2009 Vol. 25, No. 4

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On the Internet Public Opinion Supervision to the Government Power
2009, 25(4): 1-6.
Abstract(336) PDF(20)
In China, along with the rapid development of Internet technology in recent years, the function of Internet supervision by public opinion is increasingly becoming a kind of unneglectable forces. Internet supervision has both positive and negative effects. The article explained the issues of management to the Internet supervision by public opinion based on the analysis on the positive and negative effects. The author believes that, rational allocation of citizen’s rights and government’s powers and proper delineation of the boundaries between them test public power holder’s concepts and abilities. In contemporary China as well as in current level of technology, we should strengthen the protection of the citizen’s rights rather than to restrict the rights.
The Impact and Implications that Face Political Development and Stability in Internet Age
MA Zhen-chao
2009, 25(4): 7-13.
Abstract(344) PDF(20)
Internet has maximized the social sharing of information resources, and brought enormous benefits and joy to human beings; at the same time, it has also brought new impetus to the country's political development and made a great impact on political stability;Internet breaks through the traditional monopoly of information, which makes ideological security face new challenges. Internet has become a newpublic opinion expressing channel which influences the political decisionmaking.Networks participation makes the traditional political participation face new challenges. With these unprecedented shocks and under the challenges, how to maintain political stability in our country has become the urgent new topic for those in power to consider and tackle.
Power Analysis for Campaigns Related to Genetically Modified Technology
WANG Fan-mei
2009, 25(4): 14-22.
Abstract(282) PDF(20)
The author simply summarizes the public resistance to genetically modified technology and highlights factors that have contributed to successful campaigns in recent years. Strategies that promotors have used to fight back in order to protect their own interests are summarized as well. Based on the power analysis of these factors and strategies at the macro and the micro level, especially by Foucault’s genealogical method, it has been certified that, when the opponents are in a relatively disadvantageous position, they have focused much more on micropower relations, initiated a lot of individual and small conflicts, and then possibly compete with the promoters.
The Marriage Concept of Migrant Women and Its Influencing Factors
SUN Qiong-ru, YE Wen-zhen
2009, 25(4): 23-30.
Abstract(324) PDF(19)
Using the sample survey data, this paper describes and discovers the marriage concept of migrant women and its main characteristics. By the Logistic regression analysis, it tests the theoretical hypothesis. The empirical results basically support the resocialization theory and social role theory of migrant women’s marriage concept.
Projection and Construction of Industry Network Theory Based on Complex Network Theory
YANG Xiao-yun, WANG Jing-jing
2009, 25(4): 31-37.
Abstract(302) PDF(19)
Through employing the economics theory and complex network theory, this paper analyzed the industry system, put forward the concept of industry network, and tried to build an industry network model. Based on this, it explored the convergency feature, dynamic feature and class feature of industry network. Then, it analyzed the function of industry network to the growth of enterprises, to the regional and national economic development, Finally, it analyzed the evolution of industry network.
Study on the Influence Mechanism of Leaders on Employees’Creative Performance
ZHANG Jian, FENG Jian, LI Ling-yun
2009, 25(4): 38-42.
Abstract(361) PDF(20)
This article reviewed the studies on the relationship between leader and employees’creative performance from the angles of leader’s trait, behavior and context. And it also explored the mediate mechanism of the two. We propose that it is a future direction to construct mechanism models under SDT with introducing the mediation variables such as motivation and emotion.
On the Economic Development Pattern under “Dark Green” Concept
LIU Wen-xia
2009, 25(4): 43-45,51.
Abstract(345) PDF(33)
The “dark green” concept is the theme of the second environmental movement since the 1990s, and calls for integrative thinking of environment and development. Based on this concept, discussing the economic development should follow the following directions and principles: the economic development under “dark green” concept should adhere to ecological justice and ecological rights; the economic production mode under “deep green” concept should be nonlinear circulation of materials; shifting of technological ecology in economic development; establishing ecological civilization policies based on containing models; moving toward nonmaterialized economy from the materialized economy. These directions and principles constitute the economic development pattern under “dark green” concept.
