2007 Vol. 23, No. 4

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Establishing the Global Center of Metallurgy Education, Material Education and Scientific Research
LUO Wei-dong, XU Jin-wu
2007, 23(4): 1-4.
Abstract(368) PDF(19)
Under the instruction of the spirits of the 17th CPC National Congress, our university will adheve to the scientific way of elaborating the specialist advantages and leading the industry technique innovation, and try our best to build this university into a global center of metallurgy education, material education and scientific research.
Analysis of the CPC Member's Executive Wisdom
LI Bao-lin
2007, 23(4): 5-7,14.
Abstract(301) PDF(18)
CPC is leading its people to accomplish the greatest social transformation and modernization. The Party members keep on innovating theories and expand the development space. They can grasp the ballance point of all conflicts and deal with the complicated relations, all of which display their outstanding executive wisdom.
Sticking to the Scientific Development, Constructing a Harmonious, Democratic and Creative University Culture
2007, 23(4): 8-11.
Abstract(382) PDF(21)
The university culture involves academic culture, system culture, spirit culture and administration culture. It plays an important role in the daffy management, teaching, scientific research and services. Only by sticking to the scientific development, can we rely on the universities to increase the country's competitive ability.
Acting in the Spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress, Opening up Pioneering Education
2007, 23(4): 12-14.
Abstract(292) PDF(22)
Opening up the pioneering education among young college students reflects the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress, as well as conforms to the internal requirements of global higher education development. With the help of the college science parks, we can better our pioneering education.
Conflicts between Systemic Evolution and Systematic Growth
GUO Wei-he
2007, 23(4): 15-21.
Abstract(261) PDF(19)
Based on two cases, this paper analyzed the community development and the motivation, system and path for community management in the times of post tax reform. It showed that taking college graduates as village officials is acceptable within the present political system; while the community developing program stands outside the system. Therefore, there is no complementary relation in the development of chinese rural social work, and the conflict between systems must be dealt with.
Political Agenda and Early Social Work Development in China
HU Jie-rong
2007, 23(4): 22-25,45.
Abstract(256) PDF(18)
Social work was attached considerable importance in 1930's and 1940's. On one hand, the government promoted social work development; on the other hand, political agenda and political discourse deeply penetrated its denomination, ranges and functions, and this profession had to respond to the need of state capacity-building and the political discourse of societal building. And that had serious effects on its tendency. To some extent, social work became a native and situated political practice.
Study on the Relation between Husband and Wife in Rural Floating Family
SUN Hui-fang, SHI Li-rong
2007, 23(4): 26-31.
Abstract(298) PDF(19)
The number of rural floating families has been increasing since 1990s. This paper investigated the floating families in H Community in Taiyuan. Through observation and case study, the author concluded that financial goal and tradition play an active role in these families, and "close partnership" is built between husbands and wives.
Empirical Study of China's Steel Futures and Spot Price
LI Jun, HAN Qing-ping
2007, 23(4): 32-36.
Abstract(289) PDF(25)
This paper makes an analysis on the price-forming theory of steel future in China using the basic principle of future pricing.With the correlation analysis and cause and effect test between the future price and spot price in China,it is found that forward price of wire stock and deformed steel bar has some effect on spot price in the forward electronic market of China,additionally,spot price and forward price of plates influence each other.
Rural Cooperation Financial Storage Reform and Increase Development: A Framework of Gradual Increase
PENG Ke-qiang
2007, 23(4): 37-45.
Abstract(218) PDF(18)
The publishment of the rural capital cooperative society in late 2006 marks the breakthrough of our country's rural co- operative financial reform. The present author analyzed the main conflicts in the development of financial storage and increase. The auther also summarized the experiences accumulated in the economic transformation and then transfered them to the study of rural cooperative financial development; at last; the framework of gradual development was put forward.
A Study on the Intrinsic Value of Steel Corporations and the Stock Market Bubble
CHEN Zi-can
2007, 23(4): 46-52,57.
