2006 Vol. 22, No. 3

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The Opprtunity and Challenge of Social Work: A Research on Social Work Intervention in Psychiatric Rehabilitation
2006, 22(3): 1-5.
Abstract(343) PDF(24)
Psychiatric rehabilitation is a new service framework which is promoted by the movement of deinstitutionalization and community care, with the aim to enhance psychiatric patients' ability of self management, to improve social support network and social functioning in community settings. The fundamental philosophy and principles underlying paychiatric rehabilitation services are similar to those held by social workers, which provide great opportunity for social work development. These also make social workers meet an inevitable challenge:how to develop unique social services while clinging to social work ethnic values. In Mainland China psychiatric rehabilitation leaves much room for social workers' involvement, which should take the whole family as clients, emphasizing the importance of understanding the familys willingness, interating inne psychological adapation and outer social support improving professional services in community settings.
Georg·Simmel's Thoughts on Relief to the Poor
HAN Yong
2006, 22(3): 6-10.
Abstract(423) PDF(23)
In his book "Sociology:A research on forms of socialization", Georg·Simmel elaborated his thoughts on the relief to poor people:he thought poverty is relative. This paper analyzes the logic and purpose of relief to the poor and its four main subjects:government, family, community and work union; at last, it introduces the characteristics of this relief.
Inspection on Female Employees' Right-defending Channels: Based on an Investigation of Shoe-making Industry in Fujian Province
HE Hong-hui
2006, 22(3): 11-13,43.
Abstract(200) PDF(25)
Taking the shoe-making industry in Fujian as an example, this article first analyzes the right protection of female employees in non-state owned enterprises, and then puts forward some suggestions concerning the problems in right defending.
Analysis on “Stability Overwhelming the Wholeness”——A Perspective of Social Conflict Theory
PANG Xia-lan, LIU Xiang-ying
2006, 22(3): 14-16.
Abstract(300) PDF(18)
Social conflict has two functions:positive one and negative one. People have ignored the positie function for a long time. Nowadays most of Chinese social conflicts are nonantagonistic and realistic, so we should rethink the meaning of "stability overwhelming the wholeness" and build up the mechanisms of expressing leagues' wills, of harmonizing to solve social problems and of citizens' supervision.
Urbanization and the Gradient Transfer Model of the Surplus Rural Labor Force in China
ZHANG Lin-shan
2006, 22(3): 17-20,35.
Abstract(194) PDF(16)
From the realities of urbanization and labor force transference in our country, this article summed up the main problems of Chinas rural labor force transference currently, and gave a commentary on traditional population migration models. On this, it put forward the gradient transfer model for the rural labor force and finally prorided some policy recommendations.
On the Information and Incentives Regulation for Natural Monopoly Industry
LIU Ya-li, HU Zhi-ying
2006, 22(3): 21-25,35.
Abstract(386) PDF(18)
The regulation reform for natural monopoly industry beginning at the end of 1980s has made significant social and economic achievements. However, the research on natural monopoly has always been focusing on macro-management system, ignoring the micro-regulation system. This paper discusses the information disclosure regulation, performance assessment regulation and incentives regulation for natural monopoly industry so as to provide a theoretical support and policy suggestion for our country's natural monopoly industry reform.
An Empirical Study of Value Effect about Liquidity Premium in Shanghai Stock Market
TONG Meng-hua
2006, 22(3): 26-29.
Abstract(537) PDF(379)
By arranging in size order then grouping and the panel data regression, this paper tests whether the value effect about liquidity premium exists in shanghai stock market and in the sub-stock market sorted by industry. A dummy variable is introduced to tell the difference of bull market and bear market in the regression model. We draw a conclusion that the value effect about liquidity premium exited during January 1998 to Dec, 2004 in shanghai stock market. The value effect about liquidity premium does not exist in three industries tested in this paper,which are textile industry, oil and plastic industry, machine industry during Jan 2002 to Dec. 2004 The difference between bull market and bear market can impact the whole stock market remarkably.
Canadian Local Governance Innovation and Its Enlightenment
ZHANG Xiao-ming, CHEN Hu
2006, 22(3): 30-35.
Abstract(270) PDF(21)
Facing economic globalization, political democratization and a series of economic, political and social difficulties home and abroad, Canada has carried on some adjustments not only on the federal state's function, the government office border relations, the movement form and so on, but also on the local authority's government function, the organizational structure, the citizen participation form and so on. Following the principles of advantageous in savings, in fairness, in eliminating the local confliction, although the Canadian local governance innovation has great difference from the contemporary China local governance development in each aspect, its intrinsic logic meaning is actually common to all countries, including socialist countries such as China.
