2004 Vol. 20, No. 2

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Ethics, Dilemmas and Strategies for Social Work Practice
GU Dong-hui
2004, 20(2): 1-4.
Abstract(399) PDF(37)
Ethics is an important issue of social work. Guiding principles for practitioners which base on the ethics are applied to solve many problems, but they might lead to some ethical dilemmas or conflicts such as clients' freedom and their welfare, clients' rights and practitioners' rights, general identities and professional identities of practitioners, ethics of social work and them of other systems. Practitioners must find the best strategy from some ‘good’s or ‘bad’s to solve the ethical dilemmas. Chinese social workers have the obligation to insight the traditional Chinese culture, to integrate individualism and collectivism, to comprehend traditional culture, foreign ethics and principal ideologies of contemporary China from the eclecticism perspective. In all, eclecticism of the helping ideas of traditional culture and the ethics of professional social work is the base of success of social work in China.
Economic Analysis of Charity
HE Li-ping
2004, 20(2): 5-11.
Abstract(236) PDF(15)
This article deals mainly the maximization of charity behavior in the view of economics. After a short review of the field,it covers a workable definition of charity behavior and a discussion of the three basic conditions based on which charity behavior produces. In the economic analysis.it first explains why the economic anlysis unit is a single person, the content of economic analysis,and points the challenge that economic analysis faces; then, in detail discusses why the method of wealth shift can not add value to the whole social benefits;finally,analyses how to maximize the charity behavior,and puts forward five suggestions, efficiency maximization of personal donation, reducement of personal income tax rate, improvement of efficiency of charity fund and no interferece in charity market from govenment.
On Deng Xiaoping's Thoughts of the Stable Policy is a Reflection of the Party's Stability
LIU Xue-ming
2004, 20(2): 12-15.
Abstract(297) PDF(15)
The thought that policy stability reflects the Party's stability is an important aspect of Deng Xiaoping's policy idea as well as his stability idea. Policy stability has a close relationship with the Party's construcions of thought, politics,organization,style and system,-it also promotes the Party's stability. Their mutual relation is like this:policy stability reflects the Party's stability; while the Party's stability is benificial to policy stability and at the same time is a refleciton of the stability of the policy.
Moism in Scientific Culture Context
XIE Qing-guo
2004, 20(2): 16-19.
Abstract(326) PDF(18)
Moism has a high status and makes remarkable contributions to the development of science and culture in Chinese history. Firstly,moism takes the lead in exploring sientific spirit. Secondly.it nurtures the initial state of scientific community. Thirdly, it explores the scientific education. Fourthly, it pays attention to the arrangement of scientific methods. All these give precious inspirations to the development of contemporary science and culture.
Analysis on China's Foreign Exchange Reserve Scale
WANG Shu-ping, LIU Qin
2004, 20(2): 20-22.
Abstract(323) PDF(20)
By the end of 2003, China's foreign exchange reserve has reached to more than 400 billion US dollors, which appears to be excessive in conventional perspective. However, for China, a developing country in an opening economic environment,the foreign exchange reserve will unavoidably be influenced by many other factors. Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that China's current foreign exchange reserve is not over-abundant and it is essential that an absolutely sufficient amount of foreign currency should be reserved in China Although keeping the present amout of foreign exchange reserve may bring about certain opportunity cost, yet it is actually much less comparing with the price we will have to pay when foreign and domestic economies lose their balance and hence we are forced to rearrange the economy after possible external impacts resulted from the inadequacy of foreign exchange reserve.
The Development of Regional Economic Discrepancy Theory and Its Inspirations
HE Xiong-lang
2004, 20(2): 23-28.
Abstract(217) PDF(14)
This paper reviewed the historical process of the Regional Economic Discrepancy theory. It introduced the main standpoints of the theory in each stage then made short comments on them. This paper also explored the new development of this theory in recent years. Based on the exploration, it provided some useful inspiration for the balanced development of our country's regional economy.
The Influence of Profit Sharing on Managers' Behavior
JIAO Xiao-nan
2004, 20(2): 29-33.
Abstract(354) PDF(15)
This paper intends to discuss the influnences on manager's efforts and payment level under the conditions of their sharing and not sharing profit when the corporation only includes the share holder and the manager. We set up a solvable principal-agent model by using validity function rather than revenue function and choosing the output probability distribution function which has the characteristics of MLRP and CDFC, The solution of model shows that higher disutility of the manager's effort will result in higher incentive wage;and more profit and higher incentive wage will lead to the manager's working harder.
