2003 Vol. 19, No. 1

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2003, 19(1): 封二-封二.
Abstract(137) PDF(18)
Investigation and Thoughts of British Qualificatin Education in Social Work
ZHOU Xiang-bin
2003, 19(1): 1-6,51.
Abstract(216) PDF(11)
On the basis of and investigation of current British qualification education in social word, this paper puts forward the idea that social work consists of four components:consumer, profession agency, qualification training and governmental administration. It also points out that the development of social work education must be based on social needs and professionalization and the government plays an important role and shoulders great responsibility in social work education and the process of professionalization.
Assisting-the-poor Policy and Rural Poverty
XUN Jian-li
2003, 19(1): 7-9.
Abstract(188) PDF(12)
Rural Poverty is a bitter reality we must face. In order to alleviate rural poverty, Chinese government has implemented a series of policies of assisting the poor.The paper reviews the history of assisting-the-poor policy, approaches the setting of implementing the assisting-the-poor policy, and points out the drawback of the existing assisting-the-poor policy. What the paper wants to reveal is that Chinese government must make more investment in rural areas and change the drawback of the existing assisting-the-poor policy if she wants to really alleviate the rural poverty.
The Construction of the System of Judicial Assistance between the Main Land and Taiwan
XIAO Jian-hua
2003, 19(1): 10-16.
Abstract(186) PDF(11)
From the legal perspective, the Main Land and Taiwan have independent legal systems. Both of the courts of the Main Land and Taiwan need the help the judicial assistance from the other side. This article probes into the necessity and feasibility of the construction of the system of Judicial Assistance between the Main Land and Taiwan.
Study on Principles, Terms and Procedures concerning Transfer and Jurisdiction of Sentenced Foreigners
LIU Zhi-wei, ZUO Jian-wei
2003, 19(1): 17-23.
Abstract(133) PDF(12)
Transfer and jurisdiction the sentenced foreigners shall follow two principles:benefit the sentenced foreigners and respect state sovereignty and jurisdiction. This article gives a research on the conditions and procedures of the transfer and jurisdiction fully and accurately.
Research into the Law-governed Honest Credit of the Securities Business
GUO Li-feng
2003, 19(1): 24-27.
Abstract(247) PDF(11)
The lack of appropriate procedural settlement to rights and powers is the fundamental cause to the problem of law-governed honest credit. The centralized representation of this problem lies in that the main body of the right to state-owned shares is not qualified. Therefore,we must carry out a structural reform on rights and powers; or the indispensable prerequisites and bases for law -governed honest credit will not exist.
Problems on Crime of Falsely Making out Invoice for Value-added Tax
2003, 19(1): 28-35.
Abstract(236) PDF(18)
The crime concerning falsely making out special invoice for value-added tax is a new crime after the tax reform. The author begins to analyze this question from the added-tax and the invoice for added-tax, then sets forth the method of how to calculate the losses to the interest of State for the acts of falsely making out the special invoice for added-tax,and make a difference between the crime of falsely making out the special invoice for added-tax and other relevant crime and look forward to the future of the fate of this crime.
China's Entry into WTO and Mobility of the Talent
MAO Zu-huan
2003, 19(1): 36-38.
Abstract(211) PDF(17)
This paper deeply analyses the reasons of mobility of the talent, including the talent who work in the educational sector(in brief, called the educational talent), points out that the quickening of the talent's mobility is a reflection of the progress of the society, probes into the characteristics of the educational talent's mobility. Finally, it concludes that guiding mobility of educational talent is important for the government.
Mirror and Light: Some Thoughts on the Mission of a University
YU Kai
2003, 19(1): 39-42.
Abstract(199) PDF(11)
Based on a brief retrospection to ideology history of the 20th century's China,this paper inspects the historical responsibilities that universities carry in the following aspects:menace of modern science and technology, overflow of mass culture as well as sustainable development of human being.It discusses the value orientation of future university as the center of spiritual culture and calls for the attention to academic freedom,academic autonomy and general education.
On Cultivating Talents in Top Universities
GU Xian-lin
2003, 19(1): 43-46.
Abstract(287) PDF(11)
This paper probes into the cultivating talents in the first-class universities from three aspects, i.e. the tradition of top universities,undergraduate research and teaching,and points out that as invisible spiritual factors,the tradition is more important than the visible factors in cultivating talents. By anticipating research activity, the undergraduate can gain the ability of thinking and creating; And teaching based on research is helpful to improving the teaching quality. These are the key factors to cultivating talents.
A Research of the History of Marx and Engels' Labor Theory of Value
HU Yi-cheng
2003, 19(1): 47-51.
Abstract(222) PDF(11)
Marx and Engels' theory of value isn't “monism on the labor theory of value”, but a macro “utility/labor theory of value”. The labor theory of value is only the beginning of advancing from abstraction to concrection. This paper points out that Kautsky's “economical theory of Marx” had written before volume three of “Capital” published, and it has some absolute or formal understandings about volume one “Capital”. Afterward, some people such as Bernstein, according to volume two and three of “Capital”, suggest interconnection between labor theory of value and utility theory of value happened that time, which is in accordance with the truth of the labor theory of value. Some people like Kautsky criticized Bernstein's points by “Monism on the labor theory of value under the banner of “Against Revisionism”. They were wrong in understanding Marx-Engels' theory, though reasonable in politics. The “Monism” became main legacy theory in Lenin, authority in USSR, vestige in China, is left behind by deceased “Platform of Class Struggle” in theory of value.
Environmental Effects of Trade Liberalization in the North America
SHE Qun-zhi
2003, 19(1): 52-55.
Abstract(332) PDF(10)
NAFTA is the first trade agreement to reconcile trade and environmental interests between developed and developing countries. This article adopts a “pressure-status-response” framework to analyze the environment effects of NAFTA from the following four aspects, including enterprises, production technology, infrastructure, social organization and government policy. The conclusion is that environment effects of NAFTA depend upon the response of social organization, the implementation of government policy, enterprise's operation and related infrastructure. Positive environment effects have been observed in above three aspects, except that in infrastructure. And only if social organization and government policy operate normally, NAFTA will finally produce positive environment effects.
The Analysis of Preventing Risk in Residential Mortgage in China
WANG Zhen-qin, WANG Wei-cai, LI Qiu-yan
2003, 19(1): 56-59.
Abstract(209) PDF(10)
The risk of residential mortgage has the characteristics of potentiality and accumulation and is prone to be neglected which may result in large scale and destructive disaster once it occurs. The paper analyzs the causes of this risk and puts forward some suggestions on preventing it.
On the Science Questions in the Scientific Research
LIU Wen-xia
2003, 19(1): 60-62.
Abstract(240) PDF(14)
The scientific research is a purposeful exploring activity of human being. The process of scientific research is the course in which problems are put forward and solved endlessly so that new knowledge is gained. Hence discovering and choosing questions are the first step of scientific research and also the inherent motivity of scientific development.
Linguistic Medium in Taoist Communication
CENG Wei-jia
2003, 19(1): 63-66.
Abstract(276) PDF(11)
As an important component of Taoist culture, the Taoist communication has a very significant meaning in modern communication science. Based on the theories of modern communication science, this thesis mainly discusses the character, function and limitation of two kinds of linguistic mediums in Taoist communication summers up the law of its development and presents definite examples of its usage in China history.
The Merits and Demerits of Li Hongzhang's Managing Bei Yang Fleet
JIANG Xue, TONG Yu-lan
2003, 19(1): 67-71.
Abstract(237) PDF(9)
After many years of laborious management, Li Hongzhang, the founder of the Bei Yang fleet, founded the naval force listing the forth in the world in 1888, which realized the modernization of the Bei Yang defense area. He was not only loyal to the central government, but also loved the country deeply. He was the cabinet minister of a disastrous and oppressed nation. He made great efforts but mined the Bei Yang fleet with his own hand. By objectively analyzing the merits and demerits of his coastal defense idea, we can obtain much enlightenment.
The Desperation of People's Daily Life under the Inflation of Currency——A Minute Analysis of Reasons for the Subjugation of Nanjing National Government
WANG Yin-huan
2003, 19(1): 72-76.
Abstract(276) PDF(9)

