2002 Vol. 18, No. 2

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2002, 18(2): .
Abstract(183) PDF(17)
Advancing the Reform, Opening-up and Construction of Modernization according to the Requirements of the “Three Reprvesentatives”
ZUO Peng
2002, 18(2): 1-5.
Abstract(238) PDF(23)
The "Three Representatives's" are the foundation underlying all our efforts to build the Party, the cornerstone for exercising political power and a source of strength of our Party. In order to remain a representative of the requirements of the development of China's advanced productive forces, it is necessary to push the socialist reform forward, develop science and technology, and raise the people's quality. To represent the orientation of the development of China's advanced culture is to persist in taking Marxism as the guide, strengthen socialist ideological and ethical building, and reflect the people's real life. To represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people, we must correctly handle the various interests among the overwhelming majority of the people and the relationships between the Party and the mass, the cadre and the mass, the early richness and the late.
The Impacts of State Policies on Rural Poverty
HUAN Jian-li
2002, 18(2): 6-12.
Abstract(240) PDF(17)
The paper approaches the impacts of the state policies adopted since 1949 on rural development from the viewpoint of economic history. Before China introduced the policy of reform and opening-up, many state policies, such as urban and rural policy, rural economic policy, population policy and regional development policy, had bad effects on rural development to a certain degree, making the poor rural area poorer; after that, although the state policies mentioned above have been greatly changed, their bad effects can not be overcome immediately and still have a strong restriction on rural development.
The Cause and Evolution of the Conflict between Palestine and Israel
FENG Xiu-zhen
2002, 18(2): 13-17.
Abstract(443) PDF(31)
The conflict between Palestine and Israel has existed for half a century since the Palestine Divide and Rule Resolution by the United Nations in 1947, and the establishment of Israel in 1948. This article reviews the cause and evolution of the conflict between Palestine and Israel. and analyses the characteristics as well as the tendency of this Middle-East War.
The Relationship between Human Rights, Constitution and Constitutionalism in the United States
CUI Ying, MENG Ling-qi
2002, 18(2): 18-20.
Abstract(289) PDF(22)
Individual rights are the core of life which mark the masterstroke of the constitutional history since the establishment of the United States. The basis of the principle of human rights of the American Constitution is a process of gradual development and enlargement of range. American constitution ensures the embodiment of human rights, but at the same time, it also faces some hardnuts to crack in dealing with the relationship between national power and human rights.
The Warlords and Flooding of Opium during Bei-Yang Government
2002, 18(2): 21-26.
Abstract(271) PDF(21)
During the period of Bei-Yang Government the warlords connived at opium flooding in order to gain the source of revenue and strengthen the influence. So opium spread unchecked with higher rapidity and larger scale than before. The Chinese people fell in the abyss of misery again. It brought serious evil consequences to Chinese society.
The Adjustment of Yuan Shi-kai on the Official System in Zhili druing the Period of Late Qing Reformation
CHU Shuang-zhi
2002, 18(2): 27-30.
Abstract(393) PDF(335)
From 1901 to 1907, Yuan Shikai held a reformation in Zhili Province. The main measures include:(1) sending officials abroad to study; (2) setting up the official education school; (3) reducing the administration institutions; (4) punishing corruption, etc.
The Exposition of the Historical Progressive Effects of the Landlord Reformers' Learning from the West
TONG Yu-lan, WANG Zhi-ming
2002, 18(2): 31-34.
Abstract(319) PDF(17)
The reformers of the landlord class endeavored to achieve self-prosperity with the foreign developed methods,which retarded the progress of semi-colonizing china.In military,they manufactured the war ship and cannon and organized and drilled the navy. As a result, the strength resisting the enemy was fortified and the swift and the fierce attack of the western gun and cannon was routed.In economy,they engaged in the western-style industry and commerce,finishing the monopoly of the foreign capital and weakening the economic invasion of the big powers.Their efforts in economy stimulated the birth and development of Chinese capitalism.Specifically,they introduced the big-scale production by engine to break the closed system of China's natural economy;thanks to their originating western-style enterprise,Chinese capitalism came into being and the bourgeoisie revolution acquired its material foundation.
Marxist Scholars and Traditional Culture During the Thirties and Forties of Last Century
2002, 18(2): 35-37.
Abstract(263) PDF(17)
Some Marxists with the scholar type came to be active on Chinese cultural arena during the thirties and the forties in the 20th century., They sifted, studied and evaluated our traditional culture guided by Marxism consciously. What they did offers ideological material for our cultural construction in 20th century.
