2002 Vol. 18, No. 1

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The Exposition to the Development Direetion of E-education
MAO Zu-huan
2002, 18(1): 1-3.
Abstract(260) PDF(24)
Facing the great mass fervour of the development of E-education, we need calm and strategic thinking to avoid the great rising and falling of its development. This article puts forth three points of view on its development. First, the development of E-education covers three stages, namely, the establishment of the web-site,providing the service and the construction of legal and formal system. Each stage has its own historical significance and main task. The meaning of the theory of "Three Stages" lies in the clear aim for each stage, not overstepping the stage of historical development. Second, the concept of "E-education is service" is not true. The first reason is that E-education is not as same as general web-site, Which is still one of the forms of education. The second reason is that it is wrong to set the service function of E-education against its educational function. The student is an object of service as well as of education and management. EiBother management and service are be aiming to better nurture him and foster the useful talented people for the society.Third, we suggest that the educational circle should combine with the enterprise cionees in order to seele better solve such problems as education, web techniques and operation and management which E-education should deal with in its development, to meet bweller the needs of integration and optimization of resources.
On the Service of Higher Education
MA Jian-sheng
2002, 18(1): 4-7.
Abstract(264) PDF(17)
The product of Higher education is its service, Which is invisible, dis-standard,changeable and so on. The productive scale is limited to the individual and social needs and the government attitude to bear the cost for higher education. Such conclusion is helpful to deal with the relationship between the government and universities, and sets the government,universities,teachers and students in appropriate positions in the process of running universities and does good to the sound development of Chinese higher education.
Social Communication Based on Rules:Rule of Law and Rule of Moral——Tradition, Rule and Modernization
2002, 18(1): 8-14.
Abstract(317) PDF(20)
There have been great changes in our tradition ideology, but the rule skepticism as the ideodogy at core is still the base of the tradition, which is foandamentallp different from modernismcontaining twoway and comprehensive communication. It is the reason why there has transmission crisis in the modern society. Systemization and rulization of the tradition are the basic requirement of modernization, and also the base of the rule of law and rule of morals. Modernization requires tradition to make the social beings' basic rales and rules of internal minds.
On the Establishment of Animals' Civil Subject Capacity——Anthropocentrism Legal Ideology and Deconstruction
XU Xin
2002, 18(1): 15-20.
Abstract(512) PDF(27)
Legal subject capacity originates from social interest and the need to protect civil rights. Animals should have civil subject capacity. The author intends to establish Animals' Civil Subject Capacity through a research on the life right of animals. The article deconstructs anthropocentrism legal ideology while proving animals' rights.
On D & O Liability InSurance in Common Law
2002, 18(1): 21-26.
Abstract(209) PDF(17)
D&O liability insurance is a kind of insurance designed to prevent directors and officers from liability for the corporation or the third party. In the common law Jurisdiction, D&O liability insurance is generally stipulated in the written corporation law and case law, thereby the directors and officers can get away from their liability arising out of their negligent mismanagement. This article is to introduce basic framework of D&O liability insurance in the common law jurisdiction and to identify the necessity and common issues involved in the perfection of the D&O liabilility insurance of China.
On Economic Globalization and the Development of the Basic Principles of International Law
LIU Jian
2002, 18(1): 27-30.
Abstract(230) PDF(18)
Economic globalization has become the trend of our times. Because of this, intenational law is gradually becoming the law of the "well-organized" international society. But it can not develop into the "world law" in the predictable future. Under such presupposition, the basic principles of international law keep developing. Although the principles of state sovereignty and state equality are still the key ones of international law, they are now of new implication of the times. Meanwhile, it has become a necessity to establish the principle of human beings'common interests as the major principle of the international law.
Several Problems of Research on LIN Biao
PENG Hong-ying, YU Shi-cheng
2002, 18(1): 31-36.
Abstract(303) PDF(24)
LIN Biao did not participate in the battles of Tingsi Bridge and Hesheng Bridge; LIN Biao and MAO Zedong knew each other at the meeting of discussing masses work which was held from the first ten days of May to mid-June, 1928. LIN Biao asked to go to the south of Shanxi province fighting as a guerilla, which constantly showed the repetition of his right deviation pessimistic mood in the new situation MAO Zedong commanded LIN Biao as president of the Red Army University, which was not "punishing" of LIN Biao, but the trust and high praise of him. MAO Zedong and LIN Biao had the relations of teacher and student and of companions at the period of democratic revolution. In the Cultural Revolution period, the relation between them is was "intimate cooperation" more than the need of their respecfive poutical ambition.
During the Age of the Republic of China the Overseas Russian Culture in Harbin
YU Xiang-lin
2002, 18(1): 37-41.
Abstract(419) PDF(23)
As the Middle-east railway was built after 1860,many overseas Russian people with their own culture swarmed into Harbin. At the time of the Republic of China,the overseas Russian culture had formed a system, demonstrated in architecture, convention, education, thought and language, atc. As a coin has its two sides, its impact was not only so positive and civil but also passive and vulgar, so we should analyse its nature and evaluate it thoughtfully.
The Struggle of "Get-away"and its Objections between the United States and CHIANG Kai-shek in the Later Stage of the War of Liberation
ZHANG Bei-gen, LAO Li
2002, 18(1): 42-46.
