2004 Vol. 20, No. 1

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A Study on the Posture in the Modern Progression of the Knowledge Integrity of Marxism Literature
WANG Lie-sheng
2004, 20(1): 1-6,29.
Abstract(311) PDF(14)
Knowledge integration is the patent characteristic of Marxism classical literature and art. In the 20th century, Marxism literature and art experienced great historic and knowledge changes. In order to develop the Marxism literature in the 21st century, it is necessary to integrate the entire knowledge in the 20th century, especially in the literature and art field.
WANG Tao and the Spread of the Eastern Knowledge to the West
WANG Li-qun
2004, 20(1): 7-12.
Abstract(368) PDF(19)
In the middle of the 19th century, WANG Tao, one of the firstgeneration thinkers, cooperated with James Legge, translated a lot of Chinese classics into English. Thus he shouldered the task to introduce the Chinese culture to the West. In the two years he traveled in Europe, he introduced the Chinese culture to the westerners by giving lectures, which made great contribution to the understanding of the modern Europe of China.
ZHUANG Zi Kou Yi's Study of ZHUANG Zi's Literature
2004, 20(1): 13-17,45.
Abstract(368) PDF(17)
ZHUANG Zi Kou Yi, written by LIN Xi-yi, a confucian of Song Dynasty, is the first work of studying ZHUANG Zi's literature.This paper makes a careful study of its background, how LIN Xi-yi analyzed the way ZHUANG Zi worked, and ZHUANGZi's literature characteristics.
The Cultural Understanding of “Hedian”
FANG Xue-song
2004, 20(1): 18-23.
Abstract(365) PDF(17)
This paper shows a new cultural understanding of the book "Hedian" by using the cultural criticizing method.It holds that the book “Hedian” rebels and at the same time relies on the traditional culture.Its characteristics lie in the native culture.The aesthetic consciousness with the spread of customary culture and the artistic dialectics style contribute to the new style and unique cultural connotation of “Hedian”.
The Development of Social Work Education in China in the Background of Inoordinational Transformation
WANG Si-bin
2004, 20(1): 24-29.
Abstract(375) PDF(19)
Since 2000,social work education has developed rapidly on the mainland of China.In the background of social modernization, from the point of view of social transformation, this article analyses the main stimuli in the development of social work education, points out the incoordination in it, and puts some insight into the future development of social work education on the mainland of China in the background of the social policy of the People's Livelihood.
New Century: the Dilermma which China Social Work Education is Confronted with
SHI Bo-nian
2004, 20(1): 30-35.
Abstract(448) PDF(16)
The paper defines the basic characteristics of China social work education development through reviewing the process of it.Moreover,the paper points out that we should make decisions in the goals,paths,teaching management, cultivation of talents,and the taste of teachers for the new challenges that we would face in the new century in the further development of China social work education.
An Analysis on Main Factors which Obstruct the Openness of Electronic Government Administratian Information
LU Jun, YAN Geng
2004, 20(1): 36-41.
Abstract(308) PDF(15)
The lower degree of openness of information has been one of the main problems in the development of Chinese electronic government administration, and had a bad influence on society. The factors which cause present situation include both the reasons of administrative officers and the administrative institution. For the final goal of application of electronic government administration, the openness must be taken as a fundamental principle in the construction of information system of electronic government administration.
The Study of the Political and Ethical Function of Government Credit Development in Transformation Period
CHEN Gui-rong
2004, 20(1): 42-45.
Abstract(293) PDF(16)
During the transformation period, the market economy has been hampered seriously by the lack of social credit among which government credit is the crucial factor. Based on the definition of government credit, this paper puts forward the political and ethical function of government credit development in transformation period:government credit development is the important premise in the market economic development;government credit development is the important guarantee in maintaining social political order;government credit development is the important part of political civilization.
An Analysis on the Behavior and Psychology of Civil Science Fans
2004, 20(1): 46-52.
Abstract(487) PDF(27)
Civil Science fans”is a general social phenomenon of China. But as a special group devoted to the so-called scientific activities outside of the science community, they are different from amateur scientists (or science amateurs). Most of Civil science fans have similar behavior model and psychological tendency, and the most common characteristic is that they can not have proper communication with the science community. Most of them have more or less paranoid psychological tendency, and it can give an explanation to some of their characteristics such as overhard working, highly self-sacrifice,and self-complacency. Their behavior looks from outside like Performance Art, but in some sense it implies some unconsciously sorcery psychology. The research on civil science fans will give a new dimension to understand the relationship among science, the public and society, and will provide some advice for science communication.
The Research into Psychological Supporting System of Undergraduate Students
WANG Ai-hong
2004, 20(1): 53-55.
