2007 Vol. 23, No. 3

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Christian Ethics and Social Work Value——Starting from the Difficult Position of Social Work Education in China
ZUO Peng
2007, 23(3): 1-5.
Abstract(373) PDF(22)
During the rapid development of China's social work education, many universities and colleges face the problem of "hard enrollment and distribution". Through analysis of the relationship between christian ethics and social work value, this paper put forward the suggestion that China needs to explore a new way to develop social work value education.
State Policies, Peasants and the Rural Poverty in Contemporary China: A Perspective from Structurization Theory
HUAN Jian-li
2007, 23(3): 6-12,25.
Abstract(224) PDF(20)
According to the structurization theory, the formation of rural poverty is the result of interaction between state policies and peasants under certain time-space conditions. Peasants in poverty are familar with the existent conditions and external situations they confront. They have intensive intention to alleviate poverty, but their actions are conducted under some rules and polocies which constrain them Peasants always want to eradicate poverty, but always fail.
Application of Social Group Work in the Social Work with Elders
FU Zai-xue
2007, 23(3): 13-15.
Abstract(310) PDF(24)
With the aging process, there are more and more old people in China. At present, the majority of old people choose to be cared in their homes. So the coummunity should provide appropriate services to the old people and meet their needs. The study discussed the feasibility of the application of social group work in the social work with elders. It proposed to select an appropriate model of social group work according to the elders' needs and characteristics.
The Influence of FDI on China's Institutional Changes
WANG Xia, CHEN Liu-qin
2007, 23(3): 16-25.
Abstract(305) PDF(19)
The paper explores FDI's impact on China's institutional changes from theoretical and empirical aspects. On the theoretical view, the paper points out that FDI's impact on China's institutional changes originates from the ownership advantage and location advantage, whose effects are restrained by the overall process of China's reform and opening. The empirical analysis indicates that FDI has promoted China's institutional changes.
Correlation between Enterprise Performance Evaluation and Stimulation Mechanism
YANG Jian-kui, ZHENG Xiao-qi
2007, 23(3): 26-29,33.
Abstract(302) PDF(27)
Performance evaluation and stimulation mechanism are the core of modern enterprise system, and the basis for enterpeises to improve their competitive ability. The relation between performance evaluation and stimulation mechanism is close performance results in stimulation and stimulation promotes performance.
Research on Risk Management of Stock Index Futures in China
2007, 23(3): 30-33.
Abstract(366) PDF(19)
Stock index futures are the standard future contracts based on the stock index. This article first introduces the theory and history of stock index futures, and discusses the risk management measures to stock index futures in asset management. Finally, this article presents some suggestions to the development of stock index futures in China.
The Logic of Constitutionalism in the Context of Moral Philosophy——on Kant's Constitutional Thought
WANG Lian-wei, CHEN Man-qing
2007, 23(3): 34-37.
Abstract(310) PDF(26)
Kant's philosophy, including his theory of knowledge, moral philosophy and aesthetics, forms a complete system. By contrast, His political thought is fragmented, which means that the study of Kant's constitutional thought should be in the context of his philosophy. Kant's constitutional thought has his own logic. It can be said that his constitutionalsm is based on the general ethics and morals. This is the thought that is reflected in Kant's moral philosophy. Kant used the "freedom" idea as a clue in moral philosophy to argue his constitutional thought, including the possibility, necessity, principles and realization of constitutionalism.
Emotion: New Issues in the Research on Personnel Management
ZHANG Jian, WANG Jian-hui, WANG Huan
2007, 23(3): 38-43.
Abstract(321) PDF(19)
This paper summarizes the history of research on emotional management, in troduces the development of research on the relationship between emotional work, emotional intelligence and work performance and on the function and mechanism of emotional events. It illustrates that emotion has become top priority in the research on personnel management. Currently, problems such as lack of research on instant emotion and lack of innovation in research methods exist in the fields of public management and enterprise management. This paper proposes that more importance should be attached to the research on instant emotion and establishment of more integrated theory while emotional variables should be closely analyzed.
