2008 Vol. 24, No. 3

The Current Trend in Mental Health Services in the West: Evolution and Debate over Recovery Model
2008, 24(3): 1-6.
Abstract(249) PDF(25)
The recovery model in mental health services emerged in 1990s, and gradually become predominant in the West. It puts much weigh on the importance of client-oriented services with mental patients as whole persons. Although recovery model has developed over more than 20 years, it still remains unknown in Mainland China. This article is intended to address issues concerning evolution and debates over recovery model in hope of articulating the current trend in mental health services in the West.
The Review of the Studies on the Floating Population's Children's Educational Problems
2008, 24(3): 7-11,36.
Abstract(306) PDF(19)
From the data of CNKI, this paper generalizes the background, papers, development and features of the studies on the floating population's children's educational problems. And it argues that recently the studies have reached a saturation state. How to actually use and generalize these data to resolve it is the most important thing at present.
A Study on the Main Characteristics of Social Security Research since the Reform and Opening Up
ZHANG Yong-li
2008, 24(3): 12-14,36.
Abstract(262) PDF(23)
Since the reform and opening-up policy being implemented,there appear obvious characteristics of the times in the research of social security in china academic circles,such as being initiated later than other countries,imbalance in research contents,relative inferiority in quality,self-containment and partiality in outwards-oriented studies,and popularity and rapidity in its development,etc. It is the related state policies and laws as well as the social development that cause the above characteristics in the research of social security. They also established theoinstitutional and social foundation for its further development.
Study on the Social Construction of Rural Workers'Social Exclusion
YANG Yun-juan
2008, 24(3): 15-20.
Abstract(313) PDF(18)
From a development perspective,the present auther holds how to define the rural workers group theoretically is a primary question in truely citizenizing the rural workers. This paper tries to discuss the social exclusion to rural workers from the perspective of social Construction.
Administration & Economics
The Function of Social Capital in High and New Technology Industry Cluster
CHEN Liu-qin
2008, 24(3): 21-31.
Abstract(215) PDF(19)
Social capital plays an important role in high and new technology industry cluster. Its function can be seen in the fol-lowing aspects:it affects the position, development speed and information communication of high and new technology industry cluster, and promotes the cooperation between corporations in the cluster; it can solve effectively the problem of contract shortage in the technical innovation network of hi-tech corporations; it is useful in helping the cluster develop from the embryonic stage to pri-mary stage; it is helpful in promoting the cluster to realize knowledge transfer, flow and creation, and so on.
Empirical Study on Executive Compensation Affecting Factors of Chinese Listed Companies
ZHAO Yan-sheng, HUANG Ying
2008, 24(3): 32-36.
Abstract(254) PDF(20)
Executive compensation of Chinese listed companies has been the focus of social concern. According to the data of annual report of Chinese A-share listed companies in 2006, this paper uses regression analysis to make an empirical research of executive compensation. The results show that executive compensation has notable relationship with company performance and company scale. However, there is no significant relationship between executive compensation and the proportion of executive shares. In addition, the phenomenon of "Zero Share" is fairly general. Finally, the author suggests that we adopt stock option mechanism to inspire executives.
Factor Analysis of Job Burnout and Research Review
PEI Li-fang, WANG Yan-ni
2008, 24(3): 37-42,49.
Abstract(330) PDF(21)
The paper reviewed the concept, history and research development of job burnout. Some summarizations and evaluations are made, and prospect is put forward.
A Research on the Status Quo of the Rent-seeking Corruption in the County
WANG Shu-zhen, WANG Jia-feng
2008, 24(3): 43-49.
Abstract(379) PDF(20)
The corruption of government organizations and its officials is a negative but universal social phenomenon. It is of sig-nificance to prevent and curb the corruption of government officials and build a clean government. The main cause of corruption in current local government is government officials' setting rents and seeking rents, which is called rent-seeking corruption. The rent-seeking corruption of local government accompanies power operation, and has its own characteristics. This article taking the corruption case happened in a north county of Jiangsu Province during the years of 1999-2006 as a sample, analyses the causes of rent-seeking corruption, and proposes a countermeasure to curb this corruption by setting up new official institutions and making a good improvement about nonofficial institutions, from the perspective of both economic agents and moral agents.
The Obstacles and Corresponding Reasons of Public Policy Circulation during the Course of Economic Zone Building in Western Coast of the Taiwan Straits
WANG Rui-hua
2008, 24(3): 50-54.
