2014 Vol. 30, No. 3

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The Syntactico-semantic Analysis of English Existential Clauses in the Sydney Grammar and the Cardiff Grammar
DENG Ren-hua, LIANG Su-lian
2014, 30(3): 1-9.
Abstract(359) PDF(12)
This paper aims to explore the syntactico-semantic analysis of English existential clauses from the perspectives of the Sydney Grammar (SG) and the Cardiff Grammar (CG). It is revealed that in SG's transitivity analysis, English existential clauses can be clauses of existential, (attributive or identifying) relational or material processes, whereas in CG's transitivity analysis, existential clauses are clauses of (locational, attributive, directional or possessive) relational or action processes. In terms of thematic analysis, SG takes the existential There as the unmarked Theme, while CG regards There (and be) as the "thematic build-up" and the postverbal nominal group as the "existential enhanced theme", which is realized either by simple Carrier, Process and Destination, Process and Affected-Cartier, or by Process and Affected. SG and CG are basically the same in terms of the interpersonal analysis and the syntactic analysis of existential clauses.
An Interpretation of the Syntactics and Semantics of “Fact” Projection
WANG Gen-lian
2014, 30(3): 10-16.
Abstract(257) PDF(9)
The construal of Functional Linguistics Theory is orientated to its semantics, as an abstract meaing between pheonomenon and metapheonomenon, "Fact" projection is significant to the functional semantic research. This paper mainly concerns about sorting out different kinds of "Fact" syntactics, focusing on its semantics. Firstly, this paper distinguishes "Fact" projection from other types of projections; Secondly, the syntactic features of "Fact" projection are illustrated in terms of transitivity process, speech function and metafunctons, meanwhile, the interpretation of fuentional meaning of the "Fact" projection combined with grammar metaphor is given as well; Finally, this paper attempts to construct a "Fact" projection system with clear classfications and semantics, in the hope of gaining a more comprehensive and deeper insight into the "Fact" syntaetics and semantics.
Try to Discuss the Dynamic Changes of Semantics under the Category of Language——Take Number-Categories in Chinese and English for Examples
2014, 30(3): 17-22,26.
Abstract(287) PDF(9)
Category is static and dynamic. Although the traditional study in category has some normal forms, it also has large fault, which only pays more attention to establishment, and not care the dynamic of the category. Under the category of language, the paper discusses the dynamic changes of semantics, which can get new evidence for the dynamic in category, at the same time, it can improve the study in category. The paper takes categories in Chinese and English for examples, and systematically analyses the dynamic changes of semantics and the change in semantic function, which reveals a dynamic systemic in language-category.
Review on Text and Context: Essays on Translation & Interpreting in Honour of Ian Mason
HU Hong-hui, CENG Lei
2014, 30(3): 23-26.
Abstract(354) PDF(10)
The article reviews Textand Context:Essays on Translation & Interpreting in Honour of Ian Mason published by St. Jerome publishing in 2010,which includes a collection of the research achievements in translation from the perspective of text analysis under the influence of Ian Mason, who puts the linguistic translation research within the context. The book provides a new view on translation research and shows the usage of Systemic Functional Linguistics in doing translation research.
The External Factors of University Culture Formation (1): the International Influence and University Culture——With Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology (1952 - 1966) as an Example
SHI Xin-ming
2014, 30(3): 27-40,49.
Abstract(362) PDF(17)
This paper briefly reviews the foreign influence on universities of China in modern times, taking Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology (1952 - 1966)as an Example, which was founded in the adjustment period in 1950s, describes the path and mechanism of influence of "Soviet Model" on the universities in the early cultural formation, and gives the reference for the understanding of the foreign influence on the universities in their cultural formation in the period.
Investigation and Reflection on the Present Situation of Substitute Teachers in the Rural Areas in the Social Transformation in Western China——Based on the Analysis of Survey Data from 7 Counties in Gansu Province
LIU Wen-hua
2014, 30(3): 41-49.
