2013 Vol. 29, No. 3

The Generation and Adjustment of the Special Metallurgical Department of Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology during 1960-1963
2013, 29(3): 1-6.
Abstract(217) PDF(10)
After the founding of the PRC, the country designedly started to establish and develop the bases of scientific research, production and education for military industrial materials.According to the instructions of the Ministry of Metallurgy, Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology (the predecessor of University of Science and Technology Beijing) became one of the education bases for military material construction, and a special administrative organization- “Department of Special Metallurgy” was set up.This is a special product of China under the special historical conditions, reflecting the political influence on education on the principle of “education serving for proletariat politics, combining with the productive labor”.Based on the interview with Professor Wang Run-one of the founders of the Special Metallurgical Department, the paper traces the establishment and development of the department.
On the Idea of Single Industrial College at the Initial Stage of New China——With Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology as an Example
SHI Xin-ming
2013, 29(3): 7-14.
Abstract(280) PDF(10)
Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology is a typical representative of the single industrial institutes at the initial stage of new China. Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology(1952-1966)formed a educational philosophy of “one center, three emphases and three combinations”, i.e. “with talent cultivation as the center, paying attention to practice, scientific research and sports, and with the combination of teaching, scientific research and production”, which embodies the dialectical unity of history, education, politics and practice in the development of higher education in this period. Under the guidance of the concept, Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology achieved remarkable educational effect and academic achievements, and became one of the famous universities at that time in the country.
Visual Analysis of the Posters of Harry Potter Movie Series
2013, 29(3): 15-20,26.
Abstract(753) PDF(41)
This paper, based on Visual Grammar, attempts to explore the realization of representational meaning, interactive meaning and compositional meaning in the posters of Harry Potter movie series, and demonstrates the connection and differences of the posters in terms of realization of the three strands of meaning.Through the analysis, some conclusions can be drawn as follows.First of all, representational meaning reflects the content of each individual poster, and displays certain plot of corresponding movie;interactive meaning construction appeals to the viewers and arouses their interests in movies;compositional meaning construction emphasizes prominent information of the posters.Secondly, representational meaning construction and compositional meaning construction demonstrate the unity of the eight posters;interactive meaning construction reveals the particularity of the posters of the first and the last two episodes, and the connection between other posters.
Address Variation and Attitudinal Evaluation
LIU Yong-hou
2013, 29(3): 21-26.
Abstract(232) PDF(9)
This paper attempts to apply the Appraisal Theory (AT) to the study of address-term variation.Address variation can help to activate the speaker’s emotional stance, judgemental evaluation and appreciative appraisal of the addressee as well as his/her behaviors.The Engagement system and the Graduation system of AT also can help to explore the attitudinal meanings of address variation.
Pressure of Cultural Cognition on Discourse Metaphors
ZHOU Hong-ying
2013, 29(3): 27-34,56.
Abstract(300) PDF(13)
Kövecses investigates the impact of subject matter, communicative situation, physical environment as well as the conventionalized pattern of conceptualization on metaphor usage in natural discourses in terms of “pressure of coherence”.This perspective has a defect in that it idealizes the discourse maker as the interface between the contextual factors and the discourse.In contrast, this article approaches metaphor use with enlightenment from hermeneutics, which requires a recognition of the socio-cultural situatedness of body, language and cognition, and, from a Cognitive Sociolinguistic perspective, observes the specific pattern and variation of metaphor usage as the result of the “pressure of coherence” up from shared cultural cognition.
Constructing Discursive Identity: A Critical Analysis of Nadsat in A Clockwork Orange
SHEN Wen-jing
2013, 29(3): 35-40.
Abstract(583) PDF(22)
From the perspective of CDA, this paper examines Nadsat in A Clockwork Orange. As an anti-language of the teenagers in this novel, Nadsat is a representation of the countercultural identity, which is characterized by its resistance to mainstream culture. The discourse of the youth shapes their countercultural identities.
Analysis of Transitivity System in Chinese Possessor-Possessed Object Clause: From the Perspective of Systemic Functional Grammar
LUO Zai-bing
2013, 29(3): 41-45.
Abstract(308) PDF(10)
In terms of Systemic Functional Grammar this paper is intended to explore the properties of transtivity system in Chinese Possessor-Possessed Objective Clause as well as its possessive meanings.It is concluded through detailed analysis that Chinese Possessor-Possessed Objective Clause is defined by the semantic relations between the starting NP and ending NP whose semantic functions are scattered between possessive meaning and existential meaning, and are construed into a cline in the transitivity system.
The Social Network-based Growth and Guide of Public Opinion——With “Shifang Event” as an Example
ZUO Peng, JIE Hong-ye
2013, 29(3): 46-50.
Abstract(236) PDF(9)
The rise of social networks profoundly affects the development and direction of public opinion.This paper starts with “Shifang Event” as an example, by the way of quantitative statistics and qualitative analysis of its occurrence and development of the social network relating speech.Afterwards, an analysis is made based on general growth pattern of social networks.There are four stages: the formation and diffusion of central topic, topic audience’s aggregation and differentiation, opinion leaders and their confrontation, opinion attenuation and regression.Based on these results, a fundamental strategy is put forward, which effectively guides network public opinion and propels its benign interaction with public opinion.