Abstract(306) PDF(19)
During the course of economic zone building in western coast of the Taiwan Straits, there are lots of obstacles in public policy circulation. Main obstacles are manifested as follows:lack of effective policy to accelerate economic zone development, failure to carry out some good macro policy, having no excellent policy evaluation system, and without correcting mistakes of policy circulation, etc. The reasons for these obstacles can be summed up as subjective aspects, objective aspects, and institutional aspects. Under the guidance of scientific development concepts, if we want to overcome these obstacles, we shall choose feasible approaches to optimize public policy.
Analysis of the Current Religion Activity and Its Negative Effect on Social Political Stability
MA Zhen-chao
2008, 24(3): 55-59.
Abstract(468) PDF(20)
Religion is a complex historical phenomenon. It is not only a social ideology, but also a social power; It is not only an ideological problem but also a political issue. The long-term, arduous and complex characteristics of the religion problems determines the direction of political stability and economic development. At the period of the globalization and the developing world, especially at the period of the changing station of the economic society, comparing to the religion's contribution to the social political stability, the religion problems have had a strong negative bearing on social stability and our economic vitality, whose effects are more serious.
Phase Division of EU's Eastward Enlargement and Its Impact on the International Politics
JIANG Guo-quan
2008, 24(3): 60-63.
Abstract(287) PDF(18)
EU's eastward enlargement has made EU the largest regional economies and the largest free trade zone in the world, and it has also brought an extremely important impact on political and economic patterns of today's world. This thesis divides the EU's eastward expansion process into two stages at first, then separately discusses each phase of the process, and in-depth analysizes the impact of EU's eastward enlargement on the international politics.
Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between the Aim of Intellectual Property Law and Balancing of Interests: A Perspective of the Intellectual Property Clause of the Constitution of the U. S. A.
FENG Xiao-qing
2008, 24(3): 64-67.
Abstract(316) PDF(23)
The clause of copyright and patent rights of Constitution of the U. S. A provides that, to promote science and useful arts progress by giving authors and inventors for their creation of a limited exclusive right. In this connection, we can examine the aim of inteuectual property law from the perspective of the Constitution. The aim of intellectual property law connotates the concept of balancing of interests. A certain degree of understanding can be obtained as to the relationship between the aim of intellectual property law and balancing of interests from the above provisions.
Research on the Legal Characterization of “Advance Payment of Fine”
XIAO Jian-guo, HUANG Zhong-shun
2008, 24(3): 68-74.
Abstract(334) PDF(22)
"Advance Payment of Fine" is the amount of money that is paid by the accused and their relatives so as to get a lenient treatment to the defendant after they have an objective estimate in the prospective penalty of the defendant. The money is usually submitted before the judgment of the court has been made and it will be treated as fine for the later judgment. "Advance Payment of Fine" is essentially a combination of the two systems of deposit in security and statutory. Based on theories of debt of future and debt of public law which are originated from private and public laws, the legal nature of "Advance Payment of Fine" can be reasonab1y positioned, which is actually the guarantee for the future debt in public law——the deposit of the future fine.
Losing of the Booty Quality of the Substitute Article to Property Accepted by Crimes
YANG Jin-biao
2008, 24(3): 75-79,95.
Abstract(284) PDF(17)
There are different attitudes toward the booty quality of substitute articles to property accepted by crimes in criminal legislation, precedent and theory of criminal law in every country of the world, such as positive theory, negative theory and middle theory. The positive theory completely approves the booty quality of the substitute articles of things accepted by crimes, and consequently the punishable range is expanded boundlessly. On the contrary, the punishment scope is excessively limited, because the negative theory defies the booty quality of the substitute article of property gotten by crimes. The middle theory affirms it partially and disapproves partly. From the idea of profits protecting, the standard must be confirmed that whether or not the identity is lost. Generally the substitute article will lose the identity with the things gotten by crimes, so the booty quality will disappear. In occasions only if the substitute article holds the identity with the property accepted by crimes, the booty quality will be preserved.
Study on the Principle of Direct and Verbal Trial and Criminal Witnesses to Testify in Court
2008, 24(3): 80-85.
Abstract(325) PDF(18)
In order to identify the facts of the case, the principle of direct and verbal trial is an inevitable requirement of modern litigation system in the trial of criminal cases, and the criminal witnesses must testify in the court. There are still many problems in the field of criminal legislation and judicial practice, and transcripts of the testimony of prosecution is still the normal state of the testimony of witnesses. The establishment of the call system of the witnesses, mandatory measures and terms of sanctions when witnesses refused to testify in the court, etc, are needed to address the problem.
