2007 Vol. 23, No. 2

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The Intervention of Social Work between Government and Citizen: A Post-Modernism Observition of Community Work in HK
ZHOU Xiang-bin
2007, 23(2): 1-6.
Abstract(348) PDF(23)
The social policy and community work in HK are mature and valuable to the mainland. This paper describes the positive action taken by community workers in helping the inferior group after a new housing policy is taken, and explains it from the post-modernism angle. The author hopes that it will provide some hint to the government.
The Study on Professional Social Workers' Professional Liability
2007, 23(2): 7-11,28.
Abstract(336) PDF(18)
The article first puts forward that with the development of society, more and more professional social workers are needed, and it is necessary to restrict them with professional liability. Then the author analyses the definition, key composed elements and practice perplexities of professioanl social workers' professional liability. Finally, the compensation responsibility and principle of professional social worker' torts are suggested.
The Operation of Social Relief and Administration System in Helping City Vagrants and Beggers——Investigating Beijing Social Relief and Administration Stations
HU Jie-rong
2007, 23(2): 12-17.
Abstract(173) PDF(17)
Based on the data collected by questionnaire and semi-structured interview from the staff who work in Beijing social relief and administration stations, this paper explores the operation of social relief and administration system in Beijing from the aspects of assistance subject, target groups, assistance method, and etc.
From Government Orientation Development to Institutional Induction Development—Comments on Two Masterpieces of China's Rural Social Studies
WANG Pei-gang
2007, 23(2): 18-22.
Abstract(253) PDF(22)
Based on two current Chinese village books "Yue Village Politics" and "New Local China", this article analyzes the basis of official institution induction emphasized by institutional economic and unofficial institution induction emphasized by economic sociology. If the Chinese villages want to break through the bottleneck of structural poverty, it needs to seek rural local institution in the frame of existed resources, and thus to promote the rural economic development.
An Exploration of the Research Range of Chinese County Economy
ZHAO Zhi-yuan, LI Xue-mei, FU Lin
2007, 23(2): 23-28.
Abstract(255) PDF(18)
As an important level and field of national economy, county economy needs to be studied in detail to display its general regulation and specific development method. This article puts forward the research range of Chinese county economy through the analysis of its connotation and characters, and its relation with regional economy.
The Empirical Study on the Relationship between Consumption Concept and Consumption Behavior
QU Guo-zhong, SHAO Jian-hong
2007, 23(2): 29-32,44.
Abstract(281) PDF(19)
With the continuous improvement of living standards and demanding levels, the consumer's consumption concept has an increasingly great impact on their consumption behavior. Through the practical study on the hair product market,this paper analyses the relationship between consumer's different consumption concepts and related behavior. Based on the study, the author provides suggestions and countermeasures,which aims to provide possible referential evidence for certain enterprise's marketing strategy setting.
The Function Mechanism of Social Networks in Venture Financing
LIN Jian
2007, 23(2): 33-40.
Abstract(241) PDF(22)
Information asymmetry and high uncertainty of venture business plan lead to the difficulty in entrepreneure and investors makeing a deal. Economic theory based on contract design can't explain the venture financing phenomenon completely, and the social network theory provides a new method. This research starts from previous studies and proposes three theoretical hypothesizes. The statistical analysis results from 81 cases of 24 Shanghai ventures show that the function mechanism of social networks on the venture financing takes special information as the base, personal trust as the core, and coexistence of selfishness and altruism as the chaeacterization.
Knowledge Management and Innovation in the Process of ERP Implementation
XIANG Wen-wu
2007, 23(2): 41-44.
Abstract(276) PDF(18)
knowledge management is crucial to an organization's survival and development. The implementation of ERP is to build a competitive knowledge management system. This paper systematically analyzes the method of knowledge management system innovation and hopes to promote the implementation of ERP.
The Theoretical Analysis of Public Management Standard
HAN Zhi-ming
2007, 23(2): 45-50.
Abstract(306) PDF(18)
The standards in public management are mainly divided into technical standard and standard of conduct. Standard can also be classified into strict standard and non-strict standards.Standardization management is an important character of modern organization management, which is characterized by concreteness, and quantization and publicity. The standards in public management are public goods which mainly manifest the minimal requirement and duty to management object and executor.Public management can enhance safety, identity, order and stabilization of social governance; furthermore, it can help to ascertain responsibility. Modem government is the establisher and executor of management standards.
The Individuals Communities of Negative Freedom: on Noziek's Heterogeneity Utopia
LUO Ke-quan
2007, 23(2): 51-54.
Abstract(332) PDF(21)
Nozick's Utopia throry takes "Human being as end, not only as the means" as the principle and the heterogeneity utopia of individual existence rights as the basis. Within the minimal state, then there is a room for utopia:not a single vision but a pluralist utopia.
Perfect the Distribution System of Water Rights, Reinforce the Administration of Water Resources
FENG Ying, LI Yun-fei
2007, 23(2): 55-60.
