2013 Vol. 29, No. 1

A Study of the Criterion for Distinguishing Simple from Complex Sentences in Modern Mandarin Chinese within the Framework of the Cardiff Grammar
HE Wei, SU Miao
2013, 29(1): 1-11.
Abstract(413) PDF(18)
The Cardiff Grammar stresses the importance of the concept of process, which inspires this paper for the exploration of criterion for distinguishing simple from complex sentences in modern mandarin Chinese.The process criterion distinguishes simple from complex sentences on the basis of how many major processes could be identified in one sentence: sentences expressing one major process are simple sentences while those expressing more than one are complex sentences.Taking the process criterion as its basis, the paper also argues that only two types of sentences could be identified in the system network of sentence patterns in modern mandarin Chinese, which are simple and complex sentences.
A Study of Chinese Prepositional Group from the Perspective of the Cardiff Grammar
ZHANG Jing-yuan, NI Meng-ning
2013, 29(1): 12-22.
Abstract(509) PDF(12)
The paper studies modern mandarin Chinese prepositional groups from the perspective of the Cardiff Grammar, discussing the components of the prepositional group and the elements it can fill.The paper also focuses on the semantic and the syntactic analysis of some special clauses such as "preposition-X-postposition", "ba" constructions, and "bei" constructions.The paper aims to provide a new perspective to analyze the syntactic structure and functions of modern mandarin Chinese prepositional groups.It finds that Chinese prepositional groups contain prepositions and completives, and it can fill Subject, Complement and Adjunct at the level of clause, and Modifier and Finisher at the level of group.
A Study of Discontinuity within the Framework of the Cardiff Grammar
GAO Sheng-wen, YAN Zhen-hua
2013, 29(1): 23-31.
Abstract(300) PDF(11)
Discontinuity is a common phenomenon in English, and many schools have described and explained it from different approaches.The Cardiff Grammar develops a relatively comprehensive theory of functional syntax and it contributes to the study of discontinuity.This paper is dedicated to investigating discontinuity in the Cardiff Grammar, i.e.revealing the nature of discontinuity, making a classification of various types of discontinuity and discussing discontinuity in "verbal groups".Description and discussion of various types of discontinuity are conducted from a functional perspective.
Analyzing Long Sentences in English for Science and Technology by Means of RST Tool
DONG Min, GAO Wen-rui
2013, 29(1): 32-39.
Abstract(311) PDF(21)
Due to their rigorousness in logical terms and complicatedness in structural relations, long sentences of English for Science and Technology tend to present great difficulties in the course of EST reading and EST translation.Rhetorical Structure Theory is characteristic of analyzing rhetorical relations for semantic coherence of written monologue texts and therefore is widely applicable in text generation and structural analysis.On the basis of the description of RST framework, the present study is concerned with the analysis of long sentences in EST text by means of RST Tool, in an attempt to provide a new analytical tool for structural analysis of EST texts.Our research finds that RST Tool is easily operational, providing significant implications for EST reading and EST translation.
Organizational and Institutional Discourse Studies: Significance, Problems and Reflections
SUN Yong-mei, XU Hao
2013, 29(1): 40-46.
Abstract(659) PDF(29)
This review explores the theoretical and practical significance of organizational and institutional discourse studies by summarizing the status quo of this newly emerging research field from an integrative perspective.After pointing out the theoretical and practical significance of this field, we argue that the "top-down" approach of Critical Discourse Analysis, the "bottom-up" approach of Interactional Sociolinguistics and the detailed analysis of Conversation Analysis should be integrated as solutions to these problems, and that such integration enables researchers to understand and interpret organizational and institutional discourse from a continuous and dynamic perspective.
Life Condition of Boat People in China after 1949
LIU Qun, MENG Yong
2013, 29(1): 47-58.
Abstract(336) PDF(9)
Different studies on boat people have been developed for so many years, and bost people's lives has changed, much after a lot of social changes.This paper is concentrated on boat people in Xincai along Huai River, which tells us their life condition from many aspects such as population, education, career, income, social security, marriage, etc.
The Practical Effect of New Rural Cooperative Medical Policy: A Viewpoint from Villagers in a North China Village
XUN Jian-li, LI Wen-jing
2013, 29(1): 59-65,88.
Abstract(295) PDF(11)
This paper aims to explore the practical effect of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Policy (NRCMP) from the viewpoint of villagers in a north China village.Both qualitative and quantitative data show that villagers are totally very satisfied with the policy, but some of them complain about the high inpatient costs, low reimbursement rates and more reimbursement limits.It is necessary to improve the policy design, strengthen the policy propaganda, and perfect the rural health care system, if China wants to make the NRCMP more effective and efficient in the future.
The Discovery and Uplift of Spirit——The Inner Logic in Lu Xun's Early Five Classical Chinese Papers
SUN Hai-jun
2013, 29(1): 66-71.
Abstract(554) PDF(23)
From Lu Xun's five classical Chinese papers written in Japan, we can find a strong "subjectivism" tendency with a gradually deepening inner logic process in his early thought, and its central clue is the discovery and uplift of spirit.In one word, "the subjective interior surface of the spirit" is not only the structural clue of Lu Xun's articles, but the base of young Lu Xun's thought.
Academic Contention & Criticism
A Comparative Analysis of the Scientific & Technological Innovation Capacity of Our Universities and Research Institutions in Recent Ten Years
MA Bai-lian
2013, 29(1): 72-78.
Abstract(185) PDF(9)
Based on statistics data, this paper analyzes the R & D investment and science papers and invention patents of China's colleges, universities and research institutions over the past decade.This paper believes that, China's colleges and universities received a much lower of R & D funds than research institutions, but have acquired a higher innovation efficiency.Compared with the world, our colleges and universities are lower in both the quality and the quantity of their outcomes.The average R & D investment amount per person of CAS is much higher than that of our universities, and their scientific innovation capacity has basically finished the change from the quantity increase to the quality improvement of their scientific papers.For this reason, it is essential for our government to increase the support for universities in R & D investment to make an improvement of their scientific innovation capacity.
Reading & Research
The Local Culture and Local Features of Concession Architecture in Modern Tianjin: From the Perspective of The Historic Architecture in Tianjin
CAO Lei, WANG Miao
2013, 29(1): 79-83.
Abstract(460) PDF(14)
This paper takes the concession buildings listed in the book The Historic Architecture in Tianjin as the object of research, and combined with field research and present survey, analyzes the modern concession architecture with unique local characteristics arising from the collisions of Chinese and Western cultures and studies the cultural connotations therein and their impact on Modern Tianjin's architectural image.From the use of facade materials in concession buildings, this paper analyzes Tianjin's local culture and local features therein, as well as the use of Tianjin's traditional elements in Western-style architecture.Modern Tianjin's concession architecture carrying a half-century history was the result of collisions and exchanges of Chinese and Western cultures in the special era.
The Formation and Evolution of Hai Rui Theorem——From Su Li to Sang Ben-qian
LIU Ting-hua
2013, 29(1): 84-88.
Abstract(326) PDF(11)
Based on the theorem of Hai Rui, when we handle the disputed case, we should strive to minimize the loss of expected misjudgement and the cost of provement, and we must enforce the law strictly in accordance with designed rules which is consistent with social strong concept in order to reduce the cost caused by any party dissatisfied with decision.The system of the proof burden in modern judicial system is construction and development of Hai Rui theorem in the system level.
Empirical Analysis and the Countermeasure on the Determination of Needy Students in Colleges and Universities with Non-income Indicators
WANG Li-min, LIU Jing
2013, 29(1): 89-93.
Abstract(184) PDF(8)
As China's tax system is not perfect, the accurate information of household income and expenditure is more difficult to get.Thus, the identification of poor students in colleges and universities has become difficult to quantitative research.In this paper, nine non-income variables, as follows, the main domestic source of income, registered residence, poverty-stricken counties, single parents, major disease, grandparents income, the population of the schooling, family indebtedness, major incident, are usedto estimate the family's income and expenditure, and to identify poor students.The results show that the model is effective and feasible.
On the Theory and Practice of Research Teaching in the Universities
LIN Hai, LI Hong, YUAN Jian-mei, HE Yong
2013, 29(1): 94-99.
Abstract(241) PDF(8)
It is the important way and inevitable option of personnel training to promote the reform of research teaching actively in present China.?In recent years,beneficial explorations of research teaching has been carried out in University of Science and Technology Beijing,the specific operations include changing of idea,scientific planning,conbining the research teaching reform with courses and teaching materials,diversifying the new research teaching system,strengthening the construction of research teaching staff,reforming the system of school assignment and course examination,providing effective supports for the reform,and the like,and some significance has been recognized in the field.
The Change of China's Household Registration System and Its Inherent Logic
MA Fu-yun
2013, 29(1): 100-104.
Abstract(344) PDF(8)
In this article, on the basis of systematically examining the formation and changes of China's household registration system, the author provides a thorough analysis of the inherent logic, and forecasts the future reform of China's household registration system.
Inheritance and Transcendence: On Habermas's Deliberative Politics and Rousseau's General Will
ZHANG Xiao-xi
2013, 29(1): 105-108,114.
Abstract(302) PDF(11)
Habermas who proposed the democratic pattern of "deliberative politics" has inherited and transcended Rousseau's "general will".As the principle of combining social community, "general will", that is, the public of the Community, related to the public well-being of the Community.It is the "general will" that made the necessity of the establishment of a society possible.At the same time, Habermas found that the objective of the value of the general will had been set, but in the reality it often emphasized the importance of the result, neglecting the process.Thus, it is important to construct a communicative space for action and to set a engagement program in the dynamic field for the "general will".Habermas thought the theory of "deliberative politics" could explain how the private and public autonomy were internally related in the course of legal system.The inclusive theory with the desire for the dynamic balance of the social order put more emphasis on the course of the will, through the procedure of lawmaking that begets legitimacy.This is precisely the view making Habermas beyong Rousseau.
The Understanding and Policy of the Communist Party of China about the Bureaucratic Capital Economy
ZHANG Xu-dong
2013, 29(1): 109-114.
Abstract(371) PDF(8)
The capital has a division of the national and the private from the perspective of economics, but the Chinese Communists with Mao Zedong as the core proposed a concept of Chinese characteristics — bureaucratic capital.The Chinese Communists define the concept of the bureaucratic capital with the focus on the political struggle, but in the course of confiscating of bureaucrat capital, their? focus is still on the economic significance.Formulating detailed rules and regulations to guide the implementation of confiscation policy, they avoid the destruction of the productive forces.
Chen Yun and Sanmenxia Reservoir
WANG Rui-fang
2013, 29(1): 115-118.
Abstract(197) PDF(9)
Chen Yun attached great importance to the construction of Sanmenxia Reservoir, and his attitude in the process of policy making of the project was very careful and dispassioned.Before the start of some important and significant projects, adequate arguments and extensive discussions must be carried out;in the process of construction of projects, we should find out the potential problems in time and should take some efficient and useful measures to solve the problems;and we should assume the responsibility and draw a lesson from the mistakes once we find out that we have made some mistakes in policy making.Above are the great experiences which Chen Yun left to us in the process of construction of Sanmenxia Reservoir.