2008 Vol. 24, No. 1

Analysis of Farmland Transformation in the Situation of Government and Market Failure
YUAN Feng, LIU Wu-fang
2008, 24(1): 1-5.
Abstract(395) PDF(20)
Taking the grain market in S village Wei county Hebei province as an example, this paper explores the "game playing" character of farmland transformation in the situation of government and market failure. It proposes to build a framework of dependin g on the market's leadership, government's planning and multi-participation. Each party's interest should be considered.
Development Pattern of Social Work Theory and Its Basic Characteristic
HUANG Yao-ming
2008, 24(1): 6-9,39.
Abstract(286) PDF(41)
Abraham Flexer questioned the specialization of social work in 1915 through the paper "Was Social Work Specialized?",and until now,development pattern in social work theory has moved from the pursuit of specialization to the reconsideration of specialization.The construction of social work theory system played more and more important role in the process——from experience-oriented to scientific.Now,development of social work in China had be appealed from the folk to the official,so discussion on development pattern in social work theory and its basic characteristic has much academic significance and realistic value.
The Re-building of Social Capital in the Development of Urban Community
GUO Yan, ZHOU Xiang-bin
2008, 24(1): 10-14.
Abstract(253) PDF(19)
Community development is a syndicated idea,including the increase of common wealth and improvement of citizens' living level as well as the cultivation of community culture and value.This paper,taking a mine community in central china as an example,analyzes the social resources with the help of social capital theory,and considers the rebuilding of social capital after farmers enter urban communities.
Administration & Economics
The International Comparasion Garment Upgrading Model From the Perspective of Regional of the Textile and and Its Hint: Production Network
LU Peng
2008, 24(1): 15-21.
Abstract(235) PDF(18)
With the development of regional economic integration the textile and garment industry, which has the characteristics of the buyer-driven value chain, is forming production network in NAFTA, EU and Asian region, and the industry chain has regional characteristics.The paper compares and analyses the industry's upgrade model in three regions.On the basis of this, the paper discusses the role of government for promoting the Chinese textile and garment industry upgrading from the macroeconomics and the strategic orientation of Chinese company.
Research on the Relations Between Interest Rate and Stock Market in 2007
WANG Li-min, WANG Ting
2008, 24(1): 22-26.
Abstract(289) PDF(21)
The central bank increased the interest rate continuously in 2007.Under this condition, the dissertation discussed the changes of the Chinese stock market through an empirical analysis.Based on commonly used economic rules, the increasing of interest rate and the deposit reserving rate may have bad effect on the stock market, but the Chinese stock market has not fallen down as anticipatd after so many monetary Policy.This text analysed this phenomena and found out why the rule doesn't work in Chinese stock market, then provided a suggestion to modify the rule.
Research on Co-adaptability of Conflict Events in Construction Engineering Projects
HE Quan-long
2008, 24(1): 27-32.
Abstract(366) PDF(21)
The conflict events that occurred in construction engineering project (CEP) bring about a lot of adverse influence on project implementation. Furthermore, the five cnflict-deding based on the project management have their shortcomings in practice. On the basis of investigation, the paper first validates that conflict events of CEP possess different characte from other conflicts, and continues to analyze the factors that cause the conflicts through subsequent investigation and clustering analysis. The author is able to bring to light the multi-attributive characteristics of the conflict events, and puts forward a new concept referred to as co-adaptability aiming to approach the conflict events in CEP, and build up a new project management mechanism based on the new concept and a new mode to deal with the conflict events based on the whole project benefit. So, the research offers not only a new idea but also a new method of solving conflict events in CEP.
Micro-inspection of Wealth Effect of China Urban Inhabitants' Housing Assets
LIU Dan, YAO Ling-zhen
2008, 24(1): 33-39.
Abstract(373) PDF(18)
Based on the life cycle suppose, this paper constructs a model of the relationship between Urban Inhabitants' Assets of China and Consumption.We empirically research the impact of urban inhabitants' housing assets of China on consumption with data from 1978 to 2006.We find that unreasonable housing supplies structure and asymmetrical information is the important reasons that urban inhabitants' assets of China has not wealth effect.
Putting People First and Governance of the Chinese Government: Aanalysis on the Policy of Benefiting the People
ZHAO Xiu-ling
2008, 24(1): 40-46.
Abstract(298) PDF(19)
The policy of benefiting the people is an important measure in China in recent years, and it marks a great change in the idea of governance for Chinese government, with its inner basis being "putting the people first".The concept of"putting the people first"has a long history.It is the result of using Chinese experience of ancient and contemporary era, and further developing the Marxism by the communist.The policy contains ten aspects, whose foothold and goal are both giving prominence to the people and solving the problem closely related to the people's benefit.The policy of benefiting people is a historic and revolutionary measure;it is of great significance in the Chinese modernized construction.Of course, it also has shortcomings, for example, at will and utility, and we should strengthen its system and cultural construction.