Abstract(401) PDF(19)
Using the Residual Income Model, the paper measures the intrinsic value and the bubbles of the steel corporations, and based on the bubble analysis of American stock market, it introduces the criterion to estimate the character, of the stock mrket bubble. We found that the stocks of the majority of steel corporation were traded at a price between below their intrinsic value and rational stock market bubble in the first half of 2007. Accordingly, we can conclude that the viewpoint that the Chinese stock market is full of bubbles in the first of 2007 is incorrect, at the same time, government cannot judge the stock market bubble only by stock index and P/E Ratio.
SWOT Analysis of Urumchi as the International Logistics Center to Mid-Asia
SUN Ying, WANG Hao
2007, 23(4): 53-57.
Abstract(322) PDF(22)
Based on its own advantages of resources, Sinkiang Uigur Municipality created the special "black, white, red and green" as the colorful economy, represented by oil, cotton, tomato and fruits. The economy has increased rapidly in recent years. Urumchi, as its political, economic, cultural and business center, sponsored the development strategy of establishing the city by logistics, which provided the good opportunity for Urumchi to be the International Logistics Center to Mid-Asia. By adopting SWOT analysis, this paper gives the strengths and weaknesses of Urumchi, as well as the outer opportunities and threats. Then suggestions to establish the International Logistics Center are given.
What Is Government?—A Premise Analysis of Chinese Government's Reformation and Construction
YAN De-ru, FENG Ying
2007, 23(4): 58-65.
Abstract(419) PDF(18)
To effectively solve the public problems in the contemporary Chinese society and deeply reform and open up, there is an urgent need to deepen the reform and building of Chinese government. In order to carry out this urgent need, it is necessary to ponder the precondition question" What is Government?" first. In contemporary world, there are big differences between China and Western government in the aspects of the attitude of the government, the powers of the government awareness and disposal, the government's responsibilities and objectives etc. In order to transcend the past understanding of "What is Government", we need to review the questions of "will the government need theory of human nature as a support? Are Government's adherences to the code of ethics reliable? How to maintain their respect for authority? How to arrange for their own interests?" Only in this way can we understand the government, return to the people-oriented basis, and truly listen to and respond to the voice of the people.
The Evolution of Administrative Ecology to Ecological Administration: Insertion of Generational Fair Idea
MO Guang-cai, WANG Wei-peng
2007, 23(4): 66-71.
Abstract(372) PDF(17)
Because of the existed theory flaw, administrative ecology fails to effectively instruct public administration to solve natural resource and environment problems. Resource and environment problems essentially belong to the category of generational fair. In order to make government's management match with generational fair from the original meaning of generational fair, carrying out ecological administration is essential. Ecological administration is the revision of administrative ecology, and the inevitable choice to deal with resource and environment problems and maintain socially generational fair. In order to carry out and realize ecological administration, the government needs to correct the administrative goal, strengthen government's responsibility for environmental protection, balance the government's power, consummate the target system of achievement appraisal, and restraint the government's ecologically administrative actions and so on.
On the Development of ASEAN's Integration and Sino-ASEAN Relationship
WANG Guang-hou, ZHU Jin, LIN Hong-an
2007, 23(4): 72-77.
Abstract(260) PDF(16)
This Paper mainly discussed the trend of Sino-ASEAN relationship from the view of ASEAN's integration. The paper first analyzed the basic condition of ASEAN's integration in Post-Cold war era. On the basis of it, the paper discussed the Chinese factor during the course of ASEAN's integration. At last, the paper deeply dissected the effect that the development of ASEAN's integration had on China.
Proof of Foreign Law in the U.S.Courts
HUO Zheng-xin
2007, 23(4): 78-82,87.
Abstract(338) PDF(18)
Based on modern American legislation and judicial practice, the article analyzes the major issues on the proof of foreign law in the U.S. courts. Beginning with the premise that the nature of foreign law has been changed from "fact" to "law" the article goes on to discuss the channels and the procedures of the proof of foreign law, and the remedies for the mistake of the proof. In the end, the conclusion is drawn and the comments and suggestions on the relevant sections in the Chinese textbooks of private international law are put forward.