On Theoretical System of Distribution of Burden of Proof in Civil Procedure
XIAO Jian-hua, ZHOU Wei
2009, 25(4): 46-51.
Abstract(343) PDF(20)
The thesis sets up a theoretical system of distribution of burden of proof in civil procedure, theoretically on the basis of norm theory, supplemented by modified norm theory, and theories of probability, danger field, danger increase, variety principle and interest balance, according to the law rules of Chinese mainland. The theoretical system includes two parts, namely, general rule and special rules. In terms of the general rule, in civil suits, parties should prove different material facts according to different claims. And in terms of special rules, transformation of burden of proof and special rules of proof evaluation modify the general rule in order to reduce the difficulty of proof.
On the Attacking and Defending Methods in Civil Action——From the Perspective of Japanese Ordinary Civil Procedure
KE Yang-you, KONG Chun-chao
2009, 25(4): 52-59,70.
Abstract(429) PDF(31)
in the Continental LawSystem, the attacking and defending methods is the core content in the debate of civil procedure. The Civil Procedural Law of Japan is the typical representative of Germany offspring in the Continental Law System. The attacking and defending methods is based on the debate doctrine with the principle of procedural guaranteeing, equality, timely providing and oral argument. It centralizes on fact and evidence help to achieve lawsuit justice and efficiency. In the Civil Procedural Law of Japan, the attacking and defending methods is regulated meticulously. With the attacking and defending methods, our theoretical research is vacant, and there are some gaps in legislation and judicial practice.
Constructing Illegal Evidence Exclusim Rules under Investigation Mode
TIAN Mei-yan, DONG Kun
2009, 25(4): 60-65.
Abstract(371) PDF(26)
The investigation mode in current china is “Mixing” mode, which leans to official system and demonstrates the flaw of “paying more attention to fighting, less attention to protection”. To reform the investigation mode and avoid false and erroneous cases, it is urgent to improve relevant legal system. This paper is intended to regulate investigation measures from its origin and fill the legislation gap.
An Illusional Escape from the Prison: The Implications of “Dreams of the Secular Life” as a Vanguard Drama Culture
LI Lin-rong
2009, 25(4): 66-70.
Abstract(428) PDF(18)
As one of the typical contemporary Chinese vanguard drama, “Dreams of the Secular Life” not only revealed profoundly the contradiction between human subjective desire for the freedom of body and mind and the objective circumstances of spacetime through both views of its structure and story, but also denied ironically various possibilities of the solutions to the above contradiction. Thereupon this play achieved a style of critical realism and spiritual metaphors in its entirety.
Inheritance,Variation and Depression——The Inspection of “Yusi” in Lu Xun Editing Period
AN Wen-jun
2009, 25(4): 71-76.
Abstract(365) PDF(20)
By making a painstaking carding and analysis of the related historical materials and texts, the thesis inspected the inheritance of Beijing Period “Yusi” from Lu Xun Editing Period in style and inner spirits which has long been ignored, and cleared up the fundamental historical facts Yusi′s hopeless process of variation and depression. Finally, the thesis provided an analysis of the background and cause from Yusi′s unfortunate circumstances and coterie separation.
From the Kiss of Salome to the Tear of Mothers——The Female Images of Irish Drama Mirrored in Chinese Literature
BU Fan
2009, 25(4): 77-82.
Abstract(299) PDF(21)
While Oscar Wilde portrayed a bold, enthusiastic Salome with rich colour of aestheticism, Tian Han and other Chinese writers transformed her into an envoy for art, which meant a break from the tradition. The Chinese Salome turned to be the significant symbol of the NeoRomantic Spirit in China. It was also the pioneer of Chinese aestheticism. Meanwhile, Li Jianwu’s (a member of the Literearture Research Association) works were under the influence of John Millington Synge. He depicted the trials and tribulations of the lower classes, emphasized the fight of those mothers against the torturous fate and focused on the life of the masses. From Salome to those tearful mothers, the Chinese literature, when it mirrored the Irish literary images, highlighted its nationality and echoed the call of the epoch, the subject matter of the discourse in order to combine the female voice into the nationstate discourse.
