2006 Vol. 22, No. 2

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Combating Hedonism, Keeping the Advanced Nature of Communists
2006, 22(2): 1-3,151.
Abstract(302) PDF(18)
Construction of the Advanced Nature of Communists renders it necessary to conquer the bad style within the Chinese Communist Party, and one prominent problem in current life style within the Party is hedonism. A preliminary analysis has been made in this article into the main exhibitions and harms of hedonism within the Party, and the causes for hedonism to exist have also been approached from the perspective of economy, politics and culture. On the above basis, the writer puts forward that by way of strengthening system construction, supervision and management, and cultivation of lofty thoughts, the tendency of hedonism-expansion within the Party can he avoided.
The Members of the Communist Party Should Advance with the Times
PENG Qing-hong
2006, 22(2): 4-7.
Abstract(328) PDF(19)
Advancing with the times is the nature of Marxism Theory and also the essential guarantee of the advancity of the members of the Communist Party. Under the new conditions, the advancement with the times of the Members of the Communist Party is to recognize the situations clearly, renew concepts in time and carry on the work originally.
Institutional Learning and the Development of Medical Social Work in China
2006, 22(2): 8-12,20.
Abstract(373) PDF(19)
From the angle of institutional learning, this article discusses the development of medical social work in China It holds that the social transition of China creats an institutional space for the development of medical social work. As a process of institutional learning, the development of medical social work needs considering some notable characters such as the relationship between internal growth and external adoption, distribution of attention, etc. Medical social work is actually a kind of institutional arrangement as well as a discipline which needs professionalization and normalization in the near future.
An Exploration on the Theoretical Framework of Foreign Social Work Assessment
CHEN Zhong-lin, WU Wei-dong
2006, 22(2): 13-15,20.
Abstract(471) PDF(26)
The theoretical framework of foreign social work assessment not only formulates a systematic schema for training and practice,but also sets up a path for the theorization of experience. Based on the analysis of social work assessment, this paper explores the TIE framework and the CA/B framework of foreign social work assessment.
The Construction of Harmonious Community Under the Social Capital Theory
GONG Xiao-jie
2006, 22(2): 16-20.
Abstract(281) PDF(19)
The forming of harmonious community is the basic idea and trend of current community construction. The nature of building harmonious community under the theory of social capital is increasing the storage of social capital, whose process is through interaction among the government, community committee, the volunteers, and the enterprises in the community. They build trust among each other and thus form a strong social network.
The Reappearance and Criticism on Utilitarianism in Socialist Market Economy
XU Jin-zhong, ZHANG Li-hua
2006, 22(2): 21-24,34.
Abstract(297) PDF(21)
At present, western utilitarianism draws the attention of the academic circles again. Seeing some coherence between utilitarianism and Chinese market economy, some people believe that utilitarianism should be the dominant ethical value in Chinese market economy. This article shows it's unreasonable and will cause confusion in the practice. Present at the beginning and the middle age of capitalism, this ethical value contains a lot of inevitable intern contradictions. They are the contradictions between the maximum of individual benefit and maximum of social benefit, objective criterion and subjective experience, individualism and altrusiom. Especially, there are conflicts of utilitarianism and socialistic economic foundation. Although some of its reasonable factors can be critically absorbed, utilitarianism should not become the fundamental ethical value of our present society.
Comparison of Iron and Steel Enterprise's Competitiveness Evaluation Methods
LI Jun, SUN Jing-hua
2006, 22(2): 25-29,34.
Abstract(322) PDF(23)
Competitiveness is a main factor of enterprise derelopment, and competitiveness evaluation is the key method and index to measure an enterprise's industrial and commerdal value In this paper, we reviewed the recent studies on enterprise cornpetitiveness theories, analyzing their measuring methods, information collection and evaluation system. Bas on compa the world's most influential competitiveness evaluation methods and their ranking, especially on iron and steel industry, we developed a new steel enterprises competitiveness model, which has considered all factors and real situation of Chinese iron and steel industry.
Research on the “Going Abroad” of Chinese Textiles and Clothing
SU Ling
2006, 22(2): 30-34.
Abstract(278) PDF(18)
Though China is the largest production and export country of textiles and garment, the entry method to international market is relatively simplistic, with direct export and OEM as the main ways. After the textiles quota was cancelled, area tradings are increasing. The United States and The European Union are imposing restrictions on the amount of the textiles and garments from China, so China needs to find other ways to enter the international market.
Study on the Trend of Financial Companies
CHENG Ji-chuan, SHE Yuan-guan
2006, 22(2): 35-37,156.
