2014 Vol. 30, No. 4

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Contemporary Chinese Iron and Steel Industry Technical Evolution(1949-1965): Interview with Academician Wei Shou-kun
WEI Shou-kun, JIANG Xi
2014, 30(4): 1-9.
Abstract(335) PDF(15)
This article uses materials from the series of interviews with famous iron and steel expert, WEI Shou-kun (1907-2014), academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, focusing on the contemporary China's iron and steel industry issues. Chinese steel industry went through an unprecedentedly rapid development, as well as many fluctuations, between 1949 and 1965. Its entanglement with development in Chinese society, politics, foreign relations and other aspects is evident both during the early phase of “learning from the Soviet Union” in the 1950 s, when the base of Chinese iron and steel industry was established, and during the phase of “independence and self-reliance as core, foreign assistance as supplement”, when China experimented with a unique way of development, or the frenzy of the Great Leap Forward, which caused much damage to Chinese iron and steel industry. Some technologies that emerged and subsequently disappeared in the course of development of Chinese iron and steel technology, represented by open-hearth furnaces introduced during the period of ‘learning from the Soviet Union’, side-blown converters introduced during the period of “independence and self-reliance”, and by “backyard furnaces” as typical for the obstacles and frequent reversals of development. Some of these technologies emerged and were replaced in a natural process of technical innovation, because of exaggerated insistence on particular lines of thought; some were naturally eliminated by history and real life after the period of frenzy. Although these technologies have all become history today, this interview attempts to formulate the major development models and features of the iron and steel industry of modern China, using many new perspectives and asking new questions. Its main subjects are open-hearth furnaces, side-blown converters and backyard furnaces as case studies for discussion, in order to deepen our understanding of the changes in the iron and steel industry of modern China and their relations with social phenomena, and to explore the ideals and learning processes within the development of iron and steel industry in modern China from the historical perspective.
The Development and Problems in Grammatical Metaphor Theory
HE Zhong-qing
2014, 30(4): 10-17.
Abstract(386) PDF(16)
Since M. A. K. Halliday put forward the concept of grammatical metaphor in 1976, it has become a heated topic in the field of linguistics. The previous studies, however, still have not found satisfactory answers to problems such as the development, the classification, the generating mechanism of grammatical metaphor and its relationship with conceptual metaphor in cognitive linguistics. The present study argues that the development of grammatical metaphor involves three stages. The classification of grammatical metaphor should take into consideration both the functions and the strata of language.The generating mechanism of grammatical metaphori is mapping and blending between or within representational mode(s) in a clause. Grammatical metaphor and conceptual metaphor are to some extent the same linguistic phenomenon, sharing with each other a lot of features.
The Textual Organization of Attitude Resources in Chinese Texts
LIU Yu-jie, ZHANG Ran-ran
2014, 30(4): 18-23.
Abstract(497) PDF(7)
This article makes an attitudinal analysis of the Chinese text Lichi Honey, based on Appraisal System, and studies how the attitude resources are used to organize the text. It takes the bottom-up approach, first analyzing the attitude resources of the text, that is, the foregrounded appraisal elements, then exploring the role they play in organizing the text. It finds out that the attitude resources are connected with each other to form different attitudinal chains according to the source and the appraised, such as affect chains, judgment chains and appreciation chains, which interact with one another to promote the logogenetic process. The interaction of attitudinal chains can be presented in logico-semantic relations. Meanwhile the attitudinal chains work as the foundation of textual organization. According to them, the text is divided into four different phases, including beginning, development, climax and ending. They also play an important role in revealing the underlying theme, which is actually the writer's appraisal intension. In further studies we can use corpus to study genre and explore the textual organizational patterns of attitude resources in one genre.
Engagement in Novels
CHEN Yu-juan
2014, 30(4): 24-30.
Abstract(228) PDF(7)
The multilevel situation of contexts of novels leads engagement in them involving four pairs of speaker-hearer:narrator-reader, speech of character-reader, speech of character-character and thought of character-reader. It makes engagement system cannot be directly used in the analysis of appraisal meanings in novels appropriately. Through the analysis of engagement from the narrator, speeches of characters and thoughts of characters in The Shop of the Lin Family, this paper demonstrates that the combination of engagement and its function in adjusting alignment between corresponding dialogic parties can reveal the significance of engagement system in the expression of appraisal meanings in novels.
