2011 Vol. 27, No. 1

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Start and Exploration of Aluminium-smelting Education in the Early Years of Prople's Repubic of China
ZHANG Mei-fang, FENG Xun-wan
2011, 27(1): 1-7.
Abstract(236) PDF(11)
In the early years of People's Republic of China, the education in the area of non-ferrous metals was flourishing with the contribution from an education center for aluminium smelting at Peiyang University, namely, Peiyang Light-Metal Class.This paper elucidates the history of Peiyang Light-Metal Class, by summarizing the interviews with Professor Fang Zhengzhi who witnessed the establishment and operation of it.Requested by the Ministry of Heavy Industry, this class was established in the academic year of 1950-1951 at Peiyang University where Professor Fang was responsible for teaching the courses of smelting and metallography of light metals.Most of the students became experts and scholars and made important contributions to new China's light-metal industry.
A Systemic Functional Syntactic Analysis of the “V+to+V” Construction in English
HUANG Guo-wen
2011, 27(1): 8-13.
Abstract(406) PDF(13)
This paper takes a systemic functional approach to the syntactic analysis of the "V+to+V" construction in English.The analysis indicates that there are a number of semantic relations between the two verbs (verbal groups) although they share the same syntactic form of "V+to+V".The analysis of different combinations in the "V+to+V" construction shows that a meaning-based approach to syntactic analysis has its advantages in exploring the relationship between the verbal group and its function in realizing meaning.
Rethinking Multiple Theme in Systemic Functional Grammar
YANG Bing-jun
2011, 27(1): 14-18.
Abstract(345) PDF(16)
Enlightened by German scholars and the Prague School, systemicists have pushed forward the research on Theme-Rheme structure further, more detailed and thorough than ever.However, the definition of multiple Theme needs better justification, and the description of the serial structure of multiple Theme is not so comprehensive as to include the realization of some typical English patterns.This paper is intended to make an analysis of the problems of multiple Theme proposed by Halliday from three perspectives.
An Overview of Studies of Modern Chinese Temporal System
HE Wei, MA Rui-zhi
2011, 27(1): 19-27.
Abstract(310) PDF(26)
The study of modern Chinese temporal system, which can be traced back to 1930s, is receiving attention from more and more scholars.The focus of research has transformed from the existence of temporal concepts in Chinese to the realizations of temporal meaning and their relationship.The research tends to be more systematic and justifies a wider range of language phenomena.However, as a result of diversified research angles and emphases, the study of modern Chinese temporal system takes on an inconsistent scenario.This paper attempts to make a generalization of the studies in this area from the perspectives of tense, aspect, phase, temporal words, etc.in the hope of shedding some light for the construction of a complete and consistent modern Chinese temporal system.
Analyzing English Verbally Expressed Jokes in the Framework of Transitivity
SU Hang, LIU Cheng-yu
2011, 27(1): 28-32.
Abstract(266) PDF(20)
Verbal jokes are closely associated with ambiguity, among which lexicogrammatical ambiguity is one of the major mechanisms for the generation of verbally expressed jokes.In systemic functional grammar (SFG), transitivity is analyzed in terms of the realization between meaning and lexicogrammar.This provides an effective way of interpretation for lexicogrammatical ambiguity, which has not been well expounded in the framework of formalist grammar.This paper explores within the SFG theory of transitivity why a joke induced by lexicogrammatical ambiguity is funny and how it is funny, and then a linguistic model is suggested for the analysis of such verbally expressed jokes in English.
The Relationship between Elements of Clause Structure and Participant Roles
2011, 27(1): 33-38.
Abstract(230) PDF(11)
The aim of this paper is to discuss the relationship between elements of clause structure and Participant Roles from the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics.The issue to be addressed is the possible matching of elements of clause structure within the Interpersonal Metafunction and the Participant Roles within the Experiential Metafunction.