Character and Function: Analysis on the Natural Law Theory of Spinoza
HE Jun-wu, ZHANG Lei
2008, 24(1): 47-49,53.
Abstract(314) PDF(20)
The natural law theory of Spinoza suggests there are two characters of rationalism and humanism in the natural law.The rationalism is shown by the correcpondence between keeping natural law and obeying rationality.The humanism is shown in that natural law entitles people to an equal right of pursuing happiness.Therefore,natural law becomes the source of political legality and the value of political order.
On the Professionalism System of Public Human Resources Management in America
ZHANG Zhong-li
2008, 24(1): 50-53.
Abstract(196) PDF(22)
The traditional personnel management has widened its border, and is called human resources management now.The human resources management in public sector refers to the management of human and post in the public sector and the policy formulation.It has been the main section for a long time.There are at least five independent systems whose relations are tensional at the same time in the human resource management for public sector of America.One of them has different agenda in human resource.They are civil servant system, collective system, political ruling system, lifelong system of professionalism and public administration system of professionalism.The professionalism system for public human resource management of America is made of lifelong system of professionalism and public administration system of professionalism.
Research on Legislation of the Crime of Bankruptcy Fraud
XING Jiang, WANG Yang
2008, 24(1): 54-60.
Abstract(338) PDF(18)
The crime of bankruptcy fraud is the most serious and typical crime of the bankruptcy act, which is stipulated by many countries in Continental legal System and Common law System.In Chinese Criminal Law, interference of the accounts settlement is stipulated in the article 162 and the crime of false bankruptcy is added in "criminal law bill for amendment (6) ".The article analyzes foreign legislation in order to give some suggestions to the crime of bankruptcy fraud.
The Reform Pattern of Judicial Mediation System in China
ZHAO Yan-rong
2008, 24(1): 61-64,71.
Abstract(288) PDF(18)
In order to reform our civil procedural system in which mediation runs through trial procedure,and to reformulate judicial mediation,we must resolve three questions as follows.First,who is the host.Second,how to treat the principal of ascertaining fact and distinguishing right and wrong.Third,how to ensure the legitimation of judicial mediation.After inquiring into these three questions,this paper provides the various designs about judicial mediation.
E-mail Monitoring in Workplace and the Protection of Employees' Right to E-mail Privacy
2008, 24(1): 65-71.
Abstract(286) PDF(23)
E-mail monitoring in workplace is becoming a worldwide problem now.Both employers and employees have legitimate but conflicting interests toward e-mail monitoring.In Europe,individual data and e-mail privacy of employees are protected well relatively.We can learn from it.What is most important is to balance the employers' management right and employees' right to privacy.Proportional principle should be followed,which means that monitoring can't be omniscient and employees can use pure personal e-mails not related to work reasonably,even in workplace and in office hours.
Discussion on the Three Views about the Tragedy in “The Dream of Red Mansion”
ZHU Bing
2008, 24(1): 72-77.
Abstract(367) PDF(26)
This paper criticizes some views recently put forward by the "Red Mansion" research field and some TV programs,pointing out that the views of "unreasonably rising","combination of Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu" and "equal evaluation" are the same in nature.It intends to avoid spreading incorrect points of view.
The Influence of Hao Jing on Law in Literature and Its Practical Meaning
GUO Peng
2008, 24(1): 78-84,100.
Abstract(240) PDF(17)
Different from ancient people's theory,Hao Jing's theory of law in literature had special meaning and practical interest:he paid more attention to writer's feeling and freedom than to law's decipline itself.Hao Jing's theory had great value in literature theory at his time.In order to explain it clearly,this thesis researched some kind of important views of law in literature before Hao Jing,and tried to give a logical opinion about such questions in Chinese ancient literature.
Shijing and the Expostulation Culture of Pre-Qin and Han Dynasty
ZHAO Zhang-zheng
2008, 24(1): 85-92.
Abstract(358) PDF(21)
In the earlier ancient times of China, the consanguineous bond was very important in the political structure.When the ministers wanted to expostulate to the ruler, they always admonished frankly.In Shijing, there are a lot of verse written by the ministers.As immediate household of the sovereign, they admonished the sovereign with these poems."Dedicating the poems" and "Collecting the poems" are two modes of Shijing's intervening in politics.As the social structure changed, the consanguineous bond loosed, and the autocratic monarchy was strengthened, so admonishing frankly became more and more dangerous.Meanwhile, euphemistical expostulation was getting more and more encouraged.The Shijing study of Han dynasty came into being against this historical background, and formed the theory of"the expostulation of eulogizing and satirizing".This theory said that every poem must have something to do with certain historical and political background.Even those poems which had no intention of expostulating, were all explicated as expostulation as well.The theory of"the expostulation of eulogizing and satirizing" have a great effect upon the the subsequent practice of writing poetry and the poetic criticism.Probing the process of how this theory came into being from a political historical standpoint, will be of positive significance to us to understand the Chinese ancient poetry better.