From Xiong Shili to Xu Fuguan: Location of Literature and Art as for Human Mind
ZHANG Zhong-gang
2008, 24(3): 86-91.
Abstract(262) PDF(18)
Although Xiong Shili's ambition is to illuminate the Confucian learning, the poetic dimension is rarely found in his scholarship. But this should not be considered as a consequential phenomenon according to the logic of Modern New-Confucianism. Different from Xiong, Xu Fuguan is interested in literature and art owing to his experiential character;at the same time he tries to set up his intellectual system on the root of human mind by way of carrying on the creative idea of his mentor.
Analysis of the Evil Spirit of the Bones of the Dead in “Journey to the West”
SONG Ke-jun
2008, 24(3): 92-95.
Abstract(515) PDF(24)
Here is a close connection between the Buddhist Practices of the Bones of the Dead and the story of "beating the Evil Spirit of the Bones of the Dead three times" in "Journey to the west". The successful portray of the Evil Spirit of the Bones of the Dead embodies author's feeling and expression of the impermanence of life, interprets the Buddhist admonition about abandoning the Six Primary Afflictions and leaping over the life of the Bones of the Dead.
On Some Problems about the Writing Course of “ShiSou”
WANG Ming-hui
2008, 24(3): 96-100,107.
Abstract(325) PDF(17)
The author draws a conclusion by studying the information about HuYinglin's writing "ShiSou":The order of writing "ShiSou" may be Nei chapter, Wai chapter, Za chapter, and Xu chapter. There were different editions about the Nei chapter and Wai chapters, three chapters, and four chapters. Nei chapter of "ShiSou" was finished in 1587, Wai chapter finished in 1587 or earlier, Za chapter finished no later than 1590, and Xu chapter finished after 1590. HuYinglin propably began to write "ShiSou" in 1584.
Prosodic Features of Appraisal Meanings
CHANG Chen-guang
2008, 24(3): 101-107.
Abstract(310) PDF(27)
In Systemic Functional Linguistics, association is made between kinds of structure with kinds of meanings. As an important interpersonal component, appraisal is realized prosodically, spreading and cumulating across a clause or a longer stretch of language. Based on Martin & White's classification of the three types of prosodic realization, viz. saturation, intensification and domination, this paper explores the complementarity and interaction of the different types of prosody in text. It is argued that appraisal studies can be more fruitfully conducted if generic features and discourse structures are also taken into consideration alongside micro-level lexical and clausal analyses.
Multimodal Construal of Appraisal: A Case Study of Olympics Television Public Service Advertising
CHEN Yu-min
2008, 24(3): 108-114.
Abstract(304) PDF(21)
This paper aims to investigate the verbal and visual appraisal resources in Olympic television public service advertising by adopting the theoretical framework of appraisal systems and visual grammar. The research findings indicate that inscribed judgement and appreciation are the dominant attitudinal meanings in the verbiage. Engagement and graduation resources contribute to the alignment with the audience and the enhancement of evaluative meanings. In terms of the visual images on television screen, three visual styles (i.e. close-up, visualization of imageries and visualization of ideational tokens) are identified, which construct evaluative meanings via inscription and invocation respectively. The relationship of ‘multiplying meaning’ between the verbal and visual appraisal resources is also discussed. The pattern of multimodal construal of appraisal is concluded at the end of the study.
A Study of Zero Anaphora Based on Discourse Anaphora Resolution Principle-An Analysis of Zero Anaphora in"The Scholar"
2008, 24(3): 115-118,140.
Abstract(234) PDF(17)
This paper is intended to analyze the zero anaphora in The Scholar from the perspective of cognitive linguistics within the framework of Discourse Anaphora Resolution Principle. 20 chapters from 50 in The Scholar have been chosen as the data. The analysis has been made out of the syntactic structures and at the structural levels, aiming to verify the anaphora model based on the topicality of antecedents and accessibility expressed by the antecedents, from which related discussion has been made.
The Influence of Speaker's Sex and Age on Modality Type of COULD in English-Chinese Translation
2008, 24(3): 119-127.
Abstract(364) PDF(18)
Modality is an important aspect of interpersonal metafunction in Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). It is closely related to the Speaker's sex and age. This article aims to investigate their influence on modality type of COULD in Harry Potter and its Chinese translation, within the framework of modality system in SFL and by means of WordSmith Tools and SPSS. Results show that COULD does not express "usuality"in ST, but in TT it can be translated into "usuality". Translators tend to use modal operators and modal adverbs to render adult speaker's COULD as"probability".
Sun Zhongshan's Thought of International Strategy
ZHANG Bei-gen
2008, 24(3): 128-133,140.
