2000 Vol. 16, No. 4

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On Leader and Follower
ZHU Li-yan, LEI Qiang
2000, 16(4): 1-6,18.
Abstract(398) PDF(23)
Leader and follower are defined each other.The only definition of leader is that he has followers,the essence of which is the following relation.Contemporary study of leader's role, duty, power, and the definition of follower, type, counter power, and interaction of leader and follower have got many results. All of these are developing into a new theory. The further research is important to the development of management science, administration and leadership science.
DENG Xiao-ping's Inheritance and Innovation in Theory of Political and Ideological Education of CPC
QU Hong-zhi
2000, 16(4): 7-10.
Abstract(307) PDF(22)
To emphasize the political and ideological education is a tradition of CPC,also one of our advantages.But in a new situation,there is a great need for innovation,and it depends on new historical task,new times and the new characteristic of educational object.Deng xiao-ping’s arguement that the political and ideological education must be innovated,has a realistic approach and integrate theory with practice.
On the Two Marks of the Formation of Marxism
LIU Jian-li
2000, 16(4): 11-14.
Abstract(482) PDF(14)
For a long time, the Manifesto has been regarded as the mark of the formation of Marxism.This article considers that the Manifesto should be the mark of the formation of Marxist doctrine,and on capitial should be the mark of the formation of scientific Marxism.
Developing Countries Breast to the Eccnomic Globalization
DONG Xiao-zhong
2000, 16(4): 15-18.
Abstract(250) PDF(14)
The economic globalization is a major character and trend of the economic development in the world today.For the developing countries, the economic globalization is not only a historical chance, but also a grave challenge. The inherent contradiction of the economic globalization have repellence to the developing countries;unfair and unreasonable international economic sequence lead to unsymmetrical relation between the South and the North;the defects existing in the development process of the developing countries is the main barrier for them to participate in the economic globalization.
The Invention of Internet-economy and Material Base
LU Ning
2000, 16(4): 19-23.
Abstract(314) PDF(20)
Since the late 1990s,humanity has entered the Internet-economy Times.Internet is a bran-new tool that has revolutionary influence.The using of internet techniques at large has lead to profound changes in human society.The most important characteristic of Internet-economy is invention.But the development of internet-economy must be based on with material-economy.
Thoughts On Perfecting The System Of Individual Income Tax In China
FAN Cai-xia, WANG Kun
2000, 16(4): 24-26.
Abstract(269) PDF(15)
Considering the status of the income tax system and the collection of individual income tax in China, five problems exist about the system of individual income tax in our country, which discussed in this thesis.
Deepening Purchase Management of SOE: A Perspective in Yaxing's Experence
2000, 16(4): 27-30.
Abstract(273) PDF(14)
The Yaxing's experience is one of the models that is promoted by National Commerce Committee these years.The success of Yaxing lies in its way to enhance its core competitiveness by purchase management.“Parity of purchase and sale” of Yaxing group is an Overall Management Model oriented on financial management with purchase manggement as a breakthrongh.
The New Explaination of the Reformers of the Landlord Class of the Late Qing Dynasty
TONG Yu-lan
2000, 16(4): 31-33.
Abstract(407) PDF(18)
In modern Chinese history, the traditional idea as to the concept of the reformers of the landlord class is the doctrine of ‘Gong, Lin, Wei’. The new idea of this thesis is the inclusion of the Westernization Faction into the class by two critiea of anti-aggression and westernization.This thesis also reveals its historical justification of existence,and the three stages of its development.
On Tao Cheng-zhang's Nationalism
2000, 16(4): 34-38.
Abstract(424) PDF(14)
Tao Cheng-zhang is a famous revolutionary and important leader of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province during 1911 Revolution.But Research about Tao is not enough.This essay makes an inquiry into the sprouting and shaping of Tao’s nationalism and analyses its core Contents:thoughts of anti—Manchu and anti—imperlism.
Tao’ s nationalism has obvious Characteristics: Paracticality and the brand of traditional ideology. His nationalism is an outstanding representive of the revolutionist’s nationalism of early 20th century which contributes a lot to the propagation sponsoring and organizing of 1911 Revolation. Certainly Tao’ s nationalism has some defects.
Analysis of Cai Yuan-pei's Asthetics thoughts
SONG Wei-zhong, WANG Jia-yan
2000, 16(4): 39-42.
Abstract(465) PDF(28)
The aesthetics thoughts of Cai Yuan-pei enjoy an important position in the history of Chinese aesthetics with its abundant content and great influence.Cai takes his theory of aesthetic education and architectural aesthetic education seriously, and though his theory can't solve the root society problem of Modern China, it has important academic value and practical significance to the development of Chinese architecture and aesthetics.This thesis introduces and analyses the architect aesthetic education thoughts of Cai Yuan-pei by its influence, standard,method and ways.
The Quarrel About the Human Rights and the Sovereign Rights Between China and America
ZHANG Bei-gen
2000, 16(4): 43-47,84.
Abstract(252) PDF(17)
The Western countries including their leader America put forward the theory of “the human rights are higher than the sovereign rights”, which is the general expression of negating the state souereign rights. The ideologies of human rights of America inhert the thoughts of Rock and etc. It was Franklin D. Roosevelt who began to put the thoughts of human rights into the foreign affairs in America. China insists that sovereign rights be hig her than human rights, and each state should respect the other's sovereigh rights, attaching the prior importunce to mantaining the existing rights and developping rights of the large developping countries, which creats the essential conditions of the international people enjoying all kinds of the human rights. China quar relled violengly with America about the sovereign rights and the humern rights.
