2015 Vol. 31, No. 5

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Mingling and Debating Practices of Academic Discourse Exchange
TIAN Hai-long
2015, 31(5): 1-6.
Abstract(396) PDF(9)
As a widely used concept in humanities and social sciences, “discourse” has been defined differently in different disciplines and by different scholars.This paper,by reviewing these different definitions and then adopting a CDA definition,discusses the association of discourse with the concept of discourse system.It then proposes a discourse approach to academic discourse exchange,highlighting the mingling and debating practices by investigating the discursive strategies in terms of academic norms and language use.
English Complex Aspectuality: A Functional Approach
ZHANG Cun-yu, HE Wei
2015, 31(5): 7-15.
Abstract(307) PDF(9)
Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics,this paper aims to explore the complex aspectuality system of English.This study shows that the complex aspectuality is classified into complex viewpoint aspect which refers to the homogeneous or heterogeneous ways continuously viewing on the same situation by the speaker and complex situation aspect which is the combined configuration of the internal time schemata of situation.Through viewpoint shifting and repeating,the complex viewpoint aspect is formed in two combination ways.Complex situation aspect is combined by the way of hypotactic verbal complex and the limitation of participant and circumstance in a clause.
A Quantitative and Qualitative Study on How Chinese Incomplete Motor Aphasics Recognize Chinese Language Chunks
LI Mei-xia, XIE Yuan, FU Jie
2015, 31(5): 16-21.
Abstract(297) PDF(16)
By employing quantitative and qualitative methods,the present article aims to study how Chinese incomplete motor aphasics recognize Chinese language chunks,and why they have a lot of difficulties in recognizing them.Findings are as follows:(1)Aphasics'recognition ability of Chinese language chunks has been greatly damaged,but their aural and visual recognition abilities of chunks don't vary very much;(2)Aphasics have great difficulties in recognizing metaphoric and metonymic phrases,fixed phrases(Chinese idioms and idiomatic expressions)with emotional meanings,and fixed collocations with negative meanings;(3)In recognizing noun phrases,aphasics'recognition ability is very similar to normals'.Reasons for their reduced ability to recognize Chinese language chunks are mainly two:①Chinese language chunks consist of complicated grammar structure,logic structure and semantic structure,which increase the cognitive burdens of aphasics;②Aphasics'cognitive ability or specifically conceptual blending ability is greatly damaged,which makes the chunks recognition tasks harder.This study is helpful for further studies on the connections between brain damages and structures of Chinese language chunks.It can also help us to replenish some relative linguistic theories and to find ways to connect language chunks with the recovery of aphasics.
Evaluation in English and Chinese Applied Linguistics Book Descriptions
CHEN Ming-fang
2015, 31(5): 22-28.
Abstract(313) PDF(9)
As one of the important means of academic promotion and a unique genre,book descriptions(BD)put emphasis on both academic and social impact of certain books.Thus,book descriptions play the role of offering relevant information as well as comments of these books,so that these books are of some importance in certain fields.This study reports an analysis of book descriptions by Oxford University Press(OUP)and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press(FLTRP)from two related angles:genre structure and lexicogrammatical features.Based on a small scale comparative study,it reveals that evaluation resources in the English and Chinese discourse present some major differences such as the process types and thematic structures.
Review of Research on Environmental Discourse in Western Countries
WANG Jin-jun
2015, 31(5): 29-34,80.
Abstract(390) PDF(10)
Discourse plays an important role in the fields of politics,economy and social life as many activities are realized by discourse.Environmental discourse makes its appearance with more attention given to environmental problems and it has aroused the interests of multiple disciplines.The paper tends to review the related research on environmental discourse in western countries over 40 years,including the definitions of environmental discourse,its genres,its research methods,its research fields and important publications,hoping to help Chinese scholars understand better environmental discourse and environmental communication.
A New Approach to Discourse Studies——Mediated Discourse Analysis
TANG Qing-ye, LI Qing
2015, 31(5): 35-40.
Abstract(731) PDF(17)
Mediated Discourse Analysis was proposed by Professor R.Scollon,which draws upon the relevant fields such as speech act theory,interactional sociolinguistics,enthnography,and the new literacy studies.It aims at social actions and social problems,and focuses on mediated action,mediational means,practice,sites of engagement and the nexus of practice.This paper presents an overview of Mediated Discourse Analysis,mainly involves its theoretical background,basic concepts,theoretical disciplines,and research methods.Furthermore,it compares with Critical Discourse Analysis,and hence highlights the advantages and prospects of MDA.
Interpretation of Hemingway’s “Iceberg” Theory from Perspective of Systemic Functional Appliable Linguistics: Exemplified with Killers
CHEN Hai-ye, ZHI Hong
2015, 31(5): 41-47.
