2009 Vol. 25, No. 3

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Change of Public Space and Urban Daily life——Taking Modern Tea House in Nanjing as an Example
WU Cong-ping
2009, 25(3): 1-6.
Abstract(401) PDF(23)
Public spaces and public life is not the subject of the general spaces for public issues but for the daily life of the citizens.This essay takes the tea houses as the researching subject in that tea house is one of the most typical public spaces symbolizing the traditional urban culture.By historical researching of this micro public space and public life, it discusses the change of urban life and culture in Nanjing on the background of social transformation.
The Research on Capacity Building of City Self-help Organizations——Based on the Case of HTY Information Consulting Center
WANG Xiao-hui
2009, 25(3): 7-11.
Abstract(244) PDF(20)
The capacity building is important for a self-help organization.Through a case study of a disability self-help organization, this paper tries to explore the way of urban self-help organization's capacity building.The author analyzes the case on qualitive research method.The conclusion is that a self-help organization should base itself on its members, which characterizes the organization.Applying for projects is useful to raise money, but not keeping the government organizations away.The government should supply more to accelerate the capacity building of self-help groups.
Reflection on the Development of Administrative Rural Social Work——The Practice of Social Work in Y County(Jiangxi Province) as an Example
LAN Shi-hui
2009, 25(3): 12-15.
Abstract(376) PDF(21)
In a long term, we are exploring the suitable methods of social work in the rural areas of China.At preasent, most of the social work in rural areas are done by the local governments, but this kind of social work is half-professional, because most of the staff of the local government haven't been professionally trained.So if we want to do some social work in rural areas, we should first of all train the local government staff, recruit professional social workers and breed organizations of the roots in rural areas.
Empirical Test of International Loan Ratio's Impact on Chinese Loan Ratio
XIAO Jian-jun, HUANG Yan-jing
2009, 25(3): 16-24,33.
Abstract(403) PDF(19)
Under the open economic circumstances, transnational corporations will compare the finance cost when doing the global finance.As a reauct, there is some internal relationship between each country's loan ratio.Through empirical test, this paper compares American domestic loan ratio with Chinese domestic loan ratio, finding that Chinese domestic loan ratio has a three-momth lag influenced by the international loan ratio.Besides, there was a weak relationship between Chinese loan ratio and foreign loan ratio before the exchange rate reform.After the reform, the relationship becomes closer.
Thought on the Strategy for the Industrial Cluster Development
WANG Hong-mei
2009, 25(3): 25-29.
Abstract(314) PDF(18)
Industrial cluster is an inevitable tendency of modern industry development, and an important way of improving the regional competence.This paper, taking Taizhou as an example, analyzed the present condition of industrial cluster, and came up with the practical strategy and suggestions combining with the features of regional resources.
The Discourse of Promoting Management Effect in Privately-run Metallurgical Enterprise from the View of Constructing Corporate Culture
ZHANG Wei-xiang
2009, 25(3): 30-33.
Abstract(387) PDF(20)
In this paper, the current situation of corporate culture in individually-run metallurgical enterprise is analyzed at first.By the exposition of cases of promoting enterprise base management effects before and after enterprise cultural construction in JianLong Group, the significance and effect of constructing corporate culture in individually-run metallurgical enterprise is proposed.
Political Justice: the Dimension of Value of Public Order
HE Jun-wu
2009, 25(3): 34-38.
Abstract(268) PDF(20)
Political justice is connected with whether the occupancy and exertion of public power and the political order are just.By ensuring civil equality and freedom, by making public reason come into being and by becoming overlapping consensus, political justice lays a just and legal and moral foundation for public order, so it becomes the dimension of value of public order.Now our country should realize political justice and keep public order by establishing and executing system.
The Acme of Thought that the People Are Foundation of Country or the Seed of Democracy——The Orientation of Huang Zongxi's Political Thought
YUN Chun-xi
2009, 25(3): 39-45.