Lu Xun and Pictorial Stones of Han Dynasty
2013, 29(3): 51-56.
Abstract(347) PDF(10)
Lu Xun’s collections of pictorial stones of Han Dynasty were mostly from Shandong, Henan, Sichuan and Shanxi.The collections were of rich categories.The ones that represented the social customs of Han Dynasty were best, and some of which were even boutiques with both good rubbings and exquisite art.Lu Xun’s love of culture of Han and Tang Dynasty showed his great anxiety and rare enthusiasm.Lu Xun’s favorite of pictorial stones of Han Dynasty mainly conveyed four potential demands: the call for national cultural self-confidence, the yearn of plebeian utopia, the sticking of folk position and the artistic pursue of historical truth.
The Changes of Lu Xun's Cultural Influence in Nearly Three Decades——Through the Statistics of Publication and Library Circulation of Lu Xun's Books and Books about Lu Xun
WANG Xiao-qing, XIONG Ying
2013, 29(3): 57-61.
Abstract(285) PDF(15)
This article aims to find the changes of Lu Xun’s influence on social culture through investigating and analyzing the publication and the library circulation of Lu xun’s books and books about Lu Xun in the 1980’s, 1990’s and the first decade of the new century.The analyzing is based on the number of books published, and library collections and their circulations.The conclusion is: The publication and library collections come to the highest in the new century, then followed by 1980’s and 1990’s.The proportion of the annual amount of Lu xun’s books borrowed and the number of students in school are the highest in the 1980’ s, and followed by the first decade of new century, declined in the 1990’s.The proportion of the annual amount of books about Lu Xun borrowed in the annual amount of all humanities books come to the highest, and maintained a stable level in the 1990’s and in the first decade of the new century.There are some changes of the social cultural context behind them.The amount of publication, collection and circulation of books about Lu Xun reached their peak in the humanity trend in 1980’s.The humanity trend no longer existed in 1990’s, and the publishing industry had not yet flourished.In the new century, publishing industry has its prosperity, readers have more reading diversification, so the circulations of books related to Lu Xun declined.
Academic Contention & Criticism
Discussion and Reflection on the Chinese “Humanistic Spirit” in 1990s——With a View of Criticism
XUE Hong-yun, WANG Xiu-mei
2013, 29(3): 62-66.
Abstract(392) PDF(9)
In 1993, a “humanistic spirit” discussion was launched in the field of literary criticism in China.Wang Xiaoming, as the representative of the critics from the perspective of defending “humanistic spirit”, had sharp criticisms on the popular culture with Wang Shuo, Zhang Yimou as the representatives, which launched a two-year discussion.Zhang Yiwu, Chen Xiaoming and others from the postmodernism stand expounded their different views on “humanistic spirit”, Meng Fanhua, Hong Zicheng et.al., proposed their view of “new realism”, and the intellectuals with Chen Sihe as the representative more valued the practice of “humanistic spirit”.This discussion has completely changed the “integration” of the situation of literary criticism, with the turn of contemporary literary criticism to cultural studies and into a pluralistic era.Nevertheless, the subjects of criticism have some problems in the discussion, and with the deterioration of spiritual ecology, reflection on intellectuals themselves is valuable.
Review of “2012 International Conference on Li Zhi”
LI Chao
2013, 29(3): 67-71.
Abstract(324) PDF(8)
In recent years, research on Li Zhi has been developed, and new monographs and papers on the theme are constantly emerging in the fields of history of thought, historiography and literature.In 2012 September, the International Symposium on Li Zhi is to further promote the research of Li Zhi.The domestic and foreign scholars made a detail discussion on the enlightenment of Li Zhi’s thought, his cultural character, the great controversy of the praise and blame of him, the debate between Geng and Li, the compilation of books and literature, academic debate, the relationship between the region and the thinker, etc.Scholars did not just make a longitudinal comparison of Chinese history, but also a horizontal investigation on the Chinese culture with a perspective of world history, with a reconsideration of Li Zhi’s intellectual contributions and his historical position, providing a broader platform for the reflection of Chinese traditional culture.The issues discussed in the seminar are novel and unique, and the subjects concerned are extensive and profound, reflecting the international attention from the current academic circles to the study of Li Zhi.
Reading & Research
Plato's Thinking about Legal Argumentation and Legal Norm
2013, 29(3): 72-76.
Abstract(274) PDF(7)
Plato’s Thinking and legal thinking are both comprehensive, which can be interpreted differently by different person.It is of significance to pay close attention to Plato’s thinking about legal argumentation and legal norm.
Administration & Economics
An Empirical Study of the Factors Influencing Capital Structure of Large-scale Iron and Steel Enterprises in China——With China's 17 Large-scale Iiron and Steel Enterprises as the Research Objects
CENG Kang-hua, SUN Shuang-shuang
2013, 29(3): 77-83.