Abstract(301) PDF(15)
Based on interviews and standardized accessing, the paper describes the status quo of work and life of the substitute teachers in western rural areas of China during the period of social transformation. The results show that, the substitute teachers are aged and senior with more contribution and valuable spirit, but their economic income and social position are lower, therefore they have a strong sense of identity anxiety and obvious contradictory psychology. Analysing the historical contribution and practical function of the substitute teachers, the author discusses the way to solve the problem of substitute teachers.
“Being Natural”: a Garden-building Idea——With the First Garden Changchunyuan in the West of Beijing as an Example
ZHAO Lian-wen, LI Jia-gui
2014, 30(3): 50-53,66.
Abstract(311) PDF(12)
Changchunyuan Garden was built by Emperor Kangxi in Qing Dynasty on the ruins of Tsinghuayuan Garden by Wuqing Hou in the Ming Dynasty. As the first royal garden built in the western suburb of Beijing in Qing Dynasty, its architectural art reached a very high level, conflating the political intentions and gardening art. It presents unique features, showing a strong sense of Fengshui, being natural and simple, etc. From the architectural art of Changchunyuan Garden, we can see the great creativity of the folk landscape artists.
On Debate between Modern Physics and the Subjectivity of Cognition——The Papers on Debate between Science and Philosophy in the 1980's
LI Tong-yu, ZHANG Jun-ping
2014, 30(3): 54-66.
Abstract(306) PDF(9)
This paper inspects one of the four debates of dialectics of nature--the debate between modem physics and the subjectivity of cognition. The paper explores the reasons caused controversy; and then discusses in detail the differences and arguments from both points of view; at the end of the debate of the summary and reflection, points out that the controversy and emancipation are closely connected together in the 1980' s, effectively promoting the emancipation into depth.
Ashes to Ashes: Dramatic Violence and Audience's Reaction
CHEN Hong-wei, WU Di
2014, 30(3): 67-69,118.
Abstract(383) PDF(8)
In Pinter's late representative play Ashes to Ashes, the theme of violence has never been so ambiguous and complicated so far. Pinter has superposed his reference of violence on both the macroscopic and microscopic levels and added to ambiguity through the use of multi narrative perspectives, contradictory discourse and referential plots throughout the play. This article applies James Phelan's narrative progression and narrative judgment theory as well as Wolfgang Iser's readers' response theory to the analysis of Ashes to Ashes' dramatic presentation of violence, analyzing the audience's narrative judgment as well as their response to the theatrical presentation of ambiguity and complexity. This article tries to reveal Ashes to Ashes' dramatic charm.
T'ao Hsi-sheng and the Political Characteristics of the Magazine Shihuo
LIU Chun-qiang
2014, 30(3): 70-75,97.
Abstract(427) PDF(10)
T'ao Hsi-sheng was the founder and editor of the magazine Shihuo, which reflected his political concern. The studies of the magazine Shihuo took on characteristics of polarization between ideology and pure academic nature, and did not reveal its political characteristics,one of which was the pursuit of modernization.
A Debate: the Publicity of Foucault Perspective
ZHANG Xiao-xi
2014, 30(3): 76-80.
Abstract(366) PDF(8)
The academic focuses on the publicity in the series of enlightenment and reflection system, such as, open rather than closed, rights and responsibilities, communicative ration and intersubjectivity. The publicity is not reflected in the direct expression, but rather in the discourse on the defense of society for Foucault in the field of sociology of knowledge. In Foucault's studies,society consists of the public, knowledge, power, significance of the enlightenment of the modern. And on the sociology of knowledge, it refers to a series of social facts, that is, the conventional areas of knowledge should be reflected in the study. The powers that constitute a social structure should be reviewed. The rational enlightenment also requires reflecting and criticism. The publicity of knowledge, power and the enlightenment is the issue of Foucauh's perspective. Foucauh believes the knowledge carried flips and the expanding object is the key to defending the publicity.