Modern Civil Society and Democratization: Possibility Analysis
PANG Jin-you
2006, 22(3): 36-43.
Abstract(344) PDF(18)
The wave of modern democratization was confronted with too many obstacles in the middle 20th. More and more people have focused on the function of civil society to democratization in the reflection of democratization. The author wants to show the functions of civil society to democratization from three dimensions, such as structure-function, political culture, and globalization:the instinct structure of civil society makes it convenient to depart the burden between citizens and the country, to build the channels of citizens' democratic participation, and to offer the mechanism of controlling power by the society, therefore it can push the process of democratization; Since the citizen culture and democratic culture are united, strengthening the construction of citizen culture is good for producing democratic spirit and culture;with the development of civil society from nation country to global, it may still be an important power to push the democratization of the world.
The Value of Strategic Resources in Central Asia and Its Strategic Meaning to China——From the View of International Politics
ZHANG You-guo
2006, 22(3): 44-48,62.
Abstract(291) PDF(17)
Central Asia has abundant strategic resources. Many powers have their interests crisscross here. The development and scramble of resources here are tightly related to the international situations. It is a key task for central Asia to develop their own strategic resources maximally and seek the ultimate interests for themselves. In the meanwhile, the strategic resources of Central Asia have important strategic meanings to China in energy security, geopolitics and state unity.
Public Management in the Prevention and Control of the Bird-Flu
LU Jun, YAN Geng
2006, 22(3): 49-54.
Abstract(279) PDF(28)
Now the prevention and control of the bird-flu is in the crucial stage, which is a test of our Chinese public management institution. All the efficient and active methods and means used in it have universal meaning to the construction of our modern public management institution.
From Adversary System to Cooperative System
XIAO Jian-hua, LI Zhi-feng
2006, 22(3): 55-62.
Abstract(372) PDF(22)
The purpose of civil litigation is to find the reality of a case, to achieve substantive justice and procedural justice. However, the concept of traditional adversary system ignores the effect of judges in finding the fact in the cases, the power of the judge being too restrained to achieve its purpose. In the contrast, in the developed countries, the civil procedural law emphasizes the role of the judge and stresses the obligation of speaking the truth of the parties, to the extent, resulting the emergence of the Cooperative System between the judges and parties.
Research on the Duration of Copyright Protection
FENG Xiao-qing
2006, 22(3): 63-69.
Abstract(214) PDF(23)
The duration of copyright protection makes copyright different from tangible properties. The justification of copyright can be understood through economics, the public interest in copyright law, the social policy in copyright law and balancing of interests and the like. The factors to determine the duration for the protection of copyright can be discussed from both macrocopic and microscopic aspects. There exists consistency and particularity in the area of the duration of copyright protection.
An Analysis on Legal Construction Measures in Chinese Western Rural Areas
XIAO Qian-li
2006, 22(3): 70-74.
Abstract(282) PDF(18)
It's an important part of Western Development strategy and a necessity of constructing legal countries to care about the present legality conditions in Western rural areas and try to find out some proper legal measures. In the thesis, the author puts forward a series of legal construction measures with regard to many aspects in Chinese Western rural regions.
The Root of Affection and the Emptiness of Affection——Contrastive Study on the Religious Culture of Various Girls in “The Dream of Red Mansion” and Baoyu's Becoming a Monk
SONG Ke-jun
2006, 22(3): 75-80,85.
Abstract(379) PDF(15)
The foundation of Nirvana in Buddhism is Debeixin and Chulixin. With this point, this article aims to discuss the connection and difference between Baoyu's Buddhist meditation and entering into religion and the girls' religious attitude and the Buddhist culture. Alike Xichun's steele of Hinayana Baoyu's entering into religion embodies the frame of reference to the original Buddhism. The Buddhist attitude of most girls in "The Dream of Red Mansion" isn't pure Buddhism, but that Buddhist culture and a kind of bliss a scholar-bureaucrat experiences in meditation.
The Relationship between the Liu's in Macheng and “Jin Ping Mei”
LING Li-chao
2006, 22(3): 81-85.
Abstract(283) PDF(16)
On the basis of the newly discovered "Family Tree of Mei" and "Family Tree of Liu", this article makes a new testual criticism on Ma Tailai's discussion of the relationship between the Liu's in Maeheng and "Jin Ping Mei" from the affinity of Liu shouyou and Mei Guozhen. It brings forward some new views on the spreading way of the book and the original model of Ximen Qing.
