2013 Vol. 29, No. 2

The Application of the Transitivity Theory in Translation Criticism——Exemplified by the Contrastive Study on the Two Versions of Translation of A Small Incident(Event)
SI Xian-zhu, LI Bing-jie
2013, 29(2): 1-6.
Abstract(453) PDF(19)
This paper discusses the application of the transitivity theory of the systemic-functional linguistics in the translation criticism.Through the transitivity analysis of a source text A Small Incident (Event) and its two translation versions, it demonstrates that a more objective and systematic translation criticism can be obtained with the application of the transitivity theory.The research also shows that a closer adherence to the original transitivity process pattern is an effective way in reproducing the power and effect of the source text.
A Research on Giles's Translation of The Pressgang Based on Translation Shift
WEN Jun, LI Ying-ying
2013, 29(2): 7-12.
Abstract(283) PDF(15)
There are not many studies about translation shifts in China.The existing papers mainly focus on the application of this theory for science and technology translation.This article, based on the analysis of Giles’s Translation of DU Fu’s “The Pressgang”, mainly discusses the application of Catford’s translation shifts in poem translation from Chinese to English.At the same time, it also points out certain shortcomings of this theory.
On the Distinction between Natural Equivalence and Directional Equivalence
2013, 29(2): 13-16,29.
Abstract(351) PDF(21)
In the 1980s, the equivalence theory based on structuralism was met with much criticism.Hence, Pym proposes the distinction between natural equivalence and directional equivalence.To some degree, this distinction has helped answer some sharp criticisms on equivalence and greatly enhanced the value of the equivalence theory.This paper mainly introduces the characteristics and value of this distinction.It also applies the theory of natural and directional equivalence to interpret translation activities in the localization industry, a new emerging translation industry nowadays.Finally, this paper discusses the relationship between translators, machine and technology from the perspective of natural and directional equivalence.
A Review of Translation Studies by M. A. K. Halliday
LI Zhong-hua
2013, 29(2): 17-23.
Abstract(530) PDF(16)
Translation study is important in systemic functional linguistics and Halliday’s interest in it is of long standing.This paper traces Halliday’s studies on translation, aiming to explore his thoughts on translation by reviewing his theoretical pursuit of a series of key topics such as the orientation of translation study, translation theory and translation equivalent, etc.
Chinese-English Translation Process in MTI Program Based on Metacognition Theory
ZHAO Liang
2013, 29(2): 24-29.
Abstract(388) PDF(10)
Translation is a cognitive process.Metacognition is an important concept in cognitive psychology.Research findings in metacognition could be helpful to improve the translation process.This article first presents the basic concepts of metacognition and Anderson’s model of meta-cognition, then briefly reviews research on metacognition in translation studies.Using examples from Chinese-English translation practice in MTI program, this article explores the implications of Anderson’s model of metacognition on translation process.There are five primary components in Anderson’s model: preparing and planning for learning, selecting and using strategies, monitoring learning, orchestrating strategies and evaluating learning.From these five aspects, this article first discusses how to choose translation material;then it illustrates how metacognition monitoring can help the translator select and use strategies, and continuously adjust, improve and perfect the translation process;appropriate evaluation of the translation process will further improve translation competence and help to set the next target.In the end, the translation process is summarized as different responsibilities in different stages, which entail metacognitive factors and learning methods.
The Checking Mechanism in the Polysystem Theory: A Perspective of Eco-translatology
WANG Xue-ming
2013, 29(2): 30-33,45.
Abstract(277) PDF(12)
Among various translation theories, polysystem theory and eco-translatology have little connection.However, both theories have common points in terms of some theoretical contents and concepts including “wholeness”, “inter-connectedness” and “poly-”.Polysystem theory, seeing translation as a system, stresses the interaction between translation system and other related systems in a polysystem.But it lacks in elaboration of the internal condition of the translation system.This paper, approaching from the perspective of eco-translatology, describes the translation system as an ecological system and proposes the checking mechanism as the innate feature operant inside the translation system by employing relevant theoretical discourse.It is intended to supplement polysystem theory in its insufficient description of the translation system’s internal operation.
Study on the Discipline Construction of the Single Industrial College at the Initial Stage of New China——With Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel as an Example
SHI Xin-ming
2013, 29(2): 34-39.
Abstract(345) PDF(18)
After the founding of new China, with the idea of “learning from the Soviet Union”, the departments in the higher education of China were adjusted in the national scope before and after 1952.One of the key departments adjustment is concentrated on the establishment of a large number of single industrial colleges with Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel as the representative.The review of the discipline construction and important results of Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel from 1952 to 1966, and the summing up of the characteristics, dynamic mechanism and experience in the discipline construction, have a important reference to understand the situations of the similar colleges and universities over the same period in China, and also, have inspiration and reference to the discipline construction in the new period.
Investigation on the Occupation Burnout of Social Workers——With the Social Workers in Shenzhen as Examples
REN Yun-xia
2013, 29(2): 40-45.