Abstract(228) PDF(22)
Water is a fundamental natural resource and a strategic resource in economy. In China,it becomes more and more difficult to increase the water supply by conventional means of improving engineering or technical measures. The excising quota system for distributing water resources has its innate defects and disadvantages. In order to minimize and finally to eliminate the imbalance between supply and demand of water resources, the thesis argues that it is necessary to establish water rights marketing in China, and to achieve the unity of justice and efficiency in administration, therefore, we ought to bring new ideas to the administrative systems concerning water resources.
Essence and Reality Appealing of Limited Government
TANG De-long
2007, 23(2): 61-65.
Abstract(385) PDF(21)
Limited government is defined as a series of principles and theories mostly based on liberalism. Limited government is also accepted in history as some sort of governing pattern responding society reality appealing. With respect to solving the problem of government-market relationship and power-right relationship, the basic claims of limited government deeply involve viewing from limited power of government, limited function of government, and limited size of government. In modern times, limited government is a prevalent appealing of al 1 countries in the world. For Chinese government, its reality appealing is to establish a new government mode that is limited and efficient.
Analysis on the Thoughts of Natural Person: Sources and Meaning
SHEN Min-rong
2007, 23(2): 66-73,84.
Abstract(356) PDF(18)
Natural person is the most basic concept in modern civil law. The stipulation of natural person has its own value and meaning. Actually, the thonghts of natural person reflect the influence of the Enlightenment thoughts on law, especially on civil law. The thonghts of natural person form the basis of modern law.
A Historical Review of the Range of Social Law
LI Rui, CONG Xiao-feng
2007, 23(2): 74-80.
Abstract(298) PDF(18)
Harmonious society needs perfect social law. This article makes a brief introduction about the state and views of social law. It tries to look for the trail of social law production and development from human history. Then it concludes social law is the result of human right following the development of human society. Social right is the core and root for social law. So the range of social law is the scope of social right. The range of social law will be widenod with the change and progress of social right.
The Injunctive Relief of Imminent Infringement of Trade Secret Protection
WANG Bin-rong, LIU Xiao-hui, ZHANG Ying
2007, 23(2): 81-84.
Abstract(388) PDF(17)
The theory of imminent infringement has an important role in the protection of trade secret. This article breaks through the limitation of "imminent infringement" application by profoundly researching "imminent infringement", presenting the necessity of introducing that concept into trade secret protection, and opinions on how to apply injunctions to "imminent infringement".
The Educational Administration Enforcement and Its Development Trend
GUO Xiu-jing, ZHOU Yong-yuan
2007, 23(2): 85-88,122.
Abstract(348) PDF(18)
Educational administration enforcement is one of the key links to realize the aim of educational legislation, and also the key and difficult point in current educational law construction. This paper focused on the theoretical study of the connotation and development of educational administration enforcement. Then it analyzed the development trend and put forward some suggestions.
The Legal Nature of Trees
CUI Jun-gui, KANG Xin-yong
2007, 23(2): 89-91.
Abstract(264) PDF(16)
The trees form an attachment relation with the earth on which they are growing, however, the trees and the earth are not the same properties, so they don't possess the relation of the independent property and the dependency. They are both real properties.
Sharing Benefit of Gene Patent
2007, 23(2): 92-95.
Abstract(237) PDF(23)
By analyzing representative cases,the article discusses the problem of sharing benefit of gene patent. The problem includes ascription of gene patent, principle of dominion, mode of sharing benefit and right of being informed. At last, the author puts forward some suggestions to Chinese correlative legislation which mainly includes unifying correlative legislation about heredity resources,defining relative liability,prescribing system of showing the source of gene and system of proving the consent of gene provider in patent law.
An Important Power of Regional Culture—On the bel-esprit style of Man-of-letters in Wuzhong in Mid-Ming Dynasty
DI Xiao-ping, HU Jing
2007, 23(2): 96-101.
Abstract(358) PDF(19)
Wanton bel-esprits appeared in Wuzhong in mid-Ming Dynasty. They represent manifold style:showing disdain for gift, being bold and unconstrained, accepting nothing. There are many reasons:unsuccessfully passing an imperial examination and having gotten persecution working crankiness and being upright; extensive interests provide many choices to their behavior manner; commodity economy in south of the lower reaches of the Changjiang River offering impersonal POssibility for bringing forth personality.
Research on the “Works of Dan An” and the Missing Fu Written by Hu Quan
HU Jian-sheng
2007, 23(2): 102-109.
Abstract(327) PDF(16)
The Missing Fu about Hengyang Good Bamboo is Written by Hu Quan. This essay researched on the writing details of the missing Fu and the Works of Dan An. The Discovery of The Missing Fu provides new materials to know the development of FU during the initial of Nan song Dynasty. It's important to establish the literary position of HU Quan.
Analysis on the Narration Style of Wang Zengqi's Novel
CHEN Wei-guo, CHANG Xin, XU Xiao-cun
2007, 23(2): 110-113.
Abstract(279) PDF(17)
Based on the narration style, language pursuit and materied resource, this article analyzes the genre orientation od Wang Zengqi's novel.
