2010 Vol. 26, No. 1

Monographic Study
Can It Be Ended by "Human"?——Reflections on Chinese Humanitarianism in 20th Century
WANG Wei-dong
2010, 26(1): 1-8.
Abstract(399) PDF(22)
A thought trend had been abandoned lightly, but the true reflection on it has not yet started.Humanitarianism of twentieth century China, though long in a pent-up ideas status, is a theoretical discourse with Charisma effects and a priori correctness in the field of humanism and often becomes a humanistic value end.For the humanitarianism, in adhering to the call, response and deconstruction, the in-depth reflection is not enough.Twentieth Century Chinese acceptance of western humanitarianism was built on imaginary basis of theory of natural human nature, which is precisely the theme of traditional Chinese culture.The proper meaning of the traditional Chinese understanding of human nature has always been a natural monism.In Chinese idea about the world, there is only one secular world and people already live in the center of this order.With the one-dimensional secular order pattern, our road to the liberation of humanity often directly access to an individual sensibility, and to against the inhuman universality, due to the lack of a deterministic transcendent value resources, truly reasonable construction of universality which a sound society need is eventually hard to form.The idea of one-dimensional order determines the limits of China's humanitarian ideas, from the May Fourth movement to the 1980s, China's humanitarian speech can only be up to "Human-self, "especially in literature evaluation criteria and the idea of literary history."Human" has become a insurmoun table term which you can continue to return but no questioning.If the "Human" is just a picture of presets, we end up back to common understanding of the "Human", cannot generate genuine new resources from the non-human existence, cannot develop a deep understanding of human nature."Human, " though, is the value target of the humanitarianism, the humanitarian resources we need shouldn's end by human.
Reflection on the Individual-centered Humanitarianism Literature
LI Yong
2010, 26(1): 9-12.
Abstract(261) PDF(24)
The human literature advocated by Zhou Zuoren in May 4th Period is based on humanitarianism, which is the literary work to reflect and record problems of human life.While there are two problems according to Zhou Zuoren's criterions in the contemporary literature works that describe human sexual desire, on the one hand the attitude in these works is non-humanitarianism, on the other hand, the non-humanitarianism subject matter is not controlled within a proper limits.But these contemporary works just derived from the May 4the new literature.The human literature advocated in May 4th period is the individual-centered humanitarianism literature that has historical contribution to break down the ossified Confucius doctrine, but we also need construct new more humanistic regulation after broke down this ossified Confucius doctrine.The contemporary desire writing should be supervised by this new humanistic regulation.
Reflection on Modern Humanitarianism in May 4th Period
ZHANG Xian-fei
2010, 26(1): 13-17.
Abstract(264) PDF(22)
According to the present author, humanitarianism is more like a practical philosophy and ethic philosophy, so more attention should be paid to its practical and ethic value.Next, when studying and evaluating the modern humanitarianism in May 4th period, we should neither go too far in showing off the highness of this era, no evaluate the value of this concept from success and failure.Instead, we should take into consideration the complexity of history and reality, in oreder to find its real value and current significance.
The Deposing of Subject and the Possibility of Humanitarianism——Examination on the Issue of Humanitarianism in the Post-subject Era
CAO Run-sheng
2010, 26(1): 18-21.
Abstract(390) PDF(19)
The shaping of human self-image in the traditional humanitarianism is the construction of Subject.The deposing of Subject in the theory of contemporary anti-humanitarianism does not mean the end of humanitarianism, but rather the way of initiation of humanitarianism in the post-subject.The possibility of this new humanitarianism is rooted in the de-embedded existence of human being without the crown of glory as Subject, which still has vocation of transcendence with the capability of reflection, criticism and construction.
An Exploration to Social Work Intervention on Social Adaptation of Migrant Workers' Children——Based on Ecological Systems Theory
YAO Jin-zhong
2010, 26(1): 22-27.
Abstract(388) PDF(25)
Migrant workers' children is a new group emerging in the process of social transformation.Their social adaptation has an important significance on the healthy growth of the group.This study, based on a social work intervention project which relies on ecological systems theory, describes and reflects the social work intervention strategies from the case, group and community levels, and explores how to explore and mobilize the capability and resources of migrant workers' children and their families, schools, peers, community, urban society through social work intervention;thus, to improve their social adaptive capacity.