Abstract(681) PDF(22)
As appliable linguistics,Systemic Functional Linguistics is a powerful tool to analyze literary texts.Through a functional text analysis of Hemingway’s classic short novel Killers in terms of its transitivity system,mood and modality,thematic structure,etc,the “Iceberg” theory and its realization on the text level are discussed,thus revealing the interpretative power of SFL as appliable linguistics in literary texts and “Iceberg” theory,and appliability as SFL’s essential quality.
In the 1.28 Incident Chiang Kai-shek's Strategy against Japan
ZHANG Bei-gen
2015, 31(5): 48-54.
Abstract(627) PDF(10)
In the 1.28 Incident Chiang Kai-shek implemented a positive resist,strategic approach to prepare representations,and took effective strategic measures,such as Nanjing and Shanghai defenses and military deployments;moved the capital to Luoyang;divided theater;reinforced troop movements;strengthened coastal defenses;built a second line of defense;developed the second phase of the resistance battle plan,the final part of the strategy to achieve its purpose:under the premise of not signing a treaty ceding territory to reach a truce agreement with Japan.Constraints of the strategy included political,economic and military.Overall,Chiang Kai-shek's strategy is partly valid,but there are also negative components,the performance of the strategy is subject to the political objective of “the stabbing outside must first be peace within” ,and the resistance is only a limited resistance.And “Songhu Armistice Agreement” provides China could not garrison in Shanghai to Suzhou and Kunshan area,so China's sovereignty was violated,and the other part of the strategic objectives of Chiang Kai-shek—to signa treaty of armistice with Japan without losing the right,was not achieved.
Disciplinary Practices and Image Construction of the Midwives in Beijing from 1912 to 1937
ZHANG Mei-fang, LI Ge
2015, 31(5): 55-61.
Abstract(382) PDF(9)
Since the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China,in the field of Chinese obstetrics,women's reproductive activities had gradually undergone a process of medicalization basing on the western medical knowledge,of which is a part of Chinese modernization.However,compared with the general debate between Chinese traditional medicine(TCM)and western medicine,the latter's predominance in the field of obstetrics and consequent establishment of a new medical order in it were less concerned by academia.Based on the analysis of historical archives about disciplinary practices of midwives in Beijing from 1912 to 1937,this paper discusses the strategies adopted by western-style doctors in competition with TCM doctors.It suggests that the success of western medicine in obstetrics during this time was more dependent on the interaction of many complex social and cultural factors than its advance knowledge and technology.
The Theoretical Breakthrough in “Physics Crisis and Revolution”
LI Tong-yu
2015, 31(5): 62-73.
Abstract(385) PDF(9)
Since 1949,Lenin's Materialism and Empiriocriticism has become China's official philosophy.The view of “physics crisis and revolution” was discussed from “two classes,two kinds of world outlook and two philosophy route” ,and this view became the theoretical basis for China to criticize the theory of natural science and transform scientists for a long time.It was proved in recent thirty years that Criticism of Materialism and Experience as the guiding in the philosophy of natural science is problematic in China.Mainly through the work of Li Xingmin's academic research in the political and ideological changing environment since 1978,six aspects of the breakthrough in theoretical research were obtained,realizing the recognition of “physics crisis and revolution”.The work has the dual significance of academic research and ideological emancipation.
A Study on Author of Petitions to the Throne by Governor of Guangdong Province Tian Shengjin
LING Li-chao
2015, 31(5): 74-80.
Abstract(407) PDF(8)
Since Petitions to the Throne by Governor of Guangdong Province(including A Word of Censor)was looked up by scholars from library’s compost,many experts whom research local history of Guangdong,history of Macao,oversea transportation history,even history of Ming Dynasty have been paid close attention to these papers.But information about the author Tian Shengjin are missing.Someone surmised that the author was from Taihe,Shandong,and someone guessed the author was from Tianduo.The version information and publishing time of Petitions to the Throne by Governor of Guangdong Province haven’t been discussed deeply since lack of information.This paper extensively searches the related historical materials,trying to delineate the life of Tian from the scattered remaining data.
On the Translator's Subjectivity of Sidney Shapiro by the Paratextual Study of Outlaws of the Marsh
LI Jing, WANG Yan-meng
2015, 31(5): 81-86.
Abstract(429) PDF(16)
Sidney Shapiro is the famous American-Chinese translator and Shui Hu Zhuan rendered by him is regarded as the best English version till now.This paper collects the relative paratextual elements systematically,makes good use of historical value of paratexts to explore Shapiro's translation purpose,strategy and experience,and interprets the translator’s subjectivity comprehensively.The paper also hopes to enrich the dimension of Shapiro’s study and deepen the study of Shui Hu Zhuan translated by him.
