2006 Vol. 22, No. 4

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Health Enterprise and Its Institutional Feature in the Republican Beijing
LIU Ji-tong
2006, 22(4): 1-7.
Abstract(292) PDF(18)
Beijing was both the capital of the Northern Warlords Govemment and the original place of modem health enterprise It played an important role in the history of Chinese health development. This article comprehensively describes the historical development of medicine, the system structure and function of health organization, the administration and policy mode of medicine Meanwhile, the present author explores many fundamental issues and summaries the historical experience and lessons of medicine development in terms of cultural communication between the East and the West,modernization and development of modem health system so as to provide historical reference for the health reform in China today.
Analysis of Community Inclusion Rehabilitation Services Model for People with Mental Illness
DONG Yun-fang
2006, 22(4): 8-12.
Abstract(277) PDF(20)
At first, this article analyzed the ideologies of community inclusion and the characters of its rehabilitation services model. And then, it discussed the significance of setting up the ‘communityinclusion’ rehabilitation services model for people with mental illness. At last, the author proposed three ways to set up the ‘community inclusion’ rehabilitation services model, suggested this model should include three parts: services for people with mental illness themselves; services for improving their family and community supports; services for promoting the good interaction between people with mental illness and other community members.
Shortage and Rebuilding of Rural Disabled People's Social Capital
YANG Hong-bin
2006, 22(4): 13-18.
Abstract(219) PDF(17)
Based on the information cllected by the social work students in their field praltice, this paper probes into the problems of shortage and rebuilding of rural disabled people's social capital.
Couege studerts' Mis-behavicr in Conpetiition and Its Social Work Rectification
ZHANG En-hui, PENG Qing-hong
2006, 22(4): 19-23.
Abstract(371) PDF(27)
College students face more and more fierce competitions with the development of society. These competitions bring a series of social problems, one of which is competition misbehavior. This paper summarized the expression of misbeharior and put forward some specific rectification methods.
A Discussion on the problem of new college student's adaption to university and its treatment of social work
LIU Bin-zhi
2006, 22(4): 24-27.
Abstract(244) PDF(18)
Based on the analyzing essence of new college student's adaption to university and its six characters, the paper explore that social work how to solve the problem from four aspects of case counseling and psychological evaluation, career counseling,group social work, social network building.
An Empirical Study on the Price Psychology of Consumers in Beijing Residence Market
JU Guo-zhong, WANG Yu-ke, GUO Zhen
2006, 22(4): 28-32,40.
Abstract(260) PDF(22)
Through questionnaires issued to the consumers in Beijing, this article brings forward some suggestions and countermeasures on the basis of analyzing consumers' behavior of purchasing residence, especally their price psychology; it aims at exerting some referenced effects on the government's macroeconomic control on residence market, residence developers' marketing plans and consumers' rational consumption.
Financing of M&A Decision-Making Model in Industry Consolidation
ZHANG Li-ying, ZHAO Li-ying
2006, 22(4): 33-36,79.
Abstract(300) PDF(23)
Through the capital structure decision-making model based on variance analysis method, this paper tudies financing of M&A decision-making in industry consolidation. The above model can balance the risk and the profit effectively; meanwhile, it can make the capital structure decision-making more operatively, and provides scientific basis for the best capital structure decision-making in financing of M&A.
Analysis on the Human Resources of Building Trade in China
SONG Chun-yan, ZHANG Ying, PENG Ding-wu
2006, 22(4): 37-40.
Abstract(341) PDF(17)
Building trade becomes one of the profit-making industries in our country. Since we have entered the new century, building trade has played a more and more important role in our country. But we should realize that the human resources of our country are limited. The paper makes a comprehensive analysis of our human resources condition of building trade. And it tries to provide an effective help for the development of building trade.
Discussion on the Characters of Raw Material and Fuel Supply Management in Iron and Steel Enterprise
JIANG Jia-nan, LIN Da-qing, GAO Jun-shan
2006, 22(4): 41-43.
Abstract(333) PDF(26)
After investigating the flow of steel production, the rules of sourcing, the environment of the market and the strategy of sourcing in steel enterpise, this article analyzes the characters and status of raw material and fuel supply in large iron and steel enterprise and gives some suggestions on supplier management stragety.