Adequate: The Core Words of Housing Rights
WANG Hong-zhe, SHI Yan
2007, 23(4): 83-87.
Abstract(296) PDF(20)
“Adequate” is the core word to understand the connotation of housing fights. The essay points out the lingua meaning of adequate by textual research; also opens out it's characteristic meanings from the aspect of human rights after analysing it's definition in the "General Comment No.4 (1991) The Right to Adequate Housing" which were constituted by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Problems of Procedure for Judicial Review of Death Sentences and Its improvement Principles
2007, 23(4): 88-92,111.
Abstract(232) PDF(16)
Procedure for judicial review of death sentences, as a procedural protection of death sentences control, exhibits many problems because of part decentralization of authority of examination and approval and non-litigation character of procedure for judicial review of death sentences. As a result, the procedure loses the role in procedural protection and have disadvantage in protecting legal rights of the accused. From the angle of procedural protection to the legal rights of the accused, this passage suggests that procedure for judicial review of death sentences should be reformed with litigation and put forward the basic principles of the reform.
The Self-image in the Mirror of the Homesick Consciousness
LI Lin-rong
2007, 23(4): 93-96.
Abstract(370) PDF(17)
Through methods of close reading and narrative analysis, focusing upon the cultural nostalgia and self-identity of Chinese modem intellectuals, this paper examines A Little Event and Hometown carefully and thoroughly, which are two short stories by Lu Xun; furthermore, it expounds and proves that the mental and artistic shine from Lu Xun's other fictional classics also spreads over these two short sketches,although many reviews regard them as very dull works.
Analysis of “Person” in Lu Xuns “Mo Luo Shi Li Shuo”
WANG Wei-dong
2007, 23(4): 97-102,123.
Abstract(403) PDF(18)
As one of Lu Xun's early serial classical chinese argumentations, "Mo Luo Shi Li Shuo" put forward another "shi" for "the voice of second innovation" through analysis of a sevied of key thoughts such as "Xin Sheng" (心声)-"Xin Sheng (新声)", "shi" and "shi Li", These concepts formed the important understanding of "Person".
The Second Climax of "Network Lu Xun" _Review and Analysis of "Network Lu Xun" in 2006
GE Tao
2007, 23(4): 103-111.
Abstract(232) PDF(16)
The paper reviewed the main echo in chinese network about Lu Xun in 2006, holding that "network Lu Xun" has gained substantial progress in the current year, and has met the second climax in the "network Lu Xun"'s phylogeny.
A Glance over Lu Xun's Marriage and Love
LIU Chun-yong
2007, 23(4): 112-116,123.
Abstract(442) PDF(28)
Skepticalism is a unique character of Lu Xun's way of thinking, as well as representation of his personality. It was especially shown in his love with Xu Guangping. His shepticalism and vacillation contrast sharply with her perseverance.
Theoretical Exploration of New Democracy Transition by Mao Zedong and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
WANG Rui-fang
2007, 23(4): 117-123.
Abstract(397) PDF(25)
After victory of the new democracy revolution, it should take a long time to construct new democracy. Only if material and mental conditions become in full maturity, the transition from the new democracy to the socialism may be realized in China. These were the original conceptions made by Mao Zedong and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China before or after the founding of China. However, with the completion of national economic recovery, they had developed some novel thoughts and ideas about the transition to socialism, and then put forward the thoughts of the general line for the period of transition. From above, it can be seen that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China experienced tough exploration on the problem of transition from the new democracy to the socialism so as to change greatly in its cognition. In general, the general line for the period of transition is not only the objective requirement to develop quickly national economy, to enlarge plan economy, and to implement smoothly the First Five Plan, but also the necessary consequences of utilizing industry and commerce of capitalism and confining their development. At the same time, it's the consequent trend for the development of rural economy after land reform, and also the orerequisite for consolidating people's dictatorship.
