2001 Vol. 17, No. 1

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2001, 17(1): 封二-封二.
Abstract(239) PDF(16)
A Philosophical Thinking from Exact Science to Fuzzy Science
WANG Ru-fa, ZHU Hai-wen
2001, 17(1): 1-3,8.
Abstract(483) PDF(20)
Proceeding from developing course, basic theories and methods and other aspects from exact science to fuzzy science, the article expounds the limitation of exact science and proposes that the course from exact science to fuzzy science is a vivid reflection of dialectical regularity.
Individualism +Holism=Structuration Theory?——Summary and Evaluation to Methodology of Western Sociology
HUAN Jian-li
2001, 17(1): 4-8.
Abstract(392) PDF(26)
The Dissertation makes a summary to methodology of western sociology research including individualism, holism and structuration theory. At the same time, it proposes that structuration theory has made lots of contributions to overcome the shortcoming of dualism between subjectivity and objectivity, action and structure,individual and society; structuration theory is not the simple combination of individualism and holism.
A Study on the Mental Support of the Old Intellectuals——A Surrey of the Retired Teachers of a University
GAO Li-peng
2001, 17(1): 9-13.
Abstract(315) PDF(20)
Today, the old intellectuals' mental demands become striking. On the basis of a representative surrey of the retired teachers of one unirersity, this paper analyses the main reasons of the phenomenon and come to the conclusion that we should combine the individual, the famity, the community and the society together to fulfill the mental support of the old intellectuals.
Adjusting the Structure of the Ownership System and Improving the Quality of Economic Development
2001, 17(1): 14-17,22.
Abstract(343) PDF(16)
In this article, the authors think that the single structure of the ownership system is the main cause of the low quality of economic development of our country. In order to improve the quality of economic development, we should adjust the structure of the ownership system, properly lower the proportion of state-owned economy, develop collective economy and private-owned economy with great effort, further identify the relationship of property of right, and rationalize the structure of ownership system.
The Contribution to National Economy by Private Economy
HU Bo, SONG Wen-li
2001, 17(1): 18-22.
Abstract(417) PDF(24)
By the end of 1998, there were 1,201,000 private enterprises and 31,201,000 individual working units in China. Compared with the state-owned enterprises which met great difficulties in the reform, the private economy has become the new increasing point of the national economy. The text discusses the private economy making a contribution to the national economy from some respects such as economy increasing, employment obtaining and public finance.
Virtual Corporation and Its Advantage for Competition
WU Ying
2001, 17(1): 23-25,29.
Abstract(472) PDF(16)
Virtual Corporation is a brand-new form of organization of enterprise. It comes forth in the times of network-based economy and has been flourishing. This paper maintains the meaning and characteristics of virtual corporation, and its leading modes of management. The author has studied the forms of management by comparing virtral corporation with traditional enterprise and also gathered up that Virtual Corporation possesses the advantage for competition.
Channels for Withdrawing Venture Capital Investment and Recommendations to Overcome Some Problems Encountered
YANG Ji, ZHU Yan-min, GAO Jun-shan
2001, 17(1): 26-29.
Abstract(369) PDF(16)
The paper compares the three withdrawing channels for venture capital investment, analyzes their advantages and shortcomings respectively, and proposes recommendations to support the development of venture capital investment in China by drawing international experiences in the field.
From “Pratical Academia” To “the Subject of Classif ication and Foundation”——The Academic Classification Sense and Academic Classification Plan in Modern Chinese History
ZUO Yu-he
2001, 17(1): 30-34.
Abstract(382) PDF(20)
The academia of Chinese tradition and changed radically after the Opium war.This paper takes practical research.From the point of the rise and fall of practical academia, the new subjects and schools and the translation of the Western books,it inspects the Chinese learners' idea of the Classification academia and its plan so as to reveal the historic intention of modern academia.
The Chinese East Migration in the Mid Nineteen Centary and the Formation of Chinese Community in Yokohama, Japan
HUANG Han-qing
2001, 17(1): 35-39.
Abstract(377) PDF(19)
Under U.S. pressure, Japan signed a treaty with the United States in July,1858 to open trade and promote contact between the two countries. As soon as Yokohama opened its door to westen countries, Chinese appared there, the most active being the Chinese wealthy businessmen who ran between Japanese and Westeners.In 1870, Japan signed a treaty with the Chinese Qing government, permitting China to open a consulate there,thus speeding up the formation of a Chinese community.
The New Probe into FENG Yu-lan's Philosophical Thoughts
LI Shao-bing
2001, 17(1): 40-44.
Abstract(407) PDF(16)
FENG Yu-lan's philosophical thoughts are analysed comprehensively in this thesis. The paper tries to redefine the contents of new Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, and give some new demonstration to his philosophy system. Then The paper presents a brief introduction of Liao Ping's thoughts, which in fact indicates the end of Jing Xue Age in FENG Yu-Lan's view. This paper reminds readers of the differences of his ideas in A History of Chinese Philosophy. Meanwhile the paper tentatively examines his controversial thoughts after 1949 and the reasons for that.
The Features of LI Deng-hui's “Two-China Policy”
LI Song-lin, DAI Yu-bing
2001, 17(1): 45-49.