Rational Reflections on the Textbooks of Literature Theory
LIU Guang-xin, HU You-feng
2007, 23(2): 114-117.
Abstract(228) PDF(17)
Since the establishment of China, the textbooks of the theory of literature had a great development:from adhered to the philosophy to emphasize the literariness and appreciation of the beautiful. From the analyse of several representative textbooks we could see that the writing of the books should keep pace with the development of times, and insist on the literariness and humanistic spirit.
Handling the Ethical Emergencies: the Event of Yita, Xinjiang
HOU Song-tao
2007, 23(2): 118-122.
Abstract(351) PDF(30)
The Event of Yita,Xinjiang which happened in 1962 is a typical ethical emergency in China.Even though it had passed a long time,today we not only can find some good experience but also can learn many lessons from the ways in which the Chinese Government handled it,Hence,it would be of great academic and realistic significance to summarize and reflect the dispositions of the ethical emergencies with this event as an example from the aspect of history.
The French Image Portrayed by Wang Tao in His Works
WANG Li-qun
2007, 23(2): 123-129.
Abstract(305) PDF(20)
As the first intellectual who visited France individually, Wang Tao invested every aspect of the country, such as economy, military, culture education, etc.He composed comprehensive understanding of France in his travel note Recording of Traveling. When the War between Prussia and Farce broke out,he wrote Veritable Records of the War between Prussia and France and The Revised Edition of the Distract Annals of France, which opened a window for those who anxious to comprehend the outside world. The French image he Portrayed in his works based on his own experience and his studies on France presented the highest level of the Chinese cognition about France at that time.
The Characteristics and Enlightenments of Women's Liberation of the CPC
YU Hua-rong
2007, 23(2): 130-134,161.
Abstract(316) PDF(21)
The theory and practice of the CPC women liberation has distinct characteristics which are generalized as "three combinations and one subject", i.e., putting women's theory of Marxism into the reality of China, integrating women's liberation and so cial liberation, integrating women's specific benefits and women's general benefits, relying mainly on the general working women. At the same time, the enlightenments that come from women's liberation are also extremely profound.
On the Social Construction of Scientific Knowledge——New Development and Revelation of Scientific Knowledge Research in International Academia at Present
CHU Jiang-ting
2007, 23(2): 135-140.
Abstract(243) PDF(16)
Aiming at traditional conceptions of scientific knowledge of people, the paper expounds that scientific knowledge has the qualities of sociality, value, circumstance and uncertainty. And the paper demonstrates the theoretical and practical significance of the new explanation for deepening the theoretical research of scientific knowledge, overcoming teaching crisis of science curriculum, cultivating of innovation consciousness and ability of students and so on.
Study on Competence Element of College Knowledge Workers
LIN Li-jie, PEI Li-fang, GAO Jun-shan
2007, 23(2): 141-146.
Abstract(256) PDF(14)
In the paper, by exploratory research, it is found that the competency elements of the competency model consist of the individual character category, the necessary knowledge category, the technical skill and synthesizing capacity. 36 competences are determined through statistic analysis of importance and relationship analysis among college knowledge workers' competences and individual performances.
Fifty Years' History of American Multicultural Education: Review and Forecast
DU Gang
2007, 23(2): 147-150,154.
Abstract(396) PDF(21)
Multicultural education is an important composition of American education.The influence of multicultural education on American education is profound and lasting.The paper has reviewed fifty years history of American multicuhural education and discussed some of the major challenges and chances American multicultural education will face in its future development.
Mirror Image, the Key to Success or Failure——Comment on the Philosophy of Lacan
2007, 23(2): 151-154.
Abstract(206) PDF(15)
The philosophy of Lacan proved Marx's judgement that human nature is the sum of social relationship. However, Lacan's theory neglected the constructional function of practice mechanism to human consciousness, and gave no reasonal explanation to the source and nature Other. Because of the loss of dialectics, his theory hasn't surpassed the philosophical structure of Subject and Object.
Inheritance and Surpassing——Comment on Perry Anderson's Working-class View
WANG Jin-qiang
2007, 23(2): 155-161.
Abstract(212) PDF(14)
Perry Anderson examined the working-class movements and its theory differently according to the development and prosperity of the Western Marxism in Europe, which created another new field for this academic study. At the same time, in light with the development of the international workers' movements and its background, he updated his understanding of the working-class movements frequently and analyzed the decline of the left-wing movement realistically, which brought about the shift to renewals of his idea about modern society. That is not just a criticism against the Western Marxism, but also a positive step forward over the classic Marxism.
Young Nietzsche's Critique of Cultural Modernity
FAN Zhi-jun
2007, 23(2): 162-166.
Abstract(261) PDF(17)
The question of life's significance is the core question which young Nietzsche pondered about culture. Considered by this question, modem culture as scientific, philistine and historical culture has disintegrated the religious-metaphysical integrated force, caused the life's significance to lose. According to this, young Nietzsche attempted to substitute and undertake the religious metaphysical integrated function with metaphysical art, and to explain the question of life's significance through the artistic metaphysics, and he has found this type of metaphysical art in the Greek tragedy culture.