Abstract(294) PDF(16)
With the fast development of Chinese economy and science and technology,the undergraduate students are inevitably facing serious challenges for the differences between the practice and ideal situation. They are influenced by the collision of traditional views and modern views, as well as the mixture of new and old thoughts. All these have resulted in more and more psychological problems in the undergraduate students.This paper is trying to create a more complete psychological supporting system for the undergraduates based on the analysis and research on individual psychological supporing system, university psychological supporting system, family psychological supporting system and social integrate psychological supporinting system, in order to provide a basic assistance for the problem solving and for their healthy development.
The Right Evaluation of Western Economics from Centralized Labor Value Theory to Productive Force Value Theory
HU Yi-cheng
2004, 20(1): 56-60.
Abstract(319) PDF(17)
The value theory of Marxism is not Centralized Labor Value T heory but Effect/Labor Value Theory,i.e.Productive Force Value Theory, which reflects the dominance of productive Force. The Centralized Labor Value Theory,misundertood as orthodox Marxism theory for a long time,evolved from Korz's wrong explanation an Marxism in criticizing revisionism.It should be negated.We should critically assimilate The Macrofactor Value Theory and Microeffect Value Theory in western economics,interlinking with Maxism.
An Economic Analysis on Currency Hegemony
LU Shi-wei
2004, 20(1): 61-64.
Abstract(270) PDF(16)
Currency hegemony is the result of the development of international monetary relations.The hegemonic currency is characterized by globality, dominance, unigueness, and politics. The economic strength is the ultimate factor for currency hegemony. A hegemonic country obtains privileged interests from currency hegemony, but pays costs too. Currency hegemony will inevitably perish as the result of the progress of human beings.
Some Mistakes of Urban Operation
YAO Shu-rong
2004, 20(1): 65-68.
Abstract(240) PDF(27)
There are three mistakes in urban operation of China at present. (1) The target of urban operation is misled. (2) Roles of city government in the process of urban operation are not restricted. (3) Tactics innovation of urban operation is emphasized, but strategic plan of urban operation is neglected.These mistakes on urban operation result in a series of bad consequence, so urban operation of China should be changed. (1) The target of urban operation should change from raising funds to sustainable development of city. (2) Roles of city govermnent in the process of urban operation shouldbe changed. (3) Tactics operation of city should change into strategic operation of city.
QIAN Mu's Research on Ancient Chinese Political Civilization and Its Defects
CENG Ji-mao
2004, 20(1): 69-72.
Abstract(252) PDF(16)
QIAN Mu highlighted that ancient Chinese society was led by a scholar-bureaucrat class through the dimension of social formation. Ancient Chinese politics has a primary principle of selecting the solons to form government, and establish the bureaucracy institution. QIAN Mu pointed out that the main structural defects of ancient Chinese politics was over centralization of government,local politics' decay and social impotence induced by tiled society.The main limit of QIAN Mu's view is the lack of modern concepts of rights.
An Analysis of ZENG Qi's Thought of Democratic Constitutionalism during the Anti-Japanese War
KANG Zhi-guo
2004, 20(1): 73-76.
Abstract(277) PDF(14)
It is exactly the period of anti-Japanese war that the movement of democratic constitutionalism developed fastest in China modern history. ZENG Qi put forward a series of his own thought of democratic constitutionalism through practice in this period which established the theoretical foundation for the movement of democratic constitutionalism and played a role in order to fight Japanese and gain the democracy of politics.
Comment on LIU Shao-qi's Opinion about Taking Advantage of Capitalism
WANG Shi-yong
2004, 20(1): 77-80.
Abstract(259) PDF(14)
Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, LIU Shao-qi put forward the idea about taking advantage of capitalism to speed up the development of our country. He expounded many new opinions on exploitation and the impact of private enterprise, and put forward the policy about the economic development of New China. LIU Shao-qi's ideas developed the theory about the new democratic society.
Nationality Reconstructing and Running the Country by Combining the Rules of Law and the Rules of Virtues
LU Zi-rong
2004, 20(1): 81-86.
Abstract(344) PDF(14)
The western rationality is universal rationality about the transcendental world. It provides people with a logical world that has the external law become the main means of society running. But the moral,based on universal rationality, is absolute one, and people can not use it to control social action. The confucian rationality is experience-valued rationality that is about experience world but not universal logical world. It is a various and relative rationality. Because of lacking logic, the external law-control can not be set up; and because of its variety and relativity, the experience and various moral that can be better used to control social action can be set up. To run the country by combining the rules of variety and universality, and the combination of value and truth,the rationality on the basis of practice of Marxism is take of this rationality. There is duality in rationality of practice, and it can run the country by combining the rules of law and the rules of virtues.
On Amelioration of the System of Civil Witness in China
MA Liu-ying
2004, 20(1): 87-90.
Abstract(400) PDF(13)
Testimony is a kind of evidence used extensively in civil action. Witness presence in court can ensure that precedure is justly realized. This paper discusses the defects in our present witness system in civil action. As for amelioration of the system of civil witness, the author gives her own opinions: who has the quality to be present in court, their presence policy in court; their oath procedure; their guarantee of rights and interests, the punishment of their false evidence.