Abstract(286) PDF(16)
Sun Zhongshan's thought of international strategy is the important part of Sun Zhongshan's thought, including the opinion of international structure,China's international orientation, national interests,national object and foreign policy.
A Study on Chinese Rural Romanists'Belief in Grace from 1840 to 1911
LIU Li-min
2008, 24(3): 134-140.
Abstract(384) PDF(16)
The article analyzes the process of Chinese rural Romanists'absorbing the teaching of Grace in late Imperial Qing from the following three aspects:the logic of Grace, the fulfillment of Grace and the outcome of Grace. The article advances that Chinese traditional cultures and beliefs played a constructing role in Chinese rural Romanists'absorbing the teaching of Grace. The symbols, words and rituals of the Roman Catholic were connected with Chinese traditional culture and belief conscientiously or spontaneously.
The History and Present Situation of the Diaoyu Island Question
YAN Su-e
2008, 24(3): 141-145.
Abstract(586) PDF(22)
The Diaoyu Island question is the historical question between China and Japan's territorial sovereignty ownership. Diaoyu Island is the Chinese territory since the ancient times. The Japanese real occupation to Diaoyu Island, as well as the Japanese side of the strong standpoint which holds in the Diaoyu Island question, causes the Diaoyu Island question more complicated day by day, and has become one of the most sensitive questions in the Sino-Japanese relations. So it not only relates to the development of Sino-Japanese relations, but moreover involves the Asian and Pacific area strategy of the general pattern development in the situation. China and Japan must embark the Diaoyu Island question from the 21st century's relations between the two countries' development general situation, properly process the difference properly, and peacefully settle the disputes.
The Lost of Scientific Research Personnel and Rebuilding of Academic View
PAN Jian-hong, LI Xiao-yang
2008, 24(3): 146-149.
Abstract(307) PDF(17)
The lost of scientific research personnel is a deep root that causes anomie of academic morality. To prevent the anomie of academic morality, it is important to rebuild the scientific research personnel's view of academic quality, self-control, academic interest, academic aim, and etc.
Survey on Chinese Graduates' Moral Consciousness and Scientific Spirit
WANG Ya-qing
2008, 24(3): 150-155,160.
Abstract(313) PDF(18)
Through an investigation of 1072 post graduates from 31 provinces, municipality of mainland China, it is found that their moral consciousness is light and there is a significant difference on education background and gender; they lack scientific spirit; there is a significant correlation between their moral consciousness and scientific spirit. Three countermeasures are put forward.
The Citizenship Education of Western Countries and Its Enlightenment to Our Country against the Background of Globalization
LI Na, FENG Xiu-zhen
2008, 24(3): 156-160.
Abstract(319) PDF(21)
In the modern times, the tendency of globalization is irreversible. The citizenship education is valued more and more highly in the world. Against the background of globalization, human being is gradually becoming an indiscerptible organic unity. In western countries the research and development of the thought of citizenship education has entered a new period. The advanced theory and practice of citizenship education of western countries has an important enlightenment to our country. By learning the good and successful experience and methods from western countries, we can improve and strengthen our country's citizenship education more scientifically and reasonably.
Philosophy & Science
Analysis of the “Things Are Bu Qian” on the Concept of Development
CHEN Hao-xun
2008, 24(3): 161-163.
Abstract(369) PDF(19)
Things Are Bu Qian of Seng Zhao explores the discontinuity and continuity of the development process by studying the dynamic and static and causal relationship of things. Seng Zhao used the new concept "Bu Qian" to explain the existence and development of the state of things, beyond the controversy of movement and static. So "Bu Qian" does not mean the static, but rather the concept of development.
Daoist Thoughts Implicated in the Names of Gardens in the South of the Lower Yangzi River
WANG Xiao-hui
2008, 24(3): 164-168.
Abstract(325) PDF(16)
The essay tells Daoist Thoughts implicated in the names of gardens in the south of the Lower Yangzi River from four aspects. It will help us go sightseeing in these gardens more interestingly.
On the Scientific and Technological Policy to Minority Areas
WANG Xiao-wei
2008, 24(3): 169-172.
Abstract(227) PDF(16)
Through the research of scientific and technological policy, it's clear that because of disparity in economic base, scientific and educational level of different areas, the implementation of scientific and technological policy should vary with areas. To solve the crisis of national culture caused by scientific and technological development, the paper puts forward that in minority areas, people should regulate the scientific and technological development and national traditional culture by appropriate scientific and technological policy, and develop the science and culture harmoniously there.