“A Fine Day after Snow”: An Exploration beyond Pure Lyric Novels by Shen Congwen
LI Jia
2009, 25(4): 83-88,100.
Abstract(401) PDF(31)
Some new features of lyricism grew out from Shen Congwen’s novels in 1940s. As a typical example, the lyricism of A Fine Day after Snow got more plentiful meanings than those of his novels before. The narrative course became more complicated and the life form entered a deeper and wider historical view. These changes not only showed the anxiety of mordentity he tried to integrate the exterior world with his subjective experience, but also proved Shen’s great efforts at exploring the limit of literary lyricism in 1940s.
A Semantic System Network for MOOD in English
Written by Robin P. FAWCETT
2009, 25(4): 89-100.
Abstract(281) PDF(26)
This paper has double functions, one of which is to present to Chinese linguists and applied linguists in China the semantic system network for MOOD in English that has been developed in the framework of the Cardiff Grammar, and the other of which is to explain the reason why we intend to replace the earlier MOOD system by the present one. The first four sections are intended to fulfil the second purpose by specifying the orientation of the study, answering three questions concerning the MOOD system, reviewing other attempts to draw system networks for the semantics of MOOD, and suggesting a number of factors that may have inhibited the semanticizing process of the earlier MOOD system network. The fifth section is intended to fulfil the first purpose of the paper, together with the appendices, where the semanticized MOOD system network is presented.
Non-arbitrariness of Language——an Interpretation from the Transitivity System
ZHOU Hong-ying
2009, 25(4): 101-106,116.
Abstract(415) PDF(22)
Taking the functional stance, Systemic Functional Linguistics supports the functional assertion of the nonarbitrary relationship between language form and meaning. It is at this nonarbitrary stance that Halliday built his grammar system. This paper starts from the construction of ideational (meaning) base in Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics and interprets from the transitivity system the nonarbitrariness both of language as a theory about experience and in language as a stratified social semiotic system.
A Detailed Analysis of Metafunctions of “Education for Independent Thought”
XU Ying
2009, 25(4): 107-111,124.
Abstract(409) PDF(18)
This paper is a detailed analysis of ideational, interpersonal and textual function of “Education for Independent Thought” on the basis of careful observation of Transitivity structure, Mood structure, and Theme structure in the discourse. Then, field, tenor and mode are introduced in relation to the metafunctions with an aim to reveal the overall context of situation.
Discourse Coherence and Cohesion in Simultaneous Interpreting Prediction
BAI Qiu-mei
2009, 25(4): 112-116.
Abstract(380) PDF(21)
Coherence and cohesion are two important resources through which discourse meaning is constructed. A mastery of principles of coherence and cohesion ensures a better understanding of discourse. In simultaneous interpreting, prediction plays a crucial role in interpreting successfully. Adopting the principles of coherence and cohesion, interpreters could not only have a better understanding of the speakers’utterance but also predict effectively as to what is going to be mentioned. Thus, the interpreting becomes accurate, fast and smooth.
Two Problems in the Classification of English Relational Processes
HE Zhong-qing
2009, 25(4): 117-124.
Abstract(385) PDF(37)
Starting from Halliday’s analysis, this paper attempts to clear out two problems arising in the classification of English relational processes. It is argued that the classification of English relational processes has to be conducted in terms of the two types of relationships between the participants in a relational clause, i.e. logical and semantic relationships. According to the logical relationship between the participants, relational processes can be divided into two modes: “attributive” and “identifying”, while according to the semantic relationship, they can be divided into three types: “intensive”, “circumstantial” and “possessive”. Furthermore, this paper claims that a semantic relationship of “feature or property” exists between the participants in an intensive relational process, which is very different from that of “circumstance” or “possession” in a circumstantial or possessive relational process, respectively. The two modes of relational processes interact with the three types, thus forming six subtypes of relational processes in English.
A Study of the Modern Chinese Intellectuals’Thought Process of Accepting the Western Culture Through Wang Tao’s Letters in the London Mission Society Press Period
WANG Li-qun
2009, 25(4): 125-132.