Postmodern Thought Challenges and Intensional Changes in the Literary Theoretical Core Category
2011, 27(1): 39-44.
Abstract(204) PDF(11)
Facing postmodern thought challenges, intension of the literary theoretical core category is experiencing great challenges, which means this discipline is in a new developing phase.These changes reveal the limitation, developing space and developing direction of the core category.It is benefcial to the fostering of the graduates.The limitation of essentialism lies in its pursuit of the universal essence;the disadvantage of actualism rests with its persistence in epistemology, abstracting emotions into thoughts;the modern core category of theory of language transcends the traditional language perspectives, both enriching the language itself and the literary theory.Internal logic exists among the three categories.
Paratexts and Translation:A Case Study of Lin Shu's Prefaces and Postscripts to Translation Works
WEN Yue-e
2011, 27(1): 45-49.
Abstract(372) PDF(17)
The theory of paratext focuses on the text forms at the edge of a text, which offers a new perspective to translation studies.Prefaces and postscripts to translation works are the most important paratexts concerning the translated work, the translator's translation activities and historical context.Lin Qinnan Shu Hua is a collection of Lin Shu's translation paratexts.The paper makes an analytical study on Lin Shu's translation paratexts and finds:on the one hand, Lin Shu's translation paratexts serve as a guide to the translation works;on the other hand, they reveal the utilitarianism of translation, translation norms, the preliminary literature comparison as well as Lin Shu's translation career.
Study on Constructing Noncontentious Procedure of Realizing the Mortgage Right
XIAO Jian-guo, CHEN Wen-tao
2011, 27(1): 50-54,72.
Abstract(363) PDF(11)
Different stipulations are made in Property Law and Guarantee Law when it comes to the means of realizing the mortgage right in China.Section 2 of article 195 of Property Law stipulates that:where no agreement on the means of realizing the mortgage right is achieved, the mortgagee may require the people's court to auction or sell off the mortgaged property.However, which procedure of the procedural law should be used to put this innovative article of civil substantive law into application is still in dispute at present.With theoretical analysis and comparision, the present author reckons that civil noncontentious procedure should be applied to realizing the mortgage right, and the concrete system of this noncontentious procedure is also brought out in this paper.
Empirical Research on the Types of Labor Dispute Reasons
LIANG Ping, KONG Ling-zhang
2011, 27(1): 55-60,87.
Abstract(350) PDF(10)
The types of labor dispute reasons directly affect and restrict the construction direction of the resolution mechanisms for labor dispute.The empirical research shows the disputes involving salary, social insurance payments and economic compensation and damages are the main causes of labor dispute.The internal factors of labor disputes are the the employee's cognition on the influencing factors of labor relationship and the employer's cognition on the laws and decrees of the state.Therefore, the future labor dispute resolution mechanisms should pay more attention to streamline the settlement proceeding of labor disputes and perfect the preventive mediation mechanisms of labor dispute established in enterprise.
On the Institution of Cofigurative Debt Delegation in Chinese Legal System
YUE Ye-peng
2011, 27(1): 61-68.
Abstract(337) PDF(14)
Considering the defect of legislation and research on the institution of cofigurative debt delegation, the thesis makes a systematical research.It is necessary to recognize the special academic and legislative backgroud in China to understand the position of the institution of cofigurative debt delegation in our legal system.The intension and extension of the institution are studied in the paper.Through analysis of article 84 of Contract Law of PRC and summary of academic viewpoints, the paper holds that cofigurative debt delegation is not contained in partial debt delegation and It is not accepted by Chinese legislation either.There is legislative loophole needed to be repaired.The paper takes the contract aiming at debt delegation as the core to study the settlement mechanism of obstacle in implementation of cofigurative debt delegation.
“Family Culture” Feeling on the Localization Process of Professional Social Work in China
HUANG Yao-ming
2011, 27(1): 69-72.