From Working Unit System to Community System: the Converison of Governance Space between State and Society
SI Chuan-zhen
2007, 23(3): 44-47,53.
Abstract(385) PDF(25)
The working unit system and community system are two important governance modes in China. During the modern state power construction, vicissitude from working unit system to community system is a transformation from totalism space to coopperation space in urban societies, and it is the recombination of relation between nation and society.
Analysis on the Effectiveness of Chinese Government's Socialized Regulation——From the Prospect of Production Safety
YIN Qing-kan
2007, 23(3): 48-53.
Abstract(320) PDF(28)
Based on the theoretical review of the necessity of socialized regulation on production safety and its pros and cons, this paper examines the present situation of production safety, and then empirically analyzes the effectiveness of Chinese government's socialized regulation. We get the conclusion that the effectiveness of Chinese government's socialized regulation is high at hard indicator, but low at soft indicator. In the end, we propose some suggestions to solve the problem of production safety, such as enhancing the construction of soft indicator and improve the effectiveness of Chinese government's socialized regulation with clear property and laws and regulations.
Research on the Issue of Exhaustation of Intellectual Property Rights
FENG Xiao-qing
2007, 23(3): 54-58,71.
Abstract(218) PDF(21)
Exhaustation of fights is a principle borned with commodity economy. Generall speaking, to safeguard free circulation of commodity and balancing interests are two important reasons to explain its justification. It can also be understood from the angle of jurisprudence and economics. Eg., it is a system arrangement to hormonize with intellectual property rights and right of things; it maintains both the expolitation of intellectual products and the protection of intellectual property, which has vital meaning in the operation of economic efficiency for intellectual products, fine social resources and the realization of the aim of intellectual property law.
On The Theory of Issue Preclusion Validity in Civil Litigation
KE Yang-you
2007, 23(3): 59-64.
Abstract(503) PDF(30)
Issue preclusion validity is an effect in general use created in the former litigation court's judgement to the issue, which was once argued mainly by both parties in the former litigation, and was also tried and judged by the court, when the same issue as the main primarily settled question appears in the latter trial for the other claims. According to the role of the issue preclusion validity, the party in the latter litigation can't put forward the assertion and evidence that violates this judgement, and the latter court's judgement can't contradict it. Its theoretical basis is credit and fairness doctrine. It has important theoretical and practical function. China should bring in the theory of the issue preclusion validity.
On the Stability of the Rule of Law——the Premise Analysis of the Theories of the Rule of Law
WAN Shao-he
2007, 23(3): 65-71.
Abstract(269) PDF(23)
There is stability in the rule of law while not in the person's management. However, both the rule of law and the person's management depend on people. Then why is there stability in the rule of law and no in the person's management? This text tried to analyze the rationality of the premise of the two political theories and disclose the inside reason.
Study on the Liquidate Range of the Securities InvestorsSafeguard Fund
ZHENG Rui-kun, LI Lian-fei
2007, 23(3): 72-76.
Abstract(343) PDF(17)
“Securities Investors Safeguard Fund Management Byelaw” has established the legal system of securities investors safeguard fund, but there are still many bugs of the liquidate range of this kind of fund. In order to perfect this system, we should use the advanced economy market system for reference and Tmprove it by combining with the situation of our country.
Study On “Xiangshan Bao Juan” and Chinese Secular Literature
HAN Bing-fang
2007, 23(3): 77-85.
Abstract(447) PDF(28)
This paper mainly discussed the evolution from "Bian Wen" in Tang dymasty to "Bao Juan" in Song dynasty and the impact of "BaoJuan". By the analysis of a great many documentary materials and stone inscriptions, it made clear how chinese people began to believe Bodhisattva. Moreover, it proved that the earliest Baojuan in China "Xiang shan Bao Juan" was written by chan Master Pu Ming in Shangtianzhu Temple Hangzhou in Song dynasty.
The Social Role of Literators in Mid-Tang Dynasty and Literature
MA Zi-li
2007, 23(3): 86-91.
