2011 Vol. 27, No. 3

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Systemic Functional Studies of Register
CHANG Chen-guang, CHEN Yu-min
2011, 27(3): 1-5.
Abstract(348) PDF(32)
Register is an important concept in Systemic Functional studies of context, and has attracted much attention in Systemic Functional Linguistics and discourse analysis.Based on a review of the development of this concept, including its features and functions, this paper discusses the different interpretations of register within Systemic Functional circle and introduces recent developments.
Genre Studies in Systemic Functional Linguistics
GONG Zhang-hua
2011, 27(3): 6-12.
Abstract(356) PDF(34)
Within Systemic Functional Linguistics, there are two major traditions in the study of genre.The paper examines the two different perspectives, represented respectively by Halliday & Hasan and Martin.It is hoped that the review will help clarify the different notions of context, register and genre.
Research on Probability from a Systemic Functional Perspective
LI Zhong-hua
2011, 27(3): 13-16.
Abstract(372) PDF(23)
The paper discusses the inherent probabilistic nature of language and the probabilistic research methodology from a systemic functional perspective.In view of the theoretical concepts of system and instantiation, the paper illustrates the inherent probabilistic nature of language and the significance of the probabilistic methodology in systemic functional linguistics.
Grammatical Metaphor and Pragmatic Presupposition
ZHANG Jing-yuan, LIU Xiao
2011, 27(3): 17-21.
Abstract(292) PDF(17)
Through the investigation of the relation between grammatical metaphor and pragmatic presupposition under the framework of Halliday's systemic-functional grammar, this paper attempts to illustrate that grammatical metaphor is also an effective way to realize pragmatic presupposition.This study shows that ideational metaphor, interpersonal metaphor and textual metaphor all bear a theoretical foundation to trigger pragmatic presupposition on both the lexicogrammatical and semantic level.
Effects of Contextual Configurations on EFL Listening and Speaking
XIAO Hao-zhang
2011, 27(3): 22-29.
Abstract(368) PDF(16)
Based on Halliday's register theory, this paper, adopting both qualitative and quantitative methods, attempts to integrate the register theory and the recent development of language-based cognitive view of SFL, which is applied in the present experimental study.Two types of contextual configurations (CC) are designed to test their effects on promoting listening and speaking: 1) the experimental group is required to write role-play tasks after listening to native speakers' conversations and then role-play;2) the control group is required to do traditional after-class listening exercises after listening to native speakers' conversations and then role-play.The results show that the first type of CC has a significant effect on promoting listening but marginal significance in speaking.Based on the experimental results, the study holds that CC should incorporate task variables and cognitive/psychological factors for EFL learning.
On Duan Qirui's Role in the 1911 Recolution
MA Yong
2011, 27(3): 30-37,143.
Abstract(543) PDF(23)
The 1911 Revolution is a turning point of the Chinese history, in which each school of political influence has played a significant role.Despite their differences, their compromise and concession promoted the talks between north and south and finally lead to a peaceful ending of the violent revolution.During this process, the Qing Court, the Qing Government, Sun Yat-sen, the revolutionary party, the constitutionalists, Yuan Shikai and leaders of the new army functioned differently.This paper attempts to unveil the indispensible role played by Duan Qirui, the leader of the new army, in the revolution by reviewing his activities and remarks.
Yang Du: Initiator of the Petition Campaign for Qing Congress
CAI Li-qiang, ZUO Yu-he
2011, 27(3): 38-42,49.
Abstract(449) PDF(17)
As a significant role in the constitutional movement in late Qing Dynasty, Yang Du gradually formed the contitutional ideology of "government under the supervision of public opinion, public opinion propagated by the congress, and congress promoted by the constitution", and was regarded as the first Chinese to advocate a constitutional government.Since his plead for a constitutional government, petition for "speeding up the construction of congress"became the most influential political movement and the later campaigns were mostly based on Yang's constitutional ideology.Although the campaign initiated by Yang failed its purpose to speed up the construction of congress in the firs place, it did have great significance.Since then, petition became an effective political movement and largely enhanced the political foundation of constitutional government.The Qing Government was compelled to shorten the period for constitutional preparation.Though it supressed the representatives of the petitioners, its legitimacy was gradually worn out ever since.
The Study of Sun Yat-Sen's Gendlogical Origin
FENG Xiu-zhen
2011, 27(3): 43-49.