Rediscuss of Sun Yat-Sen's Civil Rights View
YAN De-ru, JIA Lei
2006, 22(4): 44-46,93.
Abstract(402) PDF(18)
Sun Yat-Sen's civil rights view has three connotations: "The civil rights" is "the democracy", "the civil rights" is connected with the thought of taking people as basis and valuing people;"the civilrights" is taking people as masters. It has six characteristics; Speaking of its characteristics, mainly has six: farfetched tendency, the narrow Han nationalism tendency, exaggerating the opposition of"the people-official" or of "the master - public servant", even more demonstrating the master consciousness, the emperor thought, and the direct democracy tendency, latent "subjects" thought tendency and collectivism tendency. From this we may say that, the extent of systematization and theorization of its civil rights view are not high. Therefore, we must sympathize and understand Sun Yat-Sen's real situation. In addition, we must also fully estimate its reasonable value, especially the three big topics he left to the later generation: How to conform the relation between "weapon critique" and "critique weapon"? How to solve the relation between "the party ruling a nation" and" the party founding of the nation"? How to solve the relation between the participation of populace politics and the construction of political system?
American Neo-conservatism and Its Political Strategies to China
LI Wen-liang, ZHAO Lei
2006, 22(4): 47-50,109.
Abstract(345) PDF(16)
In the post Cold War era, neo-eonservatives obstinately adopted a hostile attitude toward China, resolutely sticked to the Cold War mentality, stressed on ideological divergence, took China as the next strategic emphatically antagonist and potential threat in stead of USSR and maintained tough policies to China. Being influenced by the Neo-conservatism, the US government has taken a measure of anti-communism to contain the emergency of China; emphasized on ideology to promote democracy and focused on the human rights to interfere China's internal affairs. Such strategies severely hinder the sound development of Sino-U. S. Relations. Fully analysing American Neo-eonservatism is significant to study Sino-U. S. Relations.
Official Utility and Government Administrative Efficiency
WANG Shu-zhen, HUANG An-ming
2006, 22(4): 51-55.
Abstract(281) PDF(17)
An important issue in Chinese government administrative reform is how to tmprove administrative The essay analyses official utility function, and points out that government officers are also the pursuers of utility maximization, which will cause lower administrative efficiency, so official utility must be restrained for solving the problem of lower administrative efficiency. The current restrictions on official utility play a limited role on solving this problem, so a new effective restriction which consists of developing social organization to achieve social self-governance, coordination and service, and to control the overscale government may be a way to solve the problem of govern ment's lowefficiency.
The Regulation of Public Service and Its Reformation
RAO Chang-lin
2006, 22(4): 56-60.
Abstract(305) PDF(16)
The government regulates public service commonly because of its attribute of public product. However, after 1980s, the regulation faced challenges from theories and practice, and the voice of relaxing regulation becomes higher. This article, taking the admittance regulation in Beijing taxi as an example, analyzes the actuality and effect of regulation, and gives some advice on reformation. If the bad effect of regulation and the failure of market exist at the same time, it is not comprehensive to relax regulation only. We should innovate regulation and regulate properly on the premise of effective competition.
Socialist New Village Building and County Governments' Capacity
FANG Sheng-ju
2006, 22(4): 61-66.
Abstract(300) PDF(15)
: County governments are the direct organizer and leader of New Village Building,whose acapacity predicts its success. The complex, arduous and long task of New Village Building requires county governments to improve their capacity of planning, of resource acquisition and deployment, of learning and innovation, of control of society and of organization and coordination. For that purpose, efforts should he made both in the internal government and in the external environment, while governments have to enhance more reasonable resource deployment.
Private International Law and International Trade Usoge
XU Jun-ke
2006, 22(4): 67-73.
Abstract(365) PDF(16)
According to the tradition of private international law, the applicable law that the parties choose must be municipal law. However, international trade usage begins to play a more and more important role. Basing on the analysis of international trade usage, this paper discussed whether the parties can choose it as an applicable law from the development of private international law and the improvement of International trade usage. Moreover, it analyzed the possibility of using international trade usage as an applicable law.
The Legal Philosophy of Critical Rationalism: Albert's Opinions and Method
WANG Hong-zhe
2006, 22(4): 74-79.