Abstract(325) PDF(17)
This paper explored the social roles of Zhongshusheren, Xueguan and Rumu in mid-Tang dynasty. Zhongshusheren was a kind of official position that had the main characteristics of literators; many literators also worked as Xueguan in mid-Tang dynasty; Rumu played an important role in social politics and culture.
Literature Comment and Understanding of “Zhuang zi” in Song Dynasty
2007, 23(3): 92-96,101.
Abstract(316) PDF(23)
As a unique literature critical form, literature comment developed from Song dynasty. This paper, taking "Zhuang zi" as a case, intended to summarize the pros and cons of commentary method, as well as to deepen the study of "Zhuang zi".
On Anthologies of Song Poetry in Ming Dyansty
SHENTU Qing-song
2007, 23(3): 97-101.
Abstract(311) PDF(17)
In Ming Dynasty, There were about thirteen anthologies of Song poetry,which argued against the fashion that looked down on Song poetry in excess, and on the other, did not discard the position that Tang poetry was the only criterion of poetry excellence. Anthologies of Song poetry in Ming Dynasty possessed great importance in philology and affected profoundly those in Qing Dynasty.
Study on the Chinese Government's Measure in Coping with the Crisis of China's Embassy's Being Bombed
ZHANG Bei-gen
2007, 23(3): 102-107.
Abstract(351) PDF(20)
Nato,led by the United States, attacked China's embassy in the Republic of yugosiavia on May 8,1997. The Chinese Government took some steps to copy with the crisis after the bomb:asking Nato with the head of the United States to apologize, punish the murderer and undertake the full responsibility; asking the Security Council of the United Nations to have an emergency meeting to discuss and condemn the cruel actions of Nato with the head of the United States;taking all steps to rescue the wounded and send special planes to go to Balgrade to take back the staff; trying to get the sympathy of Russia and the international community; confirming the spirit of loving motherland, getting the people's support, asking the people to change the spirit to the power of work, trying to maintain the stability of state and society. All these measures had got good effects.
Commentary Review of Studies on “The Question about Correctly Processing the Contradictions among the People” in Recent Years
WANG Yun-sheng, GUO Sheng-juan
2007, 23(3): 108-113.
Abstract(314) PDF(21)
The Question about Correctly Processing the Contradictions among the People is one of most important theory works of Mao Zedong in socialist construction time. Since the Chinese Communist Party 1 lth sessions of three CCP plenary conferences hold, the research on "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People" has always been the hot topic in academic circles, which has yielded substantial results. When the 50th anniversary of the article's publishment comes, this paper makes a Literature review of the research achievement, new field of vision, the hot issues to be debated, and the detects in research on this literature as a commemoration.
Study on the Development of Chinese Rural Romanists' Adoration for Virgin Mary in Modern China from 1846-1900
LIU Li-min
2007, 23(3): 114-120.
Abstract(313) PDF(18)
The essay explores Chinese rural Romanists' adoration for Virgin Mary by delheating the two causes of its formation. One was the propaganda of foreign missionaries in China, which inspired Chinese rural Romanists to adore Virgin Mary. The other was the tradition of Chinese folk beliefs in goddess, which helped the Chinese rural Romanists to accept the catholic creed. By this, these two different religious cultures were blended.
James Herderson's Curriculum Leadership: In the Name of a Model
WU Yan
2007, 23(3): 121-124.
Abstract(221) PDF(16)
James G. Henderson's teachers' curriculum leadership built a model in modern educational leadership field due to its focus on follower-ship, paying attention to instruction and looking into democracy. The type of knowledge creation is very different from other educational theoriests like T.J. Sergiovanni. Further study of Herderson's theory can help us to build an education leadership architecture above the Chinese reality.
Academic Nature: Value Orientation of College Academic Evaluation
MA Ting-qi
2007, 23(3): 125-128.