Abstract(484) PDF(26)
Sun Yat-Sen is the leader of 1911 Revolution.There has been controversy over his genealogical origin-whether he is Hakka's or Guangfu's.Based on the study of his genealogy, his self-identification and other ecidence, it is found thst Sun's ancestors came from the Hakka community in Zijin of Guangdong.Therefore, it is held that Sun Yat-Sen, as well as his son and grand-daughter are all Hakka people.
When the Aesthetic Behavior Becomes Consumer Behavior——A Cultural Criticism of Daily Life Aesthetics
QI Yan
2011, 27(3): 50-57.
Abstract(237) PDF(19)
Daily life and aesthetics are mutually penetrated in contemporary society.Under the impact of consumerism tide, the traditional aesthetic connotation changes a lot, showing the following features:a critical turn, lack of self-discipline, utilitarian tendency, and multiculture.
Impact of Social Fashion on Novels in Ming and Qing Dynasties: An Interpretation of Image Changes in Illustrations of the Novels
2011, 27(3): 58-63,69.
Abstract(308) PDF(16)
To the illustrations of novels in Ming and Qing dynasties, there is a great change in the images in the composition when the format alters from the illustration above text to illustration over the page.In terms of the external style of the illustrations, this change shows the effects of the social fashion of the times.In terms of the internal form, this change is ascribed to the alternation of the image-making.To the readers, it brings brand-new reading effects.
A Study on Paratexts of Lu Xun's Literature Translation
HU Li-li
2011, 27(3): 64-69.
Abstract(323) PDF(24)
As an indispensable part of text, the paratext brings a new angle to the analysis of translation works.Lu Xun leaves lots of versions, letters related with translation, and paratexts.This paper makes an analytical study on prefaces, postscripts, excursuses, catalogs and iconograph to Lu Xun's translation works, and discusses the role of paratexts in supplementing and expanding the translation, projecting the translator's view, and promoting the communication between the translator and the readers, so that a better understanding of Lu Xun's contribution to the Chinese literature translation can be formed.
Study on Debtor Dissidence Action
WANG Di, SUN Ling-yue
2011, 27(3): 70-76.
Abstract(268) PDF(17)
The debtor dissidence action constitutes an integral part of the civil enforcement remedy regime in the civil procedure law system and is a significant topic in relation thereto.In legal practice, the debtor dissidence action has been widely established in many civil law countries.With regard to China, though several amends have been made to the Civil Procedure Law since 2007, the debtor dissidence action is still not expressly stipulated.This paper, starting from the analysis of the theory and the current status of the debtor dissidence action, discusses the necessity and feasibility of establishing the system in China in order to provide any inspiration for the further study and practice of the debtor dissidence action.
Division and Cooperation: Relationship between the Subject and Object in Civil Evidence-collecting Procedure
WU Ru-qiao
2011, 27(3): 77-84,89.
Abstract(345) PDF(30)
The subjects of civil evidence collection should include the parties, the counsels and the judges, but should not include the procurators.The parties should be dominant in the evidence-collecting process;the evidence-collecting acts of the counsels are important complement to the parties' ability to collect evidence;and the court's investigation and evidence collection is also essential.This paper defines the relationship between the subject and the object as that of division and cooperation: division is the prerequisite and cooperation is the essence and core.Cooperation in evidence collection process has double meanings, but the collaboration between the subject and the object is more meaningful.The legal basis for subject and object's cooperation obligations are different, but the common basis for cooperation lies in "duty to collaborate" theory.In the context of litigation model's transformation from "principle of debate" to cooperationism, the "duty to collaborate" theory lays a profound foundation for legitimacy.
The Economic Basis for Principle of Changed Circumstances
LIU Ting-hua
2011, 27(3): 85-89.
Abstract(379) PDF(22)
Compelling economic logic lies beneath the principle of changed circumstances.On the one hand, the valuation and costs of performance to contracting parties have changed in the case of changed circumstances so that the original contract is no longer an effective means of resource allocation and must be changed or canceled.On the other hand, in accordance with the requirements of economic efficiency, risk should be allocated to the superior risk-taking people.As neither of the contracting parties may meet the requirement, the principle of changed circumstances distributes risk fairly between the parties by adjusting or discharging the contract.
Irrational Exuberance of China's Real Estate Market: Econometric Test by Means of the Non-stationary Panel Based on the Investment Properties of Real Estate
BAI Ji-yang
2011, 27(3): 90-98.