Abstract(398) PDF(20)
Huang Zongxi gave a profound reflection to the relation between the emperor and the people under the standard of the people's worry and happiness, differentiated legal system of emperor's and the whole people's, and then appealed that good law has precedence over Man of God, and wanted to restrict the power of emperor.But his ideality still was the governance of Three generation, and did not deny the exit of emperor;he just wanted to look for the model of the ideal emperor under the governance of emperor.Huang Zongxi's thought was lack of the people-govern which was of modern democracy, so could not restrict the emperor effectively.So his ideality did not exceed the scope of the tradition, he just made the thought to its historical high-point.What he left for the descendant could only be the source of ideology, but not system.
Research upon Nationality of ICC Awards
SONG Lian-bin, DONG Hai-zhou
2009, 25(3): 46-54.
Abstract(580) PDF(43)
Generally, There are two ways to determine the nationality of an international arbitral award:les loci arbitri and the law under which the award was made.The dominance of the notion of nationality of awards based on the place of the arbitration has been confirmed and bolstered by its adoption in the New York Convention.In addition, arbitral awards not considered as domestic ones in the state where their recognition and enforcement are sought could also be applied to the Convention.A legal hindrance will occur when a foreign arbitration institution initiates arbitration in China, because the doctrine of place of the arbitration institution is adopted in China's legislative provisions, which doesn't coincide with prevailing theory and practices of international arbitration.Only by considering these awards as ones which defined by New York Convention last paragraph of Article1, can Chinese courts find the gist of recognition and enforcement.
Comment on the Legal Regulation of the Listed Corporation's Anti-Takeover in China
XU Qing-mei, LI Bao-qian
2009, 25(3): 55-60.
Abstract(347) PDF(23)
As one of the offevtive approaches to achieve the optimized distribution of social resources, the listed company's takeover receives the definiteness and encouragement from the current policy and legal system.The activity of takeover excites the intense anti-takeover of the target company.However, the legal regulation of Chinese listed companies is relatively crude, and the theoretical studies are not systematic and in-depth.This study discusses the system vales of the legal regulation of the listed companies and explicates the keystone of legal regulation on listed companies, anti-takeover.Then it analyzes some anti-takeover measures that suit to the Chinese listed companies.
Law and Law Teleology——Teleology and Tool-oriented Theory in Modern Law
SHEN Min-rong
2009, 25(3): 61-69.
Abstract(460) PDF(23)
If one society wants to develop into a stable one ruled by law, teleology character in law must be superior to its tool character, protecting the deveopment of human being with the social development.Social development based on individual improvement is necessary to a stable and durable society.Without the end, or legal instruction having not the same end, it is impossible for the rule of law.Max's legal theory and western legal theory is the same in this point;law needs a same end which is the spirit of western tradition, and law and rule of law has meaningless if without the end, which is the core content in the above theory is wrong reading or misunderstanding of Marxism legal theory and western tradition.Definitely, law has the character of sword or violence, but it is controlled in the hand of justice Goddess.Teleology is superior to its tool character in legal field.If there only exists the character of violence without teleology, the era of rule of law will end.Rule of law cannot stand only on the basis of violence character.
A Review of Models and Methods of Case Teaching on the Law
WANG Jia-qi
2009, 25(3): 70-75.
Abstract(306) PDF(19)
On the basis of other scholar's relevant research and practical teaching management, this paper explores the meaning, models and methods of case teaching, holding that there should be a broad viewregarding the concept of case teaching and there is a variety of models of case teaching such as class discussion, trial viewing, mock court, media teaching, open teaching, practical teaching, practice evaluation, class teaching and so on;moreover, this paper makes an initial exploration on role advocating.
On the Creative Aesthetic Mentality of the Ancient Chinese Delicate Poet School
MA Zi-li
2009, 25(3): 76-80.