Abstract(260) PDF(16)
Relevant data shows that China now has entered a peak period of occupation burnout.And occupation burnout easily occurs in the service industry.The social work is a helpful occupation,so the social workers should be the focus of the study of occupation burnout.With the social workers in Shenzhen as investigation object,this paper analyses the situation of the social workers in our country,and explore the influential factors of their occupation burnout.
“Watch and See”: Chen Yinke's Educational Thoughts
LIU Chun-qiang
2013, 29(2): 46-50.
Abstract(338) PDF(12)
Chen Yinke was not an educator, had no papers on education and then had not suggestions on how to realize education modernization.However, his educational practices showed how education of China had been given human spirit by a cultural conservative, and, meanwhile, given education a solid financial foundation.
Cai Yuanpei's Restructuring of Peking University and the Formation of a Modern University System of Schools and Departments
JIN Ying
2013, 29(2): 51-53,76.
Abstract(286) PDF(12)
Course reform introduced by Cai Yuanpei during the time of Peking University was of symbolic value in the setting of China’s modern university academic and construction of collage systems.Cai Yuanpei’s reform ideas were to make Peking University a research university emphasing on the education of liberal arts and sciences, based on German university mode.The measures made Peking University a system of university, college and department.The other colleges and universities attempted to learn from this system, which was approved by Ministry of Education of Nanking National Government.Then, the modern university disciplinary structures and schools and departments were confirmed in form of laws and decrees by Nanking National Government.
Academic Contention & Criticism
The Logic of Reform on the Super-environmental-ministry System
YANG Zhi-yun, NI Xian-lin
2013, 29(2): 54-61.
Abstract(266) PDF(8)
Traditional reform of environmental protection department, which depended heavily on both the expansion on powers and increase in dependency, can not avoid problems of excessive amount of sections, structure-complexity, and coordinative barriers.Adhering to the idea of ecosystem management, we should focus on the function intergration and sector restructure, so as to refine the basis of environmental management.The ideal design of super-environmental-ministry system should contain two parts.The first is theoretical logic, which includes organization structure, ecosystem management and externalities.The second is empirical logic, which contains successful experience at home and abroad.The balance of political power and interests is the sole criterion of the approaches.Generally speaking, central-level reform depend more on the political and experimental logic, while local-level reform may adopt both the experimental and theoretical logic.Gradual reform should leave more space for local experiments, and that will help to realize the unity of triple logic on the reform of SEM system.
The Development and Influence of Chinese Shadow Banking System and Its Policy Selection——From the International Comparative Perspective
LU Peng
2013, 29(2): 62-67.
Abstract(427) PDF(11)
Recently,Chinese shadow banking system is developing quickly,and it raises the social financial efficiency and makes up the financial market developing insufficiency,at the same time,it brings risk and challenge to financial supervision and monetary policy.So regulating and developing shadow banking system and making using of it for Chinese economic developing is a very important project in the research and practice financial field.The paper points out there is a historical necessary for the Chinese shadow banking system incuring and developing through comparison between American shadow banking system and Chinese shadow banking system.And we should consider the developing stages and special characteristics of Chinese shadow banking system on the basis of the advantage and disadvantage of shadow banking system,establishing perfect statistical analytical system,constructing the shadow banking system supervision policy frame and facilitating the commericial bank transation,to develop the Chinese banking system.
Reading & Research
The Review of the Research on the Missed Poems of The Book of Songs
BI Xiu-jie, YE Xiao-qing
2013, 29(2): 68-70.
Abstract(397) PDF(13)
The article reviews the achievements in the research of the missed poems of The Book of Songs since the Tang and Song Dynasties, mainly from two aspects: the compiling of the poems and the research of the poems, in order to present the actualities of the research of the missed poems of The Book of Songs.
Misunderstood and Dispelled Christian Religion——Focus on Lin Shu's Prize Translated Novels
YU Ling
2013, 29(2): 71-76.
Abstract(241) PDF(10)
From 1915 to 1918, Lin Shu’s twenty-six translated novels were awarded by Ministry of Education of the Northern Warlords.In these prize translated novels, Lin Shu and his cooperators had two methods to translate the content about Christian Religion.Combined with relating theories of the “Cultural turn” on the translation studies, this paper reveals the reasons why Lin Shu and his cooperators chose different translation ways from four aspects.And it will also analyze the influence of these translations during the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China.
On Li Guangdi's Theory of “Learning”——Banyan Quotations and It's Characteristics
YE Mao-zhang
2013, 29(2): 77-83,98.
Abstract(247) PDF(8)
As a famous politician and thinker at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Li Guangdi’s theory of “ learning” is the main component of his thought.In addition to the main discourse art of reading, it is rich in content and also relates to the scholars’ quality and their academic attitudes, etc.Li Guangdi found the corruption in the academic.So he attempted to rectify malpractice, to lead and to create a new generation of style of study.In fact, the content of Li Guangdi’s theory of “learning” is the inheritance and development of the thought from the Confucian School, which was made up of Kong, Meng and Zhu Xi.We can say that Li Guangdi is not only a politician and thinker, but also a great educator.His theory of “ learning” shines everywhere as an educator of high perspicacity.