Comparative Study of China,Japan and South Korea's High-tech Products Export Competitiveness to the USA
SUN Ying, ZHOU Dan
2015, 31(5): 87-93.
Abstract(294) PDF(9)
This article aims to compare China,Japan and Korea's high-tech products export competitiveness to the USA,and discuss these three countries'the competitive advantage of high-tech exports,the problems faced and solutions proposed in hightech products export.It analyzes the situation,and the high-tech products export competitiveness index of China,Japan and South Korea in the USA market,uses panel data varying coefficient models for quantitative analysis of the high-tech products export competitiveness factors of China,Japan and South Korea in the USA market,and puts forward suggestions to improve the competitiveness of China's high-tech exports in the USA market.
Tradition of Chinese Culture and “Four-realm” of Chinese Teaism
LI Ping
2015, 31(5): 94-98.
Abstract(466) PDF(15)
Chinese teaism has former during the times of Chinese traditional cultures reaching well-developed,so it has included various contents from Confucism,Buddism and Daoism.The basic ideas of Chinese teaism are leisurely mood,seclusion and happiness,which are life-approach explainization to Chinese traditional cultures.Four-realm of Chinese teaism,which was raised by some famous tea-drinkers,can be significant to modern Chinese society,and afford cornerstone of realist faith to most ordinary Chinese.
A New Discussion of the Ji Bei Shi Hua about the Acceptance of the Poetics of Song Dynasty
CHENG Xiao-ping
2015, 31(5): 99-103.
Abstract(299) PDF(9)
Domestic scholars agree that Ji Bei Shi Hua was deeply affected by Neo Confucianism of the Song Dynasty.It is a typical example that the book discussed poetry with “Shi li” and “Ya zheng”.But as a Zen monk with profound Buddhist accomplishment,Hu Guan more inclined to consider the poetry from Zen.It's essence is the found Myself of Zen which Hu Guan discussed poetry with “Zi de” and “Chun quan zhi qu”.Hu Guan's opinions of “Shi li” contained the factors of Neo Confucianism and Zen.It's close the poetics of Yan Yu which blended Zen and Xin Xue.
On Zhang Ailing's Intertextuality: With Love as the Main Line
2015, 31(5): 104-109,118.
Abstract(446) PDF(9)
The paper analyzes the intertextuality of Zhang Ailing's literary works from the perspective of intertextuality.The intertextuality is showed in Zhang Ailing's works with Love as the main line:Zhang Ailing's Love intertexts with Hu Lancheng's The Present Life,with The Golden Cangue and Rouge of The North,and with the other works of Zhang's.Zhang expresses the experiences,ideals and concept of love in Love,and presents the overall structure of the intertextuality of Zhang Ailing's literary works.Love intertexts with the classical traditional story of “the peach blossom” ,embodying the intertextuality of a negative variation.
Cultural Bequest: Thoughts on Sinological Education and Communication——From the Perspective of Chen Yinque's “New Song Study”
MA Zi-li
2015, 31(5): 110-112.
Abstract(373) PDF(7)
Cultures can be advanced or backward,and advanced culture is a timeless conception.Only persisting in learning advanced culture and conducting cultural exchange with the attitude of cultural bequest can people preserve their own national traditional culture and keep cultural diversified.This is not only a starting point for cultural communication,but also a standpoint for sinological education and communication.The cultural dimension which contains multiple meanings is essential to sinological education and communication.Firstly,during the process of educating and communicating,it is necessary to persevere in autonomy and subjective consciousness to one's own national culture.Secondly,the meaning of the cultural dimension also includes the target or orientation of the sinological education and communication,that is,we should aim at cultivating and improving juveniles'cultural quality and enhancing national cultural deposits in their mental structure.Thirdly,the way of educating and communicating is supposed to be detailed and life-oriented.Only if the sinological education and communication is integrated into the daily life of common people and become the basic elements of their way of life,it can play its due role.If not,it will be dead knowledge in books or Confucian masters'teaching materials forever,and have no concern with inheriting and developing the excellent national cultural tradition.
Music Education and Higher Education——With Chinese Traditional Instruments and Music as Examples
HAN Xue-zhou, WANG Yi, LIU Jia-shu
2015, 31(5): 113-118.
Abstract(354) PDF(8)
In recent years,the researches on art education in universities increase as well as calls for art education.But these calls mainly focus on the ideas of art education and professional music education,the studies of the popularity of Chinese traditional instruments and music in universities are severe weak.So it is significant to enhance the research on Chinese traditional instruments and music education for students in universities.