Abstract(322) PDF(10)
Localization is an important proposition of professional social work practice and development.Although professional social work has entered the Chinese mainland for twenty years, yet it is not fully launched.Most Scholars' opinion focused on the integration of social work's "helping people to help themselves" philosophy with Chinese traditional culture.In fact, the difference of social structure is the greatest difficulty on professional social work's localization, especially the "family culture" feelings.To realize the localization of social work, it must improve the integration of western social work concept and "family culture" feelings, and build the substantive relevance of cultural identity to professional social work.
Wealth and Hidden Trouble:Migrant Workes Suspended in the Urban and Rural Areas
LU Lan
2011, 27(1): 73-77,82.
Abstract(227) PDF(11)
The migrant workers suspended in the urban and rural areas are the heroes of economic construction as well as hidden trouble to society.Although they work in cities, they can't fit into urban life in politics, culture and daily life.To build a thick basis and make migrant workes land safely are closely related to the steady transformation of our society, which is an urgent problem to be solved.
Investigation and Analysis on Doctor Candidates' Academic Misconduct
HE Ke-tai, YANG Hai-na, LI Su-jian
2011, 27(1): 78-82.
Abstract(448) PDF(10)
In order to master the degree of academic misconduct of doctor candidates, we sent out questionnaires to doctor candidates in four key universities in Beijing.Based on the results, different factors that can result in academic misconducts are analyzed.Social environment, rules and regulations of universities, education work, direction actions of tutors and the thoughts of doctor candidates can all affect their academic actions.The data in this paper generally reflects the impacts of different factors on doctor candidates.
The Security System for Social Donation to Universities
GUO De-xia
2011, 27(1): 83-87.
Abstract(311) PDF(15)
Although the continuous developing economy has provided a good economic foundation, the present situation of social donation to universities is dissatisfied.A good donation atmosphere and practice need a suitable system to support.This paper has some suggestions for the improvement of social donation system, such as strengthening the tax preference, increasing the supervision and management of endowment, and protruding the return of donation.Universities should pay more attention to the enactment and execution of social donation plan.
On Characteristic Specialty Cultivation in Higher Education Institutions——A Case Study on Geographical Information System Department of Capital Normal University
LIANG Chuan-jie
2011, 27(1): 88-92.
Abstract(245) PDF(10)
Characteristic specialty construction is an important embodiment of the higher education Institutions' characteristics of college-running and characteristics development.This paper took Geographical Information System Department of Capital Normal University as an example.Based on reviewing the development process and concluding the construction experiences, it suggests that choosing characteristic specialty must be in accordance with the need of our country.Characteristic specialty construction must grasp its own location and objectives.Key disciplines construction is the foundation for characteristic specialty.High-level teaching staff training is the core;innovation of talent cultivation model is the important point;and establishment of practical teaching base and research base is efficient support.
Study on the Mechanism and Empirical Effect of Tax Policy on TFP in China's Service Industry
CHEN Jin-bao, HE Feng, ZHAO Xiao
2011, 27(1): 93-98.
Abstract(330) PDF(13)
The mechanism of tax policy on productivity of China's service industry was discussed in this paper firstly.Then, based on the cross-province panel data of the year of 2001 to 2008, the author measured the changes of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) of China's service industry, and studied the influence of the tax preference policy to the TFP of the service industry.The research shows:firstly, TFP of China's service industry of the year of 2001 to 2008 varied slimly;secondly, tax preference policy could greatly promote TFP and technical efficiency of China's service industry;thirdly, tax preference policy did not perform too well on the technical improvement of China's service industry, and the effect of the tax incentives on the creative investment is not very sound.Therefore, enlarging the technical investment of China's service industry and strengthening the support of the creative investment should be the key point of the future tax policy.
Study on the Gender Differences of Customer Perceived Value on Purchase Intention Based on Chinese Own Use Cosmetics Market
HAO Jun-feng, WANG Bo
2011, 27(1): 99-103.