On the Human Subject Protection in the New Drug Clinical Trial from the Ethics of Care
LI Ping, WANG Fang-fang
2014, 30(3): 81-86.
Abstract(349) PDF(10)
The clinical trial is an indispensable hnk in the new drug research and development (R&D), in which subjects are extremely vulnerable, and the human subject protection is an ethical issue in the new drug R&D process. In this paper, considering the ethics of care as a solution to this problem and the "relation self" as its ontological basis, starting from the women's "common experience", we explore the ethical basis for protection of the subjects. We conclude that "concerning for others" is the inherent requirement of the protection, and "emotional empathy " is the subject practice demands of the protection. It is of great value for human rights protection in a broad sense.
On the Rationality of Scientific Theory Choice from the Perspective of Historical Turn——By Comparing the Standard of Theory Choice of Kuhn and Lakatos
LIU Da-chun, WU Zhan-zhao
2014, 30(3): 87-92,108.
Abstract(311) PDF(8)
The paper firstly introduces the historical turn in the area of philosophy of science and the response from Lakatos, comparing the research program of Lakatos with the paradigm of Kuhn; secondly, makes a full investigation to the rationality of theory choice by criticizing the views of Kuhn and Lakatos; and finally, makes a conclusion that Lakatos' view of theory choice is more advance than that of Kuhn' s.
Polanyi's View on Humanity in Scientific Creativity
QIAN Zhen-hua, HE Xiao-qing
2014, 30(3): 93-97.
Abstract(308) PDF(9)
Polanyi was one of the important philosophers of science in 20th century. His humanism view on science made a revolutionary change compared with positivist view on science. Through refuting positivist view on science, he proved that humanity was embodied in the natural science as well as in human science. Polanyi clarified the theory's connotation from the aspects of humanity, faith and value, revealing a new tendency of science and humanities. Key words: Polanyi; creativity of science; humanity
The Construction of Drug Safety Risk Governance System in China
HU Ying-lian
2014, 30(3): 98-102.
Abstract(319) PDF(9)
Fragmentation, diffusion, concealment and diversification compose of modern drug safety risk features. From the perspective of risk governance theory, there exist some defects within drug regulatory system, including single institutional function, decentralized administration, individual risk ignorance and "campaign-style" emergency management. To improve the performance of drug regulation and reconstruct the top design of drug regulatory system, it is necessary to take advantage of this round of administrative reform and the "Drug Administration Law" revision. Policy suggestions of a new paradigm of drug safety risk governance system are followed: innovate drug safety risk analysis framework, establish a high-level drug administration coordinating body, improve local regulatory system, and mobilize the involvement of stakeholders.
The Analysis of the Role of the Government Websites in Improving Citizens' Voice——From the Perspective of the Hirschman's Voice Theory
WANG Shu-zhen, TONG Nan-nan
2014, 30(3): 103-108.
Abstract(346) PDF(7)
Voice is a public governance mechanism, and the realization of its' effectiveness is affected by the cost of voice. The construction and popularity of government websites in China provides a new way for citizens to voice, but the government websites' low impact, interactivity and open degree restrict the government websites' role in expression of the citizens' voice. Therefore, to improve the influence, interactivity and information openness of the websites can effectively promote the realization of citizens' voice. This can not only perfect the mechanism of voice, but also has practical signification to the optimization of government websites and restoration of government performance.
The Experimental Reform of Instrument Science and Technology
LU Yi-fang, LAN Jin-hui
2014, 30(3): 109-118.
Abstract(471) PDF(15)
With the development of social economy and the progress of science technology, the demand of apphed talents in instrument science and technology is increasing. The experimental teaching in the instrument science and technology is one of the most important curricula in the college life, and it is the main way to cultivate applied talents. In the past ten years, a series of exploration and research were taken by the universities to improve the experimental teaching system. In this paper, some reform ideas are put forward and the experimental teaching system with Chinese characteristics is explored by comparing the current situation of experimental teaching in universities at home and abroad, which can cultivate students' innovative consciousness and scientific literacy.