2016 Vol. 32, No. 4

A Functional Syntactic Approach to Cultural Stereotypes
LI Zhan-zi
2016, 32(4): 1-6.
Abstract(404) PDF(12)
Cultural stereotypes are widely studied in cross-cultural communication and their relation to prejudice and discrimination makes them an enduring object of study. The present paper aims to apply functional linguistic analysis to stereotypical statements and their license in cross-cultural comparative discourse. The concepts of nominalization, appraisal, and transitivity system especially the relational and mental processes are analyzed in the hope of shedding more light on the understanding of the syntactic features of cultural stereotypes.
On Translated Foreign Names in the Dictionaries from the Perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics
SHI Chun-rang, CHENG Ying
2016, 32(4): 7-11.
Abstract(364) PDF(22)
When translating foreign names, people can follow the principles of translating names in the authoritative dictionary and the specific dictionary of names. However, the principles of translating names and the translated names are messy in different dictionaries, such as the lack of standards, specifications, authoritative, etc., which makes the translators confused, and produced the confusion of name translation. Some countermeasures can be adopted to solve the problem, such as using different dictionaries, contrasting the different verification, adhering to national standards, and standardizing translated names.
Translation Studies of Projection: A Functional Perspective
LIANG Hong-yan, ZENG Lei
2016, 32(4): 12-16,22.
Abstract(576) PDF(16)
In Functional Linguistics, projection is the logical-semantic relationship whereby a clause comes to function as "a representation of a linguistic representation". Projecting signal marks the information sources. Different projection types are made by the various combination of projecting signal and projected information. The study explores the unstable factors in the process of projection translation, which usually displays changes of projection types, transposition and omission of projecting signals. It shows that the choice made in the target language is based on the communicative intention and the characteristics of its projection language.
The Meta-redundant Effect of Grammatical Metaphor
KUANG Zhan, YANG Yi-long
2016, 32(4): 17-22.
Abstract(400) PDF(11)
The systemic and stratificational realization of Grammatical Metaphor embodies a intrinsic metaredundancy which gives rise to the meta-redundant metaphorical effect at lexicogrammatical stratum where meaning potential of one type of Grammatical Metaphor extends simultaneously to planes of other types of Grammatical Metaphor and redounds with metaphorical Theme and Metaphorical News. The essence of Textual Metaphor is rooted in the meta-redundant effect of Grammatical Metaphor which enables its intrinsic metaphorical realization and leads to the redundancy of Textual Metaphor for limiting its operation at lexicogrammatical stratum.
Towards the Experiential Grammar of “chi” in Modern Chinese
XIANG Da-jun
2016, 32(4): 23-29,58.
Abstract(458) PDF(10)
Systemic Functional Linguistics holds that grammar is a theory of human experience, and lexis is most delicate grammar. Based on Systemic Functional Grammar, the paper analyzes the experiential structure of "chi" and its collocations with the linguistic data from three Chinese corpuses. The analysis shows that besides being used as a verb to realize a Process, "chi" can also be used as a noun and an adjective to realize Thing and Quality, which can play different participant roles in different processes. The collocational and meaning potential of "chi" in modern Chinese reveals that it is a complex human experience.
A Systemic Functional Study of the Realization Statements of Numerative and Measure Items
YU Chang-li
2016, 32(4): 30-38.
Abstract(278) PDF(7)
Systemic grammar is realizational whereas transformational grammar is mutational. Language is interpreted in systemic theory as a RESOURCE instead of a rule system. One of the major changes between the Scale and Category Grammar and the Systemic Theory in SFL is the introduction of Realization Statements. Realization Statement is one way of modeling the relationship of realization; it consists of one realization Operator and one or more Operands. Five Realization Statements are mainly discerned in the SFL model-Insert, Order, Conflation, Expand and Preseletion. This paper conducts an exploratory and cross-language study of the Realization Statements of numerative and measure items in the framework of systemic functional grammar.
Investigation on the Leisure Life of the New Generation of Female Migrant Workers in Poor Areas—The Case of Gansu Province Dingxi City
LÜ De-sheng, TANG Yong-xia
2016, 32(4): 39-49.
Abstract(387) PDF(12)
Leisure has become an integral part of modern life and work. As a special social group in the period of economic transition, the leisure life of the new generation of female migrant workers is of concern. This study takes Dingxi City in Gansu Province as an example, from the leisure time, leisure consumption, leisure awareness of the three dimensions of the new generation of female migrant workers in the region and male migrant workers, urban women of the same age to compare the leisure life.The conclusions of this study are drawn:The leisure time of the new generation of female migrant workers in poor areas is seriously insufficient,The main leisure consumption patterns are still in the passive type of leisure level; With respect to the generation of migrant workers, due to the limitation of the closed leisure space and constraints of economic conditions, their leisure motivation remains in five of Maslow s hierarchy of needs of the first two layers of the primary need. For this situation, the article puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.