Abstract(417) PDF(21)
The ancient Chinese delicate poet school, being one long-lasting poet school and its literature style, contains a lot of aesthetic contents.Secing from the angle of convergence and cretivity, the choice and attitude of these poets to literature thoughts and aesthetic thoughts directly revealed their creative aesthetic mentality.
Integration of Women Imagination and City Imagination——The Relation between Prostitutes and Shanghai in the Depravity Romances of Shanghai
HU Jing
2009, 25(3): 81-85.
Abstract(319) PDF(19)
For the first time, the depravity romances of Shanghai link the image of prostitutes with that of Shanghai, and form a lit-erary mode.In the depravity romances of Shanghai, prostitutes become the representative of way of life in Shanghai and its ideolo-gy, and imagination of prostitutes stands for imagination of Shanghai.And modern people's evil imagination to Shanghai leads to the exaggerated description of "overflow evil"of prostitutes.Another literary expression of the relation between women imagination and Shanghai imagination is the unique "Wu" statements used by prostitutes.The prostitutes speaking"Su Bai" and "Shanghai" are combined in the depravity romances of Shanghai.
Text·Performance·Power——Cultural Conflict in Chao Shan Ballads
OU Jun-yong, PENG Miao-yan
2009, 25(3): 86-89.
Abstract(294) PDF(19)
This paper analyzed the lallads in chao shan from the angle of cutural politics, focusing on the relation between "text", "performance"and "power".It tried to reveal the confromtation nature of the differenet cultural forces hidden in the tects of chao shan ballads.
Exploration on the Experience Principle and Subjectivity of Musical Aestheticism
DENG Shuang-lin
2009, 25(3): 90-94.
Abstract(415) PDF(21)
Musical aestheticism is mainly a process of sensation and experience rather than rational thought.In the study of musical aesthetiss, it's important to realize the importance of musical experience and then build up music enjoyment.Kant's three fearures about the aesthetic judgement are helpful for us to realize the character of music aesthetic experience.Mencius' thoughts are helpful for us to realize our ability of enjoying music, which is universal to the whole human beings.Marx's theories illustrate that is necessary to build up and develop human subjectivity in music sensation, and enhancing the ability of enjoying music as well as sensing music is the discovery and development of human natural probability.
A Discussion on “Shen” and “Qi”——Analyzing “Shensi” and “Yangqi” in Dragon-Carving and the Literary Mind
2009, 25(3): 95-98.
Abstract(366) PDF(19)
What are the correct meanings of "Shen" and "Qi" in Dragon-Carving and the Literary Mind? By collecting and analyzing the meaning of every "shen" and "Qi" in The Thirteen Confucian Classics and some classic books such as Xunzi, Zhuangzi, Mozi, it is found that "Shen" in "shensi" means soul ("Jinghun") and "Qi" in "Yangqi" connotes not only mindly spirits but also substances that sustain physical life.From these realization, we find it quite necessary to clarify the concepts of such characters and words which benifit the readers a lot in understanding ancient Chinese literary works.
Theories and Methodologies of Language Variation Studies
TIAN Gui-sen, SUN Jian-min
2009, 25(3): 99-103.
Abstract(759) PDF(38)
This paper begins with a brief reviewof major developments of language variation studies and its significance in linguis-tics.It then addresses three issues concerning theoretical constructs of language variation studies, namely, the lawful co-variation of social variations and language variations, the structure and system of language as orderly heterogeneity, and social functions of the language variation.Finally, the paper discusses issues of the research methodology in variation studies.
A Study of Gender Differences in Compliments——from the Perspective of a Village Speech Community
SHI Geng-shan, ZHANG Shang-lian
2009, 25(3): 104-108.
