2016 Vol. 32, No. 1

Review of Transitivity Studies within Systemic Functional Linguistics
HE Wei, WEI Rong
2016, 32(1): 1-20.
Abstract(2124) PDF(469)
This paper first of all reviews transitivity studies within Systemic Functional Linguistics by Halliday, Matthiessen, Martin, et al. and Fawcett. Then it outlines developments and further developments of transitivity in China. The sketch of transitivity studies both abroad and at home reveals the main problems concerning existing transitivity studies. And the solution to the problems helps us to improve the English transitivity system network and to construct a comprehensive Chinese transitivity system.
Parenting Styles as Reflected in Discourse: Analyzing Father's Letters in Dad Where Are We Going
YANG Xue-yan, ZHAO Si-qi
2016, 32(1): 21-28.
Abstract(419) PDF(14)
Studies on parenting styles have not paid enough attention to discourse analysis, which offers solid linguistic evidence as support. This paper presents an analysis of two fathers’ letters in the Chinese reality TV show Dad Where Are We Going within the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics. The letters are analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively in terms of the fathers’ choices from such systems as Speech Function, Transitivity, and Attitude; while linguistic features thus identified are explained based on Baumrind’s theory of parenting styles. It is found that the two fathers’ letters differ in linguistic features, which in turn construe features of two different parenting styles, i.e. ‘authoritative’ and ‘permissive’.
A Contrastive Study of the English Translations of A New Account of Tales of the World—From the Perspective of Appraisal System
CHEN Yu-min, WANG Lu-yao
2016, 32(1): 29-36.
Abstract(607) PDF(10)
This paper analyzes and compares the realizations and degree of attitudinal meanings in the source texts and two English translations of 100 selected stories from A New Account of Tales of the World by drawing upon the Appraisal system. It is found that affect accounts for the largest proportion in the source texts, and positive, explicit attitude is the major attitudinal meaning. Though the two English translations resemble the source texts in the meaning and degree of attitude, some attitudinal meanings are up-scaled, down-scaled or missing in the translated texts. The differences between source texts and translated texts lie in the translators’ motivation and the linguistic features of the source texts.
The Study of Independent “de” Nominal Group in Modern Chinese: A Functional Approach
DAN Xiao-hong
2016, 32(1): 37-43.
Abstract(385) PDF(12)
The research on Chinese “de” nominal group has a long history while the study on independent “de” nominal group is still lack of depth. This paper, from the perspective of functional linguistics, analyzes the function and meaning of “de” nominal group. From the study, the paper proposes that some “de” nominal groups are modifiers with their heads omitted; the others are nominals serving as a cohesive device — reference. “De”, as a marker of nominalization, refers to an abstract thing while “de” nominal groups derive their meaning by means of reference to the dynamic context.
A Systemic Functional Syntactic Analysis of the “N+to+V”Construction in English
YI Yong
2016, 32(1): 44-49.
Abstract(426) PDF(7)
This paper takes a systemic functional approach to the syntactic analysis of the “N+to+V” construction in English, especially the relations between the noun and the verb of infinitives in it. This paper, as well, discusses the nominal group and different relations between clauses in clause complex. The analysis indicates that there are different kinds of semantic relations and functions although they share the same syntactic form of “N+to+V”, and it also shows that SFG has its great power and advantages in guiding the language learning and teaching.
Transitivity and the Theme of Pursuit: Morrison's Song of Solomon
YI Xiu-qing
2016, 32(1): 50-55.
Abstract(406) PDF(12)
In recent years, scholars home and abroad explicate literary works based on systemic functional linguistics, which makes literary criticism even more objective. Taking the theme of self-identity in Song of Solomon as the research subject, the thesis interprets its thematic effect achieved by the transitivity systems through an analysis of the conversational excerpts representative of the character’s reliving and dooming. It rereads Milkman’s “flying” under the guidance of women, women’s awakening under the oppression of the patriarchal society, and the spiritual crisis of black Middle-class amid the white mainstream culture. The research indicates that Milkman is not the only hero who benefits on the road of pursuing. It is essential for black people to identify with their community and tradition so as to realize their “flying”. On the contrary, those who abandon the traditional culture are bound to degenerate.
Research Review on the Surrounding Villages of the Three Hills and Five Gardens
ZHAO Lian-wen, ZHAO Yong-kang
2016, 32(1): 56-61.
Abstract(367) PDF(15)
Academic research on the surrounding villages of the Three Hills and Five Gardens began in the early 20th century. As scholars had different emphases, their researches presented a brilliant situation. In the study period, some scholars focused on the development and changes of the surrounding villages before and after the Three Hills and Five Gardens appeared, whereas others were concerned about their development conditions in modern and contemporary times. In the perspective of research, there existed either sociology, folklore or history, historical geography, archaeology, cultural heritage angles, etc. In terms of content, some scholars focused primarily on the surrounding single village while some researchers paid attention to the general overview of the surrounding villages of the Three Hills and Five Gardens.
The New Democratic Republic: the Founding Documents of the CPC in the Anti-Japanese War
ZHANG Xu-dong
2016, 32(1): 62-65.
Abstract(292) PDF(11)
“The New Democratic Republic”is the founding documents of the CPC in the Anti-Japanese War. It was the result of numerous choices since the party was founded in 1921, and laid a theoretical and practical basis for the “the People’s Republic of China”. In the exploration history of the CPC, “the New Democratic Republic”is the key point, playing a connecting role.
Academic Contention & Criticism
On the Rise and Significance of the Research of “Critical School” in China
LI Tong-yu
2016, 32(1): 66-77.
