2013 Vol. 29, No. 5

Functional Structure of Chinese Quality Groups
HE Wei, DUAN Yao-hua
2013, 29(5): 1-8.
Abstract(194) PDF(11)
Within the framework of the Cardiff Grammar-one model of Systemic Functional Linguistics, the paper investigates the functional structure of Chinese quality groups with the aim to present a comprehensive description of all the potential elements in the functional structure. The research results show that Chinese quality groups are composed of apex, temperer, indicator, finisher and apex trigger elements.
The Grammar of Weather: With Special Reference to English and Chinese Weather Forecast Text
WANG Yong, ZHOU Ying-fang
2013, 29(5): 9-17.
Abstract(445) PDF(12)
Typological studies show that world languages fall into three types in terms of the semantic element which is primarily responsible for the expression of weather. They are: 1) Process expressing weather, 2) Participant expressing weather, and 3) Process and Participant expressing weather collectively. As events lacking inherent participants, meteorological phenomena are typically expressed as impersonal constructions, with the semantic load falling mainly on the Process (e.g. It's raining in English and 下雨了 in Chinese) . The present study compares and contrasts an English and a Chinese text of weather forecast. It is found that the congruent expression of meteorological process is seldom employed, if at all. Weather events are mostly expressed through grammatical metaphor, i.e. via nominalization and transference of process types, e.g. via relational processes and material processes, etc. The English text is more grammatically metaphorized both in terms of the type of process types and the participant role. Another finding is that, apart from the transitive model, the ergative model is used to a considerable degree, though the English text is more oriented to the transitive model, and the Chinese text to the ergative. In the former, such indefinite pronouns as we and you are used very often so that both people and the weather event are involved in the transitive model. The latter employs the impersonal construction a lot. These similarities and differences are the outcome of the semantic features of meteorological phenomena and typological features of both languages.
Application of Systemic Functional Linguistics in Content Areas Teaching: With an Illustration of Fang's Recent Researches
SUN Ying-hui
2013, 29(5): 18-22.
Abstract(302) PDF(9)
Research around content areas teaching has been a hot topic around the world for the past two decades. However, problems still exist in the real classroom teaching. The present article introduces the background and features of research based on Functional Linguistics. With an illustration of the two recent studies carried out by Fang Zhihui, the article aims to show the advantages of Functional Linguistics in the research of content areas teaching and the effectiveness of the application in the classrooms.
Study of Characteristics in Three Translations of Lun Yu (The Analects) from the Tenor Perspective
CHEN Ying, YU Jie
2013, 29(5): 23-28.
Abstract(330) PDF(10)
The paper attempts to investigate the correlation between the three variables of tenor and the characteristics in three different translations of Lun Yu (The Analects) . By discussing three aspects of tenor, namely, role relationship, power and social distance in relation to the characteristics in translations, the paper illustrates why they are correlated and indicates that a systemic functional analysis of texts helps readers to better understand the texts. The findings of this study will give implications to translation studies.
A Study on the Paratexts of Three Kingdoms Translated by Moss Roberts——From the Perspective of Intertextuality
ZHAO Chang-ling
2013, 29(5): 29-35.
Abstract(434) PDF(13)
Intertextuality is the development of Bakhtin's dialogism by Kristeva which refers to the transformation and absorption between texts. It has natural affinity with the translation studies as the literary theory combines the abstract thinking and specific strategies, it can, therefore, better interpret the nature and complex process of translation. The paper especially focuses on the study of the lengthy afterword and notes of the translation and aims to analyze the special features and translation strategies from the perspective of intertextuality.
On the Material Culture of Single Industrial College at the Initial Stage of New China——With Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology (1952-1966) as an Example (IV)
SHI Xin-ming
2013, 29(5): 36-44.
Abstract(281) PDF(9)
Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology is a typical representative of the single industrial institutes at the initial stage of new China. From 1952 to 1966, Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology in material culture construction has made remarkable achievements and formed its own characteristics. This paper summarizes its material culture construction achievements from four aspects of geography and planning, construction and trees, books and equipments, teaching materials and publications. During this period, its architecture was distinctive in a Soviet style, its campus afforestation in Chinese tradition, its book equipment in subject characteristics.
Study on the Security of the Civil Rights of the Disabled People——Reflection of the Preferential Tax Policy of Social Welfare Enterprises in China
SHI Li-rong, LIU Jing
2013, 29(5): 45-51.
Abstract(318) PDF(10)
As a significant solution of disability employment, social welfare enterprises play a significant role in the protection of the right of employment and other rights of disabled people. The development of social welfare enterprises depend on preference policy of the country, especially the tax preference policy. This article is trying to overview the historical evolution of social welfare enterprises based on the major tax reform as the main line, then analyzing the evaluation of the present problem. Therefore, to promote the researches of the social welfare enterprises could safeguard and realize the rights of disabled people better.
Academic Contention & Criticism
Academic Credibility: Analysis on the Academic Influence of 24 CSSCI Social Science Journals of Science & Technology Universities in China——With Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (Social Sciences Edition) as the Comparative Perspective
QIAN Zhen-hua, MA Sheng-li
2013, 29(5): 52-71.
Abstract(356) PDF(10)
This paper is to analyze the academic influence of the academic journals from the perspective of journals of universities of science and technology (social sciences edition) in China. The paper selects 24 CSSCI journals of universities of science and technology (social sciences edition) for samples, 3 journals of comprehensive universities as frame of reference, and 1 non-CSSCI journal, Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (Social Sciences Edition), for comparation. Based on the data from assessment organizations in China, the current international and domestic general evaluation indexes are employed to analyze the academic influence of these journals concerned, and simultaneously the current evaluation approaches for academic journals are investigated. Finally, we explore the system construction for improving the academic credibility of the academic journals in China.
