Abstract(347) PDF(10)
Methodology is an important part of traditional Western Philosophy. It enables one to examine, analyze, compare, criticize, justify, verify and integrate various concrete, individual and specific approaches. So far, experts and scholars from diverse fields have explored, created and developed a collection of effective methods. We should grasp and utilize these methods based on a variety of specific and actual circumstances. Most contemporary cultural and social studies follow the positivistic approach. Those typical methods of cross-cultural research and comparative East-West studies have been explored as types of technologies characterized by conceptualization, manipulation, designation, assumption, instrumentation, data-collection and constructional theory. We should emphasize the tendencies and the dynamics of innovation of East-West studies and also pay attention to "meta-methodology" which attempts to examine the various methodologies. It has the following characteristics:firstly, to expose the purpose, task, meaning, structure, function and standard of a methodology; secondly, to reveal the uniqueness, validity, feasibility, operability and success of this methodology as well as to point out its limitations, imperfectness, and so on; and thirdly, to preset, inspect, revise, promote and improve the process of methodological applications. We can also discover the relationships between different methods, methodologies, meta-methodologies, and meta-meta-methodologies. This paper discusses the methodological problems of East-West studies from the following eight aspects:1. Conceptualization and Operation; 2. Emic and Etic Perspectives; 3. Research Designing and Measurement; 4. Analytic Units and Levels; 5. Data Collection and Analysis; 6. Cultural and Objective Sampling; 7. Multiple Crossing and Vertical and Horizontal Coordinates; 8. Case Analyses and Model Innovations.
The Similarities and Differences: the Readers' Receptions of Lao Zi in the West
WU Bing
2017, 33(2): 60-64.
Abstract(141) PDF(11)
English translation of the Lao Zi has various receptions in the west. Generally speaking, these receptions have two directions:facing to the text's original meaning or facing to its present application, which are the results of audience's choice for differences or similarities as well as the results of co-action of the source and the target languages' social system strength. Historically and presently, English translation of the Lao Zi has so many distortions and appropriations in its reception in the west that it has become a "plaything" to some extent. One reason for that is the "one-way mirror" practice in the west's reception of the eastern culture, which reflects the imbalance comprehensive strength between the western and the eastern social systems.
Cultural Semiotics and ChineseTraditional Culture-A Case Study of Chinese Teaism
WU Yuan-zhi, XU Xue
2017, 33(2): 65-69.
Abstract(561) PDF(17)
From the perspective of cultural semiotics, we believe that the Chinese teaism is the most representative of the Chinese national cultural symbols, which most truly shows the cultural gene and the l character of the Chinese nation. This is not accidental, but a natural selection in a long history. The Chinese teaism itself is a symbol system with rich connotations and organic connections. Chinese teaism in a certain sense has become a symbol of Chinese traditional culture in the interaction and communication between different cultures.
Academic Contention & Criticism
Cosmology, Epistemology and Basic Philosophical Orientation—Speculation about Wang Xinggong
LI Xing-min
2017, 33(2): 70-80,87.
Abstract(223) PDF(8)
As a scientific philosopher,in his Scientific Methodology, Introduction to Science and other papers, Wang Xinggong discusses the theory of cosmology and knowledge more completely. Based on his view of the world and the theory of knowledge, the paper demonstrates his philosophical orientation is close to Mach and Pearson's sensualism, rather than the material theory, idealism, positivism and scientism.
Administration & Economics
Comparative Study of BRICS Countries' High-tech Products Competitiveness——With Export to the OECD Countries as Examples
SUN Ying, SHEN Xiao-qi
2017, 33(2): 81-87.
Abstract(296) PDF(9)
Based on the theories and empirical research results of export competitiveness of high technology (high-tech) products, this paper employs ESI(Essential Science Indicators) to analyze the complementation and competition of high-tech products of BRICS' countries in international trade market, especially when export to OECD countries. This paper also uses the RCA Index (Revealed Comparative Advantage Index) to compare the competitiveness of high-tech products between BRICS countries. Panel data will also be used in comparing BRICS' export competitiveness factors of high-tech products. This paper aims to explore the competitive advantages of BRICS countries' high-tech products in international trade and give constructive suggestions to improve the export volume of high-tech products of China.
Study on the Factors Influencing the Implementation of Poverty—Taking the Village L as an Example
FENG Ying, YANG Jia-wei
2017, 33(2): 88-95.
Abstract(408) PDF(19)
Whether the public policy can achieve the desired objectives depends on whether the policy is performed corectly. This paper is based on a typical poor region Village L in Hebei Province as an example, according to the actual situation and the actual research of policy implementation, adjusting the unified model of policy implementation into a new analytical framework based on the appropriate adjustment. According to the structure of "solubility of issues, regulatory capacity of policy and system itself, and the environment of policy implementation", the analytical framework is divided into three categories and the factors that affected the policy implementation in the "typical" poor region are analyzed respectively. We hope to provide a number of revelations to the implementation of the targeted poverty alleviation.
The Qualitative Change of the Academic Evaluation System in Japan—Establishment of a Researchers-oriented Academic Evaluation System
FAN Yu-mei
2017, 33(2): 96-106.
Abstract(293) PDF(10)
A well-designed academic evaluation mechanism safeguards a country in its scientific as well as technological innovation and the quality thereof. Japan started to explore a "quality higher education oriented" academic evaluation system since late 20th century, triggering a qualitative shift to "researchers fostering and supporting oriented" academic evaluation system now,15 years later. The new mechanism clearly prohibits " seduction of short-term academic behavior", and propels a multi-layer evaluation device to lead universities and research institutes to foster and support researchers in undertaking challenging projects. The present study based on a series of interviews with several teaching faculties at Japan shows that it is the multi-layer evaluation system and the democracy shown in evaluative decision-making (shifting from self-evaluation, to third-party evaluation,and to meta-evaluation) that promises the scientificity and justice of academic evaluation in Japan.
Literature and Art
The Politics of Subaltern and Alterity: Constructing Third-world Femininities in Ru Freeman's A Disobedient Girl
2017, 33(2): 107-113.
Abstract(367) PDF(10)
As a classic post-colonial text, A Disobedient Girl by Ru Freeman is set in post-independence Sri Lanka that is still largely ravaged by various social conflicts. In the absence of direct colonial rule, the colonial political, legal and educational systems still exert their palpable influences on Sri Lankan life. When this problem is unsettlingly complicated by gender and class, the situation becomes increasingly complex for Sri Lankan women, who unfortunately get trapped in multiple dilemmas and have to respond in a more radical and intelligent manner. In the novel, Freeman manages to narrate the struggles of a mother and her daughter against these dominant forces in their life, as well as their eventual triumph in defying their arbitrarily defined status as "subaltern" and "alterity" and constructing alternative, more authentic femininities.
Literature, Theory and Democratic Criticism in British Cultural Studies—Richard Hoggart: Anti-theoretical or Atheoretical?
2017, 33(2): 114-119.
Abstract(302) PDF(10)
Richard Hoggart is generally regarded as a representative of the pre-theoretical era in the history of British Cultural Studies, a literary empiricist and culturalist. He is further dismissed as anti-theoretical or atheoretical. This paper, however, argues that Hoggart's cultural criticism is anything but this. It involves the question of what theory is and does and how literary writing activates democratic criticism, in which lies the use of Cultural Study. The first part proposes that contemporary theory replicates Matthew Arnold. It is followed by a discussion about Hoggart's uncommonly ordinary language he carefully adopts for the purpose of promoting democratic criticism. The case analysis in the third part examines how this language and Hoggart's literary writing enables him to reach out and speak to the other.