Abstract(409) PDF(20)
A study of 285 Chinese compliments in a remote village speech community in Hebei Province, China has yielded the following findings:1) Language and gender not only co-vary with macro socio-cultural context but also with micro situational variables (gender groups, participant relationships, topic, etc.) ;2) There are not only gender differences but also gender similarities in gender interaction;3) Gender differences are employed by the interactants to construct expected gender identities, thus acquiring a socio-pragmatic function;4) The concept of speech community is still illuminative in some network-based communities where outer intervention remains weak.
Sex-based Differences in Chinese Written Compliment Behavior——An Experimental Report from a Normal University in Northwestern Part of China
DUAN Cheng-gang, GUO Kan-jun
2009, 25(3): 109-115.
Abstract(411) PDF(20)
This article presents an analysis of gender differences in the use of compliments in one gender-linked written discourse.The data under study is composed of a set of 64 peer reviews written by graduate students.Drawing on the ideas of Universality and Cultural Relativity as theoretical framework in the present study, we analyzed the forms, strategies, and discourse functions of compliments respectively.It was found that women made significantly greater use of complementing positive adjectives, intensifiers, and third personal reference than men did.In using compliments to structure discourse, women more often framed the text with both opening and closing compliments.Consistent patterns suggested that women writers accommodated to the gender of their addressee more than men did, resulting in a discernible female-female complimenting style.The study illustrates specific ways in which gender is involved in being polite, creating and sustaining a sense of involvement in written discourse.Afterwards, the findings in the present study have been approached from the perspectives of linguistics and culture.Additionally, a set of Chinese characteristics in the present study have been elaborated and given certain explanations.The article comes to an end with the presentation of the conflicting ideas of Universality and Cultural Relativity, which have also found their way into the study of written compliment, and some implications of the present study.
Code-switching and Unbalanced Bilingualism in EFL Teachers' Discourse
YAO Ming-fa
2009, 25(3): 116-121.
Abstract(266) PDF(19)
Code-switching is common in EFL classroom.English teachers in Chinese context are mostly non-native speakers.They are secondary bilingual speakers.Teachers'discourse is characterized by code-switching and trans-linguistic wording.This paper first distinguishes these two characteristics, and then explores their causes and mechanism.It is concluded that code-switching and trans-linguistic wording are very common in EFL English teachers'discourse and distinctive in unbalanced bilingualism.
British Attitude Towards the Shantung Question in the Washington Conference
ZHANG Bei-gen
2009, 25(3): 122-127.
Abstract(397) PDF(20)
British attitude towards the Shantung Question in the Washington Conference was different from that in the Paris Peace Conference, in which Britain played the role of Japan's accomplice in the settlement of the Shantung issue.Britain asked Japan to hand over the leased territory of Kiaochow and the Kiaochow-Tsinan railway to China, withdraw Japanese troops and police from the railway, internationalize the leased territory of Kiaochow, agree to redeem the railway with the gevernment bond.But she asked China to make a concession to Japan about the staff appointments of the railway.
British Attitude Towards the Question of the Chinese Manchuria Railways 1909-1910
2009, 25(3): 128-133.
Abstract(417) PDF(20)
In the late 1800s and early1900s, Britain began to put into effect the alignment diplomacy to counter the rising menace of the German in Europe.In the rivalry for the Manchurian railways, Britain sided with the ally of Japan and Russia and gave no support to the Scheme for Chenchow-Aigun railwway and Neutralization of Manchurian Railways and showed sympathy for the further unity between Japan and Russia.British policy of pacifying Japan and Russia realized his original intention and consolidated the friendship with them.
Further Discussion on Anglo-Japanese Alliance and Its Disintegration
WANG Rong-xia
2009, 25(3): 134-139.
Abstract(583) PDF(31)
The Anglo-Japanese Alliance in the early 1900's was an expedient measure for hegemony in the Far East.Interests and geopolitics made a great power allied with a weak power.If the two countries' strength changed, the contradiction and the race between them would happen.From this point, we can see that the fundamental reason of the disintegration of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance was that the contradiction and conflict between British and Japanese national interests couldn't be conciliated any more in the range of Alliance.This dissertation analyzes the fundamental reason of the disintegration of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance and its influences on two countries.