The Cardiff Grammar: a Model in Systemic Functional Linguistics
HUANG Guo-wen
2008, 24(1): 93-100.
Abstract(746) PDF(93)
The aim of this paper is to introduce and evaluate the Cardiff Grammar, which is treated as a component of M.A.K.Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics.The paper begins with a short biography of Robin Fawcett's life, and goes on to describe his research background, his relationship with M.A.K.Halliday, the Cardiff research group, the major publications by people working in the framework of the Cardiff Grammar, etc.It also discusses the relationship between the Cardiff Grammar and Halliday's theory of language.
Notes on the Cardiff Grammar
LIAO Chu-yan
2008, 24(1): 101-107.
Abstract(393) PDF(23)
As a branch of Systemic Functional Grammar, the Cardiff Grammar shares the same basic principles and theories as the Sydney Grammar, although it has different opinions upon certain issues. This paper gives a brief introduction to the core theory of the Cardiff Grammar and discusses some issues concerning this grammatical model, hoping to give the reader a better understandin g of the major ideas of this grammar as well as its relationship with the Sydney Grammar.
Extensions of the Cardiff Grammar over the Sydney Grammar
2008, 24(1): 108-116.
Abstract(353) PDF(32)
There are certain differences between the Sydney Grammar and the Cardiff Grammar which belong to Systemic Functional Linguistics.This paper aims to discuss extensions of the Cardiff Grammar over the Sydney Grammar in four respects concerning functional syntax and semantics.Through the comparison between the two models, the study indicates that the main extensions are reflected in the following four respects:(1) that the Cardiff Grammar bases the categorization of the "Main Verb Extension" mainly on its function, and that it recognizes more expounding items of the element than the Sydney Grammar; (2) that the Cardiff Grammar establishes different criteria from the Sydney Grammar with reference to the differentiation of different groups; (3) that the Cardiff Grammar bases the differentiation of different types of Auxiliaries on their distinct meaning;and (4) that the Cardiff Grammar semanticizes the Mood system network originating from the Sydney Grammar.
The Relationships between the Cardiff Grammar and Systemic Functional Linguistics
WANG Hong-yang
2008, 24(1): 117-121,134.
Abstract(436) PDF(24)
The aim of this paper is to examine the Cardiff Grammar in terms of its place in the general framework of M.A.K.Halliday's theory of language.The author discusses the relationships between the Cardiff Grammar and Systemic Functional Linguistics,by looking at the developmental stages of Halliday's model of language.It concludes with the suggestion that variations within a theory of language should not only be tolerated but should be welcomed.
The Rising and the Promotion to Academic Research of Library Science in the Period of Republic of China
ZUO Yu-he
2008, 24(1): 122-127.
Abstract(301) PDF(17)
Modern Chinese library science was gradually pulled-in and established along with the transformation from traditional book-storing buildings to modern libraries in the last phase of Qing dynasty and the early period of Republic of China.Libraries in various regions provided convenience for researchers by compiling all sorts of catalogs, indexes, and so on.Dictionaries and indexes compiled by academia of library science provided essential auxiliary instruments for academic research.Library science has become an essential auxiliary discipline in modern Chinese academic research, and extremely promoted the development of modern Chinese academic research.
British and Japanese Attitude to the Question of the Consortium, the Loan to China and the Disbandment of Unnecessary Chinese Troops
ZHANG Bei-gen
2008, 24(1): 128-134.
Abstract(265) PDF(17)
As to the question of the Consortium,the loan to China and the disbandment of unnecessary Chinese troops,Britain,on one side,asked Japan not to provide a loan to China alone.To counter the War Participation Army Japan used as a tool of controlling China,Britain asked Japan to agree to one of the Consortium's loan conditions——the disbandment of unnecessary troops of the North and the South,while opposing Japan's excluding Eastern Inner Mongolian in the sphere of Consortium;on the other side,Britain made a concession to Japan,agreeing to exclade South Manchuria in the sphere of Consortium.
On Different Cognitions about Chinese Modernization of the KMT and the CPC
CHENG Rui-hang
2008, 24(1): 135-139.