In the last years of Republican China, Nanjing National Government issued banknotes recklessly in order to cope with the civil war, which worsened the situation of mounting inflation. The soaring prices and material shortage made most people's daily life deteriorate from tight, disturbance to desperation. The confidence of government was reduced because people's livelihood was hopeless. The government of Kuomintang lost people's support when it was encountering economic disintegrate, military reverses and political bankruptcy. As a result, its downfall destiny was inevitable.

On British Foreign Policy to France during Ruhr Crisis
LIU Zuo-kui
2003, 19(1): 77-82.
Abstract(207) PDF(9)
This paper discusses the change on British policy on France from compromise to containment when the Ruhr crisis happened in 1923. It reveals the political and economical reasons. The political reason was British requirement of keeping the balance of Europe, and it didn't want France to crush Germany. At the end of Ruhr crisis, Germany was going to collapse with the pressure of France, and this made Britain resort to containment policy to France instead of compromise policy. The economical reason was that France's controlling Ruhr gradually endangered British interests of coal industry, and was harmful to the development of British industry and internal economy's recovery. This also caused the change of British policy to France.
The End of the West Modern Aesthetics
2003, 19(1): 83-86.
Abstract(274) PDF(9)
The Dependence of Art and The Independence of Art is the main difference between the west classic aestheties and modern aesthetics, the wide gap between “The Research For The Inside of Literature” and “The Research For The Outside of Literature”was caused by the difference. The Tartu School and Lotman introduced the biology to the aesthetics and treated the Literature and Art as independent being, they linked the Literature and Art to the real world with “ex-text” and “cultural-chain”, so they resolved the quarrel between The Dependence of Art and The Independence of Art and strode across the wide gap. Then the west post-aesthetics returned to cultural research.
The Life Patterns of the Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties
ZHANG Zhong-gang
2003, 19(1): 87-91.
Abstract(241) PDF(11)
This paper reveals, there are two basic life patterns in the novels of Ming and Qing:the moral life, and the temperamental life. The cause, the origin and contents of these life patterns are discussed in the paper. It analyses the life belonging of the characters in the novels of Ming and Qing. An exposition of the life locations in the novels of Ming and Qing is attempted as well.
Populariged Mass Culture, Vulgarization and Catering to the Masses
ZHANG Jian, WANG Ming-hong
2003, 19(1): 92-94.
Abstract(232) PDF(8)
Accompanying with the culture critique, the mass culture has been popularized since the 1980s. The article analyses the phenomenon and gives the reason objectively.