Abstract(390) PDF(10)
Chinese own use cosmetics market has great potential development space.Facing fierce competitions, cosmetics companies have to expand the customer perceived value of their products.Considering gender differences, this paper collected data through questionnaires and did quantitative analysis to discuss the effect of customer perceived value on purchase intention in Chinese own use cosmetics market and made marketing advice based on the conclusions.
Measuring the Effect of Chinese Residents' Health on Labor Force Participation——An Empirical Analysis Based on Multi-dimensional Health Indicators
WANG Jian-guo
2011, 27(1): 104-110,119.
Abstract(305) PDF(9)
Residents' health is extremely significant for their labor force participation.Domestic relevant research only adopts the self-reported General Health Status (GHS) as the measure of health level, but health is multi-dimensional;therefore self-reported health may not be able to completely measure the effect of Chinese residents' true health on labor force participation.To overcome this problem, this paper utilizes multi-dimensional health indicators, such as GHS, short-term disease, disease history, Body Mass Index (BMI) and nutrition intake.Our result reveals that self-reported GHS is indeed not an accurate measure of true health level to measure the effect of Chinese residents' true health on labor force participation, and different health indicators including self-reported GHS have relatively independent health information concerning its effect on labor force participation.
Linking Clan History with Social History:on the Narrative Consciousness of “One Thousand Eight Hundred Dan”
YUAN Hong-tao
2011, 27(1): 111-114.
Abstract(259) PDF(9)
One Thousand Eight Hundred Dan, one of WU Zuxiang's masterpieces, whose narration of the clan society was historic for it planned the narrative time delicately and linked clan history with social history closely, showed the trend of the clan-narration in 1930s that to narrate the life and history of clans was to reveal the trend of the "times and society" and to demonstrate the "laws" of social development.To analyze the novel in the Modern Chinese Literature, researchers can reveal the relation between times and narrative literature.
Behind the Revolt——A Comparison between Fu Ping and Laura Portrayed by Wang Anyi and Porter
ZHANG Ying-bo
2011, 27(1): 115-119.
Abstract(348) PDF(9)
Wang Anyi and Katherine Anne Porter, though from different countries and times, share quite similar literary principles as they effectively picture the existence and spirit of the common people.This article compares images of Fu Ping and Laura respectively portrayed by the two novelists so as to see their creative purposes and humanistic concerns.Through Fu Ping's revolt and persistence in self, Wang conveys that one's free choice is important, but what's more important is to build up one's self to reach his wholeness.By Laura's revolt and abandonment of self, Porter convinces readers that proper self-recognition is important but what's more important is to foster one's tenacity to face reality and future.
Departure and Construction——Lin Yutang's Searching for Identity
LI Yan
2011, 27(1): 120-123.
Abstract(343) PDF(14)
Lin Yutang was always in a state of "identity" anxiety, which was derived from the contradiction between the Christian faith of a Chinese Christian and the Chinese culture.He once called himself "pagan", and tried to return to Chinese traditional culture for the feeling of belongings.But whether Christian or traditional culture can't build up alone a spiritual home for Lin Yutang.He had to wander between oriental culture and western culture, calling himself "half oriental and half western "and "both Christian and Confucianism", so the searching for "identity" made him undertake the communicating mission of the two worlds.
The Consensus Formed in the Process of Communication——On Mainstream Ideology
LU Jun
2011, 27(1): 124-127.
Abstract(302) PDF(9)
The Mainstream Ideology has very complicated forms, and when it is formed, it would certainly exert an influence on our realistic society.In our life, the mainstream ideology sometimes fall short of the purpose which pursued by the implemental subject of it, even be in conflict between the "mainstream" and "popular" consciousness, "upper" and "non-governmental" consciousness.For maintenance the "legitimacy" of the mainstream ideology, some "technique" of propaganda and communication need to be designed, also, perhaps the most important is to study the mechanism of formation and communication of the mainstream ideology itself.Under the influences of various social factors, the mainstream ideology takes on character with class, particularity, etc.In contemporary society, the mainstream ideology faces the different challenges that due to information technology.We must pay attention to the social function and the legitimate foundation of mainstream ideology, consciously construct the new mainstream ideology adapt to new era in our communication.