Abstract(349) PDF(12)
In the Materialism and Empiriocriticism, Lenin clearly put forward the concept of “idealism in physics” from two basic philosophical lines of division of two factions: the crisis and revolution of physics, attributed the commonness of philosophy of Mach, Poincare, Duhem, Ostwald and Pearson to “idealism”, and officially named “the ‘Physics’ Idealism School”. Li Xingmin, a Chinese scholar, put forward a new classification criterion in the 1980’s, that is the “Mechanics School” or “Mechanical School” and “Critical School.” “Critical School” and “‘Physics’ Idealistic School” referred to the same persons, but the starting point and goal of philosophy diametrically opposed. “Schools of Criticism” was proposed, launched a study of five representative of the “School of Criticism”, effectively promoted the change of understanding on this issue.
Reading & Research
Another Philosophical Proposition—Interpretation of the Poem Read the Book of Life and Death in Tibet by She Li
2016, 32(1): 78-85.
Abstract(367) PDF(9)
The Poem Read the Book of Life and Death in Tibet by She Li is a representation of the Buddhist classics The Book of Life and Death in Tibet, which shows the existence of the death as another philosophical proposition and the necessity of its research. Based on the context of poem writing, the paper interprets the poet’s understanding of the life and death, awakening the love, compassion and altruism of nature and all sentient beings, and shows that the good practice is the all for good life.
The Traumas That Can't Be Forgotten: Review of The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang
2016, 32(1): 86-90.
Abstract(872) PDF(51)
Iris Chang is a Chinese-American. She describes the Nanjing Massacre from the perspectives of Japanese, westerners and Chinese in her book The Rape of Nanking. She analyzes the Japanese invasion and the deep reasons. She also describes Japan’s atrocities in Nanking, the miseries and traumas of Chinese people. In order to avoid similar historical tragedies, the world should remember the Nanking Massacre and its lessons for the world, and reflect on the history.
The Deep Structure of Zhang Ailing's Novels—A Study of Flower Withers from the Perspective of Greimas's Action Element and Semantic Matrix
2016, 32(1): 91-96.
Abstract(642) PDF(13)
The deep structure of Zhang Ailing’s novels is worthy of attention. Greimas put forward the theory and concepts of narrative program, action element, semantic matrix, and so on, which is an effective tool for revealing the deep structure of Zhang Ailing’s works. In the paper, four narrative procedures in Zhang’s novel of Flower Withers are analyzed: having the desire, having the ability to achieve the desire, achieving the goal and reward stage. The actantial relations are: subject (Zheng Chuanchang) and object (Zhang Yunfan), sender (Zheng Chuanchang’s mother and sister) and receiver (Zheng Chuanchang) and supporter (missing) and opponent (Zheng Chuanchang’s mother, father, sisters, disease and his initiative disappearance ). The deep structure of Flower Withers shows the conflict between living and death, freedom and imprisonment, etc.
A Study of the Spatial Narrating Strategy in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
LÜ Ting-ting
2016, 32(1): 97-100.
Abstract(253) PDF(9)
Spatial narrating strategy applied by Mark Twain in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is central to the successful of the narration. Probing into the strategy reveals the unprecedented skills on the part of the author in dealing with the relations between one space and another and between space and time. It also foregrounds the theme of the independent spiritual world of the hero in his spatial escapes. In addition, the strategy has also exposed to the reader the artistic and aesthetic values of the story. Rereading the children’s fiction from spatial perspectives can help the reader grasp better the authors’ intention of similar fictions and appreciate the artistic and aesthetic values of the stories.
Philosophy & Science
On Chinese Teaism's Sublation of the Confucian Natural View
LI Ping
2016, 32(1): 101-105.
Abstract(327) PDF(9)
Chinese teaism began in Tang Dynasty, matured in Song Dynasty and flourished in Ming Dynasty. Chinese teaism has been reproduced the Confucian natural view: the nature of Sky and Land, and virtues of man, so it has escaped from Daoism and Buddhism, and emphasized the unity of tea, man and Dao. However, the theoretical summarization of Chinese teaism is still inadequate, and need to be improved in many aspects.
Administration & Economics
Comparative Analysis on the Determinants of High-tech Products Export Competitiveness in BRICS Countries
SUN Ying, WU Ke-liang, XU Ke
2016, 32(1): 106-112.
Abstract(240) PDF(11)
The knowledge and technology-intensive high-tech products, represent a country’s comprehensive national strength and whole competitiveness, are also an important growth point of a country’s future economic and social development, and play an important part in strategy among the countries. This paper uses the index of revealed comparative advantage (RCA) to compare and analyze the current situation of high-tech products export competitiveness in the BRICS countries. The results show that though exports of China’s high-tech products are dominant on the whole, some categories of the products are still in an inferior position.In this regard, we use stepwise regression method to make an empirical research on the determinants of high-tech products export competitiveness in BRICS countries. According to the research results, while drawing lessons from successful experiences of other BRICS countries, practical proposals are provided to strengthen China’s high-tech products export competitiveness.
Literature and Art
On the Origin of Artistic Conception—Wang Guowei's Interprtation of the Concept
ZHANG Jun, OUYANG Min, XU Wen-rui
2016, 32(1): 113-117.
Abstract(426) PDF(16)
In Chinese traditional aesthetic research and artistic creation, the origin of aesthetic mood has been a major theoretical and practical issue, and “image origin ”, “ music like origin ”, “ view source ”, etc. are the main statements on it. Its theory source can be traced back to the “ Yixiang origin ” theory. Modern Chinese master Wang Guowei’s interpretation about it has a far-reaching enlightment significance of artistic philosophy, but it has been overlooked for a long time. So it is necessary to be explored.