Abstract(316) PDF(19)
This paper deals with financial companies. By analyzing the industry lifecycle, industry scale, industry regulation and business of financial companies, this paper presents the trend of financial companies' development.
The Restriction of Private Interest to Administration Power
XU Yu-zhen, WANG Long-jun
2006, 22(2): 38-43.
Abstract(323) PDF(19)
This article mainly introduces the concept "interests legitimate" in Italian administrative law. It explains the history and present situation of this concept from its theory foundation, the differences to the concept"rights subjective" and its development in the other Union European countries. Especially, the article interprets the influence of the Constitution Court's several famous cases on the development of "interests legitimate".
A Comparative Study of the Characteristics of Political Culture in South Korea and Russia during Their Transition to Democracy
WU Qun-fang
2006, 22(2): 44-49.
Abstract(268) PDF(20)
South Korea and Russia, two important nations in the Asia-Pacific region, have started their course of transition to democracy since the late 1980s. Along with the development and deepening of the two nations' transition to democracy, the factor of cultural tradition also becomes more and more obvious. This article, through examining the actual effect of political culture (as a variable) in the two nations' democratic movement and the relationship between the political culture and the political developing path of these two nations, is aimed at demonstrating that it is important to fully consider the complexity of political culture background and the positive and negative impact therefrom in order for the model of transition more fit for the requirement of a nation's society and the demand of contemporary development, especially when designing the model of transition to democracy.
An Analysis on the Potential Social Crisis in China's System Transforming Period——The Enlightment of Paris Disturbance
MA Zhen-chao
2006, 22(2): 50-54.
Abstract(298) PDF(17)
Paris disturbance is actually an explosion of the social problem and conflict caused by the migration policies of the French government. At present china is experiencing a system transforming period during which all kinds of social conflicts have been emerging sharply. The emergence of the potential social crisis and problems existing in various fields has been affecting the social stabilization in relevant extent. Each kind of partial crisis and problems has the possibility of bringing on the all-around social crisis which may possibly evolve into drastic social disturbance.
Transaction Cost,Rent-seeking and Government Behavior——An Analysis from New Political Economy
YU Hui, WANG Shu-zhen
2006, 22(2): 55-58.
Abstract(642) PDF(19)
From the viewpoint of New Political Economics, transaction cost is a necessary outcome of social economy running. Government play a very important role in diminishing the transaction cost to stimulate the economic development, while it may aggravate this cost and do a harmful effect on total society welfare due to rent-seeking. So it is a key approach to design a setting of effective institutions to restrain the negative government behavior.
Liabilities for Breach of Contract and the Limits of Compensation for Damages
ZHANG Jun-yan
2006, 22(2): 59-62,72.
Abstract(323) PDF(20)
The essence of liabilities for breach of contract is the negative evaluation of the breach by law. The benefits protected by them include expectation interest and reliance interest. With the development of civil law in continental law system, especially the existence of subordinated duties, the scope of liabilities for Breach of Contract is wider than before, so as to the limits of compensation for damages of it. Such development tendency should be concerned by our legislation and judicial practice.
Shareholding Structure and Corporate Governance: Rethinking of the Theoretical Logic of the Two Corporate Governance Models
CAO Fu-guo
2006, 22(2): 63-72.
Abstract(375) PDF(18)
The issues of corporate governance of one particular country are determined by different shareholding structure. Whereas the shareholding structure of Anglo-saxson corporations is dispersed, their corporate governance issues are characterized by the conflict between the management and shareholders, and the policy measures to improve corporate governance lies in the accountability of the management. However, large corporations in the other side of the world are characterized by centralized shareholding structure and the predominate corporate governance issue thereof is exploitation of minority shareholders by controlling shareholders. Therefore the relevance of Anglo-saxon measures to improve corporate governance is limited in solving the corporate problems in centralized shareholding corporations. The Chinese corporate law reform should take into consideration the observations of comparative corporate governance and be very cautious in introducing Anglo-saxon models.
The Change of Arbitration Agreement Form as a Reflection of the Change of Arbitration System Comprehension
HOU Deng-hua
2006, 22(2): 73-79,89.
Abstract(382) PDF(18)
The form of arbitration agreement is closely related to its effect, so it plays an important role in arbitration system.The regulations of nations' laws and international contracts form, such as New York Arbitration Convention of 1958 and Model Law of 1985, are specifically involved in the form of arbitration agreement. After arbitration system is admitted by law, the form limit of arbitration agreement is gradually becoming smaller and smaller. In au, the form change of arbitration agreement reflects the change of comprehending the arbitration system:from the judicial power's intervening and control of arbitration power to protection and support.
