2000 Vol. 16, No. 3

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Return to Anthropocentrism
YAN Feng
2000, 16(3): 1-5.
Abstract(293) PDF(15)
The critique of anthropocentrism, which has been practiced by some non-anthropoventric ethics of environment from the axiological point of view, is not tenable, We can surely protect the ecological environment from the point of view of anthropocentrism so long as we supplement it with new meanings.
The Philosophical Premise of the Theory of Sustainable Development
QIN Zaidong, LI Ping
2000, 16(3): 6-10.
Abstract(276) PDF(16)
The harmony between human and nature, the equality of innergeneration and inter-generation are the epistemological premise of the theory of sustainable development, The un-sustainable development is the character of industrial civilizatinon, The ontological premise is not just industrial civilization, but a new higher formation of civilization.
Humanization, Interaction and Integration——Marxist viewpoint of environment and its contemporary implication
LI Xianceng
2000, 16(3): 11-14.
Abstract(333) PDF(15)
In Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, Marx had discussed three concepts that relative to the viewpoint of environment. These concepts are Humanization, Interaction and Integration. They are opposed to two main popular viewpoints of environment, environment-protection and envirnoment-exploitation. Only the sustained-developing viewpoint of environment is identical with Marxist concept of integration that reflects the unity of humanization and interaction.
The Influence on Peasant's Life by Land-allotment in North China during Twenties and Thirties in the 20th Century
WANG Yinhuan
2000, 16(3): 15-24.
Abstract(333) PDF(15)
During twenties and thirties in the 20th century, most of the peasant in north China had no enough land because of the land-allotment system, which producing a serious influence on peasant's life. No matter in product or in living, they were always placed at an unfavorable position. They had no choice but to suffer the waste of manpower and material resources, to scant themselves in food and clothes, and to sell wheat flour in order to buy more coarse food. Nevertheless, they still could not make both ends meet and always lived by borrowing. In addition, they had also been suffering the difference in standard of living all the time since the land was not evenly divided.
Contrast Between History and Reality——An Analysis Of Our Country's Entrance to WTO and Adapt itself to the Economy Globalization
ZHANG Shengen
2000, 16(3): 25-31.
Abstract(184) PDF(16)
This paper analyses the necessity of China's entrance to WTO,majoring in contrasting China's environment in the past and today, mainly from international situation, domestic political and economical foundation and govemment's subjective initiative.
LI Zhi and the Three Yuan Brothers of the Gong An School
ZHANG Jianye
2000, 16(3): 32-38.
Abstract(350) PDF(17)
Form the middle age of the Ming Dynasty, Chinese literature had been showing the tendency of modemization. Li Zhi and the three Yuan brothers had important status in this evolution. This writing not only describes the relations between Li Zhi and the three Yuan brothers, the effects of Li Zhi on the three Yuan brothers both at the living attitude and at the viewpoints of literature, the differences between them, but also studies their status and influence in the Chinese Cultural Enlightenment at that time.
On LI Zhi's Literary Ideas and Academic Enlightment
LI Chao
2000, 16(3): 43-45.
Abstract(342) PDF(14)
The literary trends of pursuing styles of ancient poems and prose in the middle of Ming Dynasty, which led poems and prose's creations falling into dire straits, and literary criticism was also not emerge any new thoughts. After Li Zhi made the Concept of ‘innocent mind’, this concept created a new situation of thoughts enlightening both on philosophy and on literature. Li Zhi raised the status of light literature by using the pattern of marginal remark, so that promoted prosperity and development of novels and dramas in that era.His theory has enlightening meaning and far-reaching influence.
An Evaluation on the Government Procurement Agreement of WTO
SHI Zhiqin
2000, 16(3): 46-50.
Abstract(255) PDF(15)
The Government Procurement Agreement of WTO is a plulateral agreement on the issues of government procurement by some WTO mernber states with the aim to increase the transparency of government procuring activities and further to bring government procurement into international competition, by the expansion of the GATT non-discrimination principle. By nature, GPA is an agreement to open the government procurement marker on the basis of reciprocity and equity.
China's Government Procurement Reform and Lrgislation: A Perspective in Globalization
CAO Fuguo
2000, 16(3): 51-57,85.
Abstract(241) PDF(15)
Government procurement reform and legislation involves some significant theoretical and practical issues in a multi-field of politics, economy and law. This thesis firstly analyzes the economical, political and legal implications of government procurement, and then conducts an evalustion on China's government procurement reform and legislation in the perspective of globalization. Lastly, this thesis puts forward some legislative proposals on some fundamental issues concerning the future stages and present focus of the reform and legialation and methods and procedures of procurement in the future procurement law.
A Study on the Legal Remedies of the Bidder's Rights
SUN Jing
2000, 16(3): 58-61.
Abstract(209) PDF(15)
Bidding in government procurement is an important means of managing social and economical life by the government. To exploit the bidding system to its full and protect the bidder's benefit, an improvement of the legal remedy system should be one of the key issues of the bidding legislation. With the enactment of the Bidding Law of China, however, legislation to protect bidder's rights calls for systematic improvement and learning from foreigh legislation, which is relatively more mature. A complete protest system needs to be set up and bidders' rights need to be more explicit in the implementation regulations. Bidders can protect their rights by means of civil proceedings, administrative proceedings and protects.
An Economical, Legal and Hurisprudencial Analysis of Tele phone Installation Fee
2000, 16(3): 62-72.
Abstract(209) PDF(14)
This article discusses the legality and reasonableness of the installation fee of telephones. The methods of economical analysis, Iegal analysis and mainly law philosophy are used together to make the issue clear and easy to understand thoroughly. The issue is analyzed specially on the base of China's reality today. The author tries to find the reasonable standard of fees for installing telephones so that it can both be helpful for China's economy, specially the telecommunication industry, and be fair to the customers.
On the Restructuring of the Trade Union System Applicable to Collective Contract Requirement
WANG Xiangqian
2000, 16(3): 73-76.
Abstract(204) PDF(15)
Trade Union is a party of Collective contract. The present trade union system of our country is not in line with the requirement of market economy and collective contract, and need be restructured to exploit the collective contract system to its full.
Some Basic issues of Travel law
2000, 16(3): 77-80.
Abstract(220) PDF(14)
This paper analyzes some basis issues of travel law concerning its concept, basic principle, and main contenet, and further reveals the nature of travel law. This paper holds than travel law should be an independent law department, and a basis travel law should be made to meet the requirement of travel development.
On the Educational Management System of the Imperial College in Han Dynasty
WANG Linghao, ZHENG Zhangli
2000, 16(3): 81-85.
Abstract(396) PDF(22)
This paper introduces the formation, development and evoluton of the Imperial College in Han Dynasty, and also probes into the management character of it, espcially into the character of teacher management and teaching management.
Education and Japanese Modernization-An Exploration on Positive and Negative Experience of the Educational Reform
2000, 16(3): 86-90.
Abstract(351) PDF(19)
With its economic competition getting strong, Japan's educational reform that makes it change into the leading economic country after World War Ⅱ has become the focus of world attention, and it also be regarded as the model that may be followed, This paper analyses the reason why Japan can succeed in developing it economy.
A Comparative Study Between Chinese College and Medieval University on the Basis of Religion
2000, 16(3): 91-94.
Abstract(316) PDF(15)
Being the representation of the development of human sensibility,religion has laid profound influence on the phylogeny of human civilizatlon. By comparing Chinese College and Medieval Univerity,this article reveals the relationship between religion and the above two academic units,and come to the conclusion that the higher educationin of China should look for the religious sensibility in the traditional culture