2001 Vol. 17, No. 4

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XU Fang
2001, 17(4): 封二-封二.
Abstract(130) PDF(14)
The Tenth Anniversary to The Disintegration of Soviet Union
ZUO Peng
2001, 17(4): 1-6.
Abstract(544) PDF(23)
The disintegration of Soviet Union is the greatest event in the end of 20 th century on the international political arena, which resulted from the degeneration of the ruling group of Soviet Communist Party represented by Mikhail Gorbachev. With the restoration of capitalism, in-the process of advancing private ownership, Russia presented serious polarization and satill wandered in dilemma. The hope of newly rising is uncertain. Taking warning from history, socialist China overcameall kinds of obstruction of the thought of private ownership, adhered to the socialist direction of reform and construction, advanced in the way chosen by herself.
The Tention of Moral Idealism and Moral Utilitarianism
2001, 17(4): 7-10.
Abstract(400) PDF(16)
Moral value lies in utility or mind? It's ultimate aim is to serve mankind's real life or to pursue good for good? Starting with the history of moral philosophy, this paper analyses moral idealism and moral utilitarian's viewpoints on the issue. Moreover, the author puts forward the opinion of her own:the two kinds of thoughts both possess their own theory value and practice meaning. To develop moral theroy and play its social function, it is very signficant for us to lay hold of the tension between the two kinds of thoughts properly.
Foreign Relations of Tech-Culture in the History of Technology Transfer between Japan and Russia
ZHANG Ming-guo
2001, 17(4): 11-16.
Abstract(274) PDF(15)
In this article, we reviewed the history of technology transfer between Japan and Russia. And we compared the views of "Tech-Culture" in those two nations. The author believes that it plays an important role in carrying out culture reformation and technology nationalization in order to get rid of the cultural conflict.
On the Construction of Network Governments
2001, 17(4): 17-20.
Abstract(271) PDF(13)
The year of 1999 was the one for China to be on line. Through continual development and improvement for nearly two years, the project Governments Being On Line in China has already had an elementary scale. Presentation of Network Governments is appropriate to the changes of means that the governments of China need to execute the functions in the modern phase, and meanwhile, performs an active function in the aspects below:realizing transformable patterns in government organization of our country, simplifying the bureaucracy and innovating the way governments work, etc. However, we should also recognize that Governments Being On Line is an enormous project though there is a broad prospect in Network Governments. As our country started steps late in developing informationalization, together with restriction of such many factors as capital, technology and skillful people and so on, this made the negative effect in the course of establishing Network Governments, inevitably doing great harm to realization and validity of government power conversion. Thereby, to develop Network Governments in China will involve Cong-term hardwork, and complication.
The Institutional Creation for Protecting Ecological Resources
YE Wen-hui
2001, 17(4): 21-25.
Abstract(319) PDF(14)
The ecocide has mainly resulted from the interest unbalance. So, it is necessary to innovate institution for protecting ecological resources. This article is composed of four parts:the first part probes into the marketisation of ecological resources; the second part evaluates the three methods of exploiting the western natural resources; and the third part adopts basic ideas of the Game theory in order to analyze the trilateral game process among central government, subnational governments and local farmers, during the large-scale returning the grain plots to forestry(grasslands):the fourth part emphasizes the institutional creation to integrate the protection of ecological resources with the programme of aid to the poor.
An Analysis of the East Asian Economic Development Strategy
HUANG Song-ling
2001, 17(4): 26-30.
Abstract(252) PDF(15)
After world warⅡ, the East Asian economic development strategy changed from "Import Substitution" to "Export Orientation", produced the development road with the outstanding characteristics, created "the East Asia Wonders", and also exposed some noticeable drawbacks in the Southeast Asia financial crisis. Analysing the characteristics of the East Asian economic development strategy and summing up its lessons and experiences will be of great referential value to the developing nations in drawing up their development strategies.
Establishing Business Incubator and Enterprise Technology Innovation in China
HUANG Ying-jun, WANG Wei-cai
2001, 17(4): 31-34.
Abstract(193) PDF(14)
The 21 st Century will certainly see technological innovation become the dominant force in spurring economic and social development. As an efficient means to promote the development of technology innovation, business incubator has been approved in the world. In the article, the author researched the relationship between business incubator and technology innovation, pointed out the defections of business incubator in China, and brought up his suggestions.
The Condition and Influence of Opium and Drugs in Rural Area of North China during the Republic of China
WANG Yin-huan
2001, 17(4): 35-43.
Abstract(314) PDF(14)
Although all governments implemented policy of opium ban,the problem of opium and drugs in rural area of north China during the Republic of China was still very serious. It was not only displayed by various channels of planting, trafficking,producing and marketing,but also reflected by large number of opium and drug addictions.There was a harmful influence,including enormous economic losses,great damage to personality,family and society,the moral degradation,and the active bandits.As a result,the originally turbulent social order became even worse.
The Denazification in The Western Zones of Germany
HU Xiao-bing
2001, 17(4): 44-49.
Abstract(502) PDF(21)
After World War Ⅱ, the Allies put into effect an imposed democratization reform in Germany for permanent erasing German threat to the peace of the world. It consisted of Demilitarization, Deindustrilization, Denazafication and Democratization, known as four Ds. The most important and controversial policy among them was the Allies' Denazification in the western zone of Germany. Denazification was a significant historical event in western German history after World War Ⅱ. It exerted important effects on German political tends. This thesis will focus on the propounding, the practices and the effects of Denazification.