Abstract(313) PDF(18)
In the later stage of the War of Liberation the United States decided to get away from the Chinese Civil War in the collapse of Kuomintang,going off Kuomintang gradually,which Kuomintang and CHIANG Kai-Shek struggled against in order to save their fate.
The Basic Features and the History Contribution of JIANG Kong-yang's Aesthetic Theory
2002, 18(1): 47-51.
Abstract(237) PDF(17)
The history method, the opening system and the contrasting thinking are the basic features of JIANG Kong-yang's creating aesthetic theory. It has developed Marxism's practicing aesthetics, held two essential questions about contemporary aesthetics and exposed new orienfation in researching aesthetics.
Trend of Nihilism on History Shown in the Current Literature and Art Criticisms
XIONG Yuan-yi
2002, 18(1): 52-55,73.
Abstract(254) PDF(16)
In the literary arena at the end of the just passed century and at the present time, the trend of nihilism on history shown in the current literature and art criticisms has been surprisingly praised by some people as a "Bright Point" and followed as a "Fashion". This trend is mainly characterized by its improper summary and introspection of the development of the Chinese literature and art in the 20 th Century. It reveals more of its nature with its sarcasm and depreciation on some of the master-level writers as well as their literary achievements. This article here, after giving a general survey of the trend of nihilism on history shown in the current literature and art criticisms, has further made a penetrating "scholastic and theoretical" analysis of this trend. This article comes to the conclusion that the trend of nihilism on history shown in some of the current literature and art criticisms, tends to replace reality with ideals, and marks the reappearance of the viewpoint of heroes creating history. It is, to a certain degree, an extension of an ultra-left and either-right-or-wrong related metaphysics mode of thinking under the specific historical conditions. It is a typical reflection of the trend of nihilism thought on history in the literature and art fields.It is exactly what shall be thoroughly dismissed.
Plots beyond Narration:on the Narrative Techniques of the Story of Gold Lock
GU Hai-hui
2002, 18(1): 56-59.
Abstract(215) PDF(23)
The narrative techniques such as relating, ellipsis,summary, and pause are used to add plots beyond narration, thus obtaining balance between it's length and capacity. Relating in a few words briefs the background of the heroine, and ellipsis and summary cut down narration greatly The pause here is of psychology, as while the plot is rich enough, and the story itself pauses, the psychological pause offers the reader imaginative space,enriching the meaning and feeling of story boundlessly. When the receptors interpret the text,they are usually concerned about the events,and meanwhile we shoud be aware of the value of plots beyond the time of narration in the interpretation of the story of gold lock.
Theory of Public Choice and Marketization of Public Service——Theoretical Background of Western Administrative Reform
WU Qun-fang
2002, 18(1): 60-64.
Abstract(231) PDF(21)
Marketization of public service was a central issue of the national administrative reform undertaken by western developed countries in 1980s in which the most remarkable reform achievements were made. The article deals with analysis on governmental failures owing to "low efficiency of public supply" in terms of the theory of public choice, and evaluates the reforms carried out by every country in her practice of "marketization of pubblic service".
Value of Nature and Ethics of Environment
LIU Wen-xia
2002, 18(1): 65-69.
Abstract(337) PDF(22)
With the development of modern science, technology and economy, our environment is becoming worse and worse. Following the questions such as whether nature has value and how to deal with nature etc, the ethics of environment is coming into being. It required that we should re-treat the relationship between man and nature from the point of morality, respect and protect nature, and get along with nature harmoniously.
The Cultural Thihking of the Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements
ZHANG Wei-zhong
2002, 18(1): 70-73.
Abstract(251) PDF(17)
It is discussed in this paper, that the active significance in and negative influence on, of the Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, the development of science, thought and culture of China and the West.
The Newest Development of the Theory of Enterprise Nature
YAO Shu-rong
2002, 18(1): 74-78.
Abstract(375) PDF(15)
The Economists have made very great progress in their research on the enterprise nature. In the course of the theoretical development of the enterprise nature, the representative theories include production theory, contract theory, human capital theory, game theory, capability theory, knowledge theory and value balance theory These theories contribute partly to the enterprise theory, but not to the enterprise theory as a whole.Thus it will be important to analyze synthetically the enterprise nature in the following research.
The Three Key Problems and Perfection Strategies in the Establishment of AMC
ZHANG Wei, HAN Jing-xuan
2002, 18(1): 79-84.
Abstract(249) PDF(15)
The assets management company (AMC) is a kind of special organization founded for coordinating debt-equity swap. But there are at least three problems during operation:first, whois the most reasonable founder of AMC; second, how about the decision-making power of AMC; third, how do AMC hold the stock. In this paper, the measures and proposals are suggested, aimed to solve the three problems.
Analysis of the International Competence of Chinese Iron & Steel Enterprises
HU Bo, WU Sen, SONG Wen-li
2002, 18(1): 85-88.
Abstract(351) PDF(16)
This article analyzed the international competence of Chinese iron & steel enterprises by contrasting Bao steel Corporation with Posco-pohang Iron & Steel Corporation and Nippon Steel Corporation in many aspects.
2002, 18(1): 88-88.
Abstract(338) PDF(17)
BEN Kan-bian-ji-bu
2002, 18(1): 89-94.
Abstract(100) PDF(14)
LIU Jian-ping
2002, 18(1): 95-95.
Abstract(233) PDF(18)
2002, 18(1): 96-96.
Abstract(196) PDF(21)