On the Double Restrictions of the Civil Retrial Procedure——A Unitary Method of the Reformation of the Civil Retrial Procedure
XIAO Jian-hua, CHEN Xiao-li
2004, 20(2): 34-40.
Abstract(336) PDF(15)
The civil retrial procedure has received fierce criticisms from scholars of our country due to its malpractice in recent years. The reform suggestion of improving retrial procedure standard isn't a permanent cure according to the restriction mechanisms of the retrial procedure. The restriction mechanisms can be divided into internal restriction and external restriction. The former refers to the limitation of the retrial reasons and the legalization of the checkup procedure; the latter refers to a rational trial grade system. The reformation of the civil retrail procedure of our country should adopt a unitary method, that is, to unify the reformations of the trial grade system and legalization of the chechup procedure,starting from the rule of the procedure's self-consolidation.
The Comparative Study of Civil Expense of Proceeding System between Japan and China
LIAO Yong-an, ZHAO Xiao-wei
2004, 20(2): 41-47.
Abstract(446) PDF(481)
One important target of the civil judicial reform in our country is to achieve procedural economy,and thus reduces the procedural cost and lightens the burden of parties concerned. As an important system related to the proceeding of civil judicial reform, the reform of proceeding expenses has been put forward by every country. The paper is to compare the composition,nature and burden of civil expense of proceeding between Japan and China. Through the comparison we can find the flaws of civil expense of proceeding system in China and thus determine the reform direction.
Are E-bank Related Business Methods Patent Object?
JIN Yong-jun
2004, 20(2): 48-53.
Abstract(350) PDF(15)
In the Citibank-Patent-Case, the underlying issue is whether E-bank related business methods are patent object under Chinese law. In first flash, there are at least two barriers to patent protection for Citibank to cover. The first, E-bank related business methods only function with the help of computer software, so the next issue is whether computer software is patent object. The answer is yes, the reason for that is computer software may be a technical solution. The second, E-bank related business methods are computerized ones, so the remaining issue is whether business methods are patent object. The answer is also yes, the reason for that is business methods may be technical solutions. So the conclusion of current Chinese law and government regulation is E-bank related business methods are patent object.
A Study of the Validity of the Concurrence of Secunriy Interest
LIU Yong-xin
2004, 20(2): 54-57.
Abstract(407) PDF(20)
The concurrence of the hypothecation,pledge and lien often happens,but Chinese law doesn't have a unifited regulation concerning the validity of the conturrence. To ensure that validity needs certain measures of value, such as priority of legal interest,priority of the total guarantee's interest and notification priority. The designation of concurrence validity module should be based on a unified measure of value. There are differences between the realizations of security interest petition and debe petition.
The Rationally Objective Attitude in Acdenic Research——a flank of Wang Yao's research characteristics
XU Xiao-cun
2004, 20(2): 58-61.
Abstract(359) PDF(14)
Wang Yao's research is characterized with distinctive acdemic style. The paper analyzes Wang Yao's attitude toward acdemic research, i. e. rationally objective attitude, through the study of some typical details in his life-long scholarship. It also points out that the attitude has gone through his entire research activities. Finally, associating the spirit with the influence of Lu-Xun on him, the essay gets the conclusion that the spirit that endows his acdemic ideas with energy is the sober realistic spirit.
On Han Yu's Linking Function in the Changing Process from Tang-Style to Song-Style
DONG Xi-ping
2004, 20(2): 62-66.
Abstract(272) PDF(13)
Han Yu was not only a famous litterati in Middle-Tang,but also a key figure in the sense of changing was one of the leaders in the literary world of Yuan-He time. He made innovations and changes in his works,such as their content, function, skill, style, etc. Moreover,he extended the domain in which poetry was applied;he led the poetry style of Middle-Tang to customs and particularity;he made good use of the prose in writing his poems and the vice versa. All of those formed his key status in the changing process of the poetry in Middle-Tang. Besides, the wide spreading of his poems and prose in Song dynasty and the great influence he had on Song writers strengthened his connecting function in the changing process from Tang-Style to Song-Style.