Abstract(179) PDF(20)
The key issue to Chinese modernization is to achieve national independence, social liberation, national reconstruction and economic development in modern China.On the above four issues, the KMT and the CPC formed different ideas on the settlement of Chinese modernization.On the national independence, the KMT could not always adhere to resist imperialism, and the CPC insisted on anti-imperialist firmly and thoroughly and in pursuit of national independence;On social liberation, the KMT tried to realize modernization on the basis of preserving feudal system, so it was unable to achieve social liberation truly.But the CPC thought that it must abolish the feudal land ownership, liberate the peasants, and get the realization of social emancipation;On the reconstruction of the country, the KMT adhered to the one-party dictatorship, established a personal dictatorship for purpose of the authority Government.But the CPC proposed a program of new democratic republic of national reconstruction;On the issue of economic development, the KMT adhered to the way of bureaucratic capital which was controlled by the Government.But the CPC proposed the new-economy program.Two different ideas of Chinese modernization decided that the KMT and the CPC had different fate.
Study on Student Financial Aid Policies and Their Operative Mechanism
LOU Shi-zhou, WU Min-yan
2008, 24(1): 140-144.
Abstract(359) PDF(16)
The student financial aid policy system, which consists of scholarship, student loan, working paid for learning, special difficulties subsidy, fee remissions and green channels, runs effectively to a certain extent in helping the students from poor families to complete their schoolwork.However, more and more problems became marked in the present student financial aid system in the process of funding the students.Based on improving the system of loan-aided learning Mechanism with country's loan remaining dominant, this article tries to examine the approaches on how to perfect the student financial aid policy system and its operative mechanism in our country, and ensure that it can move in the direction of socialist market economic structure.
Survey on British National Student Satisfaction
YANG Xiao-ming, JIN Long, ZHANG Yan
2008, 24(1): 145-148.
Abstract(241) PDF(18)
British National Student Satisfaction Survey starts from 2005, whose major objective is to measure the significance of students' experiences in university, views and satisfaction of various anticipation.Its result could be important in improving relationship between universities and students and promoting the development of universities.
From Monologist to Dialogist: Conversion of Teacher's Role
GU Xia
2008, 24(1): 149-153.
Abstract(428) PDF(17)
Viewpoint of modern teacher's roleis that teachers are dominators and monologists.With the coming of information the teacher's role faces crisis.In order to change this situation teachers must transform their roles from monologists to dialogists.They should have new relation with students;they should change their role from knowledge transfer to study guide;from monologist to audient.And they should cultivate consciously the dialogue ability of students.
Philosophy & Science
Possibility: the Realization Realm of Post-modern Moral Freedom
ZHU Hai-lin
2008, 24(1): 154-159.
Abstract(208) PDF(16)
The post-modern moral freedom,with its features of "no main body","no restraint" and "no choice",is a real freedom.This kind of freedom cannot be realized in the real world.The post-modernists conclude freedom as possibility,and try to reach the ideal state of moral freedom in the possibility world through such strategies as "de-centralization","de-justness" and "de-reason-result".
Dispute of Ethical Theory and Anti-theory
2008, 24(1): 160-164.
Abstract(352) PDF(18)
The dispute of ethical theory and anti-theory not only exists between dharma ethnics and criterian ethnics, but also in the inner dharma ethnics.As a representative dharma ethist, Martha Nussbaum's theory is typical.Studying her theory help us get the right direction in the latest development of western dharma ethnics.
The “Duty-kindness” Spirit and Construction of Modern Family Ethics
WANG Chang-zhu
2008, 24(1): 165-168.
Abstract(310) PDF(26)
The traditional Chinese family ethics was rich in the "duty-kindness" spirit, stressing the ethical norms of fathers being kind and sons being dutiful.From the middle 19th century, the traditional family ethics experienced a painful historical transition.And after the new China was founded, the Chinese government sought to promote the construction of the new-style family ethics politically, systematically, and economically.The great Cultural Revolution brought a severe attack to the family ethics in China and the reform and opening in China paid too much attention to the development of economy and ignored the positive construction of family ethics, thus putting the family ethics in China in a collision between modernity and tradition.In today's construction of family ethics, the traditional "dutiful-kind" spirit should be used as a helpful ideological source, making new contributions.
The Inspiration and Reaction of Confucian Moral Philosophy for Raising the “Soft Power of Culture”
GUO Wei-hua
2008, 24(1): 169-172.
Abstract(360) PDF(15)
Raising the "soft power of culture" is a cultural strategy to meet the requirements of China's modernization.The implementation of the cultural strategy is inseparable from China's traditional cultural resources firstly.As part of the mainstream culture,Confucian moral philosophy,which constructed ethical spirit of paying attention to human relations and moral ideas of emphasizing individual moral consciousness,has an important value to enlighten the raising of"soft power of culture".At the same time,the cultural strategy will provide new opportunities for the modernized conversion of Confucian moral philosophy.