2014 Vol. 30, No. 6

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The Multimodal Metonymic Construction of Emotion in The Rainbow of Time: A Perspective of Cognitive Poetics
ZHAO Xiu-feng, LI Xiao-wei
2014, 30(6): 1-7,58.
Abstract(330) PDF(10)
In multimodal literary discourse, like picture books, characters' emotions are represented, rather than by expressive words, predominantly by visual spatial element such as colors and images which, collaborated with simple narrative text, act as triggers of metonymic and metaphorical mapping mechanisms, evoking empathic experience. Taking Jimmy's pictorial narrative book The Rainbow of Time as example, this paper starts with categorizing three types of multimodal metonymies of emotion:PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT FOR EMOTION, OBJECT PERCEIVED FOR EMOTION, SCENERY FOR EMOTION, followed by generalizing the overarching system of multimodal metonymy of emotion at two dimensions: the collaborative space and synergy of multimodal metonymy. It goes further to explore the universal embodiment foundation and specific cultural motivation for the multimodal metonymies in Jimmy's book. The popularity of Jimmy's picture books, to some extent, attributes to the ingenious use of multimodal metonymy as well as metaphor, thereby to activate the universal cognitive mechanism and cultural aesthetic schema, creating indescribable aesthetic experience.
Multimodal Metaphor and Advertising Discourse Analysis: Metaphor Systems and Quantitative Analysis
QI Yu-jie, FENG De-zheng
2014, 30(6): 8-13.
Abstract(467) PDF(9)
Multimodal metaphor is a key feature of print advertisement and an important aspect of multimodal discourse analysis.However, studies in this area mostly focus on one or two examples, and there are few studies which perform quantitative analysis of a large dataset and come up with convincing observations with regard to the discursive features of the data. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze print advertisements of a sizable corpus, establish metaphor system, and elucidate the multimodal mechanisms for the construction of persuasive meaning in advertising discourse.
The Interaction of Multi-metaphor and Multi-metonymy in Political Cartoons
2014, 30(6): 20-26.
Abstract(517) PDF(9)
As the basic cognitive tools, metaphor and metonymy serve as the important constructive and interpretive mechanisms of multimodal discourses. The political cartoon is an important genre of multi-metaphor and multi-metonymy. This paper found that metaphor and metonymy display complex interaction. They may play the role independently or interact in the source domain, target domain or the mapping process. Metaphor mainly reveals the evaluative, expressive and emotive functions while metonymy functions as the bridge between the pictorial world and the real world, yielding distinct genre features.
Multimodal Approaches to the Teaching of English Academic Writing
CENG Lei, LI Jing
2014, 30(6): 27-32.
Abstract(425) PDF(12)
After entering the 21 st century, people's communication style and meaning expression present distinct characteristics of multimodality. As an international language and communication tool, English displays its increasingly significant role. In all fields, academic English writing is one important means of communication, but at the same time it is also a relatively weak link for most Chinese English learners. In terms of foreign language teaching, this paper discusses how, based on the theoretical framework of multimodal discourse analysis and systemic functional linguistics, to choose the most effective modality and media in teaching practice so as to optimize the balance of multimodal English academic writing class, to stimulate students' interest in writing, to broaden their imagination of writing thoughts, and to improve learners' English writing proficiency and learning ability.
The Internal Factors of University Culture Formation (1): the Group Characteristics and University Culture——With Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology (1952-1966) as an Example
SHI Xin-ming
2014, 30(6): 33-58.
Abstract(313) PDF(14)
With Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology (1952-1966) as an example, which was founded in the adjustment period in 1950 s, the paper expounds the way and the mechanism of influence of principal group, management group, academic group and group of students on the formation of university culture, compares the cultural differences and conflicts between the academic group and management group, and provides a reference for the understanding of the culture formation of the new colleges and universities.
Philosophy Is the Sientific Guidance, or Scientific Tools——Debate between Science and Philosophy in the 1980's
LI Tong-yu
2014, 30(6): 59-73.
Abstract(345) PDF(8)
This paper inspects one of the four debates of dialectics of nature—the debate between Modern Physics with The Subjectivity of Cognition. The Paper explores the reasons causing the controversy;and then discusses in detail the differences and arguments from both points of view, and points out that the controversy and ideological emancipation are closely related together in the 1980's, and the controversy effectively promoted the emancipation into depth.
Review and Critique of the Human Nature Foundation of Private Law System——On Historical Evolution and Contemporary Construction of Civil Subject
CHEN Fu-sheng
2014, 30(6): 74-77,84.
