2015 Vol. 31, No. 2

A Functional-pragmatic Approach to the Study of English Translations of the Confucian Lun Yu
HUANG Guo-wen
2015, 31(2): 1-7.
Abstract(414) PDF(24)
There are different linguistic approaches to the study of translation issues.This paper takes a functional-pragmatic perspective with the aim of exploring the identification of speaker meaning in relation to translation studies. The focus of the paper is on the functional analysis of the episode of “zi jian nan zi” in the Confucian Lun Yu(the Analects).The conclusion is that with regard to the translation of classic worksitis often difficultorim possible to identify the speaker meaning,and therefore the focus of evaluating translated text should be on whether it expresses the meaning in the product of intralingual translation.
Principle of “Different Meaning,Different Order” in Interpretation of Difficult Words and Sentences in Ancient Books——With Lun Yu(the Analects),Mencius and Hart Shu as Examples
YANG Feng-bin
2015, 31(2): 8-16.
Abstract(397) PDF(7)
A word has different meanings in different context. Its meaning can be fixed in a specific sentence. This can be summarized as a principle of “different meaning,different order”.Therefore,it is the distribution of a word in a specific sentence by which the part of speech,the specific meaning,etc.of the word can be determined.The steps are:summing up the pattern by the examples from the ancient books,then fixing the meaning of the word through the pattern.The paper studies 8 am biguous words and sentences in Lun Yu(the Analects),Mencius and Han Shu according to this principle and the steps.
Characteristics of Different Text Types in Lun Yu(the Analects)
2015, 31(2): 17-21,68.
Abstract(414) PDF(7)
Lun Yu(the Analects)has been regarded as a collection of what Confucius and some of his disciples said. From the literature to date, we can see that relevant studies on the text types and their characteristics are few. Working within the Systemic Functional Linguistics framework, this paper attempts to group the text types in Lun Yu into three categories:Quotations, Dialogues and Descriptions, with a few sections belonging to Narratives. Studies of the characteristics concerning different text types can be helpful not only in the contrastive studies of the English and Chinese versions of Lun Yu but also in the evaluation of its translated texts.
Ways of Addressing Confucius in the Confucian Lun Yu and Its Translation from the Perspective of Context Theory
2015, 31(2): 22-27,99.
Abstract(397) PDF(9)
Kongzi(Confucius) certainly occupies a special position in the Confucian Lun Yu(known in the West as the Analects),and so does the address forms of him.This paper,with Systemic Functional Linguistics as the the oreticalbasis,aims to look into how the different ways of addressing have been translated in terms of context of culture,context of situation,and context of cotext.The results show that the seemingly simple addressing of Kongzi should be seriously considered for its different aspects in translations.At the same time,the results indicate that the context theory is helpful in assessing the translations.
The Realization of Tenor by Text and Paratext in the Translation of Lun Yu——A Case Study of Chapter 2(5-8) of Lun Yu(the Analects)
SHANG Yan-yan
2015, 31(2): 28-35.
Abstract(269) PDF(8)
Based on the “tenor of discourse” from the perspective of context in Systemic Functional Linguistics,the paper is a case study of Chapter2(5-8) of the Confucian Lun Yu,which explores the realization of tenorby text and paratext.The paper indicates that text realizes the tenor by means of the Mood and Modality system,etc.,paratextrealizes the tenor by means of providing the readers with the information of status and solidarity dimensions among speech participants.On the condition of notproviding the paratext,the translator needs to add status and solidarity information in the text itself to explicitize the original implicit shared information between the author and the source language readers.
On the Omission in Study of China's Technology and Science History——Sun Yuanhua's Contribution to Military Technology in Late Ming Dynasty
FENG Zhen-yu, SHEN Ya-xue
2015, 31(2): 36-43.