GAo Jun-yu's University Days——Mark Mr. Gao Jun-yu's 10sth birthday
XU Fang
2001, 17(4): 50-55.
Abstract(255) PDF(14)
This year is the early leader of Chinese Communist Party,Mr.Gao Jun-yu's 105th birthday.Mr Gao was admitted into Beijing University in 1916,and graduated in 1922 with six-year university career.During this period,he was enlightened by the New Culture Movement, experienced the baptism of the May 4th Movement,and very quickly turned from a progressive youth into one of the early revolution leaders of China's Proletariat. This thesis conducted researches in the historical facts of Mr. Gao's life,study, work, and stuggle in Beijing university, followed the trail of the development of his thought, probed his progressive route, as an expectation to contribute to the growth of today's university students.
The Inner World of the Dream Pursuers——On the Cultural Conflicts in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club
LIANG Su-qin, JING Chu
2001, 17(4): 56-60.
Abstract(277) PDF(16)
The author of The Joy Luck Club vividly displays from different angles before us the conflicts between the American-born daughters who feel easy with the strong culture, the American culture, and their Chinese mothers who stick with the weak culture, the Chinese culture, in America. The novel describes the various experiences, physically and psychologically, and the states of mind of the Chinese Americans at the edge of the American society. The success of the novel is attributed to the author's distinctive way of narration, her apt control in her understanding and dealing with the human nature, human feelings and desires and her lyrical writing style.
The Level of Natural Beauty in Liao Zhai
MA Mao-yang
2001, 17(4): 61-64.
Abstract(370) PDF(13)
In the researches of novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Liao-zhai-zhi-yi is the most typical literary work.The Previous researches of this work and its author were conducted at the levels such as novel history of Ming and Qing,ancient literary comments, the aesthetics of arts and literature, sociology, ethics morals, families and marriage. This essay is inbended to interprete and study the work from the level of natural beauty. The eesthetics that truth is beauty, beauty is truth and nature is beauty,beauty is nature is contained in Pu Song Ling's Liao-zhai-zhi-yi.
Cultural Differences And Pragmatic Translation
SUN Li-yuan
2001, 17(4): 65-69.
Abstract(375) PDF(14)
The specific character of English and Chinese language cultures reflects the immense variety of a series of such elements as national psychological consciousness, forming process of culture, historical customs and traditions and geographical features. Thus this character brings about so many cultural differences in English and Chinese languages. Cultural differences between English and Chinese hinder the cross-culture communication. Pragmatic translation is an equivalent translation which can reveal the profound meaning of the original work on the pragmatic equivalence of language and sociality. It helps to make the cross-culture communication successful.
Legal Relations in the Transmitting of the Secret E-mails
LIU De-liang
2001, 17(4): 70-73.
Abstract(205) PDF(14)
More and more people begin to use E-mails for communications. While the general E-mails are basically neither safe nor secret due to the using of SMTP and POP3 as their transferring protocols. In order to keep the E-mail secret during its transferring, man begins to use the principle of posts registered mails and cipher technology and the SPKM to reform the general E-mail communications. The secret E-mail using the SPKM is a kind of the above reforms. Because of many parties participating in its transferring, the legal relations are much more complicated than the general E-mail. It's a prerequisite for its mormal transferring to correctly define the legal relationship between the related parties. This article tries to study the legal relations between the related parties.
An Interpretation of Conciliation of Court from a Cultural Perspective
WANG Mei-chun
2001, 17(4): 74-78.
Abstract(235) PDF(12)
The conciliation of court plays a very important role in the civil action of our country, and it is the main way in which the civil jurisdiction of court is applied. It had a significant and practicable value in the history. On the other hand, its disadvantages are increasingly embodied with the change of social conditions which are brought by the opening-up policy. Even so, the leading position of the conciliation of court has not been changed correspondingly. One important reason is that people's legal conceptions are deeply influenced by the traditional culture. One typical characteristic of the Chinese ancient culture is emphasizing on harmony, which determines the ancient Chinese's attitudes to action and the emergence of legal conceptions such as "no suits".These conceptions have a widespread and profound influence on judicature.
Study on the Legal Problems in Archive Administration
TONG Hui-cong
2001, 17(4): 79-81.
Abstract(240) PDF(18)
This paper discussed the effect of both The Archive Act and The Administration of Archives in Universities on archive administration in China universities, and revealed the problems of archive administration in universities during China's economic reform, and then put forward the ways to solve these problems.
On the Efficiency of Resource Utilization and the Mechanism of Stimulus and Control in Higher Education
LI Fu-hua
2001, 17(4): 82-86.
Abstract(243) PDF(12)
Based on the principal-agent theory, this paper studies on the mechanism of stimulus-control on how to improve the efficiency of resource utilization in universities, introduces the basic theory of principal-agent relation and the major contents of stimulus-control, analyses the stimulus-control characteristics of the Chinese higher education in the peoriod of planned and transferring economy, and then comes to the new mechanism of stimulus and control.
On the Pestalozzi's Ideas of the Rural Adult Education
ZHENG Fu-xing
2001, 17(4): 87-91.
Abstract(387) PDF(12)
Pestalozzi's ideas of rural adult education is the result of the Enlighten ment of Capitalism in French and his life experiences, and conceives and Utopia for the neoteric mass education of the capitalism. In his ideas, the way of technological training and moral cultivation, and cultivating the demotic spirit of capitalism by the way of rational managing the family, are kind of pedagogic interpretation to realizing the development from feudal georgic society to the capitalism industry and commerce society. how to develop the rural adult education in China, can still benefit from the Pestalozzi's ideas.