The Attitudinal Functions of Transferred Epithet in English
CHEN Gang-ni
2014, 30(4): 31-36.
Abstract(391) PDF(8)
This article gives a detailed analysis of the attitudinal functions of transferred epithet in English language. It shows that transferred epithet can express Affect, Judgment and Appreciation which are mainly achieved by transferred words.Besides, transferred epithet may carry two attitudinal functions. This is because as a contemporary collocation between a thing and an epithet, its transferred word not only describes the property of the thing before the transference is made but also the property of that in the current collation. Furthermore the attitudinal functions of transferred epithet are closely related to its categories. That is, Affect is typically realized by those which involve transferred words being transferred from feelings to things, whereas Judgment and Appreciation are conveyed by those which include transferred words being shifted from nonfeelings to things.
Corpora-based SFL Contrastive Study on English Extended Numeratives and Chinese Numeral + Measure Configuration
YU Chang-li, LUO Yi
2014, 30(4): 37-45.
Abstract(365) PDF(9)
In SFL model English Extended Numeratives are parallel to Numeral +Measure pattern in Chinese. This paper conducts a contrastive research on the two patterns based on Corpora. The research reveals that the Conflation operator Head/Thing can be processed in the above Chinese pattern but not in its English counterpart; in Chinese Numeral+Measure the logical sub-modifications are relatively closed; the two pattern have more in common in construing quantifying and exact Numertives than in ordering and exact Numeratives. Different from English Chinese semantic category of Measure and Quality can be conflation-realized, and either can have NO concrete expressions if not taking Tonicity. For the periodic configuration of information Epithet and Classifier can be transfer-located in English. In both patterns interpersonal meaning can be realized through Epithet or Connotations, besides that English swear words and Chinese repetition structure can also perform interpersonal function. The repetition and antitheses in Chinese Numeral +Measure pattern are also important Cohesion devices.
Investigation on Family Status of Women in Poor Rural Areas——With Tongwei County in Dingxi of Gansu as an Example
TANG Yong-xia, LUO Wei-guo
2014, 30(4): 46-55.
Abstract(331) PDF(15)
Women's family status is defined as women's right in self-government, domination and decision-making in this paper.Additionally, it also takes account of other aspects, such as styles of handling family conflict, domestic work division and women's self-perception. According to the questionnaire data, women's family status in poor rural areas is far below the national average level. It is found that families are absolutely husband-dominated, and the sex differences in domestic work division are quite obvious. Moreover, it is quite common that the husband mainly deals with social affairs and the wife mainly deals with domestic affairs. All of these are resulted from both the internal factors of women themselves, and external factors of families and the society.Aiming at this situation, the paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.
View on the Social Life of Manchurian in Beijing——With the Cheng Fu Cun Zhi as Main Subject
LI Yang
2014, 30(4): 56-60.
Abstract(321) PDF(8)
The study on the social life of Manchurian is a main focus in the recent historiography of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. With the help of Cheng Fu Cun Zhi by Jin Xun in the Republic of China and starting from the differences in social life, customs, etiquette and the incense societies between the Han and Man nationalities, the paper reveals the change pattern of Manchurian settlements in Beijing, so as to further promote the research of Manchurian society, especially their settlements.
A Study of the Nature of Kelsen's Basic Norm
LI Xin
2014, 30(4): 61-79.
Abstract(719) PDF(15)
Basic norm is one of core cotegaries in Kelsen's legal theory, which is very important to his pure theory of law. But Kelsen didn't make a clear definition of the nature of the basic norm. At first, Kelsen modified the basic norm as transcendental-logical presupposition according to the neo-Kantianism, and then he argued that the basic norm becomes a genuine fiction in the sense of Vaihinger's philosophy of “as-if”. Why? Because Kelsen's purpose that is to make a neo-Kantian foundation for the legal system didn't succeed. His purpose failed because Kelsen didn't stick to the neo-Kantianism thoroughly, when he made the transcendental argumentation of the basic norm.