Difficulty of Children of Migrant Workers' Further Study in the other Place and Its Countermeasures
LIU Xiang-ying, SHI Ya, YU Jia-lu, LIU Xiao-yu
2010, 26(1): 28-31.
Abstract(353) PDF(27)
In recent years, children of migrant workers as a new group, and their education attract more and more attention.The establishment of the migrant schools provides them with temporary learning places, but the road of further education after primary education is full of unknown factors.Although the difficulties faced by children of migrant workers have been solved a little by the relevant departments, a series of obstacles still make their further studies difficult.We learn what the further studies of children of migrant workers are facing from different parts and we also analyze problems from different aspects of the government, public schools, working schools, families and society, and then propose solutions.
Growing Obstacles of Rural Left-behind Children and Its Social Support System Construction
ZUO Peng, SHI Jin-ling
2010, 26(1): 32-36.
Abstract(294) PDF(20)
Left-behind children is a noticeable social phenomenon that appears with the rapid development of urbanization.This paper, through an investigation to W county in Sichuan province, found that the left-behind children face some special growing obstacles in study, life and psychology because of lack of care and attention from parents.Thus, the reasons were analyzed and such countermeasure as unstructing social support system was put forward.
Administration & Economics
Research on the Synergy Effect Appraisal of Adaptive Enterprise Strategy Implementation Based on BSC Theory
ZHANG Tie-nan, CAO Hong-liang, MA Wen-jiang, TANG Shu-lin
2010, 26(1): 37-43.
Abstract(319) PDF(20)
With the rapid change of market environment, the enterprise will face a.sterner test than ever before.How to integrate internal and external resources to display organization synergy effect and respond to market demand fast becomes another focus on modern enterprise development.This paper analyzes the connotation, appraisal mechanism and method of inside and outside synergy effect from the angle of the adaptive enterprise strategy implementation so as to help the enterprise to realize the inside and outside synergy operating, and then achieve the long-time and stable development.
Study on the Logistics Cooperation of China, Japan and South Korea
SUN Ying, HE Wei-da
2010, 26(1): 44-48,59.
Abstract(298) PDF(21)
With the fast development of Northeastern Asia's economy and economic intercommunion of this area, it is increasingly important to intensify the logistics cooperation among China, Japan and South Korea.Presently, the logistics cooperation among the three countries is quite insufficient, which causes the development of logistics system in this area to be quite slow.The condition of logistics system is extremely unconfirmed with trade development of this area.This article gives introduction to the logistics cooperation situation and the problem existed, then suggestions are given from the following five aspects in order to promote the regional logistics cooperation and accelerate the regional trade development:the salver standardization, the regional logistics network construction, the harbor collaboration, the talented person's training, and the cooperation among governments.
Analysis on Similarity of Psychoanalysis and Humanism Psychology in Organizational Behavior Management
2010, 26(1): 49-53.
Abstract(310) PDF(19)
Although psychoanalysis and humanism psychology are very different in theoretical orientations and research approach, they reach the same goal in guiding individual behavior to organizational behavior.This paper takes three perspectives——"interpretation of the human nature", "early experience" and "deficiency needs", "self-realization" and "superego"——to analysis the similarity of them.Psychoanalysis and humanism psychology are integrated with each other, which contributes greatly to the formation and development of management thought, and can also help executives achieve organizational goals.
National Image Diplomacy: a Case Study of American Image Diplomacy from 2000 to 2008
CHEN Shi-yang, XIA Huan
2010, 26(1): 54-59.
Abstract(347) PDF(19)
National image is correlated with diplomacy.The development of the globalization and the importance of national image result in the rise of national image diplomacy, which includes three forms:official diplomacy, public diplomacy and civil diplomacy.They play different roles and commonly construct national image.A representative case is American national image diplomacy from 2000 to 2008.
Probe into the Problems in Policy Evaluation Research in China
YANG Cheng-hu
2010, 26(1): 60-64.