Same Maggie,Different Emotions——The cultural connotation of maggies
FU Xiang-hong
2006, 22(3): 86-91,98.
Abstract(427) PDF(20)
Compared with other birds, maggie doesn't appear frequently in Chinese poetry; however, it embodies rich reflections. Therefore, both its theme-orientation and writing method deserve our study. In some sense, maggie refleets the author's character, the character of that age and some custom characters. Through this study, we may find some creation rules to enrich our literature resources.
Tension between Poetics and Culture——Meditations on Aesthetics and Culture in Frank O'hara's Poetry
WANG Zhuo, LEI Li-ping, ZHANG Yan
2006, 22(3): 92-98.
Abstract(252) PDF(14)
As the representative of "New York School", Frank O'hara played an important part in Postmodernism American poetry. However, the researches of frank O'hara dwell too much on his vanguand techniques and experimental language, ignoring the rich elements of social culture in his poetry. The essay studies the social and historical circumstances of O'hara's creation as well as the texts of his poetry thoroughly and deeply. In particular, the essay probes the complex and unique relationship between poetics and cluture in his poetry.
The Land Reform and the Awakening of Farmers' Political Awarness——Focusing on the Southern Area of Jiangsu Province in Early New China
WANG Rui-fang
2006, 22(3): 99-102,112.
Abstract(352) PDF(18)
Taking the land reform in the South of Jiangsu Province in the early new China as an example,the article inspects on the situation of the CPC mobilizing the farmers to take part in the land reform and the awakening of farmers' political consciousness.In the author's view, the farmers had weak political awareness and low political status;however,they were stimulated high political enthusiasm and broke out an alarming political energy,which were inseparable to the CPC's mobilizatin and education in the land reform. The awakening farmers took part in the village political organizations and all kinds of political activities actively. They became the main part of rural basic organizations, which changed the political structure of rural society.
On the Practice of Peng Yuting's “Three Selfs” Principle
WAN Xin-fang
2006, 22(3): 103-106.
Abstract(389) PDF(15)
In the late 1920s, Peng Yuting returned to his homeland after resignation, with the will of suppressing bandits and saving people. However, through the practice, he felt that even if he succeeded in wiping out the bandits, it was still impossible for common people to be enriched and protected from banditlike army and corrupt officials. So in order to make his dream come true, Peng Yuting strived and created the theory of "Three Sells", i. e. "self-defense, self-government, self-prosperity", based on Sun Zhongshan's "Three Principles of the People". With the guidance of the theory, he initiated the Autonomy in Western Nanyang, which brought the Land of Peach Blossoms and Paradise to the inhabitants.
On the Revolutionary Propaganda of “Hongkong Youth”
LUO Yan-jun
2006, 22(3): 107-112.
Abstract(307) PDF(15)
"Hongkong Youth", founded by Huang Shizhong-a revolutionary propagandist in late Qing Dynasty, was actively engaged in publicizing the overthrowing Qing Dynasty to the mass. It combined anti-Manchu with republican revolution, taking the national-democratic revolution as the prerequisite of resistance of the foreign aggression and salvation of the nation, which elucidated and supplemented the revolution and the cultivation of "new people" as a whole. Its revolutionary propaganda, on the one hand, played a positive role in calling on people to participate in overthrowing Oing Dynasty, and advancing the revolutionary course; on the other hand, it showed some limitations in giving publicity to the "anti-Manchu" and lacked adequate cognition of the occidental powers intervention. Besides, it was also restricted by some external factors, such as the capital, the staff and etc.
Construction and Thought of the Indicator System for Education Development in Harmonious Society
CHU Jiang-ting
2006, 22(3): 113-119,128.
Abstract(244) PDF(15)
The paper initially probes the construction of the indicator system and gives some suggestions on the functions, the principles, the basic designing demands and main contents of the indicator system of education development in a havmonious society.
On the Early-Warning Education Mechanism of University Sudden Events
SUN Lan-ying
2006, 22(3): 120-123,128.
Abstract(329) PDF(20)
The globalization and the establishment of socialist market economy cause a great change of the university students' life style, thus sudden events of varied kinds burst frequently. These events show the characteristics of various types, group polarization and profound influence. Therefore, enhancing early warning educational consciousness to establish information collection and dredges mechanism, conforming school organization resources to start early warning education mechanism, using science and technology and the media to establish public op{nion guidance education mechanism will strengthen the university students' thought education and improve the universities' ability to deal with sudden events.