Abstract(433) PDF(8)
By means of Christian network with Xu Guangqi as the core,Sun Yuanhua acquired western mathematical knowledge and firearm technology. With the support of Christian network,Sun Yuanhua made important contributions to the firearm technology in late Ming Dynasty. Sun Yuanhua established Dengzhou Firearm Camp, imported western firearms,western learning and western soldiers;set up first western style firearm force of China. He greaty promoted the development of firearm technology in late Ming Dynasty. On practice of firearm technology, Sun Yuanhua wrote Xi Fa Shen Ji. This represented the highest level of firearm technology in late Ming Dynasty,and gave a full description of western firearm technology. Xi Fa Shen Ji is a milestone in the field. Sun Yuanhua deserves attention and research.
Internet and Gender: Qualitative Research Based on Practical Significance of Urban Youth's Sex Talk Online
2015, 31(2): 44-54.
Abstract(335) PDF(8)
Based on practical sighnificance of sex talk online,this qualitative study of the BBS layout of a liberal arts university in Beijing shows:(1) Internet has impact on both males and females. They get more sexual information and enhance the ability of reflection of “sex”.(2)In the background of sexual society, males' anger and females' library have to be released through sex talk online.(3) Female sexual activities are influenced by social schedule. Practical significance of the internet presents gender differences,and the social and cultural impact on women's sexual activity is still affected.
On the Establishment of Chinese Tradition of Philosophy of Science in the 1980s
LI Tong-yu
2015, 31(2): 55-68.
Abstract(296) PDF(7)
With the propagation of western philosophy of science and transformation of thought in the 1980 s, the philosophical tradition on the experience and analysis can be called the tradition of philosophy of science.The establishment of the tradition of philosophy of science is not plain sailing, but constructed through a series of theory's activities in certain ideological environment, including the research and translation of text, and the construction of the academic community. This article discusses the four important contents influenceing the construction of the traditional philosophy of science:national discussion of scientific philosophy in the 1980 s, the domestic and foreign academic exchanges, the academic guidance and enlightenment of Journal of Dialectics of Nature,and science rational enlightenment of the “series on the future”. In the changing era and the environment of ideological liberation in the 1980 s, the establishment of the traditional philosophy of science marks a major breakthrough in the research paradigm and the way of thinking.
The Misunderstanding of Science——The Mistakes in The Introduction of Science and Technology
YAN Feng
2015, 31(2): 69-77.
Abstract(418) PDF(7)
A textbook is the foundation of the teaching,and should have the characteristics:clearconcepts,correct propositions,rigorous verification,reasonable structure,and fluent.However,The Introduction of Science and Technology is full of mistakes.The science can not be really promoted in such a way.With the third chapter of the book as example,this paper tries to pointout the mistakes,so asto avoid misleading.
An Attempt at the Digest of the Chinese and the Western Literature——Views on The Literary Theory by Liu Yongfi
HE Gen-min, ZHOU Hai-ting
2015, 31(2): 78-83.
Abstract(200) PDF(91)
The Literary Theory written by Liu Yongji was the lecture contentin literature class when he was in Mingde Middle School,which represented the objective need of the modern transformation in the ancient Chinese literary theories so that it can actin accordance with teaching needs.For positive coping actions adopted to deal with the collision and amalgam between Chinese and western cultures, he was neither blindly exclusive or self-imposed,nor abandoned Chinese tradition to realize the overall westernization.He advocated to adopta pragm atic attitude to do probably in academic so as to meetthe challenge from western culture.He absorbed the literary theory from the western theory of evolution and the scientific study method from the western,and he attempted to fulfillthe transformation of modernity in the ancient Chinese literary theories.Though histheory tended to be some westernization in application,he used western scientific method to explore the problems existing in ancientliterary theory,and he offered a very good modelforthe following researchers.
Review and Prospect of Jiao Shi Yi Lin from the Perspective of the Literature
TANG Tai-xiang
2015, 31(2): 84-87.