Study on the Quality of Scientific Journals Based on the Statistical Analasis of “Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing”(2001-2007)
FENG Chun-xia, HE Yi, SUN Yong-jun
2011, 27(1): 128-136,169.
Abstract(326) PDF(10)
Along with the progress of system reforming process in science and education area in China, factors related to article-publishing is usually used to evaluate researchers and research institutes.Hence, the quality of scientific periodicals which publish these articles is gaining more and more attention.This investigation, taking Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (JUSTB) as an example, according to the basic principles of Bibliometrics, aims to calculate the qualification and impact of JUSTB (2001-2007) by the following indicators:the text, the citation, the fund for the project, the authors, the citation frequency, h index, etc.
The Government Responsibility on the Institutional Change of Chinese Social Security System(1949-2009)
ZHONG Hong-liang
2011, 27(1): 137-149,161.
Abstract(284) PDF(9)
The Chinese social security system has experienced the transformation from National-Unit featuring security system to the national social security system in the past 60 years.The paper finds that the government responsibility intensity affects the economic and social construction and the level of national welfare.In the new era we should strengthen the government's ability about social security, and realize public services equalization of social security.
New Trends of Obama Administration's China Policy and Sino-US Relations
JIA Chun-yang
2011, 27(1): 150-156.
Abstract(317) PDF(12)
Obama made big adjustment of US' national security strategy after he came to power so as to renew US' leadership in the world.This adjustment would lead changes of US' China policy.US' China policy presented some new characteristics, whese general characteristics are "active contact+ multi-aspect cooperation+ strategic containment".For these new trends, China shall respond actively so as to defend China's interests.
Historical Review of the Popularization of Marxism During the Founding of the Party and the May Fourth Movement
ZHANG Bei-gen
2011, 27(1): 157-161.
Abstract(287) PDF(9)
Before the May Fourth Movement to the founding of the Party, members of communist groups around strengthened the Marxism study and research, and spread marxism in a user-friendly way.Popularization of Marxism bore fruitful results, and trade unions set up.Inspecting the popularization process of Marxism and summarizing its regularity has important theoretical and practical meaning for promoting the popularzation of Marxism in contemporary China.
The Production Conditions in Rural Nanyang Areas from 1959-1961——Taking Nine Villages for Example
2011, 27(1): 162-169.
Abstract(278) PDF(9)
In the three years from 1959-1961, the People's Republic of China encountered the most serious economic difficulties:the agriculture was almost ruined the production was at a standstill and the quality of farmers' life dropped to a rarely low level. Through taking field research to 9 villages in Nanyang City in Henan Province, the author got detailed documents about the true production conditions of rural residents in 1959-1961 and expected the work would deepen the academic research on this history.
Analysis of Chen Yun's Enterprise Management Thought
YU Xiao-ran, WANG Rui-fang
2011, 27(1): 170-174.
Abstract(380) PDF(9)
As an important member of the Party's first generation of collective leadership who presided over the national financial work for ages, Chen Yun attached great importance to the enterprise management.From receiving the puppet companies of liberated areas in Northeast before the founding of PRC to presiding the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce after the founding of PRC, he made a series of principles, such as correct treatment of staff of the received enterprises, implementation of enterprises and management democratization, promotion of fixed-rate system, relying on the masses, improving enterprise management system, setting up a business management system and so on.He also paid much attention to improving the working relationship between public and private as well as enhancing product quality.These ideas not only played an important guiding role before the founding of PRC and in the period of planned economy, but also provided a strong reference for deepening SOE reform and establishing the modern enterprise system under market economy.