Abstract(211) PDF(9)
This paper selects China’s 17 large-scale iron and steel enterprises as the research objects.On behalf of the capital structure, the debt ratio of total assets is to do the explained variable, using the growth rate of total assets, return on equity, total asset turnover and liquidity ratio to represent growth indicators, profitability indicators, operational indicators and debt indicators to do explanatory variables.The paper uses unit root and cointegration test stationary of sequence, using analysis of covariance to establish a fixed effects panel data model with variable coefficients, and then does descriptive statistics analysis for 5 variables of 17 enterprises, finally estimates and verifies the panel data model parameters, constructing the panel data model to estimate the relevant parameters, and studying the degree of influence of variable indicators to corporate capital structure.
The Review and Prospect for Empirical Research on the Cash Holdings of Domestic and Foreign Companies
XIAO Ming, WU Hui-xiang
2013, 29(3): 84-89.
Abstract(308) PDF(9)
The existing domestic and foreign literature of cash holdings focused on the determinants, dynamic adjustment and the value of cash.Based on the literature review, this essay elaborates the important researchers, major research methodology and findings, and further proposes some suggestions for future research.
Research on the Performance Evaluation System of State-owned Cultural Enterprises——With BPA Company as an Example
WANG Fan-mei, HUANG Zi-yu
2013, 29(3): 90-97.
Abstract(297) PDF(14)
A cultural enterprise to remain invincible in the market, to a large extent depends on the number and quality of its own human resources.On the basis of empirical research, this paper makes an good investigation on the construction of performance evaluation system for the state-owned culture enterprises.As the research sample, the BPA company has the typical features of the cultural industries and the distinctive national characteristics.Therefore, solving the peculiar problems of this enterprise can give a reference to the other enterprises in the reform.
The Review of Lin Tongji's Ideology of National Characters Reform in the Period of Anti-Japanese War
XU Guo-li, YONG Zhen
2013, 29(3): 98-103.
Abstract(305) PDF(8)
The thought of national character reformation was the basis of Zhanguo Ce School thought during the period of Anti-Japanese war.Zhanguo Ce School argued that national character made by history and culture since Qin and Han Dynasties was the root cause of China’s decline and inability in coping with the national crisis.As the School leader, Lin Tong-ji mainly criticized the “scholar-official” personality in Chinese national character, attacked the “four poison” and the recurrent disadvantage of “embezzle” in the schoolar-officials’bureaucratic tradition that caused the nationals formed a bureaucratic personality and an appearance of “bureaucratic businessman”, and blamed the traditional concept of loyalty and filial piety that led nationals to think a lot of private morality instead of social morality.All of those national characters were the concentrated reflections of nationals’bad qualities.Those bad qualities were unable to adapt to the requirements for “war” and “force” in temporal “New Warring States Era”.Therefore, he advocated to reform the backward nationalities, recalled the “official-scholar spirit” of the Warring States Era, and built a kind of life view like a “warrior”, and those reformations would enhance the national vitality, achieved the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and reconstructed Chinese national culture.
The Dissension and Introspection about Intelligentsia Issue in CCP around 1956
WANG Jiu-gao, ZHANG Shun-yue
2013, 29(3): 104-108.
Abstract(379) PDF(8)
Around 1956, the views and policies towards intelligentsia among the high-level leaders in Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had been gone through a complicated process.Mao cannot completely agree with those views and policies made by the high-level CCP leaders represented by Zhou Enlai.On the one hand, based on Mao’s “Epidermis Hair Thought” on intelligentsia, he emphasized the fundamental converting of their world outlook, and the training for the proletarian intelligentsia;on the other hand, Zhou suggested to treat and convert intelligentsia considering their utility and potential contribution to the national development. “Epidermis Hair Thought” has its historic limitation, and easily been distorted and used under practical circumstances.Modern society needs to call for the public character of intelligentsia and meanwhile respect their relative independence.
The Outline of the Characteristics of Liao Nanjing Architectural Culture
SONG Wei-zhong
2013, 29(3): 109-112.
Abstract(337) PDF(10)
As a starting point of the way to capital, Liao Nanjing is an important transition in the development of Beijing.New ruler and new status bring about many changes and new features in architectural culture.This paper tries to analyze the culture relationship between Liao Nanjing and Tang Youzhou.It indicates that the prominent political nature, obvious multi-ethnic cultural blending, wonderful temple culture, excellent building techniques are the most important characteristics of Liao Nanjing architectural culture.
Investigation on the Changes of the Enforcement Group of Chinese Traditional Law
2013, 29(3): 113-118.
Abstract(216) PDF(8)
In the field of legal in ancient China, the attention was paid to the formulation of the law, but more to the factors of law enforcement officials.Judges in the ideals of sages were righteous gentlemen, and the standard for judges had afar reaching influence on ages.In the history, the legal activities, whether initiative or passive, are always have influences on the practice process of Chinese traditional law.