The Intersection of Religion Space and Secular Politics:Test Zhengjue Temple in Yuanmingyuan Museum
2016, 32(4): 50-58.
Abstract(390) PDF(27)
This article investigates the display, layout and decoration of the Tibetan Buddhism Temple-Zhengjue Temple in Qing Royal garden-Yuanmingyuan based on deducing documentary materials in Qing Dynasty and the local chronicles-Chengfucunzhi in the period of the Republic of China. The paper interprets its religion connotation, and expounds Lama in this temple and their Buddhist activities. Then the article reveals that this temple played a siginificant role in dealing with the relations between Qing Court and Mongol and Tibet, and consolidating the unified nation of multi ethnic groups.
Operationalizing Co-production in Public Services Delivery: The Contribution of Service Blueprinting
Zoe Radnor, Stephen P. Osborne, Tony Kinder, Jean Mutton, TANG De-long, SHI Wei-wei
2016, 32(4): 59-71.
Abstract(343) PDF(16)
We have argued for public services to move away from product-dominant logic towards a service approach. By taking a service orientation, the experience, inter-organization, and systemic nature of public services delivery can be considered along with the role of the service user as a co-producer. In this article, we unpack how co-production can be operationalized through the application of service blueprinting. This article presents an example within higher education where the creation of a blueprint brought together staff and students to focus on the design of student enrolment, resulting in improved student experience and supporting coproduction.
On the Law of Talents Training in High Level Universities— With Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology (1952-1966) as an Example
SHI Xin-ming
2016, 32(4): 72-91.
Abstract(328) PDF(10)
The talents training is the historical and social responsibility of high level universities. With Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology (1952-1966) as an example, which was founded in the adjustment period in 1950s, from the four basic connotations of elite talent, three key aspects of talents training, the three key factors of talent training system, three the main module of the program, and three important principles of curriculum and activities, the paper summarizes the main practices of the talent training, analyzes the training experience, and provides reference for high level universities in training talents in the new period.
Academic Contention & Criticism
Study on the Social Responsibility of Science Communication Subject from the Perspective of Public Understanding Science—An Empirical Analysis Based on the GM Reports of the Newspapers of Peoples Daily and the Southern Weekend
QIAN Zhen-hua, YANG Jia-pu, LIU Wen-xia
2016, 32(4): 92-103.
Abstract(319) PDF(11)
Based on the public understanding of science theory, using literature collection method, typical sampling method and least squares regression model (OLS) as the main research method, this paper takes an empirical analysis based on the GM reports of the newspapers of People's Daily and the Southern Weekend (2003-2014). The result shows that science news reports are greatly influenced by the main body of science communication, especially government views on science communication content are very obvious. On the one hand, scientists and the media are subject to government and they are afraid to speak.On the other hand, due to their own professional quality and responsibility are not clear, it leads to the unfully realization of science communication, then they failed to spread science and technology knowledge in society and the public through the appropriate channels.This makes the public's attitudes towards genetically modified (gm) "reverse" wave. From this point, this paper analyses of the reasons that the subjects of science communication failed to fulfill the responsibility, then find out the crux of the problems.At last, this paper tries to solve the problem through various coordination of the main subjects of science communication. It will be to promote the smooth progress of science communication and to increase the global public science literacy.
Philosophy & Science
On the Mathematical Foundation of Alain Badiou’s Philosophical Thoughts
AI Shi-wei
2016, 32(4): 104-111.
Abstract(413) PDF(14)
Badiou considers that mathematics is an ontology and a science of being qua being. Based on modern analytical philosophy and later thoughts of Heidegger, he creates his own ontology. The mathematical foundation of Badiou's philosophical thoughts originates from the set theory of Cantor and Paul Cohen. Integrating the thoughts of Sartre and the doctrine of Anglo-Saxon school represented by Wittgenstein, Badiou proposes a conception of "situation", which refers to the place that event happens and a field of multiplicity. According to the difference between set and power set, he divides structure into situation and state of situation, and he finally creates his special philosophical thoughts by grafting set theory on philosophy. Badiou reckons Heidegger doesn't distinguish mathematics from science, while what he engages in is to surpass the anti-science thoughts of Heidegger.
Study on the Cooperative Mechanism of Commercial Insurance andSocial Assistance Promoted by Local Government
MA Fu-yun
2016, 32(4): 112-118.
Abstract(264) PDF(16)
Facing all kinds of risks in the field of social assistance, some local governments increasingly appeal to commercial insurance for help. In the medical and nursing care, natural disasters, accidents and other fields, commercial insurance more and more involved in social assistance. Based on the analysis of the present situation of the commercial insurance cooperative social assistance, this paper explores the mechanism of commercial insurance cooperative social assistance. It is believed that the current social assistance is still in the government's own burden, so the financial burden is very heavy. The multiple participation mechanism of social assistance should be among government and enterprise or community.