Abstract(316) PDF(19)
The public policy evaluation mechanism of trinity combination of "public participation, experts argument and govern-ment guidance"reflects the balance between natures of democracy and science.The balance requires that China's policy evalua-tion theory should achieve objectively breakthrough in the four aspectsc:onstructing the pluralistic and compound subjects of poli-cy evaluation, considering fully the evaluability of public policyr, econstructing the criteria and indicators and the methodology of policy evaluation.
A Study on the Necessity of Legislation on the Protection of Domestic Workers' Labor Rights and Interests
WANG Zhu-qing
2010, 26(1): 65-69,74.
Abstract(335) PDF(20)
About 15 million people are engaged in domestic service in China, 96% of whom are female.The domestic service industry is not covered by the Labor Law due to its irregular nature of employment.So far, no law is applicable for the protection of workers' labor rights and interests.As a result, many problems exist in the industry, including long working hours, no guarantee of rest or vacation, poor lodging and board conditions, sexual harassment, and lack of social insurance for accidental injuries and medical care.These problems constitute serious infringement on domestic workers' labor rights, and affect the healthy development of the domestic service industry.This article analyses the necessity for legislation on the protection of domestic workers' rights from the angle of laborers' protection, materialization of the interests of employers and service companies, and gender equality, with the hope of attracting due attention from the public and from relevant government departments so as to push forward the legal protection of domestic workers' labor rights and interests.
Substantial and Procedural Issues on Protection of the Unborn
BAI Xiao-feng
2010, 26(1): 70-74.
Abstract(396) PDF(28)
The problem of legal capacity and capacity of party of Fetus has attracted much controversy in China.Based on the related cases and substantial and procedural theories, this article concludes that, under the current law system, the unborn has no legal capacity and capacity of party to the wrongdoer on the claims of child-support payment and injury damages, but only has the two based on the 28th clause of Inheritance Law.
On the Reasons for Crime of Serious Environmental Pollution Accident
WENG Kai-yi
2010, 26(1): 75-79.
Abstract(275) PDF(18)
The arsenic pollution in MinQuan County has macro and micro reasons.The macro reasons include government paying little attention to environment, the imperfect market and law mechanism, the absence of environment and social re-sponsibility;the micro reasons include the backward productive forces, the distortion of development concept and the criminal protection for human centralism.So on the one hand the government should take more responsibilities to protect environment, and improve market and law mechanism;on the other hand, criminal law should protect environment earlier, and add the types of dangerous crime to serious environmental pollution accident crime.
Legislative Mode Selection of Tort Law in Civil Code System
DU Xiao-zhi, HE Cheng
2010, 26(1): 80-83,107.
Abstract(462) PDF(20)
As an integral part of the Civil Code, Tort Law has two legislative modes:non-independent model and the independent sub-model.In the formulation process of the Civil Code, the latter one gained the most support.However, there are different degree sub-models among independent model.What is the theoretical basis for selection from a large number of models? Answering these questions must base on the clarification of the relationship between responsibility and the basic theory of debt.This paper considers that relatively independent of the legislative model is more reasonable.It will play a greater role than to recognize violations of the relatively independent features and the rest of the existence of common personality, but not be completely independent from the debt law.
The Philosophy of Mind and the Innovation of Cognitive Linguistics
XU Sheng-huan
2010, 26(1): 84-88.
Abstract(415) PDF(18)
Cognitive science has experienced a period of development of 30 years or more, and now it faces a stage of great rapid changes and re-organization.One of its progressive paths is to develop through a more general philosophical abstraction into the philosophy of mind, which becomes the first philosophy in the 21 century while the first philosophy in the 20 century was that of language.The philosophy of mind does not take as its direct object of study the language activity, which now turns into only the reflection of mental activities in the scope of its study;it takes mental activities as its direct object of study.Cognitive linguidtics is one of its supporting branches of cognitive science, which has the potential to make a contribution to a theory of language that goes beyond cognition, as well as to a theory of cognition that goes beyond language.On the understanding that it is first and foremost a science of language, cognitive linguistics should, following the great changes and re-organization of the paradigms of cognitive science, consciously take the responsibility of making a contribution to a theory of cognition that goes beyond language.This might be a possible trend of the new development of cognitive linguistics, as well as one of its growing point of the innovation of its theory.