A Study on the Consciousness of Suffering in Poems on History in Tang Dynasty
FENG Ao-xue
2004, 20(2): 67-71.
Abstract(358) PDF(14)
This paper points out that the consistent spiritual core in poems on history in Tang Dynasty is deep consciousness of suffering which involves dual connotations:outwards' worries about society' and inwards' lament forlife'. The former is built on the awareness of poets' mission for their age, which is expressed by the trinity of worrying about their emperor, their country and their people. The latter is first expressed as worries about life from those who worry a-bout society in Earl and Flourishing Tang Dynasty,and then is chiefly expressed as worries about one's own life and human's ultimate significance in Mid-and Late Tang Dynasty.
Zen Buddhism in Wang Wei's Poems
ZHANG Mei-yun
2004, 20(2): 72-74.
Abstract(495) PDF(25)
Wang Wei is a representative idylist in Tang dynasty. Due to his special social position,family background and his frustrating experience,he turned to Zen Buddhism for comfort, which later became an important part of his outlook in life. Influenced by Zen Buddhism, Wang Wei's poems seem to stand aloof from worldly affairs,and have a unique characteristic of quietness. Another reason for Wang Wei to show Zen Buddhism in his poems is that there are common characteristics between Buddhist thinking and Literary thinking:Weighing haeavily on experience and imangination. Therefore,he can express his feelings toward Buddhism through his literature works.
Anlaysis on Chen Du-xiu's Theoretical Criticism to Populism in His Late Years
ZHANG Qin, LIN Jia-hu
2004, 20(2): 75-78.
Abstract(260) PDF(11)
During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chen Du-xiu appealed for developing capitalism in China and criticized the thought of populism deeply. Although he made great mistakes in his political inclination and hadn't e-nough knowledge of developing capitalism in China,his criticism to populism in theory was profound and it made a great contribution to the propagation of the scientific socialism. It was also consistent with the CPC's tradition of criticizing populism and had great coherence with Mao Ze-dong's ideas in this period in some aspects. Therefore,Chen's idea will play an important role in Chinese modern thought history and Marxist thought history.
Analysis on Dingjia Clique's Rising within Kuomintang And Its Attachment to Jiang Jieshi
LI Wen-ping
2004, 20(2): 79-83.
Abstract(281) PDF(11)
In 1924,after the reform of Kuomintang,a northern power with Ding Weifen as its leader grew gradually by taking the opportunities of the first collaboration of Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the opposition to the Xishan meeting group within Kuomintang. It also made use of opportunities of taking care of the Party business and leading northen people against the warlords to enlarge its strength,and eventually became the Dingjia Clique. It turned to be the right wing of the Kuomintang in the climax of revolution. After the Revolution of 1927,Kuomintang was all split up. Jieshi put more attention to military affairs. At the same time, the power of Chen Guofu and his brother was weak in Kuomintang. Thus the northern power called Dingjia Clique became one of the important forces in Nanjing Government and it was said that at that time Jiang's Dynasty relied heavily on Dingjia clique.
Mao Zedong's Thought of International Strategy
ZHANG Bei-gen
2004, 20(2): 84-88.
Abstract(470) PDF(14)
Mao Zedong's thought of international strategy is an important part of Mao Zedong's thought.including his understanding of the international structure,China's international location,national interests,national object and foreign policy.
The Location of Advanced Education in an Age of Abilitism
JIA Hong-yan
2004, 20(2): 89-91.
Abstract(479) PDF(11)
After entering the 21st century,talents become the first source for social development;and the ability of talents become the key factor for individal success, organization development and social improvement. So the age of abilitism has come no matter seen from theoretical studies or management practice. As an ability that represents people's knowlege,morality,skill,experience,intelligence and strength,it is determined by people's education degree to a large extent. To meet the challenge of abilitism and to cultivate various specialized personnel, the advanced education needs to relocate itself:to change the theories,content and methods of education.
Research on Universities' Core Competent Ability
BIAN Ning, WU De-kun
2004, 20(2): 92-94.
Abstract(317) PDF(11)
Universities in China has come to an age of intensive competition. It is only after they have thoroughly understood the meaning, characteristics and cultivation principles of ‘universities’ core competent ability' and then have improved their own conpetent abilities that they can surpass their rivals and come to an invincible position.