Reading & Research
Language, Story, and Explanation: Hayden White's Theory of Historical Narration
2013, 29(5): 72-76.
Abstract(538) PDF(18)
In Hayden White's opinion, there is an important relationship between historical narration and language. The nature of language determines that the history narratives have rhetorical characteristics. When historians change single group of historical events into a complete story which contains beginning, middle and end, there must have emplotment, formal argument and ideological implication in the story. The process contains the historians' subjective likes and dislikes and emotional preference, therefore, the historiography is a kind of poetic constructing process.
Philosophy & Science
The Quantitative Analysis of the Texts of Chinese Dialectics of Nature——Based on the Distribution of the Author Group from 1956 to 1966
MA Bai-lian, WANG Rui
2013, 29(5): 77-82.
Abstract(334) PDF(10)
From 1956 to 1966, is a period when Chinese dialectics of nature discipline formed, and it is the best time before reform and opening up. In this period, a large number of papers were published in the magazines at home. In the research of dialectics of nature, existed a widely scattered author group, including the experts in dialectics of nature discipline, the scientists, the philosophers, the political activists and all kinds of people at home and abroad. This article analyzes the author group quantitatively in order to offer some revelation for the contemporary academic study.
Administration & Economics
Study on the Relationship between Patents and China-EU High-tech Products Trade
SUN Ying, GENG Xin-yi, CHEN Hao-qing
2013, 29(5): 83-88.
Abstract(296) PDF(13)
There is a close link between the patent strategy and international trade. Patents can not only promote export development, but also subject to the reaction of imports, especially for the high-tech products with technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive features. The EU is China's important partner in economic and trade cooperation, as well as in the field of high-tech products trade. The paper analyzes China- EU high-tech products imports and patent status firstly. Then, we build the VAR model to explore the relationship between the import and patent. Finally, based on the study and consideration of long-term development of the China- EU high-tech products trade, the paper makes a number of policy recommendations.
The Impact of Rural “Loose Organization” on Rural Governance in Transition Period——With Shandong Province as an Example
YUN Chun-xi, XU Xi-qing
2013, 29(5): 89-94.
Abstract(369) PDF(91)
Loose organizations, which come into existence in the lack of resources and outside supervision, are characterized with strong unreason, instability and inadequacy of individual rights. Formal organizations in Shandong rural areas are generally loosened now, which can be classified into “periodic political organizations”, “passive integral organization”, “unconscious model lasting organization” and “anti-integral organization”. All these organizations are reflections of farmers resource-poor living conditions, which in turn have both positive and negative effects on the rural self- governance, accumulation of social capital as well as rural order. Therefore, the loose organizations should be properly treated and reasonably guided.
Study on Public Crisis Pre-warning Dynamic Mechanism
PENG Xiao, GAN Zhuo-qun
2013, 29(5): 95-99.
Abstract(263) PDF(8)
Currently, the frequent public crisis exposed the problems of government in crisis pre-warning management, and its essence reflects the crisis pre-warning lag and pre-warning dynamic deficiency. Therefore, the perfect dynamic mechanism is the key to do crisis pre-warning job well. This paper probes into dynamic mechanism and its function, analyses of the current failure of China's public crisis pre-warning mechanism, and puts forward the solutions: one is to consolidate the dynamic safeguard mechanism fully, two is to implement the dynamic control mechanism strictly, three is to accelerate and improve the dynamic feedback mechanism.
Reflections on Deepening Research of College Students Identity
CHU Jiang-ting, LI Ting-zhou
2013, 29(5): 100-105.
Abstract(334) PDF(9)
In recent years, the objective of research of “college students identity” is vague, the research lacks the depth exploration of students' social communication and neglects their field, habitus and position inherited from family. In this paper, the comprehensive, personal and spontaneous development is treated as the starting point and final destination of the research, their specific social field, self capital and habitus, and the differences and characteristics of their social position should be paid attention to, thereby the theoretical research can be in depth.
An Analysis of MTI Education in China over the Past Decade
QIAN Duo-xiu, TANG Lu
2013, 29(5): 106-111.
Abstract(335) PDF(10)
It has been more than ten years since the proposal for establishing Master of Translation and Interpreting Program was first put forward. This paper reviews the progress made in this field so far and conducts a statistical analysis of 65 articles published from 2002 to 2012, categorizing them into three groups based on their topics, namely, overall guidelines for the development of this program, different aspects in the teaching process and the use of technology and tools. Finally, suggestions are offered for future research and practice related to this program.
Historical Evaluation of Chen Boda and the New Enlightenment Movement
SONG Ping-ming
2013, 29(5): 112-117.
Abstract(338) PDF(11)
In the 1930s, in the field of thought and culture CPC and some left-wing intellectuals launched the New Enlightenment Movement aiming to resist Japan and save the nation and disseminate Marxism. Chen Boda, as one of the leaders in the field of thought and culture, and the minister of propaganda of the Northern Bureau of the Central Committee of CPC, played an essential and fundamental role at all the stages of the New Enlightenment Movement:the beginning, development, climax and end. Starting from the relationship of Chen Boda and New Enlightenment Movement, the paper states systematically the motive and train of thought of his launch of New Enlightenment Movement, reveals his theoretical contribution in the process of the Movement, and then makes objective judgment on Chen's role in the New Enlightenment Movement.