The Investigation and Reflection on Curriculum Setting and Employment Status of China's Materials Specialty
SHE Yuan-guan, DU Li-hui, PENG Tao
2009, 25(3): 140-146.
Abstract(265) PDF(19)
In the new century, China's economy and society have experienced a new round of rapid growth.In this course, the materials industry, as one of the basic industries, speeds up its development further, which promotes the progress of the materials specialty greatly, and brings forward new requirements for the talents training.This paper makes an investigation and reflection on curriculum setting and employment status of China's materials specialty, then gives the corresponding recommendations and countermeasures for reference, with a viewto promote the related reform.
On University Students' Counselor Team Construction Pattern
PENG Qing-hong
2009, 25(3): 147-152.
Abstract(330) PDF(18)
University students' counselor team construction pattern refers to the representative and systematic working methods and manners in the practice of counselor team construction.At present, the construction pattern of counselors mainly include full-time, part-time, specification, life community etc.The development pattern contains organization drive, learning organizations, virtual organizations etc.
Developing Urban Agriculture,Improving Urban Ecology——Yaking Qinghai Province as an Example
XU Guang-zhong
2009, 25(3): 153-157,172.
Abstract(379) PDF(20)
With rapid development of urbanization in the world, the ecologic crisis of cities is becoming mone serious.Developing urban agriculture an deal with the srisis effectively.Urban agriculture is based on modern technology, and relied on agricuture industrialization, having the features of production, serving and consming.Promoting urban agriculture in cities may enlarge the greenery space, improve urban ecologyu and strengthen urban function.
The Dynamic Acceleration Mechanism and Its Structural Element of Marxism's Chinese Characterization
WANG Hao-bin
2009, 25(3): 158-163.
Abstract(311) PDF(18)
The historic leap of Marxism widespread principle's Chinese Characterization cannot take place without the dynamic acceleration mechanism of Marxism's Chinese Characterization.The practice shows that the right thoughts routes, the Spirit of the Times with Yan'an Rectification and Reform Innovation, and highly raising the Great Banner of Chinese Modeled Marxism constitute such structural elements as foundation of cognition, practical foundation and political guarantee for the dynamic acceleration mechanism Formation of Marxism's Chinese Characterization.
On Linguistic Imperialism of English
MENG Xiang-chun
2009, 25(3): 164-167.
Abstract(510) PDF(33)
Theoretically based on culture imperialism highly praised by occitental scholars, the dominating spread of English is overwhelming now, while language competition is similar to that in ecosystem.The linguistic imperialism occupies social feature in given periods along the history defenitely.Sensible attitude after over-thought by English-non-speaking countries should be absorbing, utilizing, avoiding negative and boycott, finally spreading their native culture timely.
High-Speed Technology and Low-Speed Ecosystem: the Reflection on the Environmental Problems Caused by Speed Conflict
OU Wen-rong, WANG Hong-wei
2009, 25(3): 168-172.
Abstract(332) PDF(18)
Environmental problems not only show the conflict between human beings and ecosystem, but also show the conflict between technology and ecosystem which come from the speed conflict between high-speed technology and low-speed ecosystem.In the view of speed, the ecosystem is a "speed organism" in which the elements are not static objects but uncountable changing processes.Speed harmony happens in the inter-dependence among these uncountable changing processes.While the human body which is one of the changing processes among the speed-organism functions in biological low-speed, the speed human live in daily life is raised by high-tech.In this article, we will focus on how high-speed technology will cause the speed conflict againsr low-speed ecosystem in virtue of its function through human beings' activities.The human beings should begin to find another social value in high-speed living era, which treats the nature's low-speed as a kind of beauty and kindness.At the time when the value is believed in by human beings, people will start to feel the beauty of the nature by heart and to give our consideration to the whole natural world.