Abstract(224) PDF(16)
College is an academic social organization. Its fundamental objective is to seek truth, innovate knowledge and serve society. Consequently, academic evaluation should be based on academy and oriented by the improvement of academic quality as well as the promotion of academic development. However, our academic evaluation mechanism has been caught in a utilitarian orientation because of the profit drive during the development of the college and excessive interference of executive powers. Now a task of top priority is to build an academic ideology of college academic evaluation, protecting its objectiveness, justice and effectiveness by an innovation of the system.
On the Relation of Subject and Curriculum Reform
GUO De-xia
2007, 23(3): 129-134.
Abstract(271) PDF(16)
A man must be influenced by social factors (ideology) in the process of socialization,thus forming his "personal point of view". This "personal point of view" directly or indirectly influences a persom's way of solving problems.As the subject of China's modem higher school curriculum reform,they were also influenced by main ideology and "personal point of view" in the course of determining the curricula aims, curricula contents, curricula structure and so on.
Enhance Talent Allocation Mechanism, Nine Measures to be Implemented
LIU Xiao-ming, LIU Yun-qing, ZHAO Bing-qin
2007, 23(3): 135-139.
Abstract(345) PDF(17)
Based on the reality of low employment rate of university graduates, the present employment situation and environment are andlyzed, which include:1. the Chinese society does not reach the saturated degree for talent, 2. China's total amount for talent education is not exceeding the demand; 3. the key problem is the unbalanced structure of demand-supply. For the purpose of matching demand to supply in talent, the most important measure is to build a good social environment, to complete the mechanism and institutions for talent allocation. Included are 9 measures such as:reconstruct the higher education target, establish a right combination of the scholarly type and a scholarly-skill (double-talent) type in education, cooperate educational projects for talent between the east region and the west region, and speed up the process of training "double-skill" teachers.
Groping on the Examination System under the Brand Strategy on Education
LONG Yao, LI Xue-yan
2007, 23(3): 140-143,148.
Abstract(300) PDF(16)
Chinese education must go along the road of brand strategy. Correspondingly, it should be supported by admissions system. The present monolithic examination system hinders the implementation of brand strategy. Of course western country's free matriculation system can not adapt to Chinese circumstance. Entrance examination system to college according to every profession can content to professional interest and deliver professional potentiality of every student and therefore, promote the development of professional brand in Chinese education.
The Solution to the “Snow's Problem” in the Perspective of Tacit Theory and Its Meaning
QIAN Zhen-hua
2007, 23(3): 144-148.
Abstract(372) PDF(16)
Nowadays, the development of science and technology deepens the isolation of sciences from humanities. The Problem of Snow has shown new forms, which is dangerous for the human culture. Many scholars try to set up their theories to solve the problem, among which Polanyi's tacit theory presented a new approach to"Snow's Problem".
The Internal Crisis of Liberalism and Hayek
2007, 23(3): 149-155,161.
Abstract(270) PDF(16)
Berlin confronted a theoretical paradox between Monism and Pluralism. All of them, Berlin and Raz, Rawls and Habermas, could not avoid completely the tension of the two values. But Hayek held negative values that can coexist with pluralism harmoniously in modern society. Hayek believed that the crisis of liberalism was not the internal paradox between monism and pluralism, but the crisis that False Liberalism challenge True Liberalism.
Commentary Review of Study on Althusser since 2000 in China
2007, 23(3): 156-161.
Abstract(267) PDF(16)
BStudies on Althusser in China since 2000 mainly focsed on the following:symptomatic, problematic, epistemological break and overdetenmination. However, there is no decisive breakthrough on the studies because of the lack of theoretical constructure.
On Contemporary Commonalty Culture
WAN Lin-yan
2007, 23(3): 162-166.
Abstract(257) PDF(17)
With the development of daily life and culture requirements, commonalty culture is rising in China, which is very important to build a well-to-do society. Commonalty culture is created by or for commonalty, reflecting their daily life and spirit. It is more real and more positive, paying close attention to the emotional world of commonalty. It's time for commonalty culture to replace the mass culture and become the major culture in contemporary China. But now, commonalty culture needs to deal well with the balance between the secularity and transcentality of culture.