Exploration of Head in Nominal Groups in English
ZHANG Jing-yuan, KONG Ai-ai
2010, 26(1): 89-95.
Abstract(494) PDF(28)
In the nominal group, the element "head" is a very important constituent which has drawn much attention from linguists.By comparing different descriptions as to head in traditional grammar, the Sydney Grammar and the Cardiff Grammar of Systemic Functional Linguistics, this paper attempts to explore the strengths and weaknesses of the Cardiff Grammar's description.
Tense in the Non-finite Clause
HE Wei
2010, 26(1): 96-107.
Abstract(387) PDF(23)
It is agreed in most studies of tense in the linguistic field that the "verbal group"in the non-finite clause does not concern tense.Nevertheless, in systemic functional grammar, it is proposed that the "verbal group"in the non-finite clause construes the meaning of tense.This paper, within the framework of systemic functional grammar, carries out an investigation of the linguistic phenomena such as having v-ed, v-ing, and to v in the non-finite clause.It is pointed out that these phenomena belong with the grammatical category "tense, " that they form a sub-type of the secondary tense, and that their realizations are different from other secondary tenses, and have their own features.
A Comprehensive Approach to L. F. Bachman's Language Testing Theories
JIA Yi-dong
2010, 26(1): 108-113.
Abstract(731) PDF(64)
The past thirty years has witnessed the rapid development of language testing in terms of theory, practice and methodology.In this area, L.F.Bachman has been one of the leading figures who have made great contributions to language testing.This paper offers a comprehensive picture of Bachman's language testing theories, including his viewpoint on language competence, testing validation and the latest development, authenticityf, actors affecting the performance of test takers and the relationship between individualistic characteristics and testees'performance.In addition, he also explores the relationship between Second Language Acquisition and language testing It is hoped to outline the general orientation of language testing over the past three decades with the demonstration of his theories.
The Populism in Zhang Shizhao's Idea of "Agricultural Country"
ZUO Yu-he
2010, 26(1): 114-119.
Abstract(338) PDF(18)
After comparing the industrial country and the agricultural country, and the industrial civilization and the agricultural civilization, Zhang shizhao found many disadvantages in western capitalism, so he put forward "agriculture was the most important in a country".This idea was against industrialization, market and urbanization.It reflected his dislike to capitalism and respect to the agriculture civilization of told China.However, this was only fantasy, which was full of populism.
Chen Yun and the Land Reform in Liaoning Province
WANG Rui-fang
2010, 26(1): 120-127.
Abstract(329) PDF(18)
Chen Yun promoted the land reform in Liaoning Province;he developed a principle and solved the problems quickly.According to the situation, Chen Yun changed the principle of "good but not fast"to "good and fast, " so the reform was very smooth.In the dissemination of "Programme of Chinese Land Law, " there was a trend of radicalism.Chen Yun had already left Liaoning before the radicalism overflowed, but he admitted the faults and the responsibilities frankly.As a communist, he held the truth and corrected the mistakes.
Study on the Rural Socialist Education Movement in 1957
ZHANG Bei-gen
2010, 26(1): 128-132.
Abstract(475) PDF(19)
By 1957, the cooperativization of agriculture movement had developed swiftly, causing a huge ribration in China rural community life.Farmers and the countryside cadre wanted to withdraw from society.Mao Zedong and the Central Committee of the CCP thought that carrying on socialist education to the farmer is the consistent line that can solve the problem effectively.Under Mao Zedong's instruction, the Central Committee of the CCP on August 8, 1957 sent out "about Carries on a Time Large-scale Socialist education to All Rural population Instruction", the socialist education movement like a raging fire has developed immediately.This movement lasted nearly one year, and made a very big progress.However, it also has some problems.
Philosophy & Science
The Conception of Consent and Its Political Implication
ZHAN Zhi-gang
2010, 26(1): 133-137.