Abstract(313) PDF(15)
The real estate provides the basic place for the residents' life and their economic activities.Meanwhile, it is also one of the most important investment varieties.At present in our country the real estate market obtains rapid development and the real estate price continues to rise, which presents a prosperous scene.However, there are controversies over whether it is rational for the real estate market to develop so rapidly.This paper uses the non-stationary panel way that is based on the investment characteristic of real estate, to test empirically and judge the irrational exuberance of real estate rise in price in our country.The results show that the house price has been separated from the fundamental plane in our country and the real estate rise in price presents irrational exuberance.
Studies of the Financing Mode for Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Facilities in China: Taking Britain for Example
ZHANG Bei, LI Hui-ming
2011, 27(3): 99-104.
Abstract(206) PDF(16)
The treatment of municipal solid waste is a serious issue China has to face in the course of realizing circular economy.In addition to the technical problems, the source of capital is also a problem that has to be addressed.This paper explores a new way of financing for municipal solid waste treatment facilities in Britain, i.e.the private finance initiative, and analyzes the feasibility of this approach in dealing with municipal solid waste in China, and gives suggestions for application of this approach respectively from aspects of regulations, government policy, laws, supervision and scientific research.
Courtesan Novels of Shanghai: The Nightmare of Modern Males
HU Jing
2011, 27(3): 105-108,113.
Abstract(311) PDF(22)
Westernization of the modern Shanghai made prostitutes the group of people mostly influenced by urbanization and commercialization, and the group of people whose ideas changed most dramatically.Changes of the female characters broke the traditional romance of "superior men and inferior women" and "man being the talented one and woman being the beautiful one" in the classical courtesan novels.In the courtesan novels of Shanghai, prostitutes have become men's nightmare.
Meaninglessness: Gender Anxiety in Ding Ling's Early Novels
JIN Jun-rong
2011, 27(3): 109-113.
Abstract(434) PDF(17)
Feminine depression has clear gender characteristics in Ding Ling's early novels, which is called feminine gender anxiety.This anxiety is reflected in aspects of their love, marriage, homosexuality, and friendship.Finally all these anxieties can be summed up as meaningless anxiety."Meaninglessness" is the result which comes from ultimate thinking about the significance of life.The gender anxiety described by Ding Ling is the anxiety of the vulnerable group's margin over the center, the anxiety over women's failure in finding their own value, and the anxiety over the emptiness of the ultimate meaning of life.
Analysis of Language Defamiliarization in The Border Town from Perspectives of Sight,Rhythm and Emotion
SU Ke, YAN Ning
2011, 27(3): 114-118.
Abstract(342) PDF(20)
Defamiliariztion is the representative theory of Russian formalism, which believes the task of literature is to defamiliarize perception and expression.The literary works of Shen Congwen are characterized by defamiliarization.The charm of language defamiliarization in The Border Town is analyzed in this paper from the perspectives of sight, rhythm and emotion.
Mirror Revelry: Studies on Internet Sex
LIU Zhong-yi
2011, 27(3): 119-124,128.
Abstract(281) PDF(16)
In the world of internet, sex has become a easily-established relationship.Based on an empirical study of internet sex, this paper proposes that internet has become a new medium for sex which provides space for sex;it helps realize the multiple value of sex and makes the intimate sexual behaviour a solely release of sensual desire, which breaks loose from the mundane ethics and rules and becomes a revelry.
Discussion of “Four in One” Professional Practice Education Model in Social Work
2011, 27(3): 125-128.
Abstract(371) PDF(16)
This paper introduces the current situation of social work practice in Guangzhou in terms of practice units, supervisor forces and management system of university.And then it discusses the construction of the "four in one" practice education model which consists of systematic practice unit, localization of professional supervisor, supporting from university management and student supporting team.
Problems and Solutions in Household Regisration System Reform in China: A Case Study of Chengdu City
MA Fu-yun
2011, 27(3): 129-133.
Abstract(370) PDF(15)
Based on the study of the origin and development of the household registration system in China, this paper points out the problems China faces in its household registration system reform: bearing capacity of the cities, the general preferential social welfare system, disposition of the farmland of migrant workers, etc.With an analysis of the solutions to these problems taken by Chengdu City, this paper draws experience from the household registration system reform in Chengdu and suggests its application in other parts of the country.
The Internal Logic and Practical Dilemma of a Minimal State: Analysis of Robert Nozick's Negative State Conception
PANG Jin-you, ZHANG Xia
2011, 27(3): 134-139.