Abstract(340) PDF(15)
From the view of Albert, the truth means the things that can be criticized rationally and can be verified by facts. According to this view,first, norm should be taken as facts in legal practice. Second, people should set some examining standards based on ration(he calls them as "performance characteristic" or "goal-setting"), and people make their choices between norm and legal planning based on their "background and ration. Thus, the existence of law is rational, and the science of law is scientific, At last, faced with the critiques from the sociological and behavioral, Albert, gives his gainsay. We can. find not only the defeat of Critical Rationalism but also the help it gives us in understanding law.
Socialist Democratic Rule of Law and Socialist Harmonious Community
LI Zong-ping
2006, 22(4): 80-84.
Abstract(330) PDF(14)
Right includes the right of state, the right of making claims to definite ideas and private right in terms of its ascription and ways of punishment. On the basis of this, democracy can he divided into politic democracy and complete democracy; rule of lawintorule by state right and people's autonomy. Democracy deals with the volition of law while rule of law deals with the limits of national jurisdiction and the results of democracy, thus forming the relation between making decisions and executing laws. Due to the ways of politic democracy, public must consolidate and improve the state system, develop democracy, improve the legal system, build a socialist state under the rule of law and establish a harmonious community in which people can exercise their rights as the masters of the country.
Research on Legislation of Worker Dispatching Based on the Draft of Labour Contracts Law
HAN Yong-jiang, ZHANG Jia-sheng
2006, 22(4): 85-88.
Abstract(377) PDF(14)
After analyzing the present problems existing in dispatched employment, this articlce first discusses some legal questions involved in dtspatched employment, then probes range, qualifications, time limit and reserve fund, and finally puts forward some proposals concerning the legal questions mentioned above.
On the Farmers' Right Disposition Process of Land and Interest Protection in the Collection
2006, 22(4): 89-93.
Abstract(346) PDF(14)
During the process of urbanization, farmers' interest is seriously damaged by the present land collection system. The prelsent author holds that the shortage of right will lead to interest damage, so disposing the farmers' right properly from the level of system is an important way to ensure their interest.
On Unintentional Marriage
FU Qiang, XIE Wei-wei
2006, 22(4): 94-99.
Abstract(305) PDF(15)
Unintentional Marriage includes five forms of intention reservation, false expression, mistake, cheating and force. This paper compares the legistation in each courtry and tries to improve the legislation on this matter in our country.
Xu Fuguan and Identity of Chinese Modern Poetics
ZHANG Zhong-gang
2006, 22(4): 100-104.
Abstract(299) PDF(14)
The starting point of this paper is that Xu Fu-guan constructed the paradigm of Humanistic poetics based on Chinese concrete mind in order to excavate the source of literature and art. For the purpose of invigorating Chinese cultural spirit, this poetics made a creative comprehension of Chinese cultural tradition, life consciousness, and history of literature and art.
On Xiao Hong's Female Revolt Consciousness in Shengsichang
WANG Wei-yan
2006, 22(4): 105-109.
Abstract(534) PDF(30)
In her novel Shengsichang, Xiao Hong's complex emotion and her female consciousness are represented by the shape of different female images. But her worship of masculinity, which is embodied in the novel's description of anti-Japanese war, can still be seen. This conflict is due to the social environment of her times and won't influence her status in literature history.
Study on the Naturalness in Calligraphy during the Wei and Jin Dynasty
XU Yi-lan
2006, 22(4): 110-114.
Abstract(371) PDF(14)
Due to the turbulence in the Wei and Jin Dynasty, belief crisis occured in Confucianism. Some scholars started to deepen their probe in the meaning of life, directing the Wei and Jin Thought to metaphysics. Such a period was historically known as "Awakening Time". Under the influence of the view, people claimed personality, stinked to pursue simplisity and naturalness in art verve. Such kind of taste can be obviously detected in calligraphy at that time as well as in' some theories on calligraphy. This paper is intended to research on the source of View of Naturalness reflected in the form and review of calligraphy.
Lanting Assembly and Creation of Hermits' Poems
XU Xiao-qing
2006, 22(4): 115-117,150.