Abstract(270) PDF(7)
Civil subject is the foundation of people's status and judicial system in the private law. The analysis of the value of civil subject in history not only reveals the specific value of civil subject, but also experienced a refinement and update in the system and reality. Therefore the reflection of the human nature foundation in the private law needs to adhere to the requirements of the civil subject on the one hand, and to face and settle the tension between the freedom and equality on the other hand. Of course, the tension between the value rationality and instrumental rationality is not only the millennium problem plaguing Chinese and foreign legists, but also the problem in the study of contemporary construction of civil subject in China.
Strategies and Features of Lobbyists' Speeches in Shiji
DONG Xiao-dai, ZHANG Ru-ying
2014, 30(6): 78-84.
Abstract(304) PDF(9)
This paper intends to explore the strategies and features of ancient lobbyists' persuasive speeches in Shiji. Ten biographies from this masterpiece were selected as data. The persuasive speeches in them were divided into two occasions, domestic and foreign, based on the nationalities of the superior. Analyses reveal that metaphor, analogy, exemplification and logical reasoning were dominant persuasive strategies when the subordinate was persuading a domestic superior. Such persuasion tended to be indirect and humble, concentrating mainly on expressing the persuader's own viewpoints. In contrast, directives and commissives came to accompany representatives when the subordinate persuaded a foreign superior. Persuasive speeches in such context were more structurally-complex and strategically-rich. Certain face-threatening acts would be employed in an ingenious manner to enhance the persuasive power of utterances as long as the context allowed. Therefore, persuasion in foreign context demonstrated a strong sense of imposition and was relatively straightforward.
A Review of Research on Service-oriented Government——A Case Study of the Contents of the Chinese Public Administration
TANG De-long, GAO Xiang, WANG Meng-jiao
2014, 30(6): 85-93.
Abstract(355) PDF(7)
Service-oriented government has been a focus of public management research for the past few decades. This study investigates relevant papers in Chinese Public Administration from perspectives of the author, publication date, download, citation, category, key words and methodology. It discovers that while the contents and horizon of the research have been deepened and extended, the methodology innovation and practice of service government are still lacking in the domain. The statistical analysis helps elevate the research level and clarify the direction and task of constructing service government.
Do Anonymous Investors Have the Rights of Inspecting Account Books?——Legal Thinking of a Stake Dispute's Judgement
ZHANG Wei-ying, XIAO Xin
2014, 30(6): 94-99.
Abstract(336) PDF(8)
The right of inspecting account books was stipulated in our company law, and anonymous investors have the rights when they are shareholders of the company. There are different views on how to confirm the title of shareholder of a anonymous investor. At the point of legal analysis, the best choice is the “theory of with reference to equity transfer rule” under the “theory of substantial element”. The company should be noticed the change of stock rights if the anonymous investor wants to exercise the rights of shareholder by himself which including the right of inspecting account books. The change has legal effect on a company only after a effective notice reaches the company.
The Educational Ideas and Thougts in the Internationalization: a Study Based on the Literature Analysis——With the English Management Courses as Examples
WANG Fan-mei, LI Xiao-jing
2014, 30(6): 100-108.
Abstract(284) PDF(6)
Having reviewed a large number of foreign literatures, based on a case of management courses taught in English, the authors explore that in the internationalization environment, the educational ideas of Chinese universities and colleges should focus on two points: one is the student-oriented direction, which means to develop the students' abilities of critical thinking; the other is that when motivating the students' global thinking, the lecturers cannot ignore the cultural diversity. Based on the practical experiences of running a course taught in English by the first author in the business school of University of Science and Technology Beijing, the authors discuss that during the teaching procedure, how the lecturers could implement these educational ideas. Finally, the authors point out, in the long run, Chinese universities and colleges need to catch up with the pace of internationalization:firstly, facing to the challenges of the digital era, they should utilize the advanced technologies and further realize the active interaction between the lecturers and students; secondly, they could turn from those educational ideas with slightly utilitarianism to those aiming to educating the global or the planetary citizens with strong sense of social responsibility.
The Problems in Drawing up of the Chinese University Regulations——Reflections on the Rights of Coiiege Students
DOU Ji-hui, SUN Dan-ni
2014, 30(6): 109-114.
Abstract(381) PDF(6)
The university regulation is the “constitution” of the university with the highest legal authority. The construction of university regulation has been one of the key contents in construction of modern universities with Chinese characteristics since The National Long-term Plan of Education Reform and Development (2010-2020) (hereinafter referred to as “Plan”) and The Interim Measures of Higher School Regulations by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China in 2011 were promulgated. In recent years, many colleges and universities has achieved some achievements in construction of the regulation, but the rights of college students are lack of sufficient attention. The paper aims to explore the path and method to highlight the rights of students in drawing up of Chinese university regulation.