Abstract(406) PDF(23)
As one of the first generation of Chinese modern intellectuals who opened their eyes to look at the world, Wang Tao’ attitude towards the western civilization was paradoxical considering his letters in the period of working in the London Mission Society Press. In his letters to his new friends in Shanghai he admitted that the western civilization had its own merits and praised strongly the western knowledge, but in his letters to his old friends who lived in his hometown Fuli he often attacked the western knowledge radically, and fell in deep blaming of himself for working for the westerners, presenting strong resistance to the western culture. On the one hand, this paradoxical attitude disclosed that Wang Tao took different strategy facing with different people having different understanding of the western culture;on the other hand, it showed that in the radical crash between the Chinese and the Western culture, Wang Tao and the other modern Chinese intellectuals continuously struggled with their conventional conceptions to accept the modern western science and technology, began the transformation form the conventional scholars to the modern intellectuals.
The Selection of Xiangbao in Baodi County in Daoguang Reign
GUO Jing
2009, 25(4): 133-139.
Abstract(306) PDF(17)
In Baodi County in Daoguang reign, the county government would instruct Shushou, Cheling, Bangban and esquires in the country to select Xiangbao, who should be capable and full of experiences. Most selections did not go on smoothly because the electorate and the candidates would evade their responsibility. Sometimes, they disagreed about the results. In some selections, there would be illegitimacy problems such as extortion and personation.
Wan Li's Thoughts on Socialism
HUANG Zhi-gao
2009, 25(4): 140-144.
Abstract(337) PDF(17)
Wan Li pondered on the questions of what socialism is and how to build it in his political profession, and performed some penetrating judgement. Wan Li’s thoughts on socialism are part of the whole Party's efforts on adapting Marxism to conditions in China, are important resources of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
The Development of Marxism at the Present Age——A Perspective from Gender
LI Xiao-guang
2009, 25(4): 145-152,160.
Abstract(300) PDF(18)
Gender theory, which is a modern form of feminism, provides us a newway of analyzing Marxism. The reference of epistemology and methodology from gender theory and method is helpful for Marxism to realize the diversity of research model. The contenets of gender theory not only enrich the terminology and connotation of Marxism, but also expand the original contents of Marxism. The explanation considering the identity of gender will be endowed with some experience for Marxism.
Study on Early Ecosocialism
CAI Hua-jie
2009, 25(4): 153-160.
Abstract(332) PDF(17)
Study in early ecoloical socialism involves the following questions: How did the word "ecosocialism" come into being? Why did Rudocf Bahro become the representative of ecosocialism activities? Who was the pioneer of ecosocialism? Based on the above three questions, this paper made some investigations and contributed to the study of early ecosocialism.
Interpretation and Discussion of the Calamity and Abnormal Phenomena in Yi Lin Quoted from “Zuo Zhoan”
TANG Tai-xiang
2009, 25(4): 161-163,168.
Abstract(347) PDF(19)
YiLin and ZuoZhuan’s times are very far away from each other and the characters are entirely different, but both of them involve calamity and abnormal phenomena.YiLin is used for divination and the author is good at saying calamity and abnormal phenomena.So it is easy to understand that YiLin quoted the calamity and abnormal phenomena from ZuoZhuan.The paper analyses why the author quotes and collgues the calamity and abnormal phenomena after interpreting them.
Analysis of Management Mechanism of Undergraduate Curriculum in UK Universities
GUO De-hong
2009, 25(4): 164-168.
Abstract(323) PDF(20)
The undergraduate education of UK universities is wellknown for its high quality. This success mainly depends on the management mechanism of undergraduate curriculum in UK universities, which plays an important role in education quality assurance. The management mechanism of undergraduate curriculum in UK universities is reasonable, and efficient, so that it provides services to meet student’s and social needs of higher education.
A Motivation Study on College Students Participating in Volunteer Activities
2009, 25(4): 169-172.
Abstract(416) PDF(25)
Through an empirical study, this paper made a statistical analysis of 19 sample undergraduates' data, and summarized the motivations for college students to participate in volunteer activities as willingness, interest, capability and selfrecognition. By adopting the students' intention for repeated volunteer activities as the dependent variable, this paper attained a linearity regression that showed the importance order of the four motives. Based on this, some suggestions are put forward.