Abstract(260) PDF(15)
During the Wei and Jin Dynasty, idea of withdrawing began to change with the spititual pursuit acquiring more attention and external form less attention. Poets started to build favorable environment for withdrawing——garden. They created many poems in Lanting assembly (a form of arden) to express their thought of withdrawing.
Foundation of the New Institutes at the Early Phase of the Republic of China
ZUO Yu-he
2006, 22(4): 118-124.
Abstract(243) PDF(14)
The institute in modern times was mainly transplanted and imitated from the West. In the late Oing Dynasty, the earliest new institute bore both traditional and modern charactes, with gentry as the main organizers. At early phase of the Republic of China, the transformed men who held the new knowledge were the organizers of the new institute. The institutes they founded in a great measure were pure scholar corporation. Various kinds of the institutes not only held a fixed organization and activity form, constituted instructed constitution, but also established the exact rules including naming, setting down the tenet, disposing mission, accepting members and selecting. They held an academic meeting each year as the main activity form, and at the same time they arranged library and special institute to take charge of the operation about creating, editing and publishing correlative books and magazines. All the above mentioned activities and rules strengthened the scholars' academic communication and developed various subjects.
Rethinking Yan Fu's Charactericistics of Liberalists
CHEN Yu-wu
2006, 22(4): 125-130.
Abstract(313) PDF(14)
Yan Fu is an important figure in modern Chinese history. His significance is associated with his contribution to the field of ideology and culture All through his fife, he advanced his own viewpoint about various ethos, but he is not a person who believed in overall westernization, nor one who had faith in autbority in a strict sense, nor a pure libemlist. His tboughts in a certain period can not be used as an excuse to evaluate his life. He didn't break away from the procedure of exploration to save China. In a word, Yan Fu is a thinker who made an attempt to save China by reformtion in the field of ideology and culture.
The Study of the Si Anti-J no-German Relations in the apanese Period
ZHANG Bei-gen
2006, 22(4): 131-138.
Abstract(440) PDF(21)
In the Anti-Japanese period, the Sino-German relations underwent the process from coldness to rapture. The economic trade and munitions deal is the vital impetus to relations of the two countries; The contradictions between them are the direct impetus to their relations; The struggle among German officials is the indirect impetus to their relations; Hitler and Jiang Jieshi played an important role in the changes of their relations.
An Understanding On Higher Teaching Evaluation from Educational Angle
XUN Zhen-fang
2006, 22(4): 139-144.
Abstract(329) PDF(14)
The educationality of higher teaching evaluation is an important angle in evaluation theory and its practice. The educationality is embodied in: evaluation should be based on the principles of rethinking and development, as well as humanism and knowledge nature. In addition, evaluation should deal with the relation between educational nature and scientific nature, and promote the realization of the evaluation's value.
On the University Teachers' Teaching Authority and Its Self-construction
GUO De-xia
2006, 22(4): 145-150.
Abstract(279) PDF(14)
eaching authority is necessary factor for university teaching, it is also strong gist for exertingteaching power. But teaching authority is challenged in the age of network. This thesis expounds what isteaching authority, the crisis of teaching authority and the individual enchantment authority as well as itssignificance.
The Influence of Internal Power and External Factors on the Rising of American Research Universities
GU Xian-lin
2006, 22(4): 151-155.
Abstract(347) PDF(14)
This paper probes into the effect of inside and outside factors on the appearance of American research universities, and points out the driving force for change from American higher education and the influence of German higher education are the key reasons of the rising of American research universities. From the experience of American higher education, if the Government hopes to build research universities, it's more important to expand the idea of research universities than to borrow the running model of the research universities from America.
On the Diversity of Australian Doctoral Education under the Knowledge Economy Background
WANG Jian-liang, GUO Dan
2006, 22(4): 156-159.
Abstract(298) PDF(14)
The contemporary Australian Doctoral Education is marked with a new feature: diversified doctoral programs. Apart from the traditional way of attaining a doctoral degree through a dissertation, several rising doctoral programs such as External Phi), Professional Doctorate, Doctoral program cooperated with the enterprise or with foreign universities also develop rapidly. This paper carefully studies the manifestation of the diversified doctoral programs, induces and analyzes the causes of diversity. It also points out the main barriers of the development of the diversified doctoral programs and discusses its diversity under the knowledge economy background.