Consciousness of Civilized Development and Individual Gloominess——New Explication of Sōseki Natsume's Ten Nights of Dream
2013, 29(2): 84-87.
Abstract(376) PDF(20)
Ten Nights of Dream is a psychological work written by Sōseki Natsume, who turned his attention to introspection after the extroversive civilized criticism in the novels of his earlier period.Although many divergences of views on Ten Nights of Dream exist, there are two aspects that we could make sure.
1.There are many stories about “wait” in Ten Nights of Dream.
2.Ten Nights of Dream is permeated with consciousness of death by a quantity of the deaths and the death scenes.
These two themes are the integration of the public consciousness of civilized development of his earlier period and the individual gloominess that came from the worry of live and the nightmare of death.They’re blended together to make the unique characteristic of abstruseness in Sōseki Natsume’s works.
Philosophy & Science
On the Absolute Freedom of Network Behaviour——Analysis of Network Behavior Based on Marxism's View
LU Jun, DUAN Xiang-wei
2013, 29(2): 88-92.
Abstract(325) PDF(9)
The freedom of network behaviour does not mean to do what one likes beyong the restrictions of technology, politics, law, etc., but based on the understanding of these conditions, with a full respect for the behavior of the network consensus which has been formed, for people to create all kinds of realization of the freedom of action conditions.The network only provides a tool or platform for people to realize the freedom.Therefore there exists only a practical and historic freedom of network action, not the unconditional, absolute freedom.Marxism’s view of freedom provides a scientific world view and methodology for us to make a good understanding of the freedom of network behavior.
What Kind of Justice do We Need?——A Study on I. M.Young's Political Philosophy
MA Xiao-yan
2013, 29(2): 93-98.
Abstract(253) PDF(10)
Iris Marion Young was a famous scholar and activist in post-Rawls times, and the central issue in her political philosophy was how to deal with the challenge of justice in pluralistic times.By means of the conversations with marxism, liberalism, communitarianism and multiculturalism, her theory of justice has experienced many changes, such as the decentration from class to economic justice, away from the identity politics and beyond the national framework.In the process of reflection, her political philosophy focused on structural injustice in modern society and searched for the idea of justice, especially gave more attention to the disadvantaged.
On the Theoretical Source of the System of Alteration and Addition of the Person Subjected to Execution
HUANG Zhong-shun
2013, 29(2): 99-103,108.
Abstract(355) PDF(9)
Judgments and Orders can usually only be executed against the debtors identified in such judicial documents.However, in some circumstances, third parties not involved in the enforcement case can also be executed against.Most jurisprudents agree with the universally acknowledged point that the “theoretical source” of alteration and addition of the person subjected to execution is the extension of subjective scope of Res Judicata.This paper is exploring a new path to explain why the third party should be executed against.The author points out that the circumstances under which the subjective scope of Res Judicata expands are those cases that the court can easily determine there is no significant dispute around fulfillment of the obligation between the parties and the third parties.From the perspective of procedure classification theory, the court can directly determine the creditor-debtor relationship through summary proceeding and produce a new order which lays the foundation for the court to execute against the “Third Parties”.
On the Intervention of Stock Exchanges in OTC Business
HUO Hong-tao
2013, 29(2): 104-108.
Abstract(364) PDF(8)
Differences exist between the exchange market and the OTC market.To facilitate regulation and risk prevention, the advancement in science and technology is increasingly bringing the OTC business into the exchange market.However, not all OTC business is proper for floor trading, except the highly standardized.In formulating business rules, stock exchanges should take the positions of market players into account in their self-governance and measure the involvement in OTC business, in order to guard against business risks and ensure the interests of the investing public.
Chinese Education Development from Control to Governance——Urbanization, as the Threshold under Government Education Management Functions into Perspective
2013, 29(2): 109-113.
Abstract(330) PDF(8)
In the context of urban and rural development and the urbanization, advancing the transformation of the management functions of the Government’s education is both the practical needs of economic and social transformation and education inherent requirement of scientific development.This paper attempts to apply the governance theory in the education field of administrative reform in China, with efforts to explore the path and the mode of education in China from the control to the governance, and to provide some ideas and suggestions for educational administrative reform.
The Contents and Measures for Restoration and Reconstruction after the Public Crisis
ZHANG Xiao-ming
2013, 29(2): 114-120.
Abstract(461) PDF(14)
The restoration and reconstruction are important in public crisis management, ?involving the needs assessment, planning and site selection, project implementation, technical support, urban and rural housing, infrastructure, public service facilities, industry, ecological environment, organization system, social relations, psychological assistance, etc.The contents and measures for restoration and reconstruction after the public crisis mainly includes five aspects: measures of the emergency treatment;evaluation of the damage;and formulating of reconstruction plan, supporting the restoration and reconstruction work, restoring the normal social order and public facilities, formulating preferential policies;carrying out rescue, compensation, comfort, consolation, placement, psychological intervention;investigation and summary report, etc