An Analysis of A Dream of Red Mansions' Tragic Theory
ZHANG Zhong-gang
2000, 16(4): 48-54.
Abstract(515) PDF(18)
Since Wang Guo-wei,the tragic theory is always one of key ideas of the study on A Dream of Red Mansions. But it is not abundant to comment A Dream of Red Mansions with tragic theory.This paper analyses the orbit of establishing tragic theory of A Dream of Red Mansions, It reveals the internal threads of forming tragic idea of A Dream of Red Mansions.This indicate that there are an unbridgeable gap in the tragic theory and A Dream of Red Mansions.The cracks of the tragic theory of A Dream of Red Mansions arose from this.
The Splendor of the Transcendent——About the Characteristics of the Supernatural Beings in the Journey West and Their Origin of Buddhism
SONG Ke-jun
2000, 16(4): 55-59.
Abstract(397) PDF(14)
There is a kind of typified and sacred characteristics of the transcendent—the supernatural beings in the novel The Journey west.Starting with the feature of the transcendent,this thesis analyses every side of their disposition,reveals their origin of Buddhism,expounds and proves that the supernatural beings are the important means of brewing the religion air and changing the plots of the novel.
The Essence of Music
DENG Shuang-lin
2000, 16(4): 60-64.
Abstract(454) PDF(14)
Nowadays,many researchers of music aesthetics believe that music can express concepts,and bear the important task-moral education.The author does not agree with this ideas.Music can not bear with an important task in which the intuitive knowledge of the people aroused or the evil prevented.Music does not have concept on the aspect of musical essence,so that it can not provide the moral education which belongs to the category of social value.There is no necessary connection between beautiful music and its makers and audience. T he interpret and enjoyment of music are subjective and everyone can get different image. one can really enjoy nice music only w hen he understands the musical essence correctly. Now, some of the musical theories make us understand that music can express figures, convey concepts, purify soul. These theories misleadus to a certain of musical aesthetics of utilitarianism.
Analysis on the Legal Nature of Fair Use of Copy Right
ZHENG Rui-kun
2000, 16(4): 65-69.
Abstract(386) PDF(17)
Fair Use,as the legal system which restricts the execution of the copy right,is generally acknowledged by the copy right law of respective counties in the world.It becomes the general system of legislation of respective counties.Through the analysis of the factual action of fair use, this article shows that the fundamental property of fair use is restriction of the legal action of execution on copy right propery.
Brief Analysis on Our Country's Pledge System
CHENG Zong-zhang
2000, 16(4): 70-74.
Abstract(345) PDF(13)
Pledge system is one of the most important creditor's rights guarantee form in social and economic life nowadays.The active Guarantee Law of our country definitely prescribes the legal system of pledge guarantee for the first time.Pledge has some legal attributes such as subordinate,domination,inseperability,subrogation on matter,precedence.The focal point of pledge enactment is strictly pinpointing its pledge party and pledge subject matter.There are some clumsiness in our country's pledge system,specially on the problem that pledge subject matter,transfer pledge and so on. we should make more provision on our country's pledge system.
The Cost and Efficiency of Bankruptcy Law
SONG Xiao-wei
2000, 16(4): 75-80.
Abstract(379) PDF(15)
The cost of Bankruptcy law is a sort of transaction cost, which is unproductive and indefinite.Reducing transaction cost is a way to improve the Efficiency of Bankruptcy law,in which the most important aspect is to determine the scope of property right.We believe that it is efficient when the gross benefit exceeds the damage.Generally,the efficiency of the reforming is always superior to liquidation,thus,the aim of the Bankruptcy law should lead Bankruptcy to Reforming.
Structural Adjwstment of Higher Education and Graduate Employment
WEN Dong-mao
2000, 16(4): 81-84.
Abstract(307) PDF(16)
Higher Education Structure is one of the most important factor influencing graduate employment.Serious structural graduate unemployment can be avoid by adjusting higher education structure rationally.Based on a large questionnaire,this paper probes into the relationship between higher education structure and graduate employment in China,analyzes the higher education structure adjustment and graduate employment in the next few years.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Mergence and Cooperation for Chinese Higher Institutions
WANG Chang-ce
2000, 16(4): 85-88.
Abstract(243) PDF(12)
The thesis elaborates on the various difficulties and restrictive conditions existing in the course of the merging and cooperation conducted between different colleges and universities.The difficulties of cooperation lie mainly in the methods of thinking,benefits adjustment,structural reorganization and fund guarantee,while the difficulties of merging lie in the teachers' appointment,courses' choice,sharing the libraries and mutual aid in scientific research.The restrictive conditions for merging are the intergrowth of discipline,the concentration of the resources and the geographic adjacency,as well as those for cooperation are the proper position of targets and the right guiding principles.
On Situation of Educational Commentaries
2000, 16(4): 89-91.
Abstract(245) PDF(12)
The thesis discusses the situation of educational commentaries,and also analyses the influence of the situation on educational commentaries from six different respects.