From the Historical Form to Theoretical Form and a Review on The System of Chinese Classical Literary Theory in Three volumes
PENG Yu-ping
2002, 18(2): 38-42.
Abstract(298) PDF(21)
That the historical literary criticism in classical form was arranged into the history of literary criticism in modern form is the main contribution of the academic circle of the research on the history of literary criticism in the 20 th century. This article traces back the process of the research model of the history of the literary criticism, which is changing from emphasizing on the historical research into emphasizing on the theoretical research. It also takes The System of the Chinese Classical Literary Theory in Three volumes as an example to reveal the features of the theoretical research and the possible diretion of it in the future.
A Comparative Study on the Paradise Dream between Li Bai's and Li He's
HU Hong-ya
2002, 18(2): 43-47.
Abstract(327) PDF(31)
Indulging consciously in Paradise dreams is the regular method for ancient Chinese literati to resist oppression. Both Li Bai and Li He wrote some Paradise dreaming poems, which are of great significance in forming their romantic poem style. This article compares and analyzes the Paradise dreaming poems of Li Bai's and Li He's from three main aspects, which are content and motif, artistic conception and composition, and spiritual redeeming function.
Summary of “Li Zhi and Yunnan Province National Academic Seminar”
HE Yong
2002, 18(2): 48-51.
Abstract(346) PDF(18)
This thesis makes a summary of "Li Zhi and Yunnan province Academic Seminar." Li Zhi plays an important role in Chinese cultural thinking history, and Yunnan province is the important place for him to realize his thinking alteration, so it has special value and meaning for the research on Li Zhi. Some famous researchers, such as Zhang Jianye, Zhang Peiheng, Huang Lin, Takahashi Onn, Sato Renntarou, Zhang Wenxun, and so on, provided valuable ideas on the seminar.
Pedagogy: “Non-education” or “Non-science”
YANG Ya-wen, LIU Zhen-tian
2002, 18(2): 52-57.
Abstract(295) PDF(17)
First, this article makes a comparatively systematic investigation and comment on the development history of pedagogy's appearance as science and also its two trends (scientification and humanization). The author holds that pedagogy must be an integration of scientification and humanization. The integration can enhance the academic position of the subject. Furthermore, the paper points out that the real crisis of pedagogy lies not only in the problem of whether it is of science or not but also in the fact that it is of no eduction.Pedagogy now gradually departs from its study objects and at last loses them. The paper analyzes the apperance, roots and harm of non-education. It argues that pedagogy must limit its study objects and change the situation of paying too much attention to the external phenomena, and turn its direction to the regression of "pedagogy with its own duty". This regression can help to emphasize the central work of education practically and develop the course of education theoretically.
Cultivation of Individuality and Education for Quality
LU Qiu-fang, XING Yong-fu
2002, 18(2): 58-61.
Abstract(345) PDF(19)
The idea of modern individual education must be promoted on the whole scale. Respect for and cultivation of individuality are the objective requirement of the modernization. The historic development can not be realized without the existence and development of the individuality. At this point, socialist modernization cause is the same. Perfecting the individual education is the basic aim of the quality education as well as the individual education. Meanwhile it is the concept both of the values and of the purpose for the quality education. It has always been the true meaning of educational success to respect and upgrade the individuality, as well as the true meaing of the quality education. The quality education can not be a successful practice without the respect and the upgrade for the individuality.
The Research on the Student Participation in the Management of University in Western Countries
LI Ning
2002, 18(2): 62-66.
Abstract(314) PDF(18)
Student Participation in the management of university is an important part in the research on the internal management of university. In western countries, such kind of management as student participation in the management of university has long been adopted by many universities. This paper takes student participation in the management of university in western countries as the subject of the research, makes a study on its foundation from 4 aspects of history, thought, right and tendency of university development, introduces 3 patterns of student participation in the management, and analyses its influence on university.
The Research on the Metacognition Monitoring in the Study of Second Language of Doctor candidates
LI Han
2002, 18(2): 67-70.
Abstract(235) PDF(16)
This thesis investigates the metacognition monitoring in the study of second language. The methods of self-evaluation and the comparison of self-estimated test results and actual test results were used. It is found that there is no relationship between self-evaluation and actual test results. A tendency of underestimating the test results for oral and listening English was found. And the subjects could not estimate correctly their test results for reading comprehension. In conclusion the metacognition monitoring level is low. It is necessary to enhance the metacognition research and training in the second language teaching.