On the Academic Research Form and Characteristics of Mediaeval Universities in Europe
LI Zhi-feng
2006, 22(3): 124-128.
Abstract(537) PDF(16)
The academic research of European mediaeval universities stemed from the reappearance of the liberal thought of ancient Greek and social demands of new knowledge and thought. The research forms included criticizing and experiment, debate, notes and commentary, interpretion and compilation. Its main characteristics included limited freedom and internationalization. The academic research played an important role in the rise and development of the mediaeval universities in Europe.
A Statistical Ananlysis on the Authors and Citations in “Journal of Higher Education” from 2003-2005
WANG Wen-hong
2006, 22(3): 129-133,140.
Abstract(207) PDF(15)
This paper makes a statistical analysis on the types of authors and citations attached to the Journal of Higher Education from 2003-2005, using the bibliometrics method. Then, it provides a quantitative description of the amount of citations, families of language and the literature type of citations, so as to reveal the characteristics of citations and the utilization of literature on higher education research at present.
From the Science & Technology History of Minority Nationalities to Scientific Anthropology
2006, 22(3): 134-140.
Abstract(376) PDF(19)
The science and technology history of Chinese minority nationalities is a new cross-disciplinary research field. No relatively fixed objects and paradigm for study has been formed in this new academic branch, At Present, it is only regarded as a branch of Chinese science and technology history. This article studies the main features of the science and technology history of Chinese minority nationalities and draws the following conclusion:since it tends to have more characteristics of anthropology, it is natural for the study of science and technology history of minority nationalities to develop towards scientific anthropology.
The Ethical Dilemma of Modern Technologies and Moral Relativism in the Age of Technology
XIE Li-sheng
2006, 22(3): 141-146.
Abstract(416) PDF(21)
With the collapse of the Metaphysical world, the rapid development and expansion of modern technologies make people inevitably involved in the technological tide. As a result, human beings entered an age dominated by technology. In this age, modern technologies such as information technology, biotechnology and medical technology have pervaded all the fields of social life and are impacting the weak moral baseline of the moderns. In contrast with the rapid development of modem technologies, man continually encounters ethical dilemmas in the employment of them. The ethical dilemmas of modern technologies have a deep effect on the moral worldview of the moderns. Such dilemmas reveal the relativity of the morality and give rise to the spread of moral relativism.
The Pitfall of the Eyesight——Misidentification of Others
NANGONG Mei-fang
2006, 22(3): 147-152.
Abstract(300) PDF(15)
As one of the most important philosophers and psychoanalysts, Jacques Lacan deconstructed the central status of self and the wholeness of "I", thus leading psychoanalysis study to a brand-new era. As the foundation of all his later theories, the target of the famous "mirror image theory" is to study the construction of "self"-the phase or period when the self first identifies with the pronoun "I". However, this self-identification, based on the "mirror image", is false and misleading and only results in a life-long mis-identification of the self.
Creative Thinking in Scientific Discovery
SONG Lin, LIU Wen-xia
2006, 22(3): 153-157.
Abstract(284) PDF(16)
Scientific discovery has always been a problem full of dispute. This paper tries to prove that the essence of scientific discovery is scientific innovation from the point of view of scientific philosophy and scientists, and scientific discovery embodies the application of creative thinking. It also emphasizes that it is important to keep necessary tension between logic thought and non-logic thought in scientific discovery.
On the Utmost Meaning of “Potential” in Aristotle's Theory
JIN Jian-wei
2006, 22(3): 158-162.
Abstract(372) PDF(18)
Potential and Reality theory is an important part of Aristotle's philosophy. It has vital significance in Aristotle's solution of Being and Becoming. Moreover, it is the key point which helps us understand Aristotle's philosophy. This theory of Aristotle has been long known to our Chinese scholars, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have totally understood it. In fact, they haven't understood Aristotle's theory of potential reality thoroughly, which was caused by many reasons, one being that they didn't understand the word "δυναμls" correctly. This article believes the word "δυναμls", like the word "on", varies in meaning. Among the various meanings, the utmost one is "δυναμls"of "the power of changing" which can be further expanded and related to some other meanings. This article also argues that Aristotle himself once distinguished "δυναμls" in detail in the sense of the power of changing. The understanding into these distinguishes helps us better interpret some other philosophy theories of Aristotle. In a word, it is necessary for us to have a thorough understanding of Aristotle's "δυναμls". Otherwise, the understanding of potential and reality theory will pause to the surface level, and finally prevents us from better understanding the whole system of Aristotle's philosophy.