2002 Vol. 18, No. 3

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Power: A Motivative Mechanism of Economic and Social Evolution——Some Comments on Galbraith's Power Theory In Economics
HUANG De-hai, WANG Dao-ping
2002, 18(3): 1-5.
Abstract(208) PDF(12)
This paper comments on Galbraith's power theory in economics. Power is a social phenomenon. It is derived from personal qualities, properties and institutions, which incites economic activities by the way of three-in-one. The interaction between the participants in such activities generates and maintains a country's political and economic order and impels its evolution forward.
On the Correlation between Economic Growth and Real Interest
PENG Zhi-yuan
2002, 18(3): 6-10.
Abstract(416) PDF(17)
Based on the Neo-classic growth model of Solow-Swan Model, we can draw a conclusion; there is a positive correlation between economic growth and real interest. But neither high real interest rate causes high economic growth nor high economic growth causes high real interest rate; the property right reform of the state-owned commercial banks and the interest rate determined by the market mechanism are the necessary conditions for a sustained growth in the national economy. At last we predict the trend of economic growth and real interest rate in future.
The Influence of Electronic Money on Money Definition and Money Multiplier
HU Jun
2002, 18(3): 11-14.
Abstract(341) PDF(12)
With the development of computer and communication technology, electronic money influences greatly the finance as the media of electronic information. In this article, traditional money definition, money multiplier and its influential elements, and three kinds of electronic money are introduced. Then the influence of three kinds of electronic money on money definition and money multiplier is discussed. With the introduction of electronic money, it will change the theory base of traditional money definition and money multiplier. On the basis of traditional theory, the influence of money definition and money multiplier are mathematically analyzed due to the first two kinds of electronic money. Pure electronic money without the basis of traditional theory is analyzed in expectation.
Is the Liberalization of China's Capital Accounts an Inevitable Choice?
2002, 18(3): 15-18.
Abstract(448) PDF(12)
Should China liberalize its capital accounts? The author tries to analyse this problem by cost-benefit analysis and from the point of Chinese financial enterprise's long-run development and China's entry into WTO. The anthor draws the conclusion that China can not wage a capitafaccount liberalization in short time.
The Exposition of the Truth Concept
LI Xiao-li
2002, 18(3): 19-22,30.
Abstract(278) PDF(11)
The truth has its own self. We can conduct research into the self theory; the truth does not own the self theory meaning at all. So if it is endowed with self theory meaning, the unexpected problem will appear. Only if the cognition definition is involved, can the truth concept be reasonably solved. It is inpossible that the truth is the union of objective truth and specific truth. In contrast the truth only can be defined as on the basis of practice the cognition main body is the right reflection of the nature and law of cognition object.
The Economy Globalization and Chinese Culture Construction
QU Hong-zhi
2002, 18(3): 23-25.
Abstract(327) PDF(18)
The economy globalization in modern era is not an absolutely economic process, but a process during which the western cultural values and calss theories were practised through economic extension. Hence, the Chinese culture construction should be reinforced during the process of the economy, which needs to carry on, develop and blaze new trails of Chinese traditional culture and to face the world, imbibe the cultural essence of different nationalities so as to reform the cultural system in order to accelerate the development of cultural industries.
The Amalgamation and Its Destination of Chinese Culture and Western Culture in Qing Dynasty
LI Xiao-guang
2002, 18(3): 26-30.
Abstract(320) PDF(16)
In Qing dynasty, there is an obvious transformation in Chinese culture; the Chinese culture researcher tried hard to change the prattle trend in the academic research since Song and Ming dynasties and tried to reform the order of society and thoughts. On the other hand, there is a great amalgamation between Chinese culture and Western culture, which ended in failure. This thesis is engaged to prove that good amalgamation among different cultures must be based on good understanding and equal participation, and each culture should introspect their choices in the history of human culture development historically.
Philosophical Perspective on Modern Scientific Methodology
ZHANG Hong-gen, DOU Lan-feng
2002, 18(3): 31-36.
Abstract(339) PDF(15)
Modern scientific methodology is developed with the improvement of capabilities of people's cognition and transforming of nature. Determinism controlled by reductionism is becoming self-deficient more and more visibly. Chaos theory has provided a kind of thought weapon for solving the natural and social phenomena ever seen and misunderstood. Only standing on the height of scientific philosophy and exceeding the borderline of subjects, can natural science pursuers push the development of science and technology.
Economic Analysis on the Suitable Development Scale of University
YANG Xiao-ming
2002, 18(3): 37-40.
Abstract(330) PDF(26)
In this paper, according to "bucket principle", the analogy method, marginal analysis and mathematical model are used to study the problem on the suitable development scale of university in terms of cost-profit principle. A decision analysis pattern and a criterion on suitable scale are posed. At last, a research, case is given.
A Longitudinal Study of the Relationship between Government and University
GU Xian-lin
2002, 18(3): 41-44.
Abstract(321) PDF(12)
This paper probes into the evolution of the relationship between government and university, and points out that university is always in a passive position. The autonomy power got by university is limited and relative. The cont-radication of government control and university autonomy is the core of the relationship in the past, at present and in future. The historical experience shows that government must keep university running by its own law. If it wants to reach the goal, and meanwhile if university wants to gain autonomy, it must exert wide effects on society. Only in this way can government and university develop harmoniously.
The Founding Reason for China's Philosophy Association and Its First Annual Meeting
ZUO Yu-he
2002, 18(3): 45-50.