Abstract(514) PDF(15)
"LI Deng-hui's Times" has gone in Taiwan, but, recognizing further Li Denghui' perverse acts is helpful to warn Chen Shuibian, who is the new leader of Taiwan. The article analyzes the "Two-China policy" in five aspects of politics,economy, military affairs,"diplomacy" and the relationship with the mainland.
Meta-linguistics: Toward the Deepest Level of Poetics Study
2001, 17(1): 50-56.
Abstract(376) PDF(17)
This essay demonstrates Bakhinian meta-linguistics contributions to the construction of his polyphonic poetics. Bakhinian metal-linguistics is based on the criticism of traditional linguistics and emphasizes that ideology is internal to language and discourse as its origin occupies a crucial position in language. Reported speech, direct discourse and double-voice specially concerned with in meta-linguistics as well as introduced into poetics study have made Bakhinian polyphonic poetics much penetrating and integrated.From the perspective of meta-linguistics the deepest level of Bakhinian polyphonic poetics no doubt will emerge.
The Best Work about Revealing the Origin of Cultural Revolution's Tragedy——On 《the Dream for the Land of Peach Blossoms》
2001, 17(1): 57-60.
Abstract(371) PDF(18)
As the particular contemporary period, the Cultural Revolution is being gone; but people could not forget what disaster and tragedy it caused upon our nation. For contemporary writers, they should reveal the origin about the tragedy of the Cultural Revolution instead of reviewing on people's particular spirit state in the Cultural Revolution with today's standard when they write the works about the Cultural Revolution. Yingfeng Mo's 《the Dream for the Land of Peach Blossoms》 is the best work about revealing the o rigin of the Cultural Revolution's tragedy.We sho lud pay more attention to its v alue.
Analysis of Art Viewpoints of Plekhanov and Tolstoy
YAN Jian-guo
2001, 17(1): 61-64.
Abstract(369) PDF(14)
The article analyzes the different art viewpoints between Plekhanov and Tolstoy.In one aspect,the article argues that Plekhanov's viewpoints can easily lead to deviations in art understanding.In the other aspect,it suggests having a more extensive comprehension to Tolstoy's viewpoints.That means that Tolstoy's so-called "emotion" is not just limited to such mental feelings as joy,anger,grief and happiness.We should also attach importance to the discovery of the "poem quality" in his emotion.
Judgement of Value is Soul of Legal Reasoning
ZHANG Ji-cheng
2001, 17(1): 65-69.
Abstract(350) PDF(18)
In the formal legal reasoning, it is only through judgement of value that we can open the logical access to premise and condasinon, avoiding making mistakes or middle-term inconsistency; and essential justice judgement or value has the functions of discovery, comparison, selection, classification, narur-determining, verdict, which are indispensable to legal reasoning. There is no legal reasoning without judgement of value. Where there is judgment of value there is legal reasoning. So judgement of value is soul of legal reasoning.
Analysis of the Sueing Procedures and the Establishment of Cases in Chinese Legal System
ZHANG Yong-quan
2001, 17(1): 70-74.
Abstract(384) PDF(14)
Through the study of the sueing procedures and the establishment of cases in Chinese Legal system, the writers analizes the real legal character of the sueing procedures, and probes deeply into this system of the country on the basis of comparison with the system of foreigh countries, thus pointing out that the present system lacks justice, violating the right of the client.
Analysis on China Stock Broker Self-discipline Management
ZHENG Rui-kun
2001, 17(1): 75-79.
Abstract(389) PDF(13)
The reality of the self-discipline of the stock broker and stock exchange results from the integration between the confess of law and the benefit of the self-discipliner.To establish a system of government management and market self-discipline, the main step is to find out the combination.This article puts forward a reasonable and effective idea about China stock broker and self-discipline organization through systematic analysis.
A Review of the 100-year History on the Influence Abroad and the Development of Chinese Higher Education
GU Xian-lin
2001, 17(1): 80-87.
Abstract(341) PDF(12)
The process of Chinese higher education development is constantly affected internationally. In the early half of this century, such reflects were mainly the influence of Japanese and American higher education, the Missionary and German universities on ours; In the late half of the century, such reflects are the influcence of the USSR'S higher education and the higher education in developed countries, especially in the U.S. The influence from abroad leads to and promotes the process of Chinese higher education development.
The Historical Origin and Aim Orientation of Professional Med Degrees
WU Zhi-hui, DONG Yan-yan
2001, 17(1): 88-89,93.
Abstract(397) PDF(14)
Med and Msed are different in character. In Medieval Ages, the master or doctor in universities is the synonym for teachers. In the 18th ceatury, the degrees were endowed with academic character and had a far-reaching influence on academy in German Universities. In 20th century, because of the misleading to the academic character, the professional character of degrees is taken seriously again, which makes the academic and professional degrees coexist. based on this, the Med of Chinese professional degrees should aim at the training of educator, not educationist.
The Foundation of Chinese Modern Aesthetic Education
2001, 17(1): 90-93.
Abstract(403) PDF(13)
Studying the aesthetic pedagogy in China from paradigm angle, the writer notices that the foundation of the aesthetic pedagogy as a subject is related to the transformation of several subject paradigms. One is the foundation of paradigm of aesthelic pedagogy; another is the transformation of educational paradigm; and the foundation of aesthetic education comes last.