The Research on the Causes of Criminal Offenses in Higher Education Institutions
LIU Xing-de
2002, 18(2): 71-73.
Abstract(288) PDF(16)
Through the investigation and analysis on the criminals of colleges, we find the principal reasons of those criminal offenses, poor ideological standards led by traditional educational opinion, negative influence of western culture, change of people's value points, problems on management etc.
Logic Foundation of Matter-of-Fact Inference
ZHANG Ji-cheng
2002, 18(2): 74-78.
Abstract(212) PDF(16)
In this thesis, the author logically and apparently discerned the differences of the normal relation, the exceptional relation, the neutral relation and the essential relation and figured out that each of them plays a different role in the lawsuits. Therefore, the author scientifically interpreted the fundamental theory of why the normal relation has to be treated as the logic foundation of the matter-of-fact inference. And on such foundation, the author scientifically establishes several fundamental conditions that often are put in use into the matter-of-fact inference. The conditions are the standards by which the matter-of-fact inference is discerned from the remaining concepts.
The Research on Establishing Perfect Laws of the Safety of Transgenosis Engineering
HAN Li-lin, SHI Yan
2002, 18(2): 79-83.
Abstract(314) PDF(16)
With the increase of population, the development of science and technology and the frequency of international trade, it is a historical inevitability that transgenosis technology in genetic engineering came into being and began to develop. However, there are some uncertain influence on food and ecological environment due to the transgenosis, thus arousing people's reflection on its safety. In China, in terms of the legislation on the safety of transgenosis engineering, there are some drawbacks such as lag, uncertainty of the application scope, poor workability, and inefficiency of the the safety precaution. It is essential to establish perfect laws which mainly include the regulation of license of transgenosis engineering, the regulation of expression, the regulation of safety estimation, the regulation of inspection, the regulation of standard and the regulation of transgenosis patent.
Trial Analysis on Socialist Legal Rule Intension
2002, 18(2): 84-89.
Abstract(274) PDF(17)
Ruling country in accordance with laws and regulations, and constructing socialist legal ruling country, are our country developing aims ahead. What is the content on earth which socialist legal rule includes is the key point to properly comprehend and master the intension of ruling country in accordance with laws and regulations. This essay probes legal rule and legal system, legal rule and person rule, the essence of legal rule, and compares the relations between them, and on this basis, brings to light the fundamental intension of socialist legal rule, preliminarily puts forward the prior target of realizing socialist legal rule.
Factors Influencing the Concentrated Extentof Corporate Ownership
2002, 18(2): 90-93.
Abstract(210) PDF(15)
A lot of articles concentrate on the relationship between ownership structure and firm performance,but the factors which influence the concentrated extent of corporate ownership are omitted.From the evolution of the concentrated extent of corporate ownership,we know there is no optimum concentrated extent of corporate ownership which adapts to any corporate.As for a firm,it is decided by corporate scale,firm performance,owner's preference for control right and political power.
The Knowledge-based Economy and Sustainable Development
WU Ying, LU Ning, YANG Yan-qiang
2002, 18(2): 94-98.
Abstract(242) PDF(15)
The knowledge-based economy is a new economic pattern after industrial economy.It bases on knowledge and information.Agricultural economy and industrial economy depend on the natural resources.They consumed the natural resources and poisoned the circumstances when they promoted an increase in economy.Indeed they endanger the development of the human beings.The society and economy of the human beings would achieve sustainable development if it walks up to knowledge-based economy and establishes knowledge industry.There are many holdbacks which block sustainable development in China.And it is very urgent that china grows up her own knowledge-based economy.
The Exposition of Chinese Enterprise Information Innovation
LIU Dong, REN Chang-rui
2002, 18(2): 99-103.
Abstract(199) PDF(15)
With the challenges of entering into WTO and information revolution,it is a strategic measure of covering the whole China's modernization construction and realizing the quantum jump of Chinese prolificacy development to speed up the information innovation progress of national economy and society and then facilitate the industrialization and modernization.In light of the present situation of Chinese enterprises,this thesis analyzes some existing problems of the enterprise information innovation and puts forward some notions of advancing Chinese enterprise information innovation.
XU Fang
2002, 18(2): 104-104.
Abstract(195) PDF(15)