Comments on the Legal Protection of Internet Privacy in China
DONG Mei, LI Wan-ping
2006, 22(2): 80-83.
Abstract(318) PDF(19)
Internet has increasingly excerted influence on human civilization. We cannot do without it, yet we have to face the problems it has brought about, one of which is privacy. Internet communication, together with the development of information technology, has posed a great threat to personal privacy. How to protect the legal right to internet privacy, therefore, has become an urgent issue.
Exploration on the Confusion Theory and Likelihood of Association Theory for the Protection of Well-known Trademarks
ZHENG Rui-kun, REN Yue-xian
2006, 22(2): 84-89.
Abstract(423) PDF(24)
Well-known trademarks are the trademarks well known by public, which have highly credit standing during the long-time use. Nowadays, international pacts and different countries' legislations have different attitudes towards the protection for well-known trademarks. Some countries, such as Germany and the U. S., protect the well-known trademarks from the angle of prohibiting likelihood of association. However, China still protects them from the theoretics of the confusion though it has strengthened the protection for the well-known trademarks in its new Trademark Law. With the development of the economy, well-known trademarks play a more and more important role in standing for a company's credit. In order to impulse the well-known trademarks owners, China needs to do more studies on prohibition of likelihood of association. and improve the related legislations.
Justifications for Transparency as One Fundamental Principle of WTO
LI Chun
2006, 22(2): 90-95,105.
Abstract(261) PDF(17)
Transparency has been established as one of WTO's fundamental principles. The justifications for it not only lie in its important role in maintaining predictability and stability of world trade, but also can be approached from inherent and extrinsic perspectives. This essay focuses on the economic and jurisprudential elements and historical factors, and also takes the members countries' political and economic power into consideration.
Mythological Thinking of “Biography of Many Supernatural Beings” and Novelists' Conceptions
HUANG Zhen-yun, PAN Zhen-xin
2006, 22(2): 96-105.
Abstract(380) PDF(21)
Biography of Many Supernatural Beings adopts the mingled form of verses and writings, vividly recording and narrating the place and time of their activities, interrelated deeds and the processes of becoming immortals of seventy supernatural beings. It publieises the doctrines of Huang and Laozi and also possesses a high art value. Meanwhile, it makes supernatural beings become historical figures. It values kindness, seeks beauty and belittles truth, embodying the styles of fictions in the Pre-Qin days and Han Dynasty. To some degree, it represents the novelis's science ideology. Its structure and values have an effect on fairy tales and fieitions in later ages. From the point of view of fieition shown in it characteristics, it indicates the beginning of the times of overall literary consciousness.
Analysis on the Elegance and Commonness in the Literary Criticism in the Southern Dynasty
WANG Ming-hui
2006, 22(2): 106-109.
Abstract(251) PDF(17)
Discussions about Elegance and Commonness in the literary criticism were very deep in the Southern Dynasty and its result exerted a great influence on the theory and writing of later literary. The course was pushed by the theorists such as Liu Xie, Shen Yue, Xiao Gang, Xiao Yi, Zhong Rong, and was accomplished by Xiao Zixian.
Analysis on the Beauty Appreciation in Wang Shizhen's “The Idea of Poetic Charm”
ZHANG Chen-hui
2006, 22(2): 110-114.
Abstract(445) PDF(20)
"The Idea of Poetic Charm" is an important branch in ancient Chinese poetry. It has its own value of appreciation with "natural ormantic charm". But in history, people hold different opinions about it. This paper intends to make some research in the meaning of beauty appreciation in Wang Shizhen's "The Idea of Poetic Charm". The paper combines the idea of traditional Chinese potery with present foreign aesthetics. It will analyze the content of aesthetics in "The Idea of Poetic Charm" and its creative process in order to reveal the connotation of the idea and the aeshetics value in it.
Yeats and the Development of Chinese Modern Poems
BU Fan, HE Shu
2006, 22(2): 115-120.
Abstract(354) PDF(20)
Yeats is a famous poet who gives voice to the Irish national spirit. In 1920s, his works were introduced into the Chinese literary circle. For his various styles and profound thoughts, his works enlightened many different poetry groups. It was also at the same time that the art guideline for the Chinese poems transformed from romanticism to modernism. This thesis deals with the history of translation and analysis of Yeats' poems from the May 4^th Movement to nowadays, and tries to discuss its influence on Chinese modern poetry.
Britain's Attitude of Increasing China's Tariff in the Washington Conference
ZHANG Bei-gen
2006, 22(2): 121-126.