The Evolution of the British Foreign Policy toward China in the May 30 Movement
WANG Rong-xia
2007, 23(4): 124-128.
Abstract(363) PDF(16)
At fast, the British government played hardball with Chinese request when the May 30 Movement broke up. But Chinese National Feelings on the subject have tended to run high, which made some British officers realize that the world situation was undergoing great changes, and that they must make concessions to the Chinese Nationalism of "abolishing old treaty". Then the foreign policy toward China seemed to compromise with the nationalism.
The First Large-scale Collective Events in the Countryside after 1949
HU Shang-yuan, DU Min
2007, 23(4): 129-133.
Abstract(516) PDF(18)
During the climax period of agricultural cooperation movement in 1956-1957, the first large-scale collective event occurred in the countryside after 1949. This event had characteristics of wide distribution,long lasting, a high degree of unanimity on purpose, intertwined with the reasonableness of the request and illegality of activities, and with confrontation and harmfulness of partial. This article discussed the main reasons of the event and its solution. At the same time, the authors proposed the lessons of history worthy drawing.
Spreading Chinese Culture and Building the Nation's Common Spiritual Homeland
GUO Qi-jia
2007, 23(4): 134-141.
Abstract(305) PDF(18)
General Secretary Hu Jintao emphasized spreading chinese culture and building the nation's common spiritual homeland in his report at the 17th CPC National Congress. The core spirit of chinese culture is helpful in building the common spiritual homeland. We should build our national ideology of self-improvement, self-development, and cultural innovation; and then change the spiritual energy to practical power. That is the cultural mission bore by our chinese.
The Exploration and Thought on the Building of Research Institute in Universities
XU Fang, WANG Wen-hong
2007, 23(4): 142-147.
Abstract(240) PDF(16)
The deficiency of existed scientific research system is gradually exposed. To adapt to the new trend, the scientific research systems in universities need to reform and innovate. In these 10 years, some key universities in our country have built a group of professional academies. It did important explorations on the reform of the scientific research system. This paper reviews the professional academies' development in our country and analyzes the reason about the professional academies. Finally, the paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions on the problem of establishing the professional university academy.
On the Professional Development of the Counsellor Team in Universities
PENG Qing-hong
2007, 23(4): 148-152,156.
Abstract(273) PDF(16)
This paper defines the professional development of the counsellor team in universities as a process of developing and improving the knowledge system, establishing professional education and certification system, establishing the work standard and professional ethic system, forming professional associations and gaining social status. We argue that although the professional development of the counsellor team has firm basic condition, there is little measure to facilitate the process of professional development. In order to improve the professional development of the counsellor team, we need to build positive consensus, improve related institutions, develop professional associations, increase the career standards, and improve work circumstances and career development condition.
Thinking of Harmonious Interpersonal Intercourse of Laozhuang and Its Current Value
XU Jin-zhong
2007, 23(4): 153-156.
Abstract(287) PDF(16)
Harmonious interpersonal intercourse is the important component of a harmonious society. Besides, research of harmonious interpersonal contacts is of great significance for the construction of a harmonious society. Chinese traditional thinking culture contains a lot of thinking of harmonious interpersonal intercourse. Unique thinking of Laozhuang promotes interpersonal harmony, trying to remove interpersonal conflict. They consider "grace", "content with one's lot", "trust", and "to take peace treasure" etc. moral principles of harmonious interpersonal contacts. They are important values for the society today. They are beneficial to social conflicts and interpersonal conflict, to dilute the utilitarian among people, and to consider honor and treasure reasonable.
Traditional Chinese Human Relation and Its Implication
ZHANG Ruo-jia, ZHANG Yu-hai
2007, 23(4): 157-161.
Abstract(328) PDF(20)
The "Five Relations" thought is the core and soul of traditional Chinese social ethics, and an important part of traditional Chinese culture. Analyzing the connotation of "Five Relations" and focusing on its implication to modern society are meaningful to the construction of a harmonious socialist society.