Abstract(281) PDF(11)
It was in the thirties of 20th century that China's modern philosophy turned gradually mature. China's philosophy association and its annual meeting were the mark in that period. This paper analyzed the cause of foundation of China's philosophy association and the first annual meeting emphatically and revealed the changes of China's modern philosophy from importing the western philosophy to setting up China's new philosophy in order to offer a reference o-pinion to understand the China's modern philosophy.
On the British Policy toward China on the Eve of the Chinese Special Tariff Conference
WANG Rong-xia
2002, 18(3): 51-55,90.
Abstract(420) PDF(16)
The special Conference on the Chinese Customs Tariff (October 1925-April 1926) was a very important meeting during the 1920's in China On the eve of the conference, British Foreign Office had begun to discuss the policy toward China The discussion became very heated owing to "Teichman Scheme". In Foreign Office, some officers disagreed "Teichman Scheme", but others hoped to widen the British influence in China through this scheme. At last, the latter won.
The Uniterd Front Strategy and Its Effect of CCP during the Period of Sacrifice Union Establishment
ZHU Hong-qin
2002, 18(3): 56-59.
Abstract(341) PDF(12)
The sacrifice union of saving the Nation, in abbreviation. Sacrifice union, is a special organization of United Front, founded by CCP with Yan Xishan, a local warlord of kuo Mingtang. At a successful model of CCP'S united Front strategy, CCPS United Front Work was carried on verywell especially during the period of establishment, which laid a solid foundation for the later development of Saevifice Union after anti-Japanese war started, and accumulated experience for the United Front work. Jhrough the analysis of Sacrifice Union establishment process, this paper proves that CCPS strategy is used smartly and correctly, and exposes the effect and meaning of CCPS United Front Strategy execution during the period of sacrifice Union Establishment by sumnarizing the successful experience of sacrifice Union.
Research on the Trial Committee in China
XIAO Jian-guo, XIAO Jian-guang
2002, 18(3): 60-66.
Abstract(340) PDF(14)
The system of the China-characterized Trial Committee in China result from two factors including history and politics. Its most malpractice is playing down judicial efficiency and blemishing justice and pricking up judicial corruption. It is out of date and necessary to be cancelled.
On the Legal Aspects of Administrative Monopoly
LI Zhen-hua
2002, 18(3): 67-70.
Abstract(264) PDF(12)
At present there exist monopolistic phenomena in China, mainly in the form of administrative monopoly. Administrative monopoly has become a major obstacle to economic development, and has drawn wide concern from various circles. This article starts from the explanation of basic concepts and concentrates on the study of relative issues of administrative monopoly.
What Is Witness: Rethinking And Remolding——Based on Criminal Procedure
2002, 18(3): 71-78.
Abstract(283) PDF(11)
For a long time, the academy always thinks witness is a litigant except parties, who has known the facts of case and should testify at court. So witness is the natural person that cannot be substituted and does not have a connection with the case. This is right. However, what are the facts of case? Whether do they have the standard of time? Whether can witness be challenged? How to define the competence of witness? Can the policeman appear in court as a witness? The circles of justice and academy always do not attach importance to these problems, and have much a mbiguous knowledge about witness. Therefore, witness in criminal procedure is the concept that should be immediately re-molded both in legislation and theory.
The Historical Evolution, Cultural Sense, and Religious Emotion of “Picking up a Willow Branch”
DAI Ming-xi
2002, 18(3): 79-83.
Abstract(693) PDF(19)
"Picking up a Willow Branch" is a cultural custom in ancient China. The Custom can be dated back to Han Dynasty, and seen in the departure poems os Sui, Tang and later Dynasties. This article discusses the evolutional process of "Picking up a Willow Branch" and the famous singing verse "Picking up a Willow Branch". "Picking up a Willow Branch" in poems did not have any connection with departure before Sui and Tang Dynasties. Only in Sui and Tang Dynasties did "Picking up a Willow Branch" become a special descriptive phrase for the departure. The connection of "Picking up a Willow Branch" with departure went throuhg a long process of separation and relation, whose relevant juncture was at the Xiao-Liang stage in the Nan Dynasty. "Picking up a Willow Branch" functioned as symbols of departure emotion and longing for a friend far away, connoting "a smooth journey" and "peace and well-being" in its cultural sense, and the action itself is driven by the religious emotion.
The Common People in The Journey West
SONG Ke-jun
2002, 18(3): 84-90.
Abstract(392) PDF(11)
The Common People is a kind of character who possesses some special characteristics in both The Journey West and the Buddhism. The idea of the Common People in Buddhism has a great effect on the Chinese novels, especially on the novels of the religious subject. Starting with the characteristics of the Common People in The Journey West, this thesis analyses the novel's feature in the visual field of the Buddhist culture, reveals the religious affection in The Journey West under the given historical conditions.
The Memoirs of a Survivor: A Text Narrating the Human Disaster
CHEN Hong-wei
2002, 18(3): 91-94.
Abstract(438) PDF(19)
The Memoirs of a Survivor is a text recording the disaster of humanity. From different angles of the realistic world and the subconscious world, the novel delivers one theme to its readers:the fundamental element of the human existence is the primitive self that "we share with animals," and society's suffocation of it can only lead to disasters of humanity.
LU Jun
2002, 18(3): 95-95.
Abstract(335) PDF(375)