Abstract(333) PDF(15)
In the Washington Conference, Britain's request about conditionally increasing China's tariff was conditionally satisfied. The Peking Government's appeal for increasing China's tariff so as to get rid of financial crisis was un successful,only getting the promise of agreeing to the effective rate of 5 percent, surtax 2.5 percent and surtax not more than 5 percent of luxury goods which was a success compared to that of agreeing to the effective rate of 3.7 percent before. The Special Commission made by the nine powers controlled the surtax 2.5 percent which couldn't be used freely by the Peking Government. But the powers, including Britain, couldn't take the chance of revising the tariff to control China's finance.
On Relationship between Debate of Sanmin Doctrine and the Formation of New-Democracy Theory
HUANG Zhi-gao
2006, 22(2): 127-131.
Abstract(349) PDF(18)
Debate of Sanmin Doctrine was a unique political-cultural phenomenon in the period of Anti-Japanese War. The debate promoted the CCP to present New-Democracy Theory. The system of New-Democracy Theory was systematized during the debate, and was thus influenced by the debate.
Christian Culture in the Middle Ages and the Formation of the “Idea of Europe”
JIN Ling
2006, 22(2): 132-135,142.
Abstract(553) PDF(25)
The typical characteristics of the Middle Ages is its unified Christian culture and divided politics. This essay puts forward that Christian culture is the main source of the "Idea of Europe "and is also the base of european identity. And then from the perspective of Christian culture, the essay points out the importance of cultural factor in the EU enlargement.
Study on Women's Political Participation in the Period of the Third Generation Leading Collective
SUN Yun-feng
2006, 22(2): 136-142.
Abstract(292) PDF(15)
The Party comrade Jiang Zemin holds high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory. It calls the whole society and the whole Party to set up Marxism woman sight, suggests that equality of the sexes is a basic national policy that promotes the society of our country to develop, pays attention to women work seriously, and to training to select women cadre work especially. Our State has established a series of policies and regulations. This paper tries to make some discussions for the women policy of the Communist Party of China in order to give some suggestions on modification and establishment of women policy. Summarizing this period's women's participation in political affairs again has an important realistic meaning on promoting women's political participation and democratization process in the new period.
On the Reasons and Controlling of Expensive Higher Education
CHU Chao-hui, ZHOU Yi-xian
2006, 22(2): 143-146.
Abstract(314) PDF(18)
During the recent expansion of China's higher education, there are obvious expensive tendencies. The tendencies not only make the government and receivers pay more for education, but also endanger the development of higher education itself. Ordinary people cannot endure this expensive education. The reasons may include the president idea about achievement, minority interest, unilateral standard and system, and the special relation between government and universities. To control the trend,development idea according to China's reality shouldbe established; the rights and duties of government and universities should be regulated; the and the simple campus culture should be formed. costs of universities should be examined and calculated,
The Integral Knowledge Idea of Some Famous University Presidents in the U.S.A.
GUO De-hong
2006, 22(2): 147-151.
Abstract(312) PDF(15)
In the new course reform movement of American Universities, some famous university presidents' integral knowledge idea has promote its development. Therefore, the integral knowledge idea becomes the main theoretical foundation of the U. S. A.'s university course reform. The course reform pursues the integrity of the university education and pays attention to the development students' ability, thus to attain the purpose of raising the quality of undergraduate education.
The Development of Beijing Higher Education: Prospective and Prediction
XU Yang, SI Hong-chang
2006, 22(2): 152-156.
Abstract(387) PDF(16)
It is an effective approach to use the data of school-age population to predict the future development of Beijing higher education. The author asserts that Beijing higher education will reach its peak of enrolling students in 2006 and will achieve almost 100% rate of enrollment in 2010. If the higher education's plan of enrolling students maintain the present size, it will exceed the enrollment after 2010. The present author gives a potential prospect of Beijing higher education development.
On the Influx of the Western Learning and the Advent of Sex Education in Modern China
WANG Xue-feng
2006, 22(2): 157-162.
Abstract(411) PDF(21)
The modern sex education in China sprung up in the early 20th century. It occurred at a time when China was increasingly influenced by the Western learning. Sex education became prosperous in the 1920s and 1930s, when a large amount of pertinent literature was published. The curricula standards issued by the educational administration ineluded sex education in it, and such courses as physiology and health education also had sex education as a part of its content. Knowledge about sex became popular in schools. Sex education was introduced to China by intellectuals who were affected by western learning. Japan was a medium in this course and educators played a crucial role in sex education. Sex education that appeared in the early 20th century is intrinsically related to the theme of the times. Independence, democracy, prosperity and the corresponding ideas of nationalism, individualism and scientism are all reflected in sex education, The initiation of discourses about sex represents the pursuit of the intellectuals for the prosperity of the nation and individual liberty.