The Comparative Research on Construction of University Statute between China and Foreign Countries—The Empirical Analysis Based on Statutes of 6 Universities
WANG Ji-xia, CHEN Yan
2014, 30(4): 80-87.
Abstract(365) PDF(6)
The construction of university statute, which is the highest internal rules of a university, is for the purpose of academic freedom. In the aspect of system, it's embodied in the protection of academic autonomy and teacher's rights, while the procedural rules are the requirements of the university statute to follow formal justice. In our country, there are four development stages of the construction of university statute from the late Qing Dynasty to the present. In promoting of Ministry of Education, 6 public universities in our country promulgated university statutes in October 2013 which were also the first batch of university statutes after the issuing of No 31 Ministry of Education Order. These university statutes are given high expectations of managing university affairs according to law and promoting university reform. On the basis of introduction of the history of the construction of university statute in our country and analysis of the characteristics of university statutes abroad, this article is intended to analyse the problems of the construction of university statute in our country on the basis of that 6 university statutes and propose the future prospect of the construction of university statute in our country.
“The Five Virtues” and Political Theology in China
2014, 30(4): 88-93.
Abstract(595) PDF(7)
In ancient times in China, the political theology of “the five virtues” often played an important role on the occasions of dynasty subrogation. The doctrines of “the five virtues”, “the five emperors”, “the five colors”, etc. evolved from the main political theories of “regality from Heaven for virtue” advocated by Zhougong and “governing with virtue” by Confucius, are all symbols of politics and culture.
The Oriental “Metamorphosis”——Comparison between Haruki Murakami's A Wild Sheep Chase and Kafka's The Metamorphosis
2014, 30(4): 94-103.
Abstract(433) PDF(18)
As the master of western modernism novel, Franz Kafka had a great influence on Haruki Murakami, and many evidence can be found for the relation between them. Being the last one of the “Nezumi” trilogy, A Wild Sheep Chase describes the deatho “Nezumi” whose body was seized by the “sheep”. This work which contains many magic unrealistic plots has influent relationship with Kafka's The Metamorphosis. They are playing the same tune on different instruments. While in The Metamorphosis, Kafka showed us the “catabolism” of the Western coming from the modern alien power, A Wild Sheep Chase depicts the Japanese's own ruin under the incursive alien power by a similar story pattern. It can be called the Oriental “Metamorphosis” no matter on the story pattern or the connotation.
The Characteristics of Science Fiction in Jinghuayuan(Flowers in the Mirro)
2014, 30(4): 104-113.
Abstract(297) PDF(7)
The content of the novel Jinghuayuan (Flowers in the Mirro) in Qing Dynasty is rich and colorful, and its classification and characteristics are more diversified also. Mr. Lu Xun said that it belongs to a novel of natural science, and of talent and learning;Mr.Hu Shi called it a novel of woman problem, or of woman's rights, and so on. Besides, this novel describes some brilliant science fiction stories too, that includes the science fiction plants such as a giant rice which is eaten by a person and he isn't hungry for a year; a herb of Niekong which is eaten by a person and he can jump high and long very much; a solid food of the soybean flour for relieving famine which endures effect very long. They comprise the science fiction implements such as a leather costume which is put on by a person and she (he) can dive very long; a matchlock called Lianzhu (drumfire) which can fire continually and speedy; a flying vehicle which can carry passenger and cargo; and they comprise technologies of science fiction that people can move forward nearing ground instead of touching it; and people's heart and lung can be transplanted and mended by a medical skill. This paper investigates, interprets, annotates, analyses and comments those science fiction stories from the views of science, literature and history. It concludes: Jinghuayuan has got the characteristics and attributes of science fiction also, and is the first novel which carries on literary creation of science fiction in China.
Study on the Deviation of Policy Implementation in “Great Leap Forward”
ZHANG Bei-gen
2014, 30(4): 114-118.
Abstract(382) PDF(9)
The “Great Leap Forward” at the end of 1950 s and beginning of 1960 s is a movement launched by the Chinese communist party. The decision and policies of the movement are proved wrong. In the execution of the movement, the deviations as mechanical execution, savage execution, expand execution, etc. are widespread, which brought serious damages to the people and the country. In the analysis of the policies in the movement, we hope to show some enlightenments to our party in the decision-making.