Abstract(480) PDF(8)
The literary value of Jiao Shi Yi Lin has been valued by scholars since the beginning of the Tang Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Yang Shen, Zhong Xing, Tan Yuanchun and so on studied the literary value of Jiao Shi Yi Lin, and the famous contemporary literary scholars such as Wen Yiduo, Qian Zhongshu and others continued to make fruitful researches on the literariness of Jiao Shi Yi Lin. The study of Jiao Shi Yi Lin has made certain achievements in the field of literature, but in some other areas it still need to be studied, such as, a lot of contents in Jiao Shi Yi Lin are quoted from the pre-Qin classics, study on its relationship with the pre-Qin classics, is helpful to explore the important literature value and changes of the book.
A Review of Wu Guozhen's A New Annotated English Version of the Analects of Confucius
2015, 31(2): 88-90.
Abstract(509) PDF(10)
Wu Guozhen's A New Annotated English Version of the Analects of Confucius has a unique style and distinctive features, and it is one of the outstanding translations of Lun Yu published in recent years. This paper intends to make a review of it from the perspectives of structure, features and shortcomings, aiming to provide references for scholars and the general reader.
管理学 经济学
The People's Livelihood Problem is the Weights and Measures in Expanding Domestic Demand——The Problems and Path of Expanding Domestic Demand in China
2015, 31(2): 91-99.
Abstract(385) PDF(12)
Expanding dom estic dem and is not only a matter of expediency to cope with the international financial crisis,but also a long-term solution to make people live and work in peace,and our country stable and prosperous.Expanding dom estic dem and,which isclosely related to the livelihood of the people,isan in evitable and optim alchoice to China.Currently,there stillexist some problems in expanding domestic dem and in China,like the income and consumption is uncoordinated;the expenditure in basic public servicesisless,the investm entratio is too high,and the urbanization is incomplete,etc.So,the government should solve the problems of people's livelihood,actively construct the long-term mechanism to expand consumption demand, optimize the investment quality and benefit,and vigorously prom ote the new urbanization construction, in order to further expand domestic dem and,and realize the expansion of domestic demand and improvement of people's livelihood.
A Primary Analysis of the Relationship between Basic Government and Community Social Organizations——An Empirical Analysis of the Community Social Organization in Zhabei District of Shanghai
MA Fu-yun
2015, 31(2): 100-104.
Abstract(376) PDF(7)
A dopting the qualitative research methods, the author collects the new information about basic government and community social organization in Zhabei District of Shanghai and analyzes the inter dependence between organizations and governm entrelations respectively.Then the authorelaborates the necessity of independent development of the social organization and putsforward the suitable way for the development of the community social organizations.
哲学 科学学
Three Basic Stages of the Development of Feminist History of Technology
ZHANG Mei-fang, GONG Yi, CAI Ai-hui
2015, 31(2): 105-111.
Abstract(380) PDF(6)
This paper analyses the development backgrounds,process,and changes in the field of fem inist history of technology during past40 years.It suggests that ithasgone through three basic stages of development respectively:elite history,social history and cultural history.During this process,its historiographical approaches have shifted from “complementary history” to “critical history” and “diversified history”.The category of analysis has changed from biologicalsex to social gender;research contents have extended from genderand technology in western societies to the gender politics of technology in non-western societies.The aims of researches have undergone changes from striving for equalstatus of the sexes in the history of technology to revealing the patriarchal connotation of technology and eliminating the boundaries between “body and mind”, “woman and man”, “nature and culture” and “slavery and liberation”,and turning to new perspectives for historical evaluation.
On the Legal Problems of Civil Servants to Resign
WEN Yao-yuan
2015, 31(2): 112-118.
Abstract(374) PDF(7)
It is the right for civil servants to resign according to their own will,which national authorities should respect and protect.Civil servants who resign in compliance with the statutory conditions through the legal procedure will be able to release the job relations between the state and the civil servants and end their official capacity.There are some shortcomings in the existing provisions of law.The paper suggests thatwe should unify the provisions of minimum length of service of civil servants by more high level laws and regulations and establish prior review system for civil servants' reemployment after the irresignation.