Abstract(351) PDF(18)
On account of the difficulties of historical fact, it is obviously not so successful if resorting to "overt consent" to interprete the new relation of citizens and their state, while appealling to "implied consent"seems to be more reasonable.According to the latter, we must make "voluntary" or "intentionality" a precondition of implied consent if we want to ensure the effectiveness of consent, but a new problem is, it is not the reality of the situation, for the reasons of people's tacit consent to their government's actions are sometimes "instrumental".
Mathematics in the Post-modern Perspective
ZHANG Jun-qing, WANG Bao-hong
2010, 26(1): 138-143.
Abstract(343) PDF(18)
Through a unique dialogue perspective on post-modernism, we find that mathematics both in content and ideas has experienced a process of fission and polymerization from reflecting, going beyond and gradually reconstructing.In this process, the mathematical function has gone down from interpretation system with the natural world to the logical system, and further complete rational basis self-deconstruction on rational basis.Contemporary mathematics and mathematical ideas show more obvious features of post-modernism.
Deconstruction of Zhang Zai's Concept of God
MA Xin-yan
2010, 26(1): 144-148.
Abstract(359) PDF(24)
The concept of god was an important category in Zhang Zai's philosophy and was built on the basis of his analyzing "zhou yi"."The change of can wu" in "Zhouyi"was really hard to understand, so Zhang Zai made some explanations to it in his works "Heng Qu Yi Shuo".He thought that "the change of can wu" was a kind of "divine change of can wu".According to him, "the change of can wu" mainly reflected"the combination of dynamics and statics" and "eventuality of yin and yang".
Thought on Marxism Theory of Post-graduates Majoring in Science, Engineering, Agriculture and Health Science
YAN Feng
2010, 26(1): 149-153,157.
Abstract(390) PDF(21)
The two courses of "An introduction to dialectics of nature"and "Modern science and technology revolution and Marxism"are far from reaching their educational purposes as the result of uncertainty of course requirements, misunderstanding from post-graduates, specialized course teachers, universities (colleges) and the public, weakness of post-graduates management from universities (colleges) and the social influence.The two courses could be improved by means of post-graduate education, university (college) management, and transformation of social awareness.
Running School in Caozhou: an Early Rural Educational Practice by Liang Shuming
ZHOU Yi-xian
2010, 26(1): 154-157.
Abstract(376) PDF(19)
Liang Shuming, a well-known modern philosopher and a great thinker, was a representative of the rural educational movement in the twenties and thirties in the last century.The rural construction theory proposed by Liang had a tremendous effect on the rural education and even the whole rural society transformation at that time and later time as well.Running a school in Caozhou, an early educational practice by Liang, had an immense impact on the formation of his rural education theory.From then on, Liang embarked on the rural education practices.In this paper, the origins, purposes and the causes of the failure in running the Caozhou school are carded and analyzed in order to reveal Liang Shuming's intentions towards the rural education and the transformation of his motives.In this way, Liang's unique pursuit and values of education are also reflected.
On the Performance Evaluation of Discipline Construction
LIANG Chuan-jie
2010, 26(1): 158-161.
Abstract(313) PDF(18)
The performance evaluation is an important part of discipline construction.This paper introduces the connotation and the significance of performance evaluation, analyzes the main problems in the performance evaluation of discipline construction, and provides guidance and reference for the theory and practice of performance evaluation.
On University System Construction
ZHOU Yong-yuan
2010, 26(1): 162-166.
Abstract(332) PDF(19)
University system construction contains the contents of modern university system construction and implement of those systems.For the time being, there are such problems as lack of democracy, reason, innovation, and implement of system construction commonly existing in university system construction, whose main reasons are the administrative power interfereing with academic power, and the organic structure being inefficient.Those problems can be solved through professors governing academy and schools or departments self-governing.
Countermeasures against Scientific Research Funds Management in Chinese Colleges and Universities
ZHOU Yan, ZHAI Ya-jun, ZHENG Xiao-qi
2010, 26(1): 167-170.
Abstract(399) PDF(22)
Management of scientific research funds in colleges and universities is directly related to the security and efficiency of scientific research funds, to the level and competitive power of scientific research in China.In view of the problems existing in the scientific research management, this paper put forward some countermeasures from the aspects of its guiding ideology, management system, and operating mechanism.