Abstract(398) PDF(24)
Different from John Rawls's positive state conception, Robert Nozick points out that minimal state is the best form.By criticizing anarchism and multi-fuctional state, Nozick argues that the minimal state is necessary and also the most functional.Any practice of expanding the fuction of state would infringe individual's rights.Minimal state is pratical;it can offer the ideal Utopia for individuals to carry out rights freely.Considering the social and economic practical factors, the minimal state does not suit developing countries which are undergoing a period of transforming.
Community Management Innovation Analysis from the Perspective of Social Management Innovation
QI Fang
2011, 27(3): 140-143.
Abstract(272) PDF(16)
Social management innovation is an important mission of our society construction in the new era.As a primary form of social management, community management is the main research field that needs breakthroughs.Innovative actvities can be carried out from perspectives of the subject, the object and the approaches of community management, such as reforming grass-roots community management system, improving community management of conditions, fostering innovative thinking, to promote community management development, strengthening the grass-roots social management, protecting people's right seffectively, ensuring grass-roots social stability and promoting social harmony.
Analysis of the Value of Deliberative Democracy
WU Jun-bin
2011, 27(3): 144-149.
Abstract(272) PDF(15)
The value of deliberative democracy is mainly embodied in five areas: First, to promote political participation.Deliberative democracy can help protect the rights of political participation, enhance the quality of political participation, expand the space of political participation and enhance political participation effect.Second, to foster civil society.Deliberative democracy requires recognition of the relative independence of civil society, strengthens the rational and autonomy character of civil society, establishs the universality rules of civil society, and strengthens the capacity and authority of the political country.Third, to maintain political stability.Deliberative democracy builds bridges between government and citizens, and can effectively resolve the conflict between government action and wishes of citizens, build social trust, and avoid social unrest.Fourth, to supervise public power.Deliberative democracy can help to expand the breadth and depth of social supervision, establish the monitoring mechanism of "social constraints power".Fifth, to enhance political authority.Deliberative democracy can help build recognition mechanism of the political system, gain political legitimacy, and enhance political authority.
Regional Differences in Internet Development in China and Policy Management
2011, 27(3): 150-157.
Abstract(363) PDF(16)
"Digital divide" of China is becoming more and more narrow, which is mainly the result of the shrinking gap between provinces in eastern, central and western areas;regional knowledge development, standard of living and economy, and the degree of openness can be the most influential interpretation of regional discrepancy in the internet development, and the impact of information infrastructure is also very significant.We hold that the government should strengthen the information construction of the central and western areas, create a good educational environment and talent environment, promote the proliferation of E-commerce to the western region comprehensively and offer more system security and policy, to eliminate regional "digital divide" and accelerate socio-economic development.
On China's Social Credit Crisis and Outlet
LU Lan
2011, 27(3): 158-164.
Abstract(381) PDF(21)
While China is undergoing a process of rapid economic development, the construction of business ethics has been ignored and the traditional honesty concept has also been worn out.Commercial frauds in financial activities have expanded to an incredibly large area and some government officials even attempted to conceal the truth from the public, which seriously undermined the social credibility and stability.As a result, the construction of social credit has become an urgent matter.To explore the origin of credibility and its law of evolution, both internal and external problems should be addressed, and both short-term and long-term plans should be made.The construction of credibility should be carried out at both the grass-root level and the governmental level, thus forming a long-lasting mechanism of guidance by the government, enhancement of and supervision by the grass-root level.
On Application of Ability-based Management Theory in Management of University Teachers
2011, 27(3): 165-169.
Abstract(218) PDF(15)
In the current management of university teachers, the outmoded idea of assigning a job in accordance with seniority and following others at every step has been eradicated.Ability-based management theory based on assumption of "man as able" has begun to show itself in the management of university teachers.This paper firstly introduces basic contents of ability-based management theory, then discloses the existing problems in the management of university teachers and finally tries to make ability-based management theory practical to the management of university teachers so as to futher promote the level of management of university teachers in China.
Research on the Structure,Layout and Development of College Specific Majors
LIANG Chuan-jie, DUAN Guan-wei
2011, 27(3): 170-174.
Abstract(325) PDF(15)
The construction of specific majors at college and university is an important approach in optimizing the major structure, improving the quality of personnel training and increasing major level and characteristics.The author used the method of scientific metrology to analyse structure and layout of existing specific majors at Chinese collegs and universities.The study describes the characteristics of